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import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
* Klasse der Standard-Welt
* (Also die normale Weltkarte mit allen Kontinenten)
* @author GruenerWal, MaxiJohl
* @version 0.3.0
public class Map_World extends GeneralMap
* Anzahl der Provinzen.
int provinceCount = 42;
* Konstruktor der Weltkarte;
* konstruiert eine GeneralMap mit den Ausmassen 1600 auf 900 Pixel.
public Map_World()
Province[] provinces;
int[] neighbours;
* Hier werden später sämtliche Provinzen der Standard-Map erstellt.
* Dies funktioniert folgendermassen:
* =================================================================
* Im Folgenden wird nun jede Provinz einzeln erstellt:
* |---
* nextProvinces = new int[<Anzahl angrenzende Provinzen>];
* <Zuweisung der angrenzenden Provinzen>
* provinces[<Provinz-ID>] = new Province(<Provinz-ID>,<Kontinent-ID>,<X-Position>,<Y-Position>,<Anzahl Sterne>,"<Anzeigename>",nextProvinces);
* addObject(provinces[<Provinz-ID>],<x-Position>,<y-Position>);
* ---|
* =================================================================
* Der Speicherplatz für provinces[0] bleibt leer, da es keine Provinz mit der ID 0 gibt!
* Und ja, ich weiss, dass das scheisse viel Schreibarbeit ist.
* Aber da muss man durch, wir habens auch hinbekommen :P
* ~GruenerWal
// Festlegung der Provinz-Anzahl
provinces = new Province[provinceCount + 1];
// Implementierung sämtlicher Provinzen
// ACHTUNG! Gaaaaanz viel Code!
// cID 1 - Nordamerika
neighbours = new int[3];
neighbours[0] = 2;
neighbours[1] = 3;
neighbours[2] = 36;
provinces[1] = new Province(1,1,64,106,1,"Alaska",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[4];
neighbours[0] = 1;
neighbours[1] = 3;
neighbours[2] = 4;
neighbours[3] = 9;
provinces[2] = new Province(2,1,162,106,1,"NW-Territorien",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[4];
neighbours[0] = 1;
neighbours[1] = 2;
neighbours[2] = 4;
neighbours[3] = 5;
provinces[3] = new Province(3,1,53,170,1,"Alberta",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[6];
neighbours[0] = 2;
neighbours[1] = 3;
neighbours[2] = 5;
neighbours[3] = 6;
neighbours[4] = 7;
neighbours[5] = 9;
provinces[4] = new Province(4,1,223,177,2,"Ontario",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[4];
neighbours[0] = 3;
neighbours[1] = 4;
neighbours[2] = 6;
neighbours[3] = 8;
provinces[5] = new Province(5,1,160,236,2,"Weststaaten",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[4];
neighbours[0] = 4;
neighbours[1] = 5;
neighbours[2] = 7;
neighbours[3] = 8;
provinces[6] = new Province(6,1,232,273,2,"Oststaaten",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[3];
neighbours[0] = 4;
neighbours[1] = 6;
neighbours[2] = 9;
provinces[7] = new Province(7,1,300,180,2,"Quebec",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[3];
neighbours[0] = 5;
neighbours[1] = 6;
neighbours[2] = 17;
provinces[8] = new Province(8,1,181,347,1,"Mittelamerika",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[4];
neighbours[0] = 2;
neighbours[1] = 4;
neighbours[2] = 7;
neighbours[3] = 10;
provinces[9] = new Province(9,1,365,55,1,"Groenland",neighbours);
// cID 2 - Europa
neighbours = new int[3];
neighbours[0] = 9;
neighbours[1] = 11;
neighbours[2] = 12;
provinces[10] = new Province(10,2,454,142,1,"Island",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[4];
neighbours[0] = 10;
neighbours[1] = 12;
neighbours[2] = 14;
neighbours[3] = 15;
provinces[11] = new Province(11,2,424,221,2,"Grossbritannien",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[4];
neighbours[0] = 10;
neighbours[1] = 11;
neighbours[2] = 13;
neighbours[3] = 14;
provinces[12] = new Province(12,2,520,153,1,"Skandinavien",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[6];
neighbours[0] = 12;
neighbours[1] = 14;
neighbours[2] = 16;
neighbours[3] = 27;
neighbours[4] = 31;
neighbours[5] = 32;
provinces[13] = new Province(13,2,636,180,2,"Russland",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[5];
neighbours[0] = 11;
neighbours[1] = 12;
neighbours[2] = 13;
neighbours[3] = 15;
neighbours[4] = 16;
provinces[14] = new Province(14,2,528,232,2,"Nordeuropa",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[4];
neighbours[0] = 11;
neighbours[1] = 14;
neighbours[2] = 16;
neighbours[3] = 25;
provinces[15] = new Province(15,2,449,335,2,"Westeuropa",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[6];
neighbours[0] = 13;
neighbours[1] = 14;
neighbours[2] = 15;
neighbours[3] = 25;
neighbours[4] = 26;
neighbours[5] = 27;
provinces[16] = new Province(16,2,537,296,2,"Suedeuropa",neighbours);
// cID 3 - Suedamerika
neighbours = new int[3];
neighbours[0] = 8;
neighbours[1] = 18;
neighbours[2] = 19;
provinces[17] = new Province(17,3,245,396,1,"Venezuela",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[3];
neighbours[0] = 17;
neighbours[1] = 19;
neighbours[2] = 20;
provinces[18] = new Province(18,3,255,498,1,"Peru",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[4];
neighbours[0] = 17;
neighbours[1] = 18;
neighbours[2] = 20;
neighbours[3] = 25;
provinces[19] = new Province(19,3,327,467,2,"Brasilien",neighbours);
neighbours = new int[2];
neighbours[0] = 18;
neighbours[1] = 19;
provinces[20] = new Province(20,3,274,572,1,"Argentinien",neighbours);
for (int c = 1; c <= provinceCount; c++)