You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1396 lines
57 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<resources xmlns:android="">
<!-- Resources for built-in timers plug-in -->
<!-- Task Edit Activity: Container Label -->
<string name="alarm_ACS_label">Alarmes</string>
<!-- Task Edit Activity: Add New Alarm -->
<string name="alarm_ACS_button">Ajouter une Alarme</string>
<string-array name="reminders_alarm">
<!-- reminders related to alarm -->
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in backup plug-in -->
<!-- ================================================= BackupPreferences == -->
<!-- Backup Preferences Title -->
<string name="backup_BPr_header">Sauvegardes</string>
<!-- Backup: Status Header -->
<string name="backup_BPr_group_status">Statut</string>
<!-- Backup Status: last backup was a success (%s -> last date). Keep it short! -->
<string name="backup_status_success">Dernière : %s</string>
<!-- Backup Status: last error failed. Keep it short! -->
<string name="backup_status_failed">Dernière sauvegarde échouée</string>
<!-- Backup Status: error subtitle -->
<string name="backup_status_failed_subtitle">(toucher pour afficher l\'erreur)</string>
<!-- Backup Status: never backed up -->
<string name="backup_status_never">Jamais sauvegardé !</string>
<!-- Backup Options Group Label -->
<string name="backup_BPr_group_options">Options</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Title -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_title">Sauvegardes automatiques</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_disabled">Sauvegardes automatiques désactivées</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Description (when enabled) -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_enabled">Une sauvegarde sera effectuée chaque jour</string>
<!-- Preference screen restoring Tasks Help -->
<string name="backup_BPr_how_to_restore">Comment restaurer une sauvegarde?</string>
<!-- Preference screen Restoring Tasks Help Dialog Text-->
<string name="backup_BPr_how_to_restore_dialog">Vous devez ajouter le Power Pack Astrid pour gérer et restaurer vos sauvegardes. Gracieusement, Astrid sauvegarde automatiquement vos taches, au cas où.</string>
<!-- ================================================= BackupActivity == -->
<!-- backup activity label -->
<string name="backup_BAc_label">Sauvegardes</string>
<!-- backup activity title -->
<string name="backup_BAc_title">Gérer vos sauvegardes</string>
<!-- backup activity import button -->
<string name="backup_BAc_import">Importer des tâches</string>
<!-- backup activity export button -->
<string name="backup_BAc_export">Exporter des tâches</string>
<!-- ============================================== Importer / Exporter == -->
<!-- Message displayed when error occurs -->
<string name="backup_TXI_error">Erreur d\'importation</string>
<string name="export_toast">Sauvegardé(s) de %s à %s.</string>
<string name="export_toast_no_tasks">Pas de tâche à exporter.</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog Title for exporting -->
<string name="export_progress_title">Exportation...</string>
<!-- Backup: Title of Import Summary Dialog -->
<string name="import_summary_title">Restauration de l\'index</string>
<!-- Backup: Summary message for import. (%s => file name, %s => total # tasks, %s => imported, %s => skipped, %s => errors) -->
<string name="import_summary_message">Le fichier %s contenait %s.\n\n %s importé,\n %s existe déjà\n %s contenait des erreurs\n</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog Title for importing -->
<string name="import_progress_title">Importation...</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog text for import reading task (%d -> task number)-->
<string name="import_progress_read">Lecture de la tâche %d...</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open a file -->
<string name="DLG_error_opening">Impossible de trouver :</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open SD card folder (%s => folder) -->
<string name="DLG_error_sdcard">Impossible d\'accéder au fichier : %s</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open SD card in general -->
<string name="DLG_error_sdcard_general">Impossible d\'accéder à la carte SD !</string>
<!-- Backup: File Selector dialog for import -->
<string name="import_file_prompt">Sélectionnez un fichier à restaurer</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ================================================== AndroidManifest == -->
<!-- Application Name (shown on home screen & in launcher) -->
<string name="app_name">Tâches d\'Astrid</string>
<!-- permission title for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="read_permission_label">Permission d\'Astrid</string>
<!-- permission description for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="read_permission_desc">lire les tâches, afficher les filtres de tâches</string>
<!-- permission title for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="write_permission_label">Permission d\'Astrid</string>
<!-- permission description for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="write_permission_desc">créer de nouvelles tâches, modifier les tâches existantes</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- question for deleting tasks -->
<string name="DLG_delete_this_task_question">Supprimer cette tâche ?</string>
<!-- question for deleting items (%s => item name) -->
<string name="DLG_delete_this_item_question">Effacer cet élément: %s</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when upgrading -->
<string name="DLG_upgrading">Mise à jour de vos tâches...</string>
<!-- Title for dialog selecting a time (hours and minutes) -->
<string name="DLG_hour_minutes">Temps (heures : minutes)</string>
<!-- Dialog for Astrid having a critical update -->
<string name="DLG_please_update">Astrid devrait être mis à jour vers sa dernière version depuis l\'Android market ! Veuillez procéder à cette mise à jour avant de continuer ou attendre quelques secondes.</string>
<!-- Button for going to Market -->
<string name="DLG_to_market">Se rendre sur le market</string>
<!-- Button for accepting EULA -->
<string name="DLG_accept">I Accept</string>
<!-- Button for declining EULA -->
<string name="DLG_decline">I Decline</string>
<!-- EULA title -->
<string name="DLG_eula_title">Astrid Terms Of Use</string>
<!-- =============================================================== UI == -->
<!-- Label for DateButtons with no value -->
<string name="WID_dateButtonUnset">Cliquez pour définir</string>
<!-- String formatter for DateButtons ($D => date, $T => time) -->
<string name="WID_dateButtonLabel">$D $T</string>
<!-- String formatter for Disable button -->
<string name="WID_disableButton">Désactiver</string>
<!-- ================================================= TaskListActivity == -->
<!-- Task List: Displayed instead of list when no items present -->
<string name="TLA_no_items">Aucune tâche !</string>
<!-- Menu: Add-ons -->
<string name="TLA_menu_addons">Extensions</string>
<!-- Menu: Adjust Sort and Hidden Task Settings -->
<string name="TLA_menu_sort">Tri &amp; Caché</string>
<!-- Menu: Sync Now -->
<string name="TLA_menu_sync">Synchroniser !</string>
<!-- Menu: Settings -->
<string name="TLA_menu_settings">Paramètres</string>
<!-- Menu: Help -->
<string name="TLA_menu_help">Aide</string>
<!-- Search Label-->
<string name="TLA_search_label">Rechercher dans cette liste</string>
<!-- Window title for displaying Custom Filter -->
<string name="TLA_custom">Personnalisé</string>
<!-- Quick Add Edit Box Hint-->
<string name="TLA_quick_add_hint">Ajouter à cette liste...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== TaskAdapter == -->
<!-- Format string to indicate task is hidden (%s => task name) -->
<string name="TAd_hiddenFormat">%s [masqué(e)]</string>
<!-- Format string to indicate task is deleted (%s => task name) -->
<string name="TAd_deletedFormat">%s [supprimé(e)]</string>
<!-- Displayed when adapter is flung (scrolled quickly) -->
<string name="TAd_flingText"/>
<!-- indicates task was completed. %s => date or time ago -->
<string name="TAd_completed">Accomplie %s</string>
<!-- Action Button: edit task -->
<string name="TAd_actionEditTask">Modifier</string>
<!-- Context Item: edit task -->
<string name="TAd_contextEditTask">Modifier la tâche</string>
<!-- Context Item: delete task -->
<string name="TAd_contextDeleteTask">Supprimer la tâche</string>
<!-- Context Item: undelete task -->
<string name="TAd_contextUndeleteTask">Récupérer la tâche</string>
<!-- Context Item: purge task -->
<string name="TAd_contextPurgeTask">Purger la tâche</string>
<!-- ============================================== SortSelectionDialog == -->
<!-- Sort Selection: dialog title -->
<string name="SSD_title">Tri et tâches cachées</string>
<!-- Hidden Task Selection: show completed tasks -->
<string name="SSD_completed">Afficher les tâches complétées</string>
<!-- Hidden Task Selection: show hidden tasks -->
<string name="SSD_hidden">Afficher les tâches cachées</string>
<!-- Hidden Task Selection: show deleted tasks -->
<string name="SSD_deleted">Afficher les tâches supprimées</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort options header -->
<string name="SSD_sort_header">Options de tri</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: smart sort -->
<string name="SSD_sort_auto">Tri intelligent Astrid</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by alpha -->
<string name="SSD_sort_alpha">Par Titre</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by due date -->
<string name="SSD_sort_due">Par date d\'échéance</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by importance -->
<string name="SSD_sort_importance">Par priorité</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by modified date -->
<string name="SSD_sort_modified">Dernier modifié</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: reverse -->
<string name="SSD_sort_reverse">Tri inversé</string>
<!-- Sort Button: sort temporarily -->
<string name="SSD_save_temp">Une fois seulement</string>
<!-- Sort Button: sort permanently -->
<string name="SSD_save_always">Toujours</string>
<!-- =============================================== FilterListActivity == -->
<!-- Filter List Activity Title -->
<string name="FLA_title">Astrid : filtres</string>
<!-- Displayed when loading filters -->
<string name="FLA_loading">Chargement des filtres...</string>
<!-- Context Menu: Create Shortcut -->
<string name="FLA_context_shortcut">Créer un raccourci sur le bureau</string>
<!-- Menu: Search -->
<string name="FLA_menu_search">Rechercher des tâches...</string>
<!-- Menu: Help -->
<string name="FLA_menu_help">Aide</string>
<!-- Create Shortcut Dialog Title -->
<string name="FLA_shortcut_dialog_title">Créer un raccourci</string>
<!-- Create Shortcut Dialog (asks to name shortcut) -->
<string name="FLA_shortcut_dialog">Nom du raccourci :</string>
<!-- Search Hint-->
<string name="FLA_search_hint">Rechercher des tâches</string>
<!-- Search Filter name (%s => query) -->
<string name="FLA_search_filter">Correspondant \'%s\'</string>
<!-- Toast: created shortcut (%s => label) -->
<string name="FLA_toast_onCreateShortcut">Raccourci créé : %s</string>
<!-- ================================================= TaskEditActivity == -->
<!-- Title when editing a task (%s => task title) -->
<string name="TEA_view_title">Astrid : modification de %s</string>
<!-- Title when creating a new task -->
<string name="TEA_view_titleNew">Astrid : nouvelle tâche</string>
<!-- First Tab - basic task details -->
<string name="TEA_tab_basic">Général</string>
<!-- Second Tab - extra details -->
<string name="TEA_tab_extra">Avancé</string>
<!-- Third Tab - add-ons -->
<string name="TEA_tab_addons">Extensions</string>
<!-- Task title label -->
<string name="TEA_title_label">Titre</string>
<!-- Task title hint (displayed when edit box is empty) -->
<string name="TEA_title_hint">Résumé des tâches</string>
<!-- Task importance label -->
<string name="TEA_importance_label">Priorité</string>
<!-- Task urgency label -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_label">Echéance</string>
<!-- Task urgency specific time checkbox -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_specific_time">À une heure précise ?</string>
<!-- Task urgency specific time title when specific time false -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_time_none">Aucune heure définie</string>
<!-- Task hide until label -->
<string name="TEA_hideUntil_label">Masquer jusqu\'à</string>
<!-- Task editing data being loaded label -->
<string-array name="TEA_loading"><item>Chargement…</item></string-array>
<!-- Task note label -->
<string name="TEA_note_label">Notes</string>
<!-- Task note hint -->
<string name="TEA_notes_hint">Saisir des notes de tâche...</string>
<!-- Estimated time label -->
<string name="TEA_estimatedDuration_label">Combien de temps cela va t-il prendre ?</string>
<!-- Elapsed time label -->
<string name="TEA_elapsedDuration_label">Temps déjà passé sur cette tâche</string>
<!-- Menu: Save -->
<string name="TEA_menu_save">Sauvegarder les modifications</string>
<!-- Menu: Don't Save -->
<string name="TEA_menu_discard">Ne pas enregistrer</string>
<!-- Menu: Delete Task -->
<string name="TEA_menu_delete">Supprimer la tâche</string>
<!-- Toast: task saved with deadline (%s => preposition + time units) -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_due">Tâche enregistrée : prévue dans %s</string>
<!-- Toast: task saved without deadlines -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_notDue">Tâche enregistrée</string>
<!-- Toast: task was not saved -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskCancel">Modification de tâche interrrompue</string>
<!-- Toast: task was deleted -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskDelete">Tâche supprimée !</string>
<string-array name="TEA_urgency">
<!-- urgency: labels for edit page. item #4 -> auto filled -->
<item>Jour/horaire spécifique</item>
<item>(jour d\'après)</item>
<item>Semaine prochaine</item>
<item>Aucune échéance</item>
<string-array name="TEA_hideUntil">
<!-- hideUntil: labels for edit page. -->
<item>Ne pas masquer</item>
<item>La tâche est échue</item>
<item>Jour avant échéance</item>
<item>Semaine avant échéance</item>
<item>Jour/horaire spécifique</item>
<!-- Add Ons tab when no add-ons found -->
<string name="TEA_no_addons">Aucune extension trouvée</string>
<!-- Add Ons button -->
<string name="TEA_addons_button">Télécharger des extensions</string>
<!-- ============================================= IntroductionActivity == -->
<!-- Introduction Window title -->
<string name="InA_title">Bienvenue dans Astrid !</string>
<!-- Button to agree to EULA -->
<string name="InA_agree">J\'accepte</string>
<!-- Button to disagree with EULA -->
<string name="InA_disagree">Je refuse</string>
<!-- ===================================================== HelpActivity == -->
<!-- Help: Button to get support from our website -->
<string name="HlA_get_support">Obtenir de l\'aide</string>
<!-- ==================================================== UpdateService == -->
<!-- Changelog Window Title -->
<string name="UpS_changelog_title">Quoi de neuf dans Astrid ?</string>
<!-- ================================================== EditPreferences == -->
<!-- Preference Window Title -->
<string name="EPr_title">Astrid : préférences</string>
<!-- Preference Category: Appearance Title -->
<string name="EPr_appearance_header">Apparence</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Font Size Title -->
<string name="EPr_fontSize_title">Taille de la liste des tâches</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Font Size Description -->
<string name="EPr_fontSize_desc">Taille de la police sur la liste de la page principale</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_title">Afficher les notes des tâches</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes Description (disabled) -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_desc_disabled">Les notes seront affichées lorsque vous appuierez sur la tâche</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes Description (enabled) -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_desc_enabled">Notes will always be displayed</string>
<!-- Preference Category: Defaults Title -->
<string name="EPr_defaults_header">Paramètres par défaut de la tâche</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Urgency Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_urgency_title">Urgence par défaut</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Urgency Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_urgency_desc">Actuellemen t: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Importance Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_importance_title">Priorité par défaut</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Importance Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_importance_desc">Actuellemen t: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Hide Until Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_hideUntil_title">Masquer par défaut jusqu\'à</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Hide Until Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_hideUntil_desc">Actuellemen t: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Reminders Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_reminders_title">Rappels par défaut</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Hide Until Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_reminders_desc">Actuellemen t: %s</string>
<string-array name="EPr_default_importance">
<!-- importance: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>!!!! (la plus haute)</item>
<item>! (la plus basse)</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_urgency">
<!-- urgency: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>Aucune échéance</item>
<item>Semaine prochaine</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_hideUntil">
<!-- hideUntil: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>Ne pas masquer</item>
<item>La tâche est échue</item>
<item>Jour avant échéance</item>
<item>Semaine avant échéance</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_reminders">
<!-- reminders: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>Pas de rappel de date limite</item>
<item>À la date limite</item>
<item>En cas de retard</item>
<item>A la date limite ou après</item>
<!-- ==================================================== AddOnActivity == -->
<!-- Add Ons Activity Title -->
<string name="AOA_title">Astrid : Greffons</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity: author for internal authors -->
<string name="AOA_internal_author">L\'équipe Astrid</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity: installed add-ons tab -->
<string name="AOA_tab_installed">Installé</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - available add-ons tab -->
<string name="AOA_tab_available">Disponible</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - free add-ons label -->
<string name="AOA_free">Gratuit</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - menu item to visit add-on website -->
<string name="AOA_visit_website">Visiter le site web</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - menu item to visit android market -->
<string name="AOA_visit_market">Android Market</string>
<!-- ====================================================== TasksWidget == -->
<!-- Widget text when loading tasks -->
<string name="TWi_loading">Chargement…</string>
<!-- Widget configuration activity title: select a filter -->
<string name="WCA_title">Sélectionnez les tâches à afficher...</string>
<!-- ============================================================= Misc == -->
<!-- Displayed when task killer found. %s => name of the application -->
<string name="task_killer_help">Il semble que vous utilisiez un logiciel capable de fermer les processus (%s) ! Si vous pouvez, ajoutez Astrid à la liste d\'exception afin qu\'il ne soit pas fermé. Sinon, Astrid ne pourra probablement pas vous avertir lorsque vos tâches seront dues.\n</string>
<!-- Task killer dialog ok button -->
<string name="task_killer_help_ok">Je n\'éliminerai pas Astrid !</string>
<!-- Astrid's Android Marketplace title. It never appears in the app itself. -->
<string name="marketplace_title">Astrid - Gestionnaire de tâches</string>
<!-- Astrid's Android Marketplace description. It never appears in the app itself. -->
<string name="marketplace_description">Astrid est le gestionnaire de tâches open-source le plus populaire, conçu pour vous faciliter la vie. Il intègre des rappels, des étiquettes, la synchronisation, un traducteur, des widgets et plus encore.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in filter plug-in -->
<!-- ================================================= Filter Exposer == -->
<!-- Active Tasks Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Active">Tâches actives</string>
<!-- Search Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Search">Recherche...</string>
<!-- Recently Modified -->
<string name="BFE_Recent">Récemment modifié</string>
<!-- Build Your Own Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Custom">Filtre personnalisé</string>
<!-- Saved Filters Header -->
<string name="BFE_Saved">Filtres enregistrés</string>
<!-- Saved Filters Context Menu: delete -->
<string name="BFE_Saved_delete">Supprimer le filtre</string>
<!-- =========================================== CustomFilterActivity == -->
<!-- Build Your Own Filter Activity Title-->
<string name="CFA_title">Filtre utilisateur</string>
<!-- Filter Name edit box hint (if user types here, filter will be saved) -->
<string name="CFA_filterName_hint">Name this filter to save it...</string>
<!-- Filter Name default for copied filters (%s => old filter name) -->
<string name="CFA_filterName_copy">Copie de %s</string>
<!-- Filter Starting Universe: all tasks -->
<string name="CFA_universe_all">Tâches actives</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Type: add (at the begging of title of the criteria) -->
<string name="CFA_type_add">ou</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Type: subtract (at the begging of title of the criteria) -->
<string name="CFA_type_subtract">non</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Type: intersect (at the begging of title of the criteria) -->
<string name="CFA_type_intersect">also</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Context Menu: chaining (%s chain type as above) -->
<string name="CFA_context_chain">%s has criteria</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Context Menu: delete -->
<string name="CFA_context_delete">Supprimer la ligne</string>
<!-- Filter Screen Help Text -->
<string name="CFA_help">This screen lets you create a new filters. Add
criteria using the button below, short or long-press them to adjust, and
then click \"View\"!</string>
<!-- Filter Button: add new -->
<string name="CFA_button_add">Ajouter un critère</string>
<!-- Filter Button: view without saving -->
<string name="CFA_button_view">Affichage</string>
<!-- Filter Button: save & view filter -->
<string name="CFA_button_save">Save &amp; View</string>
<!-- =========================================== CustomFilterCriteria == -->
<!-- Criteria: due by X - display text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_dueBefore_text">Due By: ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: due by X - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_dueBefore_name">Due By...</string>
<string-array name="CFC_dueBefore_entries">
<!-- Criteria: due by X - options -->
<item>No Due Date</item>
<item>Semaine prochaine</item>
<item>Mois suivant</item>
<!-- Criteria: importance - display text (? -> user input)-->
<string name="CFC_importance_text">Importance at least ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: importance - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_importance_name">Importance...</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag - display text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_tag_text">Tagged: ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_tag_name">Tagged...</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag_contains - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_tag_contains_name">Tag contains...</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag_contains - text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_tag_contains_text">Tag contains: ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: title_contains - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_title_contains_name">Title contains...</string>
<!-- Criteria: title_contains - text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_title_contains_text">Title contains: ?</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in tag plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== Task Edit Controls == -->
<!-- Error message for adding to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_error">Erreur d\'ajout de tâche à l\'agenda !</string>
<!-- Label for adding task to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_calendar_label">Intégration à l\'agenda :</string>
<!-- Label for adding task to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_addToCalendar_label">Créer un évènement d\'agenda</string>
<!-- Label when calendar event already exists -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_showCalendar_label">Ouvrir l\'événement de l\'agenda</string>
<!-- Toast when unable to open calendar event -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_calendar_error">Error opening event!</string>
<!-- Toast when calendar event updated because task changed -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_calendar_updated">Calendar event also updated!</string>
<!-- ======================================================== Calendars == -->
<!-- Calendar event name when task is completed (%s => task title) -->
<string name="gcal_completed_title">%s (complété)</string>
<!-- System Default Calendar (displayed if we can't figure out calendars) -->
<string name="gcal_GCP_default">Agenda par défaut</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- =========================================================== UI == -->
<!-- filters header: GTasks -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_header">Google Tasks</string>
<!-- filter category for GTasks lists -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_list">By List</string>
<!-- filter title for GTasks lists (%s => list name) -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_title">Google Tasks: %s</string>
<!-- ============================================== GtasksPreferences == -->
<!-- GTasks Preferences Title -->
<string name="gtasks_GPr_header">Google Tasks (Beta!)</string>
<!-- ================================================ Synchronization == -->
<!-- title for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="gtasks_notification_title">Astrid: Google Tasks</string>
<!-- title for picking a google account -->
<string name="choose_account_title">Choose Account</string>
<!-- title for no google accounts found -->
<string name="no_account_found_title">No Accounts Found</string>
<!-- message body for no google accounts found -->
<string name="no_account_found">We were unable to find a Google account on this phone. You will not be able to synchronize to Google Tasks without one!</string>
<!-- E-mail Address Label -->
<string name="gtasks_email">E-mail</string>
<!-- Password Label -->
<string name="gtasks_password">Mot de passe</string>
<!-- Login Message -->
<string name="gtasks_login">Google Account:</string>
<!-- Login Message when Error -->
<string name="gtasks_login_error">Please try your e-mail and password again.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in locale plug-in -->
<!-- Locale Alert Editing Window Title -->
<string name="locale_edit_alerts_title">Filtre d\'alertes Astrid</string>
<!-- Locale Window Help -->
<string name="locale_edit_intro">Astrid vous enverra un rappel si vous avez des tâches dans le filtre suivant :</string>
<!-- Locale Window Filter Picker UI -->
<string name="locale_pick_filter">Filtre :</string>
<!-- Locale Window Interval Label -->
<string name="locale_interval_label">Limiter les notifications à :</string>
<!-- Locale Window Interval Values -->
<string-array name="locale_interval">
<item>une fois par heure</item>
<item>une fois toutes les six heures</item>
<item>une fois toutes les douzes heures</item>
<item>une fois par jour</item>
<item>une fois tous les trois jours</item>
<item>une fois par semaine</item>
<!-- Locale Notification text -->
<string name="locale_notification">Vous avez $NUM correspondant(s) : $FILTER</string>
<!-- Locale Plugin was not found, it is required -->
<string name="locale_plugin_required">Please install the Astrid Locale plugin!</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ================================================== EditPreferences == -->
<!-- Preference Category: Power Pack -->
<string name="EPr_powerpack_header">Astrid Power Pack</string>
<!-- Preference: Anonymous User Statistics -->
<string name="EPr_statistics_title">Anonymous Usage Stats</string>
<!-- Preference: User Statistics (disabled) -->
<string name="EPr_statistics_desc_disabled">No usage data will be reported</string>
<!-- Preference: User Statistics (enabled) -->
<string name="EPr_statistics_desc_enabled">Help us make Astrid better by sending anonymous usage data</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ====================== Plugin Boilerplate ========================= -->
<!-- filters header: Producteev -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_header">Producteev</string>
<!-- filter category for Producteev dashboards -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_dashboard">Espaces de travail</string>
<!-- filter category for Producteev responsible person -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_responsible">Confié à</string>
<!-- Producteev dashboard filter title (%s => dashboardname) -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_responsible_title">Assigned To \'%s\'</string>
<!-- detail for showing tasks created by someone else (%s => person name) -->
<string name="producteev_PDE_task_from">de %s</string>
<!-- replacement string for task edit "Notes" when using Producteev -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_notes">Ajouter un commentaire</string>
<!-- ==================================================== Preferences == -->
<!-- Preferences Title: Producteev -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_header">Producteev</string>
<!-- dashboard title for producteev default dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_default_dashboard">Default Workspace</string>
<!-- dashboard title for tasks that are not synchronized -->
<string name="producteev_no_dashboard">Ne Pas Synchroniser</string>
<!-- dashboard spinner entry on TEA for adding a new dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_create_dashboard">Add new Workspace...</string>
<!-- dashboard spinner entry on TEA for adding a new dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_create_dashboard_name">Nom du nouvel espace de travail</string>
<!-- preference title for default dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_defaultdash_title">Default Workspace</string>
<!-- preference description for default dashboard (%s -> setting) -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_defaultdash_summary">New tasks will be added to: %s</string>
<!-- preference description for default dashboard (when set to 'not synchronized') -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_defaultdash_summary_none">New tasks will not be synchronized by default</string>
<!-- ================================================= Login Activity == -->
<!-- Activity Title: Producteev Login -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_title">Se Connecter à Producteev</string>
<!-- Instructions: Producteev login -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_body">Sign in with your existing
Producteev account, or create a new account!</string>
<!-- Producteev Terms Link -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_terms">Termes Et Conditions</string>
<!-- Sign In Button -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_signIn">S\'identifier</string>
<!-- Create New User Button -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_createNew">Créer un nouvel utilisateur</string>
<!-- E-mail Address Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_email">E-mail</string>
<!-- Password Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_password">Mot de passe</string>
<!-- Timezone Spinner -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_timezone">Timezone</string>
<!-- Confirm Password Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_confirmPassword">Confirmer le mot de passe</string>
<!-- First Name Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_firstName">Prénom</string>
<!-- Last Name Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_lastName">Nom</string>
<!-- Error Message when fields aren't filled out -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_errorEmpty">Error: fill out all fields!</string>
<!-- Error Message when passwords don't match -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_errorMatch">Error: passwords don\'t match!</string>
<!-- Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_errorAuth">Erreur : adresse mail ou mot de passe incorrect !</string>
<!-- ================================================ Synchronization == -->
<!-- title for notification tray after synchronizing -->
<string name="producteev_notification_title">Producteev</string>
<!-- text for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="producteev_notification_text">%s tasks updated / click for more details</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="producteev_ioerror">Connection Error! Check your Internet connection.</string>
<!-- Prod Login email not specified-->
<string name="producteev_MLA_email_empty">E-Mail was not specified!</string>
<!-- Prod Login password not specified-->
<string name="producteev_MLA_password_empty">Password was not specified!</string>
<!-- ================================================ labels for layout-elements == -->
<!-- label for task-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_task_assign_label">Assign this task to this person:</string>
<!-- Spinner-item for unassigned tasks on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_task_unassigned">&lt;Unassigned&gt;</string>
<!-- label for dashboard-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_dashboard_assign_label">Assign this task to this workspace:</string>
<!-- Spinner-item for default dashboard on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_dashboard_default">&lt;Default&gt;</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_in_workspace_text">In workspace: ?</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_in_workspace_name">In workspace...</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_assigned_to_text">Assigned to: ?</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_assigned_to_name">Assigned to...</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in reminders plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== task edit activity == -->
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder header label -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_label">Me rappeler...</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder @ deadline -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_due">... when task is due</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder after deadline -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_overdue">... lorsque la tâche est en retard</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder at random times (%s => time plural)-->
<string name="TEA_reminder_random">... aléatoirement une fois</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock label -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_alarm_label">Type de sonnerie/vibration :</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock toggle: off -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_alarm_off">Sonner une fois</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock toggle: on -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_alarm_on">Sonner jusqu\'à ce que je l\'interrompe</string>
<string-array name="TEA_reminder_random">
<!-- random reminder choices for task edit page. -->
<item>une heure</item>
<item>un jour</item>
<item>une semaine</item>
<item>dans deux semaines</item>
<item>un mois</item>
<item>dans deux mois</item>
<!-- ==================================================== notifications == -->
<!-- Name of filter when viewing a reminder -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_filter">Rappel !</string>
<!-- Reminder: Task was already done -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_done">Déjà fait !</string>
<!-- Reminder: Snooze button (remind again later) -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_snooze">Rappeler ultérieurement...</string>
<!-- Reminder: Cancel reminder -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_goAway">Va-t-en !</string>
<!-- ============================================= reminder preferences == -->
<!-- Reminder Preference Screen Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_alerts_header">Paramètres de rappel</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_title">Début de période silencieuse</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start Description (%s => time set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_desc">Aucune notification apparaîtra après %s</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start/End Description (disabled) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_desc_none">Période silencieuse désactivée</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours End Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_title">Fin de période silencieuse</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours End Description (%s => time set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_desc">Les notifications commenceront à apparaître à partir de %s</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_title">Sonnerie de notification</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when custom tone is set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_custom">La sonnerie personnalisée a été configurée</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when silence is set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_silent">Configurer la sonnerie en mode silencieux</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when custom tone is not set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_default">La sonnerie par défaut sera utilisée</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_title">Persistence de la notification</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_true">Les notifications doivent être affichées séparément afin d\'être purgées</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_false">Les notifications peuvent être purgées grâce au bouton « Tout purger »</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Icon Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_notificon_title">Set d\'icônes de notifications</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Icon Description -->
<string name="rmd_Epr_notificon_desc">Choisissez une icône pour la barre de notifications Astrid</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_title">Vibrer lors des alertes.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_true">Astrid vibrera lors de l\'envoi de notifications</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_false">Astrid ne vibrera pas lors de l\'envoi de notifications</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_title">Rappels Astrid</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_desc_true">Astrid s\'affichera afin de vous encourager lors des rappels</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_desc_false">Astrid ne vous donnera aucun message d\'encouragement</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Snooze Dialog Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_title">Snooze Dialog HH:MM</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Snooze Dialog Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_desc_true">Snooze by selecting new snooze time (HH:MM)</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_desc_false">Snooze by selecting # days/hours to snooze</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_title">Rappels aléatoires</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Setting (disabled) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc_disabled">Les nouvelles tâches n\'auront pas de rappels aléatoires</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Setting (%s => setting) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc">Les nouvelles tâches rappèleront aléatoirement : %s</string>
<!-- Defaults Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaults_header">Paramètres par défaut de la tâche</string>
<string-array name="EPr_reminder_random">
<!-- Reminder Preference: random reminder choices for preference page. -->
<item>chaque heure</item>
<item>chaque jour</item>
<string-array name="EPr_quiet_hours_start">
<!-- Reminder Preference: quiet_hours_start: options for preference menu. Translate but don't change the times!. -->
<item>20 h</item>
<item>21 h</item>
<item>22 h</item>
<item>23 h</item>
<item>24 h</item>
<item>1 h</item>
<item>2 h</item>
<item>3 h</item>
<item>4 h</item>
<item>5 h</item>
<item>6 h</item>
<item>7 h</item>
<item>8 h</item>
<item>9 h</item>
<item>10 h</item>
<item>11 h</item>
<item>12 h</item>
<item>13 h</item>
<item>14 h</item>
<item>15 h</item>
<item>16 h</item>
<item>17 h</item>
<item>18 h</item>
<item>19 h</item>
<string-array name="EPr_quiet_hours_end">
<!-- Reminder Preference: quiet_hours_end: options for preference menu. Translate but don't change the times! -->
<item>9 h</item>
<item>10 h</item>
<item>11 h</item>
<item>12 h</item>
<item>13 h</item>
<item>14 h</item>
<item>15 h</item>
<item>16 h</item>
<item>17 h</item>
<item>18 h</item>
<item>19 h</item>
<item>20 h</item>
<item>21 h</item>
<item>22 h</item>
<item>23 h</item>
<item>24 h</item>
<item>1 h</item>
<item>2 h</item>
<item>3 h</item>
<item>4 h</item>
<item>5 h</item>
<item>6 h</item>
<item>7 h</item>
<item>8 h</item>
<!-- =============================================== random reminders == -->
<string-array name="reminders">
<!-- reminders: Make these < 20 chars so the task name is displayed -->
<item>Salut ! avez-vous une seconde ?</item>
<item>Puis-je vous voir une seconde ?</item>
<item>Avez-vous quelques minutes ?</item>
<item>Avez-vous oublié ?</item>
<item>Excusez-moi !</item>
<item>Lorsque vous aurez une minute :</item>
<item>Sur votre agenda :</item>
<item>Disponible pour un moment ?</item>
<item>C\'est Astrid !</item>
<item>Salut ! Puis-je vous déranger ?</item>
<item>Une minute de votre temps ?</item>
<item>C\'est un beau jour pour</item>
<string-array name="reminders_due">
<!-- reminders related to task due date -->
<item>Il est temps de travailler !</item>
<item>La date due est là !</item>
<item>Prêt à commencer ?</item>
<item>Vous aviez prévu de faire :</item>
<item>Vous êtes supposé commencer :</item>
<item>Il est temps de commencer :</item>
<item>Il est temps !</item>
<item>Excusez-moi ! C\'est le moment pour</item>
<item>Disponible ? Temps de</item>
<string-array name="reminders_snooze">
<!-- reminders related to snooze -->
<item>Ne soyez pas feignant maintenant !</item>
<item>Le temps de rappel d\'alarme est activé !</item>
<item>Plus de rappel d\'alarme !</item>
<item>Maintenant, êtes-vous prêt ?</item>
<item>Plus de décalage !</item>
<string-array name="reminder_responses">
<!-- responses to reminder: Astrid says... (user should answer yes or no) -->
<item>J\'ai quelque chose pour vous !</item>
<item>Prêt à ranger ça au passé ?</item>
<item>Pourquoi ne complétez-vous pas ça ?</item>
<item>Quoi de neuf ? Prêt ?</item>
<item>Êtes-vous prêt pour cela ?</item>
<item>Êtes-vous en mesure de le gérer ?</item>
<item>Vous pouvez être heureux ! Finissez simplement ça !</item>
<item>Je vous promet que vous vous sentirez mieux une fois cela terminé !</item>
<item>Ne terminerez-vous pas cela aujourd\'hui ?</item>
<item>S\'il vous plaît, terminez cela, j\'en ai marre !</item>
<item>Pouvez-vous finir cela ? Oui vous pouvez !</item>
<item>Allez-vous seulement le faire un jour ?</item>
<item>Aillez confiance en vous ! Allez !</item>
<item>Je suis si fier de vous ! Allez, finissez-le !</item>
<item>Une petite pause après avoir fini cela ?</item>
<item>Juste cette tâche, s\'il vous plaît ?</item>
<item>Il est temps de réduire votre liste de tâches !</item>
<string-array name="postpone_nags">
<!-- Astrid's nagging when user clicks postpone -->
<item>Ne me dites pas qu\'il est vrai que vous êtes un procrastinateur !</item>
<item>Être feignant ne devient pas démodé des fois ?</item>
<item>Quelque part, quelqu\'un compte sur vous pour finir cela !</item>
<item>Lorsque vous disiez \'reporter\', vous vouliez dire \'je vais le faire\', c\'est ça ?</item>
<item>C\'est la dernière fois que vous le reporter, n\'est-ce pas ?</item>
<item>Finissez-le simplement aujourd\'hui, je ne le dirai à personne !</item>
<item>Pourquoi le reporter lorsque vous pouvez... hm... ne pas le reporter !</item>
<item>Vous le finirez éventuellement je suppose ?</item>
<item>Je pense que vous êtes extraordinaire ! Pourquoi ne pas le désactiver ?</item>
<item>Serez-vous en mesure d\'atteindre vos objectifs si vous faites cela ?</item>
<item>Reporter, reporter, reporter. Quand changerez-vous !</item>
<item>J\'en ai assez de vos excuses ! Faites-le simplement !</item>
<item>Ne serai-ce pas la même excuse que la dernière fois ?</item>
<item>Je ne peux pas vous aider à organiser votre vie si vous faites cela...</item>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in repeat plug-in -->
<!-- repeating plugin name -->
<string name="repeat_plugin">Répétition de tâches</string>
<!-- repeating plugin description -->
<string name="repeat_plugin_desc">Permet aux tâches d\'être répétées</string>
<!-- checkbox for turning on/off repeats -->
<string name="repeat_enabled">Répétitions</string>
<!-- button for "every x" part of repeat (%d -> repeat value) -->
<string name="repeat_every">Tous les %d</string>
<!-- hint when opening repeat interval -->
<string name="repeat_interval_prompt">Interval de répétition</string>
<string-array name="repeat_interval">
<!-- repeat interval (days,weeks,months,hours) -->
<string-array name="repeat_type">
<!-- repeat type (date to repeat from) -->
<item>à partir de la date due</item>
<item>à partir de la date de complétion</item>
<!-- task detail weekly by day ($I -> interval, i.e. 1 week, $D -> days, i.e. Monday, Tuesday) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_byday">$I sur $D</string>
<!-- task detail for repeat from due date (%s -> interval) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_duedate">Tous les %s</string>
<!-- task detail for repeat from completion date (%s -> interval) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_completion">%s after completion</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ====================== Plugin Boilerplate ========================= -->
<!-- label for RMilk button in Task Edit Activity -->
<string name="rmilk_EOE_button">Paramètres Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- task detail showing RTM repeat information -->
<string name="rmilk_TLA_repeat">Répétition de tâche RTM</string>
<!-- task detail showing item needs to be synchronized -->
<string name="rmilk_TLA_sync">Requiert une synchronisation avec RTM</string>
<!-- filters header: RTM -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_header">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- filter category for RTM lists -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_list">Listes</string>
<!-- RTM list filter title (%s => list) -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_list_title">Liste RTM \'%s\'</string>
<!-- ======================= MilkEditActivity ========================== -->
<!-- RTM edit activity Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_title">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- RTM edit List Edit Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_list_label">Liste RTM :</string>
<!-- RTM edit Repeat Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_repeat_label">Statut de répétition RTM :</string>
<!-- RTM edit Repeat Hint -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_repeat_hint">ex. : chaque semaine, après 14 jours</string>
<!-- ======================== MilkPreferences ========================== -->
<!-- Milk Preferences Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_header">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- ======================= MilkLoginActivity ========================= -->
<!-- RTM Login Instructions -->
<string name="rmilk_MLA_label">Veuillez vous connecter et autoriser Astrid :</string>
<!-- Login Error Dialog (%s => message) -->
<string name="rmilk_MLA_error">Désolé, une erreur est survenue lors de la vérification de votre identifiant. Veuillez réessayer. \n\n Message d\'erreur : %s</string>
<!-- ======================== Synchronization ========================== -->
<!-- title for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="rmilk_notification_title">Astrid : Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception with rmilk -->
<string name="rmilk_ioerror">Erreur de connexion ! Vérifiez votre connexion Internet ou les serveur RTM ( pour de possibles solutions.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in tag plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== Task Edit Controls == -->
<!-- Tags label -->
<string name="TEA_tags_label">Étiquettes :</string>
<!-- Tags hint -->
<string name="TEA_tag_hint">Nom de l\'étiquette</string>
<!-- Tags dropdown -->
<string name="TEA_tag_dropdown">Select a tag</string>
<!-- ========================================================== Filters == -->
<!-- filter header for tags -->
<string name="tag_FEx_header">Étiquettes</string>
<!-- filter header for tags, sorted by size -->
<string name="tag_FEx_by_size">Sorted By Size</string>
<!-- filter for untagged tasks -->
<string name="tag_FEx_untagged">Non étiquetté</string>
<!-- %s => tag name -->
<string name="tag_FEx_name">Étiquetté \'%s\'</string>
<!-- context menu option to rename a tag -->
<string name="tag_cm_rename">Rename Tag</string>
<!-- context menu option to delete a tag -->
<string name="tag_cm_delete">Effacer le tag</string>
<!-- Dialog to confirm deletion of a tag -->
<string name="DLG_delete_this_tag_question">Delete this tag: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.)</string>
<!-- Dialog to rename tag -->
<string name="DLG_rename_this_tag_header">Rename the tag %s to:</string>
<!-- Toast notification that no changes have been made -->
<string name="TEA_no_tags_modified">No changes made</string>
<!-- Toast notification that a tag has been deleted -->
<string name="TEA_tags_deleted">Tag %s removed from %d tasks</string>
<!-- Toast notification that a tag has been renamed -->
<string name="TEA_tags_renamed">Replaced %s with %s on %d tasks</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in timers plug-in -->
<!-- Task List: Start Timer button -->
<string name="TAE_startTimer">Démarrer le chronomètre</string>
<!-- Task List: Stop Timer button -->
<string name="TAE_stopTimer">Arrêter le chronomètre</string>
<!-- Android Notification Title (%s => # tasks) -->
<string name="TPl_notification">Chronomètre actif pour %s !</string>
<!-- Filter Header for Timer plugin -->
<string name="TFE_category">Filtres de chronomètre</string>
<!-- Filter for Timed Tasks -->
<string name="TFE_workingOn">Tâches chronométrées</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for power pack widget -->
<string name="PPW_widget_42_label">Astrid 4x2 (beta!)</string>
<string name="PPW_widget_44_label">Astrid 4x4 (beta!)</string>
<string name="PPW_configure_title">Configure Widget</string>
<string name="PPW_color">Widget color</string>
<string name="PPW_enable_calendar">Show calendar events</string>
<string name="PPW_disable_encouragements">Hide encouragements</string>
<string name="PPW_filter">Sélectionner un filtre</string>
<string name="PPW_due">Due:</string>
<string name="PPW_past_due">Past Due:</string>
<string-array name="PPW_encouragements">
<item>Ready to work?</item>
<item>Have time to finish something?</item>
<item>Gosh, you are looking suave today!</item>