You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

6164 lines
172 KiB

# Hebrew translations for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2012 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-07 13:08-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-09 03:17+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Yossi Gil <Unknown>\n"
"Language-Team: he <>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
#. ================================================== general terms ==
#. People Editing Activity
msgctxt "EPE_action"
msgid "Share"
msgstr "שיתוף"
#. slide 18b/ 25e/ 27c: task sharing dialog: assigned hint
msgctxt "actfm_person_hint"
msgid "Contact or Email"
msgstr "איש קשר או דוא״ל"
#. task sharing dialog: shared with hint
msgctxt "actfm_person_or_tag_hint"
msgid "Contact or Shared List"
msgstr "איש קשר או רשימה משותפת"
#. toast on transmit success
msgctxt "actfm_toast_success"
msgid "Saved on Server"
msgstr "נשמר על השרת"
#. can't rename or delete shared tag message
msgctxt "actfm_tag_operation_disabled"
msgid "Sorry, this operation is not yet supported for shared tags."
msgstr "מצטערת, אך פעולה זו אינה נתמכת עדיין עבור תגיות משותפות."
#. warning before deleting a list you're the owner of
msgctxt "actfm_tag_operation_owner_delete"
msgid ""
"You are the owner of this shared list! If you delete it, it will be "
"deleted for all list members. Are you sure you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"אתה הבעלים של רשימה זו! אם תמחק אותה, היא תימחק עבור השותפים בה. האם אתה "
"בטוח שברצונך להמשיך?"
#. slide 29a: menu item to take a picture
msgctxt "actfm_picture_camera"
msgid "Take a Picture"
msgstr "צַלֵּם תמונה"
#. slide 29b: menu item to select from gallery
msgctxt "actfm_picture_gallery"
msgid "Pick from Gallery"
msgstr "בחר מגלריה"
#. menu item to clear picture selection
msgctxt "actfm_picture_clear"
msgid "Clear Picture"
msgstr "הסר תמונה"
#. filter list activity: refresh tags
msgctxt "actfm_FLA_menu_refresh"
msgid "Refresh Lists"
msgstr "רַעְנֵן"
#. Title for prompt after sharing a task
msgctxt "actfm_view_task_title"
msgid "View Task?"
msgstr "עיין במשימה?"
#. Text for prompt after sharing a task
#, c-format
msgctxt "actfm_view_task_text"
msgid ""
"Task was sent to %s! You're currently viewing your own tasks. Do you want"
" to view this and other tasks you've assigned?"
msgstr ""
"משימה נשלחה אל %s! הנך מביט במשימות שלך. האם תרצה לעיין במשימה זו "
"ובמשימות אשר הטלת על אחרים?"
#. Ok button for task view prompt
msgctxt "actfm_view_task_ok"
msgid "View Assigned"
msgstr "הצג משימות שהטלת"
#. Cancel button for task view prompt
msgctxt "actfm_view_task_cancel"
msgid "Stay Here"
msgstr "השאר כאן"
#. slide 13a: Title for the "My Shared Tasks" filter
msgctxt "actfm_my_shared_tasks_title"
msgid "My Shared Tasks"
msgstr "המשימות ששיתפתי"
#. Empty list for the "My Shared Tasks" filter
msgctxt "actfm_my_shared_tasks_empty"
msgid "No shared tasks"
msgstr "אין מטלות משותפות"
#. ================================================== TagViewActivity ==
#. Tag View Activity: Add Comment hint
msgctxt "TVA_add_comment"
msgid "Add a comment..."
msgstr "הוסף הערה"
#. Tag View Activity: task comment ($1 - user name, $2 - task title)
#, c-format
msgctxt "UAd_title_comment"
msgid "%1$s re: %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s תגובה: %2$s"
#. Tabs for Tag view
msgctxt "TVA_tabs:0"
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "מטלות"
#. Tabs for Tag view
msgctxt "TVA_tabs:1"
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "פעילות"
#. Tabs for Tag view
msgctxt "TVA_tabs:2"
msgid "List Settings"
msgstr "הגדרות רשימה"
#. Tag View: filtered by assigned to user (%s => user name)
#, c-format
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_filtered_by_assign"
msgid "%s's tasks. Tap for all."
msgstr "המשימות של %s"
#. Tag View: filter by unassigned tasks
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_filter_by_unassigned"
msgid "Unassigned tasks. Tap for all."
msgstr "משימות לא מוקצות. גע כדי לקבל את כל המשימות."
#. Tag View: list is private, no members
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_no_members_alert"
msgid "Private: tap to edit or share list"
msgstr "פרטי: גע כדי לערוך או לשתף"
#. Tag View Menu: refresh
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_menu_refresh"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "רענן"
#. Tag Settings: tag name label
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_tag_label"
msgid "List"
msgstr "רשימה"
#. Tag Settings: tag owner label
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_tag_owner_label"
msgid "List Creator:"
msgstr "יוצר הרשימה"
#. Tag Settings: tag owner value when there is no owner
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_tag_owner_none"
msgid "none"
msgstr "אין"
#. slide 26a and 27b: Tag Settings: list collaborators label
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_members_label"
msgid "Shared With"
msgstr "משותפת עם"
#. Tag Settings: list collaborators hint
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_members_hint"
msgid "Share with anyone who has an email address"
msgstr "שתף עם אי מי שיש לו כתובת דוא״ל"
#. Tag Settings: tag picture
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_tag_picture"
msgid "List Picture"
msgstr "תמונת רשימה"
#. slide 25c/28b: Tag Settings: silence notifications label
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_silence_label"
msgid "Silence Notifications"
msgstr "השתק הודעות"
#. Tag Settings: list icon label
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_list_icon_label"
msgid "List Icon:"
msgstr "סמל רשימה"
#. slide 25b/27d: Tag Settings: list description label
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_tag_description_label"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "תיאור"
#. slide 28a: Tag Settings: list settings label
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_tag_settings_label"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "הגדרות"
#. slide 25b: Tag Settings: list description hint
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_tag_description_hint"
msgid "Type a description here"
msgstr "הכנס תיאור כאן"
#. slide 25d: Tag Settings: list name hint
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_tag_name_hint"
msgid "Enter list name"
msgstr "הכנס שם רשימה"
#. Tag settings: login prompt from share
msgctxt "actfm_TVA_login_to_share"
msgid ""
"You need to be logged in to to share lists! Please log in or "
"make this a private list."
msgstr ""
"עליך להיות מחובר לאתר אסטריד בכדי לשתף רשימות. אנא התחבר או סמן רשימה זו "
#. ============================================ edit people dialog ==
#. task sharing dialog: intro
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_intro"
msgid ""
"Use Astrid to share shopping lists, party plans, or team projects and "
"instantly see when people get stuff done!"
msgstr ""
"השתמש באסטריד לשתף רשימות קניות, תכנוני מסיבות או פרויקטים ותדע מיד "
"כשהמשימה בוצעה!"
#. task sharing dialog: window title
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_title"
msgid "Share / Assign"
msgstr "שתף/הטל משימה"
#. task sharing dialog: save button
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_save"
msgid "Save & Share"
msgstr "שמור ושתף"
#. task sharing dialog: assigned label
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_assign_label"
msgid "Who"
msgstr "מי"
#. slide 18a: task sharing dialog: assigned label long version
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_assign_label_long"
msgid "Who should do this?"
msgstr "על מי להטיל את המשימה?"
#. task sharing dialog: assigned to me
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_assign_me"
msgid "Me"
msgstr "עלי"
#. task sharing dialog: anyone
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_unassigned"
msgid "Unassigned"
msgstr "לא מוטלת"
#. slide 18c: task sharing dialog: choose a contact
13 years ago
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_choose_contact"
msgid "Choose a contact"
msgstr "בחר איש קשר"
13 years ago
#. slide 17a: task sharing dialog: use task rabbit
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_task_rabbit"
msgid "Outsource it!"
msgstr "העבר למיקור חוץ!"
#. task sharing dialog: custom email assignment
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_assign_custom"
msgid "Custom..."
msgstr "מותאם..."
#. task sharing dialog: shared with label
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_share_with"
msgid "Share with:"
msgstr "שתף עם:"
#. task sharing dialog: shared with label
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_collaborators_header"
msgid "Share with Friends"
msgstr "שתף עם חברים"
#. task sharing dialog: collaborator list name (%s => name of list)
#, c-format
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_list"
msgid "List: %s"
msgstr "רשימה: %s"
#. task sharing dialog: assigned hint
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_assigned_hint"
msgid "Contact Name"
msgstr "שם איש הקשר"
#. task sharing dialog: message label text
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_message_text"
msgid "Invitation Message:"
msgstr "הזמנה"
#. task sharing dialog: message body
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_message_body"
msgid "Help me get this done!"
msgstr "עזור לי לבצע את זה!"
13 years ago
#. task sharing dialog: list members section header
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_assign_header_members"
msgid "List Members"
msgstr "חברים ברשימה"
13 years ago
#. task sharing dialog: astrid friends section header
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_assign_header_friends"
msgid "Astrid Friends"
msgstr "שותפים באסטריד"
13 years ago
#. task sharing dialog: message hint
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_tag_label"
msgid "Create a shared tag?"
msgstr "ליצור תגית משותפת?"
#. task sharing dialog: message hint
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_tag_hint"
msgid "(i.e. Silly Hats Club)"
msgstr "(למשל מועדון אספני הגוגואים)"
#. task sharing dialog: share with Facebook
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_facebook"
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "פייסבוק"
#. task sharing dialog: share with Twitter
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_twitter"
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr "טוויטר"
#. task sharing dialog: # of e-mails sent (%s => # people plural string)
#, c-format
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_emailed_toast"
msgid "Task shared with %s"
msgstr "המשימה שותפה עם %s"
#. task sharing dialog: edit people settings saved
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_saved_toast"
msgid "People Settings Saved"
msgstr "הגדרות שותפים נשמרו"
#. task sharing dialog: invalid email (%s => email)
#, c-format
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_invalid_email"
msgid "Invalid E-mail: %s"
msgstr "כתובת דוא״ל לא חוקית: %s"
#. task sharing dialog: tag not found (%s => tag)
#, c-format
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_invalid_tag"
msgid "List Not Found: %s"
msgstr "רשימה לא נמצאה: %s"
#. task sharing login prompt
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_login_to_share"
msgid "You need to be logged in to to share tasks!"
msgstr "עליך להתחבר לאתר אסטריד כדי לשתף משימות!"
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_login_button"
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "כניסה"
msgctxt "actfm_EPA_dont_share_button"
msgid "Don't share"
msgstr "אל תשתף"
#. ========================================= sharing login activity ==
#. share login: Title
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_title"
msgid "Welcome to!"
msgstr "ברוך הבא לאסטריד!"
#. share login: Sharing Description
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_body"
msgid ""
" lets you access your tasks online, share, and delegate with "
msgstr ""
"אתר אסטריד מאפשר גישה מקוונת למשימות, ומאפשר לך לשתף אותן או להקצותן "
#. share login: Sharing Login FB Prompt
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_fb_login"
msgid "Connect with Facebook"
msgstr "התחבר באמצעות פייסבוק"
#. share login: Sharing Login GG Prompt
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_gg_login"
msgid "Connect with Google"
msgstr "התחבר באמצעות גוגל"
#. share login: Sharing Footer Password Label
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_pw_login"
msgid "Don't use Google or Facebook?"
msgstr "לא משתמש בגוגל או בפייסבוק?"
#. share login: Sharing Password Link
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_pw_link"
msgid "Sign In Here"
msgstr "הרשם כאן"
#. share login: Password Are you a New User?
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_pw_new"
msgid "Create a new account?"
msgstr "ליצור חשבון חדש?"
#. share login: Password Are you a Returning User?
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_pw_returning"
msgid "Already have an account?"
msgstr "כבר יש לך חשבון?"
#. share login: Name
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_name_label"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "שם"
#. share login: Name
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_firstname_label"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "שם פרטי"
#. share login: Name
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_lastname_label"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "שם משפחה"
#. share login: Email
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_email_label"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "דוא״ל"
#. share login: Username / Email
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_username_email_label"
msgid "Username / Email"
msgstr "שם משתמש / דוא״ל"
#. share login: Password
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_password_label"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "סיסמא"
#. share login: Sign Up Title
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_signup_title"
msgid "Sign Up"
msgstr ""
#. share login: Login Title
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "actfm_ALA_login_title"
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "התחבר!"
#. share login: Google Auth title
msgctxt "actfm_GAA_title"
msgid "Select the Google account you want to use:"
msgstr "בחר חשבון גוגל"
#. share login: OAUTH Login Prompt
msgctxt "actfm_OLA_prompt"
msgid "Please log in:"
msgstr "אנא התחבר למערכת"
#. ================================================ Featured Lists
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "actfm_feat_list_clone"
msgid "Copy list"
msgstr "לפי רשימה"
msgctxt "actfm_feat_list_suffix"
msgid "(Copy)"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "actfm_feat_list_cloning"
msgid "Copying..."
msgstr "מקודדת..."
msgctxt "actfm_feat_list_clone_success"
msgid "Success!"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "actfm_feat_list_task_clone_success"
msgid "Task copied"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "actfm_feat_list_clone_empty"
msgid "No tasks to copy"
msgstr "אפשר למשימות לחזור"
#. ================================================ Synchronization ==
#. Indicates the logged in user name. %s -> user's name
#, c-format
msgctxt "actfm_status_title_logged_in"
msgid "Status - Logged in as %s"
msgstr "מחובר כ %s"
#. Preferences Title:
msgctxt "actfm_APr_header"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgctxt "actfm_https_title"
msgid "Use HTTPS"
msgstr "השתמש ב־HTTPS"
msgctxt "actfm_https_enabled"
msgid "HTTPS enabled (slower)"
msgstr "HTTPS מופעל (איטי יותר)"
msgctxt "actfm_https_disabled"
msgid "HTTPS disabled (faster)"
msgstr "HTTPS מבוטל (מהיר יותר)"
#. title for notification tray after synchronizing
msgctxt "actfm_notification_title"
msgid " Sync"
msgstr "סינכרון עם אתר אסטריד"
#. text for notification when comments are received
msgctxt "actfm_notification_comments"
msgid "New comments received / click for more details"
msgstr "התקבלו הערות חדשות / הקלק לפרטים"
msgctxt "actfm_dual_sync_warning"
msgid ""
"You are currently synchronizing with Google Tasks. Be advised that "
"synchronizing with both services can in some cases lead to unexpected "
"results. Are you sure you want to sync with"
msgstr ""
"אתה מסנכרן כעת עם ״משימות גוגל״. שים לב שסינכרון מול שני השירותים יכול "
"במקרים מסויימים להביא לתוצאות בלתי צפויות. האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להסתנכרן "
"גם עם אתר אסטריד?"
#. account types
msgctxt "actfm_account_type"
msgid "Account Type"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "actfm_account_info"
msgid "Account Info"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "actfm_account_info_summary"
msgid "Status and options"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "account_type_title_not_logged_in"
msgid "Sign up for a free account"
msgstr "חשבון של יישומי הרשת של גוגל"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "account_type_summary_not_logged_in"
msgid "Access tasks online, share lists and delegate"
msgstr ""
"אתר אסטריד מאפשר גישה מקוונת למשימות, ומאפשר לך לשתף אותן או להקצותן "
msgctxt "actfm_account_premium"
msgid "Premium"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "actfm_account_basic"
msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "actfm_account_none"
msgid "None"
msgstr "אין"
msgctxt "actfm_inapp_billing"
msgid "Upgrade to Premium"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "actfm_inapp_billing_summary"
msgid "Attach files, voice backups, premium support & more"
msgstr ""
#. Sharing
msgctxt "share_with_facebook"
msgid "Like on Facebook"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "share_with_twitter"
msgid "Follow on Twitter"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "share_with_google"
msgid "Share on Google+"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "share_title"
msgid "Share the love!"
msgstr "שותפו איתי"
msgctxt "share_speech_bubble"
msgid "By sharing, you'll help others be more productive!"
msgstr ""
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Resources for built-in timers plug-in
#. Task Edit Activity: Container Label
msgctxt "alarm_ACS_label"
msgid "Alarms"
msgstr "התראות"
#. Task Edit Activity: Add New Alarm
msgctxt "alarm_ACS_button"
msgid "Add an Alarm"
msgstr "הוסף התראה"
msgctxt "reminders_alarm:0"
msgid "Alarm!"
msgstr "התראה!"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Resources for built-in backup plug-in
#. ================================================= BackupPreferences ==
#. slide 33c/48d: Backup Preferences Title
msgctxt "backup_BPr_header"
msgid "Backups"
msgstr "גיבויים"
#. slide 48e/50c: Backup: Status Header
msgctxt "backup_BPr_group_status"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "מצב"
#. Backup Status: last backup was a success (%s -> last date). Keep it short!
#, c-format
msgctxt "backup_status_success"
msgid ""
"Latest backup:\n"
msgstr "גיבוי אחרון: %s"
#. Backup Status: last error failed. Keep it short!
msgctxt "backup_status_failed"
msgid "Last Backup Failed"
msgstr "הגיבוי האחרון נכשל"
#. Backup Status: error subtitle
msgctxt "backup_status_failed_subtitle"
msgid "(tap to show error)"
msgstr "(גע כדי להציג את השגיאה)"
#. slide 48a: Backup Status: never backed up
msgctxt "backup_status_never"
msgid "Never Backed Up!"
msgstr "לא נעשו גיבויים מעולם!"
#. slide 48f/ 50e: Backup Options Group Label
msgctxt "backup_BPr_group_options"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "אפשרויות"
#. slide 48b: Preference: Automatic Backup Title
msgctxt "backup_BPr_auto_title"
msgid "Automatic Backups"
msgstr "גיבויים אוטומטיים"
#. Preference: Automatic Backup Description (when disabled)
msgctxt "backup_BPr_auto_disabled"
msgid "Automatic Backups Disabled"
msgstr "הגיבויים האוטומטיים הופסקו"
#. slide 48g: Preference: Automatic Backup Description (when enabled)
msgctxt "backup_BPr_auto_enabled"
msgid "Backup will occur daily"
msgstr "הגיבוי יתבצע מדי יום"
#. Preference screen restoring Tasks Help
msgctxt "backup_BPr_how_to_restore"
msgid "How do I restore backups?"
msgstr "איך אני משחזר גיבויים?"
#. Preference screen Restoring Tasks Help Dialog Text
msgctxt "backup_BPr_how_to_restore_dialog"
msgid ""
"You need to add the Astrid Power Pack to manage and restore your backups."
" As a favor, Astrid also automatically backs up your tasks, just in case."
msgstr ""
"אסטריד תְּגַבֶּה את הנתונים שלך, על כל צרה שלא תבוא. אבל, עליך להוסיף את "
"חבילת הַכֹּחַ של אסטריד כדי לנהל ולאחזר גיבויים."
msgctxt "backup_BPr_cloud_already_logged_in"
msgid "You already have cloud backup on!"
msgstr ""
#. ================================================= BackupActivity ==
#. slide 48c: backup activity label
msgctxt "backup_BAc_label"
msgid "Manage Backups"
msgstr "ניהול גיבויים"
#. backup activity title
msgctxt "backup_BAc_title"
msgid "Manage Your Backups"
msgstr "ניהול הגיבויים שלך"
#. backup activity import button
msgctxt "backup_BAc_import"
msgid "Import Tasks"
msgstr "ייבוא משימות"
#. backup activity export button
msgctxt "backup_BAc_export"
msgid "Export Tasks"
msgstr "ייצוא משימות"
#. backup activity cloud ( option
msgctxt "backup_BAc_cloud"
msgid "Click for free cloud backup on"
msgstr ""
#. ============================================== Importer / Exporter ==
#. Message displayed when error occurs
msgctxt "backup_TXI_error"
msgid "Import Error"
msgstr "שגיאת ייבוא"
#, c-format
msgctxt "export_toast"
msgid "Backed Up %1$s to %2$s."
msgstr "בוצע גיבוי של %1$s אל %2$s."
msgctxt "export_toast_no_tasks"
msgid "No Tasks to Export."
msgstr "אין משימות לייצוא."
#. Progress Dialog Title for exporting
msgctxt "export_progress_title"
msgid "Exporting..."
msgstr "מייצאת..."
#. Backup: Title of Import Summary Dialog
msgctxt "import_summary_title"
msgid "Restore Summary"
msgstr "סיכום יבוא"
#. Backup: Summary message for import. (%s => file name, %s => total # tasks,
#. %s => imported, %s => skipped, %s => errors)
#, c-format
msgctxt "import_summary_message"
msgid ""
"File %1$s contained %2$s.\n"
" %3$s imported,\n"
" %4$s already exist\n"
" %5$s had errors\n"
msgstr ""
"הקובץ ' %1$s' הכיל %2$s משימות: \n"
" %3$s יובאו,\n"
" %4$s היו קיימות כבר,\n"
"וב־%5$s היו שגיאות.\n"
#. Progress Dialog Title for importing
msgctxt "import_progress_title"
msgid "Importing..."
msgstr "מייבאת..."
#. Progress Dialog text for import reading task (%d -> task number)
#, c-format
msgctxt "import_progress_read"
msgid "Reading task %d..."
msgstr "קוראת משימה %d..."
#. Backup: Dialog when unable to open a file
msgctxt "DLG_error_opening"
msgid "Could not find this item:"
msgstr "לא ניתן למצוא פריט זה:"
#. Backup: Dialog when unable to open SD card folder (%s => folder)
#, c-format
msgctxt "DLG_error_sdcard"
msgid "Cannot access folder: %s"
msgstr "לא ניתן לגשת לתיקיה: %s"
#. Backup: Dialog when unable to open SD card in general
msgctxt "DLG_error_sdcard_general"
msgid "Cannot access your SD card!"
msgstr "לא ניתן לגשת לכרטיס ה־SD שלך!"
#. Backup: File Selector dialog for import
msgctxt "import_file_prompt"
msgid "Select a File to Restore"
msgstr "נא לבחור קובץ לשחזור"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. ================================================== AndroidManifest ==
#. slide 32k: Application Name (shown on home screen & in launcher)
msgctxt "app_name"
msgid "Astrid Tasks"
msgstr "משימות אסטריד"
#. permission title for READ_TASKS
msgctxt "read_permission_label"
msgid "Astrid Permission"
msgstr "הרשאות אסטריד"
#. permission description for READ_TASKS
msgctxt "read_permission_desc"
msgid "read tasks, display task filters"
msgstr "קריאת משימות, הצגת מסנני משימות"
#. permission title for READ_TASKS
msgctxt "write_permission_label"
msgid "Astrid Permission"
msgstr "הרשאות Astrid"
#. permission description for READ_TASKS
msgctxt "write_permission_desc"
msgid "create new tasks, edit existing tasks"
msgstr "יצירת משימות חדשות, עריכת משימות קיימות."
#. ================================================== Generic Dialogs ==
#. question for deleting tasks
msgctxt "DLG_delete_this_task_question"
msgid "Delete this task?"
msgstr "האם למחוק משימה זו?"
#. question for deleting items (%s => item name)
#, c-format
msgctxt "DLG_delete_this_item_question"
msgid "Delete this item: %s?"
msgstr "למחוק את %s?"
#. Progress dialog shown when upgrading
msgctxt "DLG_upgrading"
msgid "Upgrading your tasks..."
msgstr "משדרגת את משימותיך..."
#. Title for dialog selecting a time (hours and minutes)
msgctxt "DLG_hour_minutes"
msgid "Time (hours : minutes)"
msgstr "זמן (שעות : דקות)"
#. Dialog for Astrid having a critical update
msgctxt "DLG_please_update"
msgid ""
"Astrid should to be updated to the latest version in the Android market! "
"Please do that before continuing, or wait a few seconds."
msgstr ""
"נדרש עדכון לתכנת אסטריד לגירסה האחרונה בחנות היישומים של גוגל. אנא עשה "
"זאת לפני שתמשיך, או המתן מספר שניות."
#. Button for going to Market
msgctxt "DLG_to_market"
msgid "Go To Market"
msgstr "לך לחנות של גוגל"
#. Button for accepting EULA
msgctxt "DLG_accept"
msgid "I Accept"
msgstr "אני מקבל"
#. Button for declining EULA
msgctxt "DLG_decline"
msgid "I Decline"
msgstr "אני מסרב"
#. EULA title
msgctxt "DLG_eula_title"
msgid "Astrid Terms Of Use"
msgstr "Astrid תנאי שימוש"
#. Progress Dialog generic text
msgctxt "DLG_please_wait"
msgid "Please Wait"
msgstr "אנא המתן"
#. Dialog - loading
msgctxt "DLG_loading"
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "בטעינה..."
#. Dialog - dismiss
msgctxt "DLG_dismiss"
msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr "סגור"
#. slide 20d
msgctxt "DLG_ok"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "אישור"
#. slide 36g
msgctxt "DLG_cancel"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "בטל"
msgctxt "DLG_more"
msgid "More"
msgstr "עוד"
msgctxt "DLG_undo"
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "בטל פעולה אחרונה"
msgctxt "DLG_warning"
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "התראה"
#. =============================================================== UI ==
#. Label for DateButtons with no value
msgctxt "WID_dateButtonUnset"
msgid "Click To Set"
msgstr "לחיצה להגדרה"
#. String formatter for DateButtons ($D => date, $T => time)
msgctxt "WID_dateButtonLabel"
msgid "$D $T"
msgstr "$D $T"
#. String formatter for Disable button
msgctxt "WID_disableButton"
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "נטרול"
#. ============================================================= notes
#. Note Exposer
msgctxt "ENE_label"
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "הערות"
#. Note Exposer / Comments
msgctxt "ENE_label_comments"
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "הערות"
#. EditNoteActivity - no comments
msgctxt "ENA_no_comments"
msgid "No activity yet"
msgstr "אין פעילות עדיין"
#. EditNoteActivity - no username for comment
msgctxt "ENA_no_user"
13 years ago
msgid "Someone"
msgstr "מישהו"
#. EditNoteActivity - refresh comments
msgctxt "ENA_refresh_comments"
msgid "Refresh Comments"
msgstr "רַעְנֵן הערות"
#. ================================================= TaskListActivity ==
#. slide 8b: Task List: Displayed instead of list when no items present
msgctxt "TLA_no_items"
msgid ""
"You have no tasks! \n"
" Want to add something?"
msgstr ""
"אין לך משימות!\n"
" האם תרצה להוסיף משימה?"
#. Task List: Displayed instead of list when no items present in people view
#. (%s-> person's name)
#, c-format
msgctxt "TLA_no_items_person"
msgid ""
"%s has no\n"
"tasks shared with you"
msgstr "%s אינו משתף עמך אף משימה"
#. Menu: Add-ons
msgctxt "TLA_menu_addons"
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "תוספים"
#. Menu: Adjust Sort and Hidden Task Settings
msgctxt "TLA_menu_sort"
msgid "Sort & Subtasks"
msgstr "Sort & Hidden"
#. Menu: Sync Now
msgctxt "TLA_menu_sync"
msgid "Sync Now"
msgstr "סנכרן כעת"
13 years ago
#. Menu: Search
msgctxt "TLA_menu_search"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "חיפוש"
13 years ago
#. Menu: Tasks
msgctxt "TLA_menu_lists"
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "רשימות"
#. Menu: Friends
msgctxt "TLA_menu_friends"
msgid "People"
msgstr "אנשים"
#. Menu: Featured Lists
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TLA_menu_featured_lists"
msgid "Featured Lists"
msgstr "שיתוף רשימות"
#. Menu: Suggestions
msgctxt "TLA_menu_suggestions"
msgid "Suggestions"
msgstr "הצעות"
#. Menu: Tutorial
msgctxt "TLA_menu_tutorial"
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "מדריך"
#. Menu: Settings
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TLA_menu_settings"
msgid "Account & Settings"
msgstr "הגדרות ברירת מחדל"
#. slide 30b: Menu: Support
msgctxt "TLA_menu_support"
msgid "Support"
msgstr "תמיכה"
#. Search Label
msgctxt "TLA_search_label"
msgid "Search This List"
msgstr "חיפוש ברשימה זו"
#. Window title for displaying Custom Filter
msgctxt "TLA_custom"
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "מותאם אישית"
#. slide 8d: Quick Add Edit Box Hint
msgctxt "TLA_quick_add_hint"
msgid "Add a task"
msgstr "הוסף משימה"
#. Quick Add Edit Box Hint for assigning (%s -> name)
#, c-format
msgctxt "TLA_quick_add_hint_assign"
msgid "Add something for %s"
msgstr "משהו לעשות %s תן ל"
#. Notification Volumne notification
msgctxt "TLA_notification_volume_low"
msgid "Notifications are muted. You won't be able to hear Astrid!"
msgstr "ההתראות מוחרשות. לא תשמע את אסטריד יותר!"
#. Notifications disabled warning
msgctxt "TLA_notification_disabled"
msgid "Astrid reminders are disabled! You will not receive any reminders"
msgstr "התזכורות של אסטריד מושתקות! לא תקבל תזכורות נוספות"
msgctxt "TLA_filters:0"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "פעיל"
msgctxt "TLA_filters:1"
msgid "Today"
msgstr "היום"
msgctxt "TLA_filters:2"
msgid "Soon"
msgstr "בקרוב"
msgctxt "TLA_filters:3"
msgid "Late"
msgstr "באיחור"
msgctxt "TLA_filters:4"
msgid "Done"
msgstr "בוצע"
msgctxt "TLA_filters:5"
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "מוסתר"
#. Title for confirmation dialog after quick add markup
#, c-format
msgctxt "TLA_quickadd_confirm_title"
msgid "You said, \"%s\""
msgstr "אמרת ״%s״"
#. Text for speech bubble in dialog after quick add markup
#. First string is task title, second is due date, third is priority
#, c-format
msgctxt "TLA_quickadd_confirm_speech_bubble"
msgid "I created a task called \"%1$s\" %2$s at %3$s"
msgstr "יצרתי את המשימה '%1$s' עם תאריך יעד '%2$s' בעדיפות '%3$s'"
#, c-format
msgctxt "TLA_quickadd_confirm_speech_bubble_date"
msgid "for %s"
msgstr "לתאריך יעד %s"
msgctxt "TLA_quickadd_confirm_hide_helpers"
msgid "Don't display future confirmations"
msgstr "אל תציג אישורים נוספים"
#. Title for alert on new repeating task. %s-> task title
#, c-format
msgctxt "TLA_repeat_scheduled_title"
msgid "New repeating task %s"
msgstr "הופך את%s למשימה חוזרת"
#. Speech bubble for when a new repeating task scheduled. %s->repeat interval
#, c-format
msgctxt "TLA_repeat_scheduled_speech_bubble"
msgid "I'll remind you about this %s."
msgstr "אזכיר לך את %s."
msgctxt "TLA_priority_strings:0"
msgid "highest priority"
msgstr "עדיפות עליונה"
msgctxt "TLA_priority_strings:1"
msgid "high priority"
msgstr "עדיפות גבוהה"
msgctxt "TLA_priority_strings:2"
msgid "medium priority"
msgstr "עדיפות בינונית"
msgctxt "TLA_priority_strings:3"
msgid "low priority"
msgstr "עדיפות נמוכה"
#. slide 22a
msgctxt "TLA_all_activity"
msgid "All Activity"
msgstr "כל הפעילות"
#. ====================================================== TaskAdapter ==
#. Format string to indicate task is hidden (%s => task name)
#, c-format
msgctxt "TAd_hiddenFormat"
msgid "%s [hidden]"
msgstr "%s [מוסתרת]"
#. Format string to indicate task is deleted (%s => task name)
#, c-format
msgctxt "TAd_deletedFormat"
msgid "%s [deleted]"
msgstr "%s [נמחקה]"
#. slide 22b: indicates task was completed. %s => date or time ago
#, c-format
msgctxt "TAd_completed"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. slide 15a: Action Button: edit task
msgctxt "TAd_actionEditTask"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "עריכה"
#. Context Item: edit task
msgctxt "TAd_contextEditTask"
msgid "Edit Task"
msgstr "עריכת משימה"
#. Context Item: copy task
msgctxt "TAd_contextCopyTask"
msgid "Copy Task"
msgstr "העתק משימה"
#. Context Item: delete task
msgctxt "TAd_contextHelpTask"
msgid "Get help"
msgstr "קבל עזרה"
msgctxt "TAd_contextDeleteTask"
msgid "Delete Task"
msgstr "מחיקת משימה"
#. Context Item: undelete task
msgctxt "TAd_contextUndeleteTask"
msgid "Undelete Task"
msgstr "החזרת המשימה"
#. Context Item: purge task
msgctxt "TAd_contextPurgeTask"
msgid "Purge Task"
msgstr "אַיֵּן משימה"
#. ============================================== SortSelectionDialog ==
#. slide 23a: Sort Selection: dialog title
msgctxt "SSD_title"
msgid "Sort, Subtasks, and Hidden"
msgstr "מיון, תתי-משימות, ומשימות מוסתרות"
#. slide 23h: Hidden: title
msgctxt "SSD_hidden_title"
msgid "Hidden Tasks"
msgstr "משימות מוסתרות"
#. Hidden Task Selection: show completed tasks
msgctxt "SSD_completed"
msgid "Show Completed Tasks"
msgstr "הצג משימות שהסתיימו"
#. Hidden Task Selection: show hidden tasks
msgctxt "SSD_hidden"
msgid "Show Hidden Tasks"
msgstr "הצג משימות מוסתרות"
#. Hidden Task Selection: show deleted tasks
msgctxt "SSD_deleted"
msgid "Show Deleted Tasks"
msgstr "הצג משימות שנמחקו"
#. Sort Selection: drag with subtasks
msgctxt "SSD_sort_drag"
msgid "Drag & Drop with Subtasks"
msgstr "גרור ושחרר בעבור תתי-משימות"
#. slide 23b: Sort Selection: smart sort
msgctxt "SSD_sort_auto"
msgid "Astrid Smart Sort"
msgstr "Astrid מיון חכם"
#. slide 23e: Sort Selection: sort by alpha
msgctxt "SSD_sort_alpha"
msgid "By Title"
msgstr "ע״פ שם"
#. slide 23c: Sort Selection: sort by due date
msgctxt "SSD_sort_due"
msgid "By Due Date"
msgstr "ע״פ מועד יעד"
#. slide 23d: Sort Selection: sort by importance
msgctxt "SSD_sort_importance"
msgid "By Importance"
msgstr "ע״פ חשיבות"
#. slide 23f: Sort Selection: sort by modified date
msgctxt "SSD_sort_modified"
msgid "By Last Modified"
msgstr "ע״פ מועד עדכון אחרון"
#. slide 23g: Sort Selection: reverse
msgctxt "SSD_sort_reverse"
msgid "Reverse Sort"
msgstr "מיון בסדר הפוך"
#. slide 23j: Sort Button: sort temporarily
msgctxt "SSD_save_temp"
msgid "Just Once"
msgstr "רק הפעם"
#. slide 23i: Sort Button: sort permanently
msgctxt "SSD_save_always"
msgid "Always"
msgstr "תמיד"
#. =============================================== FilterListActivity ==
#. Astrid Filter Shortcut
msgctxt "FSA_label"
msgid "Astrid List or Filter"
msgstr "רשימת משימות או מַסְנֵן"
#. Filter List Activity Title
msgctxt "FLA_title"
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "רשימות"
#. Displayed when loading filters
msgctxt "FLA_loading"
msgid "Loading Filters..."
msgstr "טוענת מסננים..."
#. Context Menu: Create Shortcut
msgctxt "FLA_context_shortcut"
msgid "Create Shortcut On Desktop"
msgstr "צור קיצור על שולחן העבודה"
#. Menu: Search
msgctxt "FLA_menu_search"
msgid "Search Tasks..."
msgstr "חיפוש במשימות..."
#. Menu: Help
msgctxt "FLA_menu_help"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "עזרה"
#. slide 28c: Create Shortcut Dialog Title
msgctxt "FLA_shortcut_dialog_title"
msgid "Create Desktop Shortcut"
msgstr "יצירת קיצור"
#. Create Shortcut Dialog (asks to name shortcut)
msgctxt "FLA_shortcut_dialog"
msgid "Name of shortcut:"
msgstr "שם הקיצור:"
#. Search Hint
msgctxt "FLA_search_hint"
msgid "Search For Tasks"
msgstr "חיפוש אחר משימות"
#. Search Filter name (%s => query)
#, c-format
msgctxt "FLA_search_filter"
msgid "Matching '%s'"
msgstr "התאים ל'%s'"
#. Toast: created shortcut (%s => label)
#, c-format
msgctxt "FLA_toast_onCreateShortcut"
msgid "Created Shortcut: %s"
msgstr "נוצר קיצור: %s"
#. Menu: new filter
msgctxt "FLA_new_filter"
msgid "New Filter"
msgstr "מַסְנֵן חדש"
#. slide 10e: Button: new list
msgctxt "FLA_new_list"
msgid "New List"
msgstr "רשימה חדשה"
#. Alert when creating a shortcut without selecting a filter
msgctxt "FLA_no_filter_selected"
msgid "No filter selected! Please select a filter or list."
msgstr "לא נבחר מַסְנֵן! אנא בחר מַסְנֵן או רשימה."
#. ================================================= TaskEditActivity ==
#. Title when editing a task (%s => task title)
#, c-format
msgctxt "TEA_view_title"
msgid "Astrid: Editing '%s'"
msgstr "Astrid: '%s' בעריכה"
#. Title when creating a new task
msgctxt "TEA_view_titleNew"
msgid "New Task"
msgstr "משימה חדשה"
#. Task title label
msgctxt "TEA_title_label"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "כותרת"
#. Task when label
msgctxt "TEA_when_header_label"
msgid "When"
msgstr "מתי"
#. Task title hint (displayed when edit box is empty)
msgctxt "TEA_title_hint"
msgid "Task Summary"
msgstr "תקציר המשימה"
#. Task importance label
msgctxt "TEA_importance_label"
msgid "Importance"
msgstr "עדימות"
#. Task urgency label
msgctxt "TEA_urgency_label"
msgid "Deadline"
msgstr "מועד סף"
#. Task urgency specific time checkbox
msgctxt "TEA_urgency_specific_time"
msgid "At specific time?"
msgstr "בזמן מסויים?"
#. Task urgency specific time title when specific time false
msgctxt "TEA_urgency_none"
msgid "None"
msgstr "ללא"
#. Task hide until label
msgctxt "TEA_hideUntil_label"
msgid "Show Task"
msgstr "הצג משימה"
#. Task hide until toast
#, c-format
msgctxt "TEA_hideUntil_message"
msgid "Task will be hidden until %s"
msgstr "המשימה תוסתר עד %s"
#. Task editing data being loaded label
msgctxt "TEA_loading:0"
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "טוענת..."
#. slide 16c: Task note label
msgctxt "TEA_note_label"
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "הערות"
#. Task note hint
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TEA_notes_hint"
msgid "Enter task notes..."
msgstr "הוספת הערות למשימה..."
#. Estimated time label
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TEA_estimatedDuration_label"
msgid "How long will it take?"
msgstr "כמה זמן תיקח המשימה?"
#. Elapsed time label
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TEA_elapsedDuration_label"
msgid "Time already spent on task"
msgstr "זמן שכבר הושקע במשימה"
#. Menu: Save
msgctxt "TEA_menu_save"
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "שמירת השינויים"
#. Menu: Don't Save
msgctxt "TEA_menu_discard"
msgid "Don't Save"
msgstr "לא לשמור"
#. Menu: Delete Task
msgctxt "TEA_menu_delete"
msgid "Delete Task"
msgstr "מחיקת משימה"
#. Menu: Task comments
msgctxt "TEA_menu_comments"
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "הערות"
#. Toast: task saved with deadline (%s => preposition + time units)
#, c-format
msgctxt "TEA_onTaskSave_due"
msgid "Task Saved: due %s"
msgstr "המשימה נשמרה: יעד %s"
#. Toast: task saved without deadlines
msgctxt "TEA_onTaskSave_notDue"
msgid "Task Saved"
msgstr "המשימה נשמרה"
#. Toast: task was not saved
msgctxt "TEA_onTaskCancel"
msgid "Task Editing Was Canceled"
msgstr "עריכת המשימה בוטלה"
#. Toast: task was deleted
msgctxt "TEA_onTaskDelete"
msgid "Task deleted!"
msgstr "המשימה נמחקה!"
#. slide 15b: Task edit tab: activity
msgctxt "TEA_tab_activity"
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "פעילות"
#. slide 15e: Task edit tab: more editing settings
msgctxt "TEA_tab_more"
msgid "Details"
msgstr "עוד"
#. slide 15d: Task edit tab: web services
msgctxt "TEA_tab_web"
msgid "Ideas"
msgstr "רעיונות"
msgctxt "TEA_urgency:0"
msgid "No deadline"
msgstr "ללא מועד סף"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TEA_urgency:1"
msgid "Specific day"
msgstr "תאריך מסויים"
msgctxt "TEA_urgency:2"
msgid "Today"
msgstr "היום"
msgctxt "TEA_urgency:3"
msgid "Tomorrow"
msgstr "מחר"
msgctxt "TEA_urgency:4"
msgid "(day after)"
msgstr "(ביום שלאחר)"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TEA_urgency:5"
msgid "Next week"
msgstr "שבוע הבא"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TEA_urgency:6"
msgid "In two weeks"
msgstr "שבועיים"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TEA_urgency:7"
msgid "Next month"
msgstr "החודש הבא"
msgctxt "TEA_no_time"
msgid "No time"
msgstr "ללא שעה מסויימת"
msgctxt "TEA_hideUntil:0"
msgid "Always"
msgstr "תמיד"
msgctxt "TEA_hideUntil:1"
msgid "At due date"
msgstr "בתאריך היעד"
msgctxt "TEA_hideUntil:2"
msgid "Day before due"
msgstr "יום לפקיעה"
msgctxt "TEA_hideUntil:3"
msgid "Week before due"
msgstr "שבוע לפקיעה"
msgctxt "TEA_hideUntil:4"
msgid "Specific Day/Time"
msgstr "תאריך/שעה מסוימים"
#. Task edit control set descriptors
msgctxt "TEA_control_title"
msgid "Task Title"
msgstr "כותרת משימה"
#. slide 9b/35i
msgctxt "TEA_control_who"
msgid "Who"
msgstr "מי"
#. slide 9c/ 35a
msgctxt "TEA_control_when"
msgid "When"
msgstr "מתי"
#. slide 35b
msgctxt "TEA_control_more_section"
msgid "----Details----"
msgstr "----More Section----"
#. slide 16a/35c
msgctxt "TEA_control_importance"
msgid "Importance"
msgstr "חשיבות"
#. slide 16b/35d
msgctxt "TEA_control_lists"
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "רשימות"
#. slide 16c/35e
msgctxt "TEA_control_notes"
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "הערות"
msgctxt "TEA_control_files"
msgid "Files"
msgstr "קבצים"
#. slide 16e / slide 35g
msgctxt "TEA_control_reminders"
msgid "Reminders"
msgstr "תזכורות"
#. slide 16f
msgctxt "TEA_control_timer"
msgid "Timer Controls"
msgstr "הערכת זמן"
#. slide 16g
msgctxt "TEA_control_share"
msgid "Share With Friends"
msgstr "שתף עם חברים"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TEA_control_hidden_section"
msgid "----Hide Always----"
msgstr "----More Section----"
msgctxt "hide_until_prompt"
msgid "Show in my list"
msgstr "הצג ברשימה שלי"
#. Add Ons tab when no add-ons found
msgctxt "TEA_addons_text"
msgid "Looking for more features?"
msgstr "מחפש תכונות נוספות?"
#. Add Ons button
msgctxt "TEA_addons_button"
msgid "Get the Power Pack!"
msgstr "קבל את חבילת הַכֹּחַ!"
#. More row
msgctxt "TEA_more"
msgid "More"
msgstr "עוד"
#. slide 15c: Text when no activity to show
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "TEA_no_activity"
msgid "No activity"
msgstr "אין פעילות עדיין"
#. Text to load more activity
msgctxt "TEA_load_more"
msgid "Load more..."
msgstr "טען עוד..."
#. When controls dialog
msgctxt "TEA_when_dialog_title"
msgid "When is this due?"
msgstr "מה תאריך היעד?"
msgctxt "TEA_date_and_time"
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "תאריך\\שעה"
13 years ago
msgctxt "TEA_new_task"
msgid "New Task"
msgstr "משימה חדשה"
13 years ago
msgctxt "WSV_click_to_load"
msgid "Tap me to search for ways to get this done!"
msgstr "גע בי כדי למצוא דרכים לבצע זאת!"
msgctxt "WSV_not_online"
msgid ""
"I can do more when connected to the Internet. Please check your "
msgstr "ביכולתי לעשות יותר למענך כאשר אני מחוברת לאינטרנט. אנא בדוק את החיבור."
13 years ago
msgctxt "TEA_contact_error"
msgid "Sorry! We couldn't find an email address for the selected contact."
msgstr "מצטערת, לא מצאתי את כתובת הדוא״ל עבור איש קשר זה."
#. ============================================= IntroductionActivity ==
#. slide 1a: Introduction Window title
msgctxt "InA_title"
msgid "Welcome to Astrid!"
msgstr "ברוך בואך ל־Astrid!"
#. Button to agree to EULA
msgctxt "InA_agree"
msgid "I Agree!!"
msgstr "מוסכם!!"
#. Button to disagree with EULA
msgctxt "InA_disagree"
msgid "I Disagree"
msgstr "לא מוסכם"
13 years ago
#. ===================================================== MissedCallActivity ==
#. Missed call: return call (%1$s -> caller, %2$s -> time of call)
#, c-format
13 years ago
msgctxt "MCA_title"
msgid ""
"called at %2$s"
msgstr ""
"%1$s \n"
"התקשר ב־%2$s"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: return call
msgctxt "MCA_return_call"
msgid "Call now"
msgstr "התקשר כעת"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: return call
msgctxt "MCA_add_task"
msgid "Call later"
msgstr "התקשר מאוחר יותר"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: return call
msgctxt "MCA_ignore"
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "התעלם"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: dialog to ignore all missed calls title
msgctxt "MCA_ignore_title"
msgid "Ignore all missed calls?"
msgstr "להתעלם מכל השיחות שלא נענו?"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: dialog to ignore all missed calls body
msgctxt "MCA_ignore_body"
msgid ""
"You've ignored several missed calls. Should Astrid stop asking you about "
msgstr "התעלמת ממספר שיחות שלא נענו. האם על אסטריד לחדול מלהזכיר לך עליהן?"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: dialog to ignore all missed calls ignore all button
msgctxt "MCA_ignore_all"
msgid "Ignore all calls"
msgstr "התעלם מכל השיחות"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: dialog to ignore all missed calls ignore just this button
msgctxt "MCA_ignore_this"
msgid "Ignore this call only"
msgstr "התעלם משיחה זו בלבד"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: preference title
msgctxt "MCA_missed_calls_pref_title"
msgid "Field missed calls"
msgstr "תייק שיחות שלא נענו"
13 years ago
#. slide 49c: Missed call: preference description
msgctxt "MCA_missed_calls_pref_desc_enabled"
13 years ago
msgid ""
"Astrid will notify you about missed calls and offer to remind you to call"
" back"
msgstr "אסטריד תודיע לך על שיחות שלא נענו, ותציע להזכיר לך להחזיר שיחה."
msgctxt "MCA_missed_calls_pref_desc_disabled"
msgid "Astrid will not notify you about missed calls"
msgstr "אסטריד לא תתריע על שיחות שלא נענו"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: task title with name (%1$s -> name, %2$s -> number)
#, c-format
msgctxt "MCA_task_title_name"
msgid "Call %1$s back at %2$s"
msgstr "החזר שיחה ל־%1$s ב־%2$s"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: task title no name (%s -> number)
#, c-format
msgctxt "MCA_task_title_no_name"
msgid "Call %s back"
msgstr "החזר שיחה ל־%s"
13 years ago
#. Missed call: schedule dialog title (%s -> name or number)
#, c-format
msgctxt "MCA_schedule_dialog_title"
msgid "Call %s back in..."
msgstr "החזר שיחה ל־%s ב..."
13 years ago
#. Missed call speech bubble options
msgctxt "MCA_dialog_speech_options:0"
msgid "It must be nice to be so popular!"
msgstr "ודאי נחמד להיות כל כך פופולרי"
13 years ago
#. Missed call speech bubble options
msgctxt "MCA_dialog_speech_options:1"
msgid "Yay! People like you!"
msgstr "יש! אנשים מחבבים אותך!"
13 years ago
#. Missed call speech bubble options
msgctxt "MCA_dialog_speech_options:2"
msgid "Make their day, give 'em a call!"
msgstr "עשה להם את היום, החזר שיחה!"
13 years ago
#. Missed call speech bubble options
msgctxt "MCA_dialog_speech_options:3"
msgid "Wouldn't you be happy if people called you back?"
msgstr "האם לא היית אתה שמח לו היו מחזירים לך שיחות?"
13 years ago
#. Missed call speech bubble options
msgctxt "MCA_dialog_speech_options:4"
msgid "You can do it!"
msgstr "אתה יכול!"
13 years ago
#. Missed call speech bubble options
msgctxt "MCA_dialog_speech_options:5"
msgid "You can always send a text..."
msgstr "תמיד תוכל לשלוח מסרון..."
13 years ago
#. ===================================================== HelpActivity ==
#. Help: Button to get support from our website
msgctxt "HlA_get_support"
msgid "Get Support"
msgstr "קבלת תמיכה"
#. ==================================================== UpdateService ==
#. Changelog Window Title
msgctxt "UpS_changelog_title"
msgid "What's New In Astrid?"
msgstr "מה חדש ב־Astrid?"
#. Updates Window Title
msgctxt "UpS_updates_title"
msgid "Latest Astrid News"
msgstr "חדשות Astrid אחרונות"
#. Updats No Activity to show for offline users
msgctxt "UpS_no_activity_log_in"
msgid ""
"Log in to see a record of\n"
"your progress as well as\n"
"activity on shared lists."
msgstr ""
"התחבר כדי לראות דו״ח על\n"
"התקדמותך ועל הפעילות\n"
"ברשימות המשותפות."
#. ================================================== EditPreferences ==
#. slide 31g: Preference Window Title
msgctxt "EPr_title"
msgid "Astrid: Settings"
msgstr "הגדרות אסטריד"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "EPr_title_short"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "הגדרות"
msgctxt "EPr_share_astrid"
msgid "Tell others about Astrid"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "EPr_share_astrid_summary"
msgid "Share about Astrid on your favorite social network"
msgstr ""
#. slide 46a
msgctxt "EPr_deactivated"
msgid "deactivated"
msgstr "מופסק"
#. slide 30i: Preference Category: Appearance Title
msgctxt "EPr_appearance_header"
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "חזות"
#. Preference Category: Appearance Summary
msgctxt "EPr_appearance_summary"
msgid "Themes, Widgets, Task Rows, Edit Screen"
msgstr ""
#. FAQ Preference title
msgctxt "EPr_faq_title"
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr ""
#. Account status preference (%s -> account type)
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_account_title"
msgid "Account: %s"
msgstr ""
#. Support preferences summary
msgctxt "EPr_support_summary"
msgid "Tutorial, FAQ, About Astrid"
msgstr ""
#. slide 34a: Preference: Task List Font Size Title
msgctxt "EPr_fontSize_title"
msgid "Task List Size"
msgstr "גודל רשימת המשימות"
#. slide 32a: Preference: Show confirmation for smart reminders
msgctxt "EPr_showSmartConfirmation_title"
msgid "Show confirmation for smart reminders"
msgstr "הצג אישור על תזכורות חכמות"
#. slide 34g: Preference: Task List Font Size Description
msgctxt "EPr_fontSize_desc"
msgid "Font size on the main listing page"
msgstr "גודל הגופן בדף הרישום הראשי"
#. Preferemce: Show task edit confirmation toasts
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "EPr_showEditToasts_title"
msgid "Show task edit confirmations"
msgstr "אל תציג אישורים נוספים"
#. slide 34c: Preference: Task List Show Notes
msgctxt "EPr_showNotes_title"
msgid "Show Notes In Task"
msgstr "הצג פתקים במשימות"
#. slide 30e: Preference: Beast mode (auto-expand edit page)
msgctxt "EPr_beastMode_title"
msgid "Customize Task Edit Screen"
msgstr "התאמה אישית של מסך עריכת משימה"
#. slide 35h
msgctxt "EPr_beastMode_desc"
msgid "Customize the layout of the Task Edit Screen"
msgstr "התאם אישית את מסך עריכת משימה"
#. slide 35j
msgctxt "EPr_beastMode_reset"
msgid "Reset to defaults"
msgstr "אפס להגדרות ברירת מחדל"
#. slide 34i: Preference: Task List Show Notes Description (disabled)
msgctxt "EPr_showNotes_desc_disabled"
msgid "Notes will be accessible from the Task Edit Page"
msgstr "הערות תהיינה נגישות ממסך עריכת המשימה"
#. Preference: Task List Show Notes Description (enabled)
msgctxt "EPr_showNotes_desc_enabled"
msgid "Notes will always be displayed"
msgstr "הערות תוצגנה תמיד"
#. slide 34d: Preferences: Allow task rows to compress to size of task
msgctxt "EPr_compressTaskRows_title"
msgid "Compact Task Row"
msgstr "שורת משימות דחוסה"
#. slide 34j
msgctxt "EPr_compressTaskRows_desc"
msgid "Compress task rows to fit title"
msgstr "דחוס את שורות המשימות כך שיתאימו לכותרת."
#. slide 34e: Preferences: Use legacy importance and checkbox style
msgctxt "EPr_userLegacyImportance_title"
msgid "Use legacy importance style"
msgstr "השתמש ברמות עדיפות בסגנון הישן"
#. slide 34k
msgctxt "EPr_userLegacyImportance_desc"
msgid "Use legacy importance style"
msgstr "השתמש ברמות עדיפות בסגנון הישן"
#. slide 34b: Preferences: Wrap task titles to two lines
msgctxt "EPr_fullTask_title"
msgid "Show full task title"
msgstr "הצג את שם המשימה המלא"
msgctxt "EPr_fullTask_desc_enabled"
msgid "Full task title will be shown"
msgstr "שם המשימה המלא יוצג"
#. slide 34h
msgctxt "EPr_fullTask_desc_disabled"
msgid "First two lines of task title will be shown"
msgstr "שתי השורות הראשונות של שם המשימה תוצגנה"
#. slide 32b: Preferences: Auto-load Ideas Tab
msgctxt "EPr_ideaAuto_title"
msgid "Auto-load Ideas Tab"
msgstr "טען אוטומטית את לשונית הרעיונות"
#. slide 32c
msgctxt "EPr_ideaAuto_desc_enabled"
msgid "Web searches for Ideas tab will be performed when tab is clicked"
msgstr "חיפוש באינטרנט בעבור לשונית הרעיונות יופעל כשהלשונית תוקלק"
msgctxt "EPr_ideaAuto_desc_disabled"
msgid "Web searches for Ideas tab will be performed only when manually requested"
msgstr "חיפוש באינטרנט עבור לשונית הרעיונות יעשה ידנית בלבד"
#. slide 30f/ 36f: Preference: Theme
msgctxt "EPr_theme_title"
msgid "Color Theme"
msgstr "צבע ערכת נושא"
#. Preference: Theme Description (%s => value)
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_theme_desc"
msgid "Currently: %s"
msgstr "כעת: %s"
#. Preference: Theme Description (android 1.6)
msgctxt "EPr_theme_desc_unsupported"
msgid "Setting requires Android 2.0+"
msgstr "הפעלת הגדרות דורשת גירסא 2.0 ומעלה של אנדרואיד"
#. slide 32h/ 37b
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_theme_widget_title"
msgid "Widget Theme"
msgstr "ערכת חֲפִיץ מסך"
13 years ago
#. slide 30d/ 34f: Preference screen: all task row settings
msgctxt "EPr_taskRowPrefs_title"
msgid "Task Row Appearance"
msgstr "חזות שורת המשימה"
#. slide 33b/ 49e: Preference screen: Astrid Labs (experimental features)
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_labs_header"
msgid "Astrid Labs"
msgstr "מעבדות אסטריד"
13 years ago
#. slide 33f
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_labs_desc"
msgid "Try and configure experimental features"
msgstr "התנסות בהרחבות ניסיוניות"
13 years ago
#. slide 49g: Preferences: use the system contact picker for task assignment
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_use_contact_picker"
msgid "Use contact picker"
msgstr "השתמש בבוחר אנשי הקשר"
13 years ago
#. slide 49b
msgctxt "EPr_use_contact_picker_desc_enabled"
msgid ""
"The system contact picker option will be displayed in the task assignment"
" window"
msgstr "בוחר אנשי הקשר של המערכת יוצג בחלון הטלת משימה"
msgctxt "EPr_use_contact_picker_desc_disabled"
msgid "The system contact picker option will not be displayed"
msgstr "בוחר אנשי הקשר של המערכת לא יוצג"
#. slide 49i: Preferences: Third party addons
msgctxt "EPr_third_party_addons"
msgid "Enable Third Party Add-ons"
msgstr "אפשר תוספים מצד ג'"
msgctxt "EPr_third_party_addons_desc_enabled"
msgid "Third party add-ons will be enabled"
msgstr "תוספים של צד ג' יאופשרו"
#. slide 49d
msgctxt "EPr_third_party_addons_desc_disabled"
msgid "Third party add-ons will be disabled"
msgstr "תוספי צד ג' לא יופעלו"
#. Preferences: ideas tab
msgctxt "EPr_ideas_tab_enabled"
msgid "Task Ideas"
msgstr "רעיונות משימה"
msgctxt "EPr_ideas_tab_description"
msgid "Get ideas to help you complete tasks"
msgstr "קבל רעיונות שיסייעו לך לגמור משימות"
#. Preferences: calendar event start time
msgctxt "EPr_cal_end_or_start_at_due_time"
msgid "Calendar event time"
msgstr "זמן בלוח שנה"
msgctxt "EPr_cal_end_at_due_time"
msgid "End calendar events at due time"
msgstr "סיים אירוע בלוח שנה בשעת היעד"
msgctxt "EPr_cal_start_at_due_time"
msgid "Start calendar events at due time"
msgstr "התחל אירועי לוח שנה בשעת היעד"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_force_phone_layout"
msgid "Use phone layout"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "EPr_show_featured_lists"
msgid "Show featured lists"
msgstr "שיתוף רשימות"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_restart_alert"
msgid "You will need to restart Astrid for this change to take effect"
msgstr "יהיה עליך לאתחל את אסטריד כדי להפעיל שינוי זה"
13 years ago
#. Swipe between lists
#. Preference: swipe between lists performance
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_performance_title"
msgid "Swipe between lists"
msgstr "עִלְעוּל בין רשימות"
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_performance_subtitle"
msgid "Controls the memory performance of swipe between lists"
msgstr "בקרת ביצועי זיכרון של פעולת הַעִלְעוּל בין רשימות"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_performance_mode:0"
msgid "No swipe"
msgstr "ללא עִלְעוּל"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_performance_mode:1"
msgid "Conserve Memory"
msgstr "חיסכון בזיכרון"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_performance_mode:2"
msgid "Normal Performance"
msgstr "ביצועים רגילים"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_performance_mode:3"
msgid "High Performance"
msgstr "ביצועים גבוהים"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_performance_desc:0"
msgid "Swipe between lists is disabled"
msgstr "עִלְעוּל בין רשימות מופסק"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_performance_desc:1"
msgid "Slower performance"
msgstr "ביצועים נמוכים"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_performance_desc:2"
msgid "Default setting"
msgstr "הגדרות ברירת מחדל"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_performance_desc:3"
msgid "Uses more system resources"
msgstr "השתמש ביותר משאבי מערכת"
13 years ago
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "swipe_lists_helper_title"
msgid "Swipe between lists"
msgstr "עִלְעוּל בין רשימות"
msgctxt "swipe_lists_helper_header"
msgid "Swipe left or right to quickly move between lists"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "swipe_lists_helper_subtitle"
msgid "Change settings in Settings -&gt; Appearance"
msgstr ""
13 years ago
#. Format string for displaying the currently selected preference. $1 is name
#. of selected mode, $2 is description
#, c-format
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_swipe_lists_display"
msgid "%1$s - %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s - %2$s"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_themes:0"
msgid "Day - Blue"
msgstr "יום - כחול"
msgctxt "EPr_themes:1"
msgid "Day - Red"
msgstr "יום - אדום"
msgctxt "EPr_themes:2"
msgid "Night"
msgstr "לילה"
msgctxt "EPr_themes:3"
msgid "Transparent (White Text)"
msgstr "שקוף (טקסט לבן)"
msgctxt "EPr_themes:4"
msgid "Transparent (Black Text)"
msgstr "שקוף (טקסט שחור)"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_themes_widget:0"
msgid "Same as app"
msgstr "שמור כְּיִשּׂוּמוֹן"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_themes_widget:1"
msgid "Day - Blue"
msgstr "יום - כחול"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_themes_widget:2"
msgid "Day - Red"
msgstr "יום - אדום"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_themes_widget:3"
msgid "Night"
msgstr "לילה"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_themes_widget:4"
msgid "Transparent (White Text)"
msgstr "שקוף (טקסט לבן)"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_themes_widget:5"
msgid "Transparent (Black Text)"
msgstr "שקוף (טקסט שחור)"
13 years ago
msgctxt "EPr_themes_widget:6"
msgid "Old Style"
msgstr "סגנון ישן"
13 years ago
#. ========================================== Task Management Settings ==
#. slide 33a/47c: Preference Screen Header: Old Task Management
msgctxt "EPr_manage_header"
msgid "Manage Old Tasks"
msgstr "נהל משימות ישנות"
#. slide 47d
msgctxt "EPr_manage_delete_completed"
msgid "Delete Completed Tasks"
msgstr "מחק משימות שהושלמו"
msgctxt "EPr_manage_delete_completed_message"
msgid "Do you really want to delete all your completed tasks?"
msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את כל המשימות שהושלמו?"
#. slide 47a
msgctxt "EPr_manage_delete_completed_summary"
msgid "Deleted tasks can be undeleted one-by-one"
msgstr "ניתן לבטל את המחיקה של המשימות שנמחקו, כל משימה בנפרד."
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_manage_delete_completed_status"
msgid "Deleted %d tasks!"
msgstr "%d משימות נמחקו!"
#. slide 47e
msgctxt "EPr_manage_purge_deleted"
msgid "Purge Deleted Tasks"
msgstr "אַיֵּן משימות שנמחקו"
msgctxt "EPr_manage_purge_deleted_message"
msgid ""
"Do you really want to purge all your deleted tasks?\n"
"These tasks will be gone forever!"
msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לְאַיֵּן את כל המשימות שנמחקו?"
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_manage_purge_deleted_status"
msgid "Purged %d tasks!"
msgstr "%d משימות אֻיְּנוּ!"
#. slide 47b
msgctxt "EPr_manage_purge_deleted_summary"
msgid "Caution! Purged tasks can't be recovered without backup file!"
msgstr "שים לב! לא ניתן לאחזר משימות שֶׁאֻיְּנוּ בלי קובץ גיבוי!"
#. slide 47h
msgctxt "EPr_manage_clear_all"
msgid "Clear All Data"
msgstr "אפס את כל הנתונים"
msgctxt "EPr_manage_clear_all_message"
msgid ""
"Delete all tasks and settings in Astrid?\n"
"Warning: can't be undone!"
msgstr ""
"למחוק את כל המשימות ואת כל ההגדרות?\n"
"אזהרה: לא ניתן לבטל פעולה זו!"
#. slide 47f
msgctxt "EPr_manage_delete_completed_gcal"
msgid "Delete Calendar Events for Completed Tasks"
msgstr "מחק אירועי לוח שנה בעבור משימות שהושלמו"
msgctxt "EPr_manage_delete_completed_gcal_message"
msgid "Do you really want to delete all your events for completed tasks?"
msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את כל האירועים של משימות שהושלמו?"
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_manage_delete_completed_gcal_status"
msgid "Deleted %d calendar events!"
msgstr "%d אירועי לוח שנה נמחקו!"
#. slide 47g
msgctxt "EPr_manage_delete_all_gcal"
msgid "Delete All Calendar Events for Tasks"
msgstr "מחק את כל אירועי לוח השנה של המשימות"
msgctxt "EPr_manage_delete_all_gcal_message"
msgid "Do you really want to delete all your events for tasks?"
msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את כל אירועי לוח השנה בעבור המשימות?"
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_manage_delete_all_gcal_status"
msgid "Deleted %d calendar events!"
msgstr "%d אירועי לוח שנה נמחקו"
#. ==================================================== AddOnActivity ==
#. Add Ons Activity Title
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "AOA_title"
msgid "Add-ons"
msgstr "תוספים"
#. Add-on Activity: author for internal authors
msgctxt "AOA_internal_author"
msgid "Astrid Team"
msgstr "צוות Astrid"
#. Add-on Activity: installed add-ons tab
msgctxt "AOA_tab_installed"
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "מותקן"
#. Add-on Activity - available add-ons tab
msgctxt "AOA_tab_available"
msgid "Available"
msgstr "זמין"
#. Add-on Activity - free add-ons label
msgctxt "AOA_free"
msgid "Free"
msgstr "חינם"
#. Add-on Activity - menu item to visit add-on website
msgctxt "AOA_visit_website"
msgid "Visit Website"
msgstr "בקר באתר"
#. Add-on Activity - menu item to visit android market
msgctxt "AOA_visit_market"
msgid "Android Market"
msgstr "חנות גוגל"
#. Add-on Activity - when list is empty
msgctxt "AOA_no_addons"
msgid "Empty List!"
msgstr "רשימה ריקה!"
#. ====================================================== TasksWidget ==
#. Widget text when loading tasks
msgctxt "TWi_loading"
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "טוענת..."
#. Widget configuration activity title: select a filter
msgctxt "WCA_title"
msgid "Select tasks to view..."
msgstr "בחר משימות להצגה..."
#. ============================================================= About ==
#. slide 30h: Title of "About" option in settings
msgctxt "p_about"
msgid "About Astrid"
msgstr "אודות אסטריד"
#. About text (%s => current version)
#, c-format
msgctxt "p_about_text"
msgid ""
"Current version: %s\n"
" Astrid is open-source and proudly maintained by Todoroo, Inc."
msgstr ""
"גירסא נוכחית: %s\n"
" אסטריד היא תכנת קוד פתוח המתוחזקת בגאווה ע״י Todoroo, Inc."
#. Title of "Help" option in settings
msgctxt "p_help"
13 years ago
msgid "Support"
msgstr "תמיכה"
13 years ago
#. slide 30c: Title of "Forums" option in settings
13 years ago
msgctxt "p_forums"
msgid "Forums"
msgstr "פורומים"
#. Title of "Premium" option in settings
msgctxt "p_premium"
msgid "Premium"
msgstr ""
#. ============================================================= Misc ==
#. Displayed when task killer found. %s => name of the application
#, c-format
msgctxt "task_killer_help"
msgid ""
"It looks like you are using an app that can kill processes (%s)! If you "
"can, add Astrid to the exclusion list so it doesn't get killed. "
"Otherwise, Astrid might not let you know when your tasks are due.\n"
msgstr ""
"ככל הנראה הנך משתמש ביישום אשר יכול להרוג תהליכים (%s)! אם הדבר אפשרי, "
"אנא הוסף את אסטריד לרשימת התכנות אשר היישום לא יהרוג. אחרת, יתכן שאסטריד "
"לא תוכל להודיע לך כאשר המשימות שלך הגיעו לפרקן.\n"
#. Task killer dialog ok button
msgctxt "task_killer_help_ok"
msgid "I Won't Kill Astrid!"
msgstr "אני לא אהרוג את אסטריד!"
#. Astrid's Android Marketplace title. It never appears in the app itself.
msgctxt "marketplace_title"
msgid "Astrid Task/Todo List"
msgstr "אסטריד מנהלת המשימות"
#. Astrid's Android Marketplace description. It never appears in the app
#. itself.
msgctxt "marketplace_description"
msgid ""
"Astrid is the much loved open-source todo list / task manager designed to"
" help you get stuff done. It features reminders, tags, sync, Locale plug-"
"in, a widget and more."
13 years ago
msgstr ""
"אסטריד הינה תכנת קוד פתוח פופולרית לניהול משימות ומטלות אשר תוכננה כדי "
"לסייע לך לעשות יותר. התכנה כוללת תזכורות, תגיות, התאמה מקומית, חפיץ מסך, "
13 years ago
msgctxt "DB_corrupted_title"
msgid "Corrupted Database"
msgstr "בסיס נתונים פגום"
13 years ago
msgctxt "DB_corrupted_body"
msgid ""
"Uh oh! It looks like you may have a corrupted database. If you see this "
"error regularly, we suggest you clear all data (Settings-&gt;Manage All "
"Tasks-&gt;Clear all data) and restore your tasks from a backup "
"(Settings-&gt;Backup-&gt;Import Tasks) in Astrid."
msgstr ""
"שים לב! יתכן שבסיס הנתונים שלך נפגם. אם אתה רואה הודעה זו לעיתים תכופות, "
"אני מציעה שתמחק את כל הנתונים (הגדרות-&gt;ניהול כל המשימות-&gt;אפס את כל "
"הנתונים) ואחר כך, שחזר את המשימות מגיבוי (הגדרות-&gt;גיבוי-&gt;יבוא "
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "market_unavailable"
msgid "Unfortunately the market is not available for your system."
msgstr ""
"לצערי, חנות גוגל אינה זמינה למערכת שלך.\n"
" נסה אולי להוריד את החיפוש הקולי ממקור אחר."
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. slide 32g: Preference Category: Defaults Title
msgctxt "EPr_defaults_header"
msgid "New Task Defaults"
msgstr "ברירות המחדל למשימה חדשה"
msgctxt "EPr_defaults_summary"
msgid "Importance, Due Date, Add to Calendar"
msgstr ""
#. slide 41f: Preference: Default Urgency Title
msgctxt "EPr_default_urgency_title"
msgid "Default Urgency"
msgstr "דחיפות ברירת המחדל"
#. Preference: Default Urgency Description (%s => setting)
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_default_urgency_desc"
msgid "Currently: %s"
msgstr "כעת: %s"
#. slide 40a: Preference: Default Importance Title
msgctxt "EPr_default_importance_title"
msgid "Default Importance"
msgstr "דחיפות ברירת המחדל"
#. Preference: Default Importance Description (%s => setting)
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_default_importance_desc"
msgid "Currently: %s"
msgstr "כעת: %s"
#. slide 42e: Preference: Default Hide Until Title
msgctxt "EPr_default_hideUntil_title"
msgid "Default Hide Until"
msgstr "ברירת מחדל לזמן הסתרה"
#. Preference: Default Hide Until Description (%s => setting)
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_default_hideUntil_desc"
msgid "Currently: %s"
msgstr "כעת: %s"
#. slide 43e: Preference: Default Reminders Title
msgctxt "EPr_default_reminders_title"
msgid "Default Reminders"
msgstr "תזכורות ברירת מחדל"
#. Preference: Default Reminders Description (%s => setting)
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_default_reminders_desc"
msgid "Currently: %s"
msgstr "כעת: %s"
#. slide 19a/46c: Preference: Default Add To Calendar Title
msgctxt "EPr_default_addtocalendar_title"
msgid "Default Add To Calendar"
msgstr "ברירת מחדל של הוספה ללוח שנה"
#. Preference: Default Add To Calendar Setting Description (disabled)
msgctxt "EPr_default_addtocalendar_desc_disabled"
msgid "New tasks will not create an event in the Google Calendar"
msgstr "משימות חדשות לא תיצורנה אירוע בלוח השנה של גוגל"
#. Preference: Default Add To Calendar Setting Description (%s => setting)
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_default_addtocalendar_desc"
msgid "New tasks will be in the calendar: \"%s\""
msgstr "משימות חדשות תיווצרנה בלוח השנה '%s'"
#. slide 45d: Reminder Mode Preference: Default Reminders Duration
msgctxt "EPr_default_reminders_mode_title"
msgid "Default Ring/Vibrate type"
msgstr "ברירת מחדל לסוג צלצול/רטט"
#. Preference: Default Reminders Description (%s => setting)
#, c-format
msgctxt "EPr_default_reminders_mode_desc"
msgid "Currently: %s"
msgstr "כעת: %s"
msgctxt "EPr_default_importance:0"
msgid "!!! (Highest)"
msgstr "!!!"
msgctxt "EPr_default_importance:1"
msgid "!!"
msgstr "!!"
msgctxt "EPr_default_importance:2"
msgid "!"
msgstr "!"
msgctxt "EPr_default_importance:3"
msgid "o (Lowest)"
msgstr "o (נמוכה ביותר)"
msgctxt "EPr_default_urgency:0"
msgid "No Deadline"
msgstr "ללא מועד סף"
msgctxt "EPr_default_urgency:1"
msgid "Today"
msgstr "היום"
msgctxt "EPr_default_urgency:2"
msgid "Tomorrow"
msgstr "מחר"
msgctxt "EPr_default_urgency:3"
msgid "Day After Tomorrow"
msgstr "מחרתיים"
msgctxt "EPr_default_urgency:4"
msgid "Next Week"
msgstr "בשבוע הבא"
msgctxt "EPr_default_hideUntil:0"
msgid "Don't hide"
msgstr "אל תסתיר"
msgctxt "EPr_default_hideUntil:1"
msgid "Task is due"
msgstr "זמן המשימה הגיע"
msgctxt "EPr_default_hideUntil:2"
msgid "Day before due"
msgstr "יום לפני מועד היעד"
msgctxt "EPr_default_hideUntil:3"
msgid "Week before due"
msgstr "שבוע לפני מועד היעד"
msgctxt "EPr_default_reminders:0"
msgid "No deadline reminders"
msgstr "ללא תזכורות במועד הסף"
msgctxt "EPr_default_reminders:1"
msgid "At deadline"
msgstr "במועד הסף"
msgctxt "EPr_default_reminders:2"
msgid "When overdue"
msgstr "אחרי מועד הסף"
msgctxt "EPr_default_reminders:3"
msgid "At deadline or overdue"
msgstr "במועד הסף או אחריו"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Resources for built-in filter plug-in
#. ================================================= Filter Exposer ==
#. Active Tasks Filter
msgctxt "BFE_Active"
msgid "Active Tasks"
msgstr "משימות פעילות"
#. Search Filter
msgctxt "BFE_Search"
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "חיפוש..."
#. slide 10b: Recently Modified
msgctxt "BFE_Recent"
msgid "Recently Modified"
msgstr "עודכנו לאחרונה"
#. slide 10c: I've assigned
msgctxt "BFE_Assigned"
msgid "I've Assigned"
msgstr "משימות שהטלתי"
#. Build Your Own Filter
msgctxt "BFE_Custom"
msgid "Custom Filter..."
msgstr "מַסְנֵן מותאם אישית"
#. Saved Filters Header
msgctxt "BFE_Saved"
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "מַסְנְנִים"
#. Saved Filters Context Menu: delete
msgctxt "BFE_Saved_delete"
msgid "Delete Filter"
msgstr "מחק מַסְנֵן"
#. =========================================== CustomFilterActivity ==
#. slide 30d: Build Your Own Filter Activity Title
msgctxt "CFA_title"
msgid "Custom Filter"
msgstr "מַסְנֵן מותאם אישית"
#. slide 30e: Filter Name edit box hint (if user types here, filter will be
#. saved)
msgctxt "CFA_filterName_hint"
msgid "Name this filter to save it..."
msgstr "בחר שם לַמַּסְנֵן כדי לשמור אותו..."
#. Filter Name default for copied filters (%s => old filter name)
#, c-format
msgctxt "CFA_filterName_copy"
msgid "Copy of %s"
msgstr "העתק של %s"
#. slide 30a: Filter Starting Universe: all tasks
msgctxt "CFA_universe_all"
msgid "Active Tasks"
msgstr "משימות פעילות"
#. Filter Criteria Type: add (at the begging of title of the criteria)
msgctxt "CFA_type_add"
msgid "or"
msgstr "או"
#. Filter Criteria Type: subtract (at the begging of title of the criteria)
msgctxt "CFA_type_subtract"
msgid "not"
msgstr "לא"
#. Filter Criteria Type: intersect (at the begging of title of the criteria)
msgctxt "CFA_type_intersect"
msgid "also"
msgstr "וגם"
#. Filter Criteria Context Menu: chaining (%s chain type as above)
#, c-format
msgctxt "CFA_context_chain"
msgid "%s has criteria"
msgstr "%s כולל קריטריונים"
#. Filter Criteria Context Menu: delete
msgctxt "CFA_context_delete"
msgid "Delete Row"
msgstr "מחק שורה"
#. slide 30b: Filter Screen Help Text
msgctxt "CFA_help"
msgid ""
"This screen lets you create a new filters. Add criteria using the button "
"below, short or long-press them to adjust, and then click \"View\"!"
msgstr ""
"מסך זה מאפשר יצירת מַסְנְנִים חדשים. המקש למטה יוסיף קריטריונים. התאם את "
"הקריטריונים ע״י לחיצה קצרה או ארוכה, ואז הקלק ״הצג!״"
#. slide 30c: Filter Button: add new
msgctxt "CFA_button_add"
msgid "Add Criteria"
msgstr "הוסף קריטריון"
#. slide 30f: Filter Button: view without saving
msgctxt "CFA_button_view"
msgid "View"
msgstr "הצג"
#. Filter Button: save & view filter
msgctxt "CFA_button_save"
msgid "Save & View"
msgstr "שמור והצג"
#. =========================================== CustomFilterCriteria ==
#. Criteria: due by X - display text (? -> user input)
msgctxt "CFC_dueBefore_text"
msgid "Due By: ?"
msgstr "מועד יעד?"
#. Criteria: due by X - name of criteria
msgctxt "CFC_dueBefore_name"
msgid "Due By..."
msgstr "מועד יעד..."
msgctxt "CFC_dueBefore_entries:0"
msgid "No Due Date"
msgstr "ללא מועד יעד"
msgctxt "CFC_dueBefore_entries:1"
msgid "Yesterday"
msgstr "אתמול"
msgctxt "CFC_dueBefore_entries:2"
msgid "Today"
msgstr "היום"
msgctxt "CFC_dueBefore_entries:3"
msgid "Tomorrow"
msgstr "מחר"
msgctxt "CFC_dueBefore_entries:4"
msgid "Day After Tomorrow"
msgstr "מחרתיים"
msgctxt "CFC_dueBefore_entries:5"
msgid "Next Week"
msgstr "בשבוע הבא"
msgctxt "CFC_dueBefore_entries:6"
msgid "Next Month"
msgstr "בחודש הבא"
#. Criteria: importance - display text (? -> user input)
msgctxt "CFC_importance_text"
msgid "Importance at least ?"
msgstr "עדיפות לפחות?"
#. Criteria: importance - name of criteria
msgctxt "CFC_importance_name"
msgid "Importance..."
msgstr "חשיבות..."
#. Criteria: tag - display text (? -> user input)
msgctxt "CFC_tag_text"
msgid "List: ?"
msgstr "רשימה: ?"
#. Criteria: tag - name of criteria
msgctxt "CFC_tag_name"
msgid "List..."
msgstr "רשימה..."
#. Criteria: tag_contains - name of criteria
msgctxt "CFC_tag_contains_name"
msgid "List name contains..."
msgstr "שם הרשימה מכיל..."
#. Criteria: tag_contains - text (? -> user input)
msgctxt "CFC_tag_contains_text"
msgid "List name contains: ?"
msgstr "שם הרשימה מכיל: ?"
#. Criteria: title_contains - name of criteria
msgctxt "CFC_title_contains_name"
msgid "Title contains..."
msgstr "כותרת מכילה..."
#. Criteria: title_contains - text (? -> user input)
msgctxt "CFC_title_contains_text"
msgid "Title contains: ?"
msgstr "כותרת מכילה: ?"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Resources for built-in tag plug-in
#. =============================================== Task Edit Controls ==
#. Error message for adding to calendar
msgctxt "gcal_TEA_error"
msgid "Error adding task to calendar!"
msgstr "שגיאה בהוספת המשימה ללוח השנה!"
#. Label for adding task to calendar
msgctxt "gcal_TEA_calendar_label"
msgid "Calendar Integration:"
msgstr "שילוב עם לוח השנה:"
#. slide 21c: Label for adding task to calendar
msgctxt "gcal_TEA_addToCalendar_label"
msgid "Add to Calendar"
msgstr "הוסף אירוע ללוח השנה"
#. Label when calendar event already exists
msgctxt "gcal_TEA_showCalendar_label"
msgid "Open Calendar Event"
msgstr "פתח אירוע בלוח השנה"
#. Toast when unable to open calendar event
msgctxt "gcal_TEA_calendar_error"
msgid "Error opening event!"
msgstr "לא הצלחתי לפתוח את האירוע!"
#. Toast when calendar event updated because task changed
msgctxt "gcal_TEA_calendar_updated"
msgid "Calendar event also updated!"
msgstr "האירוע בלוח השנה עודכן אף הוא!"
#. No calendar label (don't add option)
msgctxt "gcal_TEA_nocal"
msgid "Don't add"
msgstr "אל תוסיף!"
msgctxt "gcal_TEA_none_selected"
msgid "Add to cal..."
msgstr "הוסף ללוח שנה..."
msgctxt "gcal_TEA_has_event"
msgid "Cal event"
msgstr "אירוע בלוח שנה"
#. ======================================================== Calendars ==
#. Calendar event name when task is completed (%s => task title)
#, c-format
msgctxt "gcal_completed_title"
msgid "%s (completed)"
msgstr "%s (הושלמה)"
#. System Default Calendar (displayed if we can't figure out calendars)
msgctxt "gcal_GCP_default"
msgid "Default Calendar"
msgstr "לוח שנה ברירת מחדל"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. ============================================================= UI ==
#. filters header: GTasks
msgctxt "gtasks_FEx_header"
msgid "Google Tasks"
msgstr "״משימות גוגל״"
#. filter category for GTasks lists
msgctxt "gtasks_FEx_list"
msgid "By List"
msgstr "לפי רשימה"
#. filter title for GTasks lists (%s => list name)
#, c-format
msgctxt "gtasks_FEx_title"
msgid "Google Tasks: %s"
msgstr "״משימות גוגל״: %s"
#. dialog prompt for creating a new gtasks list
msgctxt "gtasks_FEx_creating_list"
msgid "Creating list..."
msgstr "יוצרת רשימה..."
#. dialog prompt for creating a new gtasks list
msgctxt "gtasks_FEx_create_list_dialog"
msgid "New List Name:"
msgstr "שם הרשימה החדשה:"
#. error to show when list creation fails
msgctxt "gtasks_FEx_create_list_error"
msgid "Error creating new list"
msgstr "יצירת משימה חדשה נכשלה"
#. short help title for Gtasks
msgctxt "gtasks_help_title"
msgid "Welcome to Google Tasks!"
msgstr "ברוך הבא ל״משימות גוגל״!"
msgctxt "CFC_gtasks_list_text"
msgid "In List: ?"
msgstr "ברשימה: ?"
msgctxt "CFC_gtasks_list_name"
msgid "In GTasks List..."
msgstr "ברשימה של ״משימות גוגל״"
#. Message while clearing completed tasks
msgctxt "gtasks_GTA_clearing"
msgid "Clearing completed tasks..."
msgstr "מְנַקָּה משימות שהושלמו..."
#. Label for clear completed menu item
msgctxt "gtasks_GTA_clear_completed"
msgid "Clear Completed"
msgstr "מחק משימות שהושלמו"
#. ============================================ GtasksLoginActivity ==
#. Activity Title: Gtasks Login
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_title"
msgid "Log In to Google Tasks"
msgstr "התחבר ל״משימות גוגל״..."
#. Instructions: Gtasks login
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_body"
msgid ""
"Please log in to Google Tasks Sync (Beta!). Non-migrated Google Apps "
"accounts are currently unsupported."
msgstr ""
"אנא התחבר לשירותי הסנכרון של ״משימות גוגל״. חשבונות של יישומי הרשת של "
"גוגל אשר לא הומרו, אינם נתמכים כעת."
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_noaccounts"
msgid "No available Google accounts to sync with."
msgstr "לא מצאתי חשבון גוגל לסנכרן איתו"
#. Instructions: Gtasks further help
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_further_help"
msgid ""
"To view your tasks with indentation and order preserved, go to the "
"Filters page and select a Google Tasks list. By default, Astrid uses its "
"own sort settings for tasks."
msgstr ""
"כדי לראות את המשימות שלך מוזחות ובסדרן הנכון, לך למסך הַמַּסְנְנִים ובחר "
"ברשימה של משימות גוגל. כברירת מחדל, אסטריד משתמשת בהגדרות המיון שלה עבור "
#. Sign In Button
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_signIn"
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "התחבר"
#. E-mail Address Label
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_email"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "דוא״ל"
#. Password Label
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_password"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "סיסמא"
#. Authenticating toast
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_authenticating"
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "מאמתת..."
#. Google Apps for Domain checkbox
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_domain"
msgid "Google Apps for Domain account"
msgstr "חשבון של יישומי הרשת של גוגל"
#. Error Message when fields aren't filled out
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_errorEmpty"
msgid "Error: fill out all fields!"
msgstr "שגיאה: אנא מַלֵּא את כל השדות!"
#. Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_errorAuth"
msgid ""
"Error authenticating! Please check your username and password in your "
"phone's account manager"
msgstr "האימות נכשל! אנא בדוק את שם המשתמש והסיסמא במנהל החשבונות של הטלפון שלך."
#. Error Message when we receive an IO Exception
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_errorIOAuth"
msgid ""
"Sorry, we had trouble communicating with Google servers. Please try again"
" later."
msgstr "מצטערת, נתקלתי בבעיה בהתקשרות לשרתי גוגל. אנא נסה שוב מאוחר יותר."
#. Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized multiple times
msgctxt "gtasks_GLA_errorAuth_captcha"
msgid ""
"You may have encountered a captcha. Try logging in from the browser, then"
" come back to try again:"
msgstr "יתכן שנתקלת בקאפצ'ה. אנא נסה להתחבר מהדפדפן, ואחר כך חזור לכאן ונסה שנית:"
#. ============================================== GtasksPreferences ==
#. GTasks Preferences Title
msgctxt "gtasks_GPr_header"
msgid "Google Tasks"
msgstr "״משימות גוגל״"
#. ================================================ Synchronization ==
#. title for notification tray when synchronizing
msgctxt "gtasks_notification_title"
msgid "Astrid: Google Tasks"
msgstr "אסטריד: ״משימות גוגל״"
#. Error Message when we receive a HTTP 503 error
msgctxt "gtasks_error_backend"
msgid ""
"Google's Task API is in beta and has encountered an error. The service "
"may be down, please try again later."
msgstr ""
"מנשק התכנה של ״משימות גוגל״ הוא בשלב ביתא, ונתקל בשגיאה. יתכן אף שהשירות "
"אינו מקוון. אנא נסה שנית מאוחר יותר."
#. Error for account not found
#, c-format
msgctxt "gtasks_error_accountNotFound"
msgid ""
"Account %s not found--please log out and log back in from the Google "
"Tasks settings."
msgstr "החשבון %s לא נמצא. אנא התנתק והתחבר שוב במסך הגדרות של ״משימות גוגל״."
#. Error when ping after refreshing token fails
msgctxt "gtasks_error_authRefresh"
msgid ""
"Unable to authenticate with Google Tasks. Please check your account "
"password or try again later."
msgstr ""
"איני מצליחה לאמת אותך מול ״משימות גוגל״. אנא בדוק את הסיסמא שהזנת, או נסה"
" מאוחר יותר."
#. Error when account manager returns no auth token or throws exception
msgctxt "gtasks_error_accountManager"
msgid ""
"Error in your phone's account manager. Please log out and log back in "
"from the Google Tasks settings."
13 years ago
msgstr ""
"מנהל החשבונות של הטלפון שלך נתקל בשגיאה. אנא התנתק והתחבר מתוך הגדרות "
"״משימות גוגל״."
13 years ago
#. Error when authorization error happens in background sync
msgctxt "gtasks_error_background_sync_auth"
msgid ""
"Error authenticating in background. Please try initiating a sync while "
"Astrid is running."
msgstr "האימות המתבצע ברקע נכשל. אנא נסה להתחיל את הסינכרון בזמן שאסטריד פועלת."
msgctxt "gtasks_dual_sync_warning"
msgid ""
"You are currently synchronizing with Be advised that "
"synchronizing with both services can in some cases lead to unexpected "
"results. Are you sure you want to sync with Google Tasks?"
msgstr ""
"הסנכרון כעת הוא עם אתר אסטריד. שים לב שסינכרון מול שני האתרים יכול במקרים"
" מסויימים להביא לתוצאות בלתי צפויות. האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להסתנכרן מול "
"״משימות גוגל״?"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. help bubbles
#. slide 8c: Shown the first time a user sees the task list activity
msgctxt "help_popover_add_task"
msgid "Start by adding a task or two"
msgstr "התחל ע״י הוספת משימה או שתיים"
#. Shown the first time a user adds a task to a list
msgctxt "help_popover_tap_task"
msgid "Tap task to edit and share"
msgstr "גע במשימה כדי לערוך ולשתף"
#. slide 14a: Shown the first time a user sees the list activity
msgctxt "help_popover_list_settings"
msgid "Tap to edit or share this list"
msgstr "גע כדי לערוך או לשתף רשימה זו"
#. slide 26c: Shown the first time a user sees the list settings tab
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "help_popover_collaborators"
msgid ""
"People you share with can help\n"
"you build your list or finish tasks"
msgstr "שותפים יכולים לעזור לך לבנות רשימות ולהשלים משימות"
#. Shown after user adds a task on tablet
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "help_popover_add_lists"
msgid "Tap to add a list"
msgstr "גע כדי להוסיף רשימה"
#. Shown after a user adds a task on phones
msgctxt "help_popover_switch_lists"
msgid "Tap to add a list or switch between lists"
msgstr "גע כדי להוסיף רשימה או לעבור בין רשימות"
msgctxt "help_popover_when_shortcut"
msgid "Tap this shortcut to quick select date and time"
msgstr "גע בקיצור הדרך הזה כדי לבחור במהירות תאריך ושעה"
msgctxt "help_popover_when_row"
msgid "Tap anywhere on this row to access options like repeat"
msgstr "גע בכל נקודה בשורה זו כדי לגשת לאפשרויות וחזרות"
#. Login activity
msgctxt "welcome_login_title"
msgid "Welcome to Astrid!"
msgstr "ברוך בואך לאסטריד!"
#. slide 7b
msgctxt "welcome_login_tos_base"
msgid "By using Astrid you agree to the"
msgstr "בשימוש בתכנת אסטריד אתה מסכים ל"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "welcome_login_tos_link"
msgid "Terms of Service"
msgstr "\"תנאי שימוש\""
#. slide 7e
msgctxt "welcome_login_pw"
msgid "Sign up with email"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "welcome_sign_in"
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "התחבר!"
#. slide 7f
msgctxt "welcome_login_later"
msgid "Connect Later"
msgstr "התחבר מאוחר יותר"
msgctxt "welcome_login_confirm_later_title"
msgid "Why not sign in?"
msgstr "מדוע לא תתחבר כעת?"
msgctxt "welcome_login_confirm_later_ok"
msgid "I'll do it!"
msgstr "אעשה זאת!"
msgctxt "welcome_login_confirm_later_cancel"
msgid "No thanks"
msgstr "לא, תודה"
msgctxt "welcome_login_confirm_later_dialog"
msgid ""
"Sign in to get the most out of Astrid! For free, you get online backup, "
"full synchronization with, the ability to add tasks via email,"
" and you can even share task lists with friends!"
msgstr ""
"עליך להרשם כדי להפיק את המירב מאסטריד! תוכל לקבל גיבויים חינם, סינכרון "
"מלא עם אתר אסטריד, אפשרות להוסיף משימות בדוא״ל, ואפילו אפשרות לשתף משימות"
" עם חברים!"
#. Shown after user goes to task rabbit activity
msgctxt "help_popover_taskrabbit_type"
msgid "Change the type of task"
msgstr "שנה את סוג המשימה"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Resources for built-in locale plug-in
#. Locale Alert Editing Window Title
msgctxt "locale_edit_alerts_title"
msgid "Astrid Filter Alert"
msgstr "התראת מַסְנֵן של אסטריד"
#. Locale Window Help
msgctxt "locale_edit_intro"
msgid ""
"Astrid will send you a reminder when you have any tasks in the following "
msgstr "אסטריד תציג תזכורת כאשר יש משימות בַּמַּסְנֵן %s"
#. Locale Window Filter Picker UI
msgctxt "locale_pick_filter"
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "מַסְנֵן:"
#. Locale Window Interval Label
msgctxt "locale_interval_label"
msgid "Limit notifications to:"
msgstr "הגבלת האתראות ל־"
#. Locale Window Interval Values
msgctxt "locale_interval:0"
msgid "once an hour"
msgstr "אחת לשעה"
#. Locale Window Interval Values
msgctxt "locale_interval:1"
msgid "once every six hours"
msgstr "אחת לשש שעות"
#. Locale Window Interval Values
msgctxt "locale_interval:2"
msgid "once every twelve hours"
msgstr "אחת ל־12 שעות"
#. Locale Window Interval Values
msgctxt "locale_interval:3"
msgid "once a day"
msgstr "אחת ליום"
#. Locale Window Interval Values
msgctxt "locale_interval:4"
msgid "once every three days"
msgstr "אחת לשלושה ימים"
#. Locale Window Interval Values
msgctxt "locale_interval:5"
msgid "once a week"
msgstr "אחת לשבוע"
#. Locale Notification text
msgctxt "locale_notification"
msgid "You have $NUM matching: $FILTER"
msgstr "יש לך $NUM המתאימים: $FILTER"
#. Locale Plugin was not found, it is required
msgctxt "locale_plugin_required"
msgid "Please install the Astrid Locale plugin!"
msgstr "אנא התקן את תוסף אסטריד להגדרות איזור"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. ====================== Plugin Boilerplate =========================
#. filters header: OpenCRX
msgctxt "opencrx_FEx_header"
msgid "OpenCRX"
msgstr "OpenCRX"
#. filter category for OpenCRX ActivityCreators
msgctxt "opencrx_FEx_dashboard"
msgid "Workspaces"
msgstr "שולחנות עבודה"
#. filter category for OpenCRX responsible person
msgctxt "opencrx_FEx_responsible"
msgid "Assigned To"
msgstr "ה"
#. OpenCRX assignedTo filter title (%s => assigned contact)
#, c-format
msgctxt "opencrx_FEx_responsible_title"
msgid "Assigned To '%s'"
msgstr "הוטל על '%s'"
#. detail for showing tasks created by someone else (%s => person name)
#, c-format
msgctxt "opencrx_PDE_task_from"
msgid "from %s"
msgstr "נוצר ע״י %s"
#. replacement string for task edit "Notes" when using OpenCRX
msgctxt "opencrx_TEA_notes"
msgid "Add a Comment"
msgstr "הוסף הערה"
msgctxt "opencrx_creator_input_hint"
msgid "Creator"
msgstr "יוצר"
msgctxt "opencrx_contact_input_hint"
msgid "Assigned to"
msgstr "הוטל על"
#. ==================================================== Preferences ==
#. Preferences Title: OpenCRX
msgctxt "opencrx_PPr_header"
msgid "OpenCRX"
msgstr "OpenCRX"
#. creator title for tasks that are not synchronized
msgctxt "opencrx_no_creator"
msgid "(Do Not Synchronize)"
msgstr "(אל תסנכרני)"
#. preference title for default creator
msgctxt "opencrx_PPr_defaultcreator_title"
msgid "Default ActivityCreator"
msgstr "ברירת מחדל של יוצר פעילויות"
#. preference description for default creator (%s -> setting)
#, c-format
msgctxt "opencrx_PPr_defaultcreator_summary"
msgid "New activities will be created by: %s"
msgstr "פעילויות חדשות יווצרו ע״י: %s"
#. preference description for default dashboard (when set to 'not
#. synchronized')
msgctxt "opencrx_PPr_defaultcreator_summary_none"
msgid "New activities will not be synchronized by default"
msgstr "פעילויות חדשות לא תסונכרנה במחדל"
#. OpenCRX host and segment group name
msgctxt "opencrx_group"
msgid "OpenCRX server"
msgstr "שרת OpenCRX"
#. preference description for OpenCRX host
msgctxt "opencrx_host_title"
msgid "Host"
msgstr "שרת"
#. dialog title for OpenCRX host
msgctxt "opencrx_host_dialog_title"
msgid "OpenCRX host"
msgstr "שרת OpenCRX"
#. example for OpenCRX host
msgctxt "opencrx_host_summary"
msgid "For example: <i></i>"
msgstr "לדוגמא: <i></i>"
#. preference description for OpenCRX segment
msgctxt "opencrx_segment_title"
msgid "Segment"
msgstr "מִקְטָע"
#. dialog title for OpenCRX segment
msgctxt "opencrx_segment_dialog_title"
msgid "Synchronized segment"
msgstr "מִקְטָע מסונכרן"
#. example for OpenCRX segment
msgctxt "opencrx_segment_summary"
msgid "For example: <i>Standard</i>"
msgstr "לדוגמא: <i>סטנדרטי</i>"
#. default value for OpenCRX segment
msgctxt "opencrx_segment_default"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "סטנדרטי"
#. preference description for OpenCRX provider
msgctxt "opencrx_provider_title"
msgid "Provider"
msgstr "סַפָּק"
#. dialog title for OpenCRX provider
msgctxt "opencrx_provider_dialog_title"
msgid "OpenCRX data provider"
msgstr "סַפָּק נתונים של OpenCRX"
#. example for OpenCRX provider
msgctxt "opencrx_provider_summary"
msgid "For example: <i>CRX</i>"
msgstr "לדוגמא: <i>CRX</i>"
#. default value for OpenCRX provider
msgctxt "opencrx_provider_default"
msgid "CRX"
msgstr "CRX"
#. ================================================= Login Activity ==
#. Activity Title: Opencrx Login
msgctxt "opencrx_PLA_title"
msgid "Log In to OpenCRX"
msgstr "התחבר ל־OpenCRX"
#. Instructions: Opencrx login
msgctxt "opencrx_PLA_body"
msgid "Sign in with your OpenCRX account"
msgstr "התחבר עם חשבון OpenCRX"
#. Sign In Button
msgctxt "opencrx_PLA_signIn"
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "התחבר"
#. Login Label
msgctxt "opencrx_PLA_login"
msgid "Login"
msgstr "כניסה"
#. Password Label
msgctxt "opencrx_PLA_password"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "סיסמא"
#. Error Message when fields aren't filled out
msgctxt "opencrx_PLA_errorEmpty"
msgid "Error: fillout all fields"
msgstr "שגיאה: מַלֵּא את כל השדות"
#. Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized
msgctxt "opencrx_PLA_errorAuth"
msgid "Error: login or password incorrect!"
msgstr "שגיאה: שם משתמש או סיסמא אינם נכונים!"
#. ================================================ Synchronization ==
#. title for notification tray after synchronizing
msgctxt "opencrx_notification_title"
msgid "OpenCRX"
msgstr "OpenCRX"
#. text for notification tray when synchronizing
#, c-format
msgctxt "opencrx_notification_text"
msgid "%s tasks updated / click for more details"
msgstr "%s משימות עודכנו / הקלק לפרטים נוספים"
#. Error msg when io exception
msgctxt "opencrx_ioerror"
msgid "Connection Error! Check your Internet connection."
msgstr "שגיאה בחיבור! בדוק את חיבור האינטרנט שלך"
#. opencrx Login not specified
msgctxt "opencrx_MLA_email_empty"
msgid "Login was not specified!"
msgstr "לא הקלדת שם משתמש"
#. opencrx password not specified
msgctxt "opencrx_MLA_password_empty"
msgid "Password was not specified!"
msgstr "לא הקלדת סיסמא"
#. ================================================ labels for layout-elements
#. ==
#. label for task-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity
msgctxt "opencrx_TEA_task_assign_label"
msgid "Assign this task to this person:"
msgstr "הטל משימה זו על אדם זה:"
#. Spinner-item for unassigned tasks on taskeditactivity
msgctxt "opencrx_TEA_task_unassigned"
msgid "&lt;Unassigned&gt;"
msgstr "&lt;לא מוטלת&gt;"
#. label for dashboard-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity
msgctxt "opencrx_TEA_creator_assign_label"
msgid "Assign this task to this creator:"
msgstr "הטל משימה זו על היוצר:"
#. Spinner-item for default dashboard on taskeditactivity
msgctxt "opencrx_TEA_dashboard_default"
msgid "&lt;Default&gt;"
msgstr "&lt;מחדל&gt;"
msgctxt "opencrx_TEA_opencrx_title"
msgid "OpenCRX Controls"
msgstr "הגדרות OpenCRX"
msgctxt "CFC_opencrx_in_workspace_text"
msgid "In workspace: ?"
msgstr "במשטח עבודה: ?"
msgctxt "CFC_opencrx_in_workspace_name"
msgid "In workspace..."
msgstr "במשטח עבודה..."
msgctxt "CFC_opencrx_assigned_to_text"
msgid "Assigned to: ?"
msgstr "הוטל על: ?"
msgctxt "CFC_opencrx_assigned_to_name"
msgid "Assigned to..."
msgstr "הוטל על..."
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. ================================================== EditPreferences ==
#. slide 32j: Preference Category: Power Pack
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "EPr_powerpack_header"
msgid "Premium and Misc. Settings"
msgstr "הגדרות תזכורת"
msgctxt "EPr_powerpack_summary"
msgid "Missed call reminders, voice input and miscellaneous settings"
msgstr ""
#. slide 32e: Preference: Anonymous User Statistics
msgctxt "EPr_statistics_title"
msgid "Anonymous Usage Stats"
msgstr "סטטיסטיקת שימוש אנונימית"
#. Preference: User Statistics (disabled)
msgctxt "EPr_statistics_desc_disabled"
msgid "No usage data will be reported"
msgstr "נתוני שימוש לא ידווחו"
#. slide 32f: Preference: User Statistics (enabled)
msgctxt "EPr_statistics_desc_enabled"
msgid "Help us make Astrid better by sending anonymous usage data"
msgstr "עזור לנו לשפר את אסטריד ע״י שליחת נתוני שימוש אנונימיים"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
msgctxt "speech_err_network"
msgid "Network error! Speech recognition requires a network connection to work."
msgstr "שגיאת חיבור! זיהוי דיבור דורש חיבור לאינטרנט."
msgctxt "speech_err_no_match"
msgid "Sorry, I couldn't understand that! Please try again."
msgstr "סליחה, לא הבנתי! אנא נסה שוב."
msgctxt "speech_err_default"
msgid "Sorry, speech recognition encountered an error. Please try again."
msgstr "סליחה, מזהה הדיבור נתקל בבעיה. אנא נסה שנית."
msgctxt "premium_attach_file"
msgid "Attach a file"
msgstr "צרף קובץ"
msgctxt "premium_record_audio"
msgid "Record a note"
msgstr "הקלד הערה"
msgctxt "premium_no_files"
msgid "No files attached"
msgstr "לא צורפו קבצים"
msgctxt "premium_remove_file_confirm"
msgid "Are you sure? Cannot be undone"
msgstr "בטוח? לא ניתן לבטל את הפעולה"
msgctxt "audio_recording_title"
msgid "Recording Audio"
msgstr "מקליט שֵׁמַע"
msgctxt "audio_stop_recording"
msgid "Stop Recording"
msgstr "הפסק הקלטה"
msgctxt "audio_speak_now"
msgid "Speak Now!"
msgstr "דַּבֵּר כעת!"
msgctxt "audio_encoding"
msgid "Encoding..."
msgstr "מקודדת..."
msgctxt "audio_err_encoding"
msgid "Error encoding audio"
msgstr "שגיאה בקידוד שֵׁמַע"
msgctxt "audio_err_playback"
msgid "Sorry, the system does not support this type of audio file"
msgstr "מצטערת, אך המערכת אינה תומכת בקבצי שֵׁמַע מסוג זה"
msgctxt "search_market_audio"
msgid ""
"No player found to handle that audio type. Would you like to download an "
"audio player from the Android Market?"
msgstr "לא מצאתי נגן לסוג זה של קובץ שֵׁמַע. הֲתִּרְצֶה להוריד נגן מחנות גוגל?"
msgctxt "search_market_audio_title"
msgid "No audio player found"
msgstr "לא נמצא נגן לקבצי שֵׁמַע"
msgctxt "search_market_pdf"
msgid ""
"No PDF reader was found. Would you like to download a PDF reader from the"
" Android Market?"
msgstr "לא נמצא קורא קבצי PDF. האם ברצונך להוריד קורא קבצי PDF מחנות היישומים?"
msgctxt "search_market_pdf_title"
msgid "No PDF reader found"
msgstr "לא מצאתי קורא לקבצי PDF"
msgctxt "search_market_ms"
msgid ""
"No MS Office reader was found. Would you like to download an MS Office "
"reader from the Android Market?"
msgstr "לא נמצא קורא לקבצי אופיס. האם תרצה להוריד קורא קבצי אופיס מהחנות של גוגל?"
msgctxt "search_market_ms_title"
msgid "No MS Office reader found"
msgstr "לא נמצא קורא לקבצי אופיס"
msgctxt "file_type_unhandled"
msgid "Sorry! No application was found to handle this file type."
msgstr "מצטערת! לא מצאתי ישום שיכול לטפל בקבצים מסוג זה"
msgctxt "file_type_unhandled_title"
msgid "No application found"
msgstr "יישום לא נמצא"
msgctxt "file_prefix_image"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "תמונה"
msgctxt "file_prefix_voice"
msgid "Voice"
msgstr "קול"
msgctxt "file_browser_up"
msgid "Up"
msgstr "מעלה"
msgctxt "file_browser_title"
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "בחר קובץ"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "dir_browser_title"
msgid "Choose a directory"
msgstr "בחר קובץ"
msgctxt "file_browser_err_permissions"
msgid ""
"Permissions error! Please make sure you have not blocked Astrid from "
"accessing the SD card."
msgstr "הרשאות לא מספיקות! אנא בדוק שלא חסמת את אסטריד מלגשת לכרטיס הזיכרון"
msgctxt "file_add_picture"
msgid "Attach a picture"
msgstr "צרף תמונה"
msgctxt "file_add_sdcard"
msgid "Attach a file from your SD card"
msgstr "צרף קובץ מכרטיס הזיכרון"
msgctxt "file_download_title"
msgid "Download file?"
msgstr "להוריד קובץ?"
msgctxt "file_download_body"
msgid "This file has not been downloaded to your SD card. Download now?"
msgstr "קובץ זה לא הורד אל כרטיס הזיכרון. להוריד כעת?"
msgctxt "file_download_progress"
msgid "Downloading..."
msgstr "מורידה..."
msgctxt "file_err_memory"
msgid "Image is too large to fit in memory"
msgstr "תמונה זו גדולה מכדי להכנס לזכרון..."
msgctxt "file_err_copy"
msgid "Error copying file for attachment"
msgstr "שגיאה בהעתקת הקובץ המצורף"
msgctxt "file_err_download"
msgid "Error downloading file"
msgstr "שגיאה בהורדת הקובץ"
msgctxt "file_err_no_directory"
msgid ""
"Whoops! Looks like the files directory doesn't exist. Please choose a "
"directory to save files to in the Astrid Preferences."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "file_err_show"
msgid "Sorry, the system does not yet support this type of file"
msgstr "מצטערת, אך המערכת אינה תומכת עדיין בקבצים מסוג זה"
msgctxt "file_dir_dialog_ok"
msgid "Use this directory"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "file_dir_dialog_default"
msgid "Reset to default"
msgstr "אפס להגדרות ברירת מחדל"
msgctxt "p_files_dir"
msgid "Premium Downloads Directory"
msgstr ""
#. Description for file download directory preference. %s -> chosen directory
#, c-format
msgctxt "p_files_dir_desc"
msgid "Task attachments saved to: %s"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "p_files_dir_desc_default"
msgid "Default directory"
msgstr "דחיפות ברירת המחדל"
#. in app billing
msgctxt "billing_not_supported_title"
msgid "Can't make purchases"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "billing_not_supported_message"
msgid ""
"The Market billing service is not available at this time. You can "
"continue to use this app but you won't be able to make purchases."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "subscriptions_not_supported_title"
msgid "Can't purchase subscriptions"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "subscriptions_not_supported_message"
msgid ""
"The Market billing service on this device does not support subscriptions "
"at this time. You can subscribe to Astrid Premium at "
msgstr ""
msgctxt "cannot_connect_title"
msgid "Can't connect to Market"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "cannot_connect_message"
msgid ""
"This app cannot connect to Market. Your version of Market may be out of "
"date. You can continue to use this app but you won't be able to make "
msgstr ""
msgctxt "restoring_transactions"
msgid "Restoring transactions"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "subscriptions_learn_more"
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "גע כדי ללמוד עוד"
#, c-format
msgctxt "subscriptions_help_url"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "premium_billing_title"
msgid "Astrid Premium"
msgstr "אסטריד מתקדם 4x4"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "premium_buy_month"
msgid "1 Month"
msgstr "חודש"
msgctxt "premium_buy_year"
msgid "1 Year"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_description_header"
msgid "Do more with premium!"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_description_1"
msgid ""
"Attach files to to-dos \n"
"(pdfs, doc, ppt…)"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_description_2"
msgid "Syncs files with"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_description_3"
msgid "Add attachments via email"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_description_4"
msgid "Save voice notes as audio files"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_description_5"
msgid "Preview upcoming features"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_description_6"
msgid "Support the Astrid Team!"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_speech_bubble_1"
msgid "Premium will power up your productivity!"
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgctxt "premium_speech_bubble_2"
msgid "Order one year and save 25%!"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_already_subscribed"
msgid "You are already subscribed to Astrid Premium!"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_login_prompt"
msgid ""
"You need to have an account in order to subscribe to premium. "
"Please log in or sign up."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_success"
msgid "Thanks for subscribing to Astrid Premium!"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_success_with_server_error"
msgid ""
"Thanks for subscribing to Astrid Premium! The new features will be "
"unlocked for you on soon, and should be available on your "
"phone right away."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "premium_verification_error"
msgid ""
"The premium subscription for this Google Play account is connected to a "
"different user. To link additional emails to your account, visit "
msgstr ""
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. ====================== Plugin Boilerplate =========================
#. filters header: Producteev
msgctxt "producteev_FEx_header"
msgid "Producteev"
msgstr "Producteev"
#. filter category for Producteev dashboards
msgctxt "producteev_FEx_dashboard"
msgid "Workspaces"
msgstr "משטחי עבודה"
#. filter category for Producteev responsible person
msgctxt "producteev_FEx_responsible_byme"
msgid "Assigned by me to"
msgstr "הטלתי על"
#. filter category for Producteev responsible person
msgctxt "producteev_FEx_responsible_byothers"
msgid "Assigned by others to"
msgstr "הוטלו עלי"
#. Producteev responsible filter title (%s => responsiblename)
#, c-format
msgctxt "producteev_FEx_responsible_title"
msgid "Assigned To '%s'"
msgstr "הוטל על '%s'"
#. detail for showing tasks created by someone else (%s => person name)
#, c-format
msgctxt "producteev_PDE_task_from"
msgid "from %s"
msgstr "מ- %s"
#. replacement string for task edit "Notes" when using Producteev
msgctxt "producteev_TEA_notes"
msgid "Add a Comment"
msgstr "הוסף הערה"
#. ==================================================== Preferences ==
#. Preferences Title: Producteev
msgctxt "producteev_PPr_header"
msgid "Producteev"
msgstr "Producteev"
#. dashboard title for producteev default dashboard
msgctxt "producteev_default_dashboard"
msgid "Default Workspace"
msgstr "משטח עבודה ברירת מחדל"
#. dashboard title for tasks that are not synchronized
msgctxt "producteev_no_dashboard"
msgid "(Do Not Synchronize)"
msgstr "(אל תסנכרן)"
#. dashboard spinner entry on TEA for adding a new dashboard
msgctxt "producteev_create_dashboard"
msgid "Add new Workspace..."
msgstr "הוסף משטח עבודה חדש..."
#. dashboard spinner entry on TEA for adding a new dashboard
msgctxt "producteev_create_dashboard_name"
msgid "Name for new Workspace"
msgstr "שם של משטח עבודה חדש..."
#. preference title for default dashboard
msgctxt "producteev_PPr_defaultdash_title"
msgid "Default Workspace"
msgstr "ברירת מחדל של משטח עבודה"
#. preference description for default dashboard (%s -> setting)
#, c-format
msgctxt "producteev_PPr_defaultdash_summary"
msgid "New tasks will be added to: %s"
msgstr "משימות חדשות תתווספנה ל־%s"
#. preference description for default dashboard (when set to 'not
#. synchronized')
msgctxt "producteev_PPr_defaultdash_summary_none"
msgid "New tasks will not be synchronized by default"
msgstr "משימות חדשות לא תסתנכרנה באופן אוטומטי"
#. ================================================= Login Activity ==
#. Activity Title: Producteev Login
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_title"
msgid "Log In to Producteev"
msgstr "Producteev התחבר ל"
#. Instructions: Producteev login
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_body"
msgid "Sign in with your existing Producteev account, or create a new account!"
msgstr "התחבר באמצעות חשבון ה־Producteev שלך או צור חשבון חדש!"
#. Producteev Terms Link
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_terms"
msgid "Terms & Conditions"
msgstr "תנאים והתניות"
#. Sign In Button
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_signIn"
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "התחבר"
#. Create New User Button
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_createNew"
msgid "Create New User"
msgstr "צור משתמש חדש"
#. E-mail Address Label
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_email"
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "דוא״ל"
#. Password Label
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_password"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "סיסמא"
#. Timezone Spinner
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_timezone"
msgid "Timezone"
msgstr "איזור זמן"
#. Confirm Password Label
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_confirmPassword"
msgid "Confirm Password"
msgstr "הקש סיסמא שנית"
#. First Name Label
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_firstName"
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "שם פרטי"
#. Last Name Label
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_lastName"
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "שם משפחה"
#. Error Message when fields aren't filled out
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_errorEmpty"
msgid "Error: fill out all fields!"
msgstr "שגיאה: אנא מלא את כל השדות!"
#. Error Message when passwords don't match
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_errorMatch"
msgid "Error: passwords don't match!"
msgstr "שגיאה: הסיסמאות אינן מתאימות!"
#. Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized
msgctxt "producteev_PLA_errorAuth"
msgid "Error: e-mail or password incorrect!"
msgstr "שגיאה: כתובת דוא״ל או סיסמא אינם נכונים!"
#. ================================================ Synchronization ==
#. title for notification tray after synchronizing
msgctxt "producteev_notification_title"
msgid "Producteev"
msgstr "Producteev"
#. text for notification tray when synchronizing
#, c-format
msgctxt "producteev_notification_text"
msgid "%s tasks updated / click for more details"
msgstr "%s משימות עודכנו / הקלק לפרטים נוספים"
#. Error msg when io exception
msgctxt "producteev_ioerror"
msgid "Connection Error! Check your Internet connection."
msgstr "שגיאת חיבור. בדוק את החיבו שלך לאינטרנט."
#. Prod Login email not specified
msgctxt "producteev_MLA_email_empty"
msgid "E-Mail was not specified!"
msgstr "לא הקלדת כתובת דוא״ל"
#. Prod Login password not specified
msgctxt "producteev_MLA_password_empty"
msgid "Password was not specified!"
msgstr "לא הקלדת סיסמא"
#. ================================================ labels for layout-elements
#. ==
#. Label for Producteev control set row
msgctxt "producteev_TEA_control_set_display"
msgid "Producteev Assignment"
msgstr "הטלת משימה של Producteev"
#. label for task-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity
msgctxt "producteev_TEA_task_assign_label"
msgid "Assign this task to this person:"
msgstr "הטל משימה זו על אדם זה:"
#. Spinner-item for unassigned tasks on taskeditactivity
msgctxt "producteev_TEA_task_unassigned"
msgid "&lt;Unassigned&gt;"
msgstr "&lt;לא מוטלת&gt;"
#. label for dashboard-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity
msgctxt "producteev_TEA_dashboard_assign_label"
msgid "Assign this task to this workspace:"
msgstr "הצב משימה זו במשטח עבודה:"
#. Spinner-item for default dashboard on taskeditactivity
msgctxt "producteev_TEA_dashboard_default"
msgid "&lt;Default&gt;"
msgstr "&lt;ברירת מחדל&gt;"
msgctxt "CFC_producteev_in_workspace_text"
msgid "In workspace: ?"
msgstr "במשטח עבודה: ?"
msgctxt "CFC_producteev_in_workspace_name"
msgid "In workspace..."
msgstr "במשטח עבודה..."
msgctxt "CFC_producteev_assigned_to_text"
msgid "Assigned to: ?"
msgstr "הוטל על: ?"
msgctxt "CFC_producteev_assigned_to_name"
msgid "Assigned to..."
msgstr "הוטל על..."
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Resources for built-in reminders plug-in
#. =============================================== task edit activity ==
#. Task Edit: Reminder group label
msgctxt "TEA_reminders_group_label"
msgid "Reminders"
msgstr "תזכורות"
#. Task Edit: Reminder header label
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_label"
msgid "Remind Me:"
msgstr "הזכר לי:"
#. Task Edit: Reminder @ deadline
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_due"
msgid "When task is due"
msgstr "כאשר הגיע מועד הסף"
#. Task Edit: Reminder after deadline
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_overdue"
msgid "When task is overdue"
msgstr "כשעבר מועד הסף"
#. Task Edit: Reminder at random times (%s => time plural)
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_randomly"
msgid "Randomly once"
msgstr "אקראי יחיד"
#. Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock label
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_alarm_label"
msgid "Ring/Vibrate Type:"
msgstr "סוג צלצול/רטט:"
#. slide 45a: Task Edit: Reminder mode: ring once
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_mode_once"
msgid "Ring Once"
msgstr "צלצול יחיד"
#. slide 45b: Task Edit: Reminder mode: ring five times
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_mode_five"
msgid "Ring Five Times"
msgstr "חמישה צילצולים"
#. slide 45c: Task Edit: Reminder mode: ring nonstop
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_mode_nonstop"
msgid "Ring Until I Dismiss Alarm"
msgstr "צילצול עד לכיבוי"
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_random:0"
msgid "an hour"
msgstr "שעה"
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_random:1"
msgid "a day"
msgstr "יום"
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_random:2"
msgid "a week"
msgstr "שבוע"
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_random:3"
msgid "in two weeks"
msgstr "שבועיים"
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_random:4"
msgid "a month"
msgstr "חודש"
msgctxt "TEA_reminder_random:5"
msgid "in two months"
msgstr "חדשיים"
#. ==================================================== notifications ==
#. Name of filter when viewing a reminder
msgctxt "rmd_NoA_filter"
msgid "Reminder!"
msgstr "תזכורת!"
#. Reminder: Task was already done
msgctxt "rmd_NoA_done"
msgid "Complete"
msgstr "הסתיימה"
#. Reminder: Snooze button (remind again later)
msgctxt "rmd_NoA_snooze"
msgid "Snooze"
msgstr "השתק"
#. Reminder: Completed Toast
msgctxt "rmd_NoA_completed_toast"
msgid "Congratulations on finishing!"
msgstr "איחולי על השלמת המשימה!"
13 years ago
#. Prefix for reminder dialog title
msgctxt "rmd_NoA_dlg_title"
msgid "Reminder:"
msgstr "תזכורת:"
#. ==================================================== user reengagement ==
#. Titles for user reengagement notifications
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_notif_titles:0"
msgid "A note from Astrid"
msgstr "הודעה מאסטריד"
#. ==================================================== user reengagement ==
#. Titles for user reengagement notifications
#, c-format
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_notif_titles:1"
msgid "Memo for %s."
msgstr "מזכר עבור %s"
#. ==================================================== user reengagement ==
#. Titles for user reengagement notifications
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_notif_titles:2"
msgid "Your Astrid digest"
msgstr "תמצית מאסטריד"
#. ==================================================== user reengagement ==
#. Titles for user reengagement notifications
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_notif_titles:3"
msgid "Reminders from Astrid"
msgstr "תזכורות מאסטריד"
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_name_default"
msgid "you"
msgstr "אתה"
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_snooze"
msgid "Snooze all"
msgstr "השתק הכל"
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_add_tasks"
msgid "Add a task"
msgstr "הוסף משימה"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_options:0"
msgid "Time to shorten your to-do list!"
msgstr "הגיע הזמן לקצר את רשימת המשימות שלך!"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_options:1"
msgid "Dear sir or madam, some tasks await your inspection!"
msgstr "אדוני היקר, יש לך כמה משימות לבדוק!"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_options:2"
msgid "Hi there, could you take a look at these?"
msgstr "תוכל בבקשה להביט בזה?"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_options:3"
msgid "I've got some tasks with your name on them!"
msgstr "יש לי כמה משימות ששמך מתנוסס עליהן!"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_options:4"
msgid "A fresh batch of tasks for you today!"
msgstr "ערימה חדשה של משימות עבורך היום!"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_options:5"
msgid "You look fabulous! Ready to get started?"
msgstr "אתה נראה נהדר! מוכן להתחיל לעבוד?"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_options:6"
msgid "A lovely day for getting some work done, I think!"
msgstr "אני חושבת שהיום הוא יום מצויין לעבוד קצת!"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs when no tasks
#. present
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_empty_options:0"
msgid "Don't you want to get organized?"
msgstr "אתה לא מתכוון להתחיל להתחיל להתארגן?"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs when no tasks
#. present
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_empty_options:1"
msgid "I'm Astrid! I'm here to help you do more!"
msgstr "שמי אסטריד ואני אעזור לך לעשות יותר דברים!"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs when no tasks
#. present
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_empty_options:2"
msgid "You look busy! Let me take some of those tasks off of your plate."
msgstr "אתה נראה עסוק! תן לי להקל עליך."
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs when no tasks
#. present
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_empty_options:3"
msgid "I can help you keep track of all of the details in your life."
msgstr "אני יכולה לעזור לך לארגן את כל הדברים הקטנים שבחייך."
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs when no tasks
#. present
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_empty_options:4"
msgid "You're serious about getting more done? So am I!"
msgstr "אתה"
#. Speech bubble options for astrid in reengagement notifs when no tasks
#. present
msgctxt "rmd_reengage_dialog_empty_options:5"
msgid "Pleasure to make your acquaintance!"
msgstr "נעים להכיר!"
13 years ago
#. ============================================= reminder preferences ==
#. slide 33d: Reminder Preference Screen Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_alerts_header"
msgid "Reminder Settings"
msgstr "הגדרות תזכורת"
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_alerts_summary"
msgid "Quiet hours, snooze options, persistence level"
msgstr ""
#. Reminder Preference: Reminders Enabled Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_enabled_title"
msgid "Reminders Enabled?"
msgstr "תזכורות מופעלות"
#. Reminder Preference Reminders Enabled Description (true)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_enabled_desc_true"
msgid "Astrid reminders are enabled (this is normal)"
msgstr "התזכורות של אסטריד פעילות (זה המצב הרגיל)"
#. Reminder Preference Reminders Enabled Description (false)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_enabled_desc_false"
msgid "Astrid reminders will never appear on your phone"
msgstr "התזכורות של אסטריד לא תופענה יותר בטלפון שלך"
#. Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_title"
msgid "Quiet Hours Start"
msgstr "תחילת שעות השקט"
#. Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start Description (%s => time set)
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_desc"
msgid ""
"Notifications will be silent after %s.\n"
"Note: vibrations are controlled by the Vibrate on Alert setting"
msgstr ""
"האתראות תוחרשנה אחרי %s.\n"
"שים לב: הגדרות רטט הן מעט למטה!"
#. Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start/End Description (disabled)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_desc_none"
msgid "Quiet hours is disabled"
msgstr "שעות השקט מנוטרלות"
#. Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours End Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_title"
msgid "Quiet Hours End"
msgstr "סיום שעות השקט"
#. Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours End Description (%s => time set)
#, c-format
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_desc"
msgid "Notifications will stop being silent starting at %s"
msgstr "האתראות תחזורנה להיות קוליות בשעה %s"
#. Reminder Preference: Default Reminder Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_rmd_time_title"
msgid "Default Reminder"
msgstr "תזכורת ברירת מחדל"
#. Reminder Preference: Default Reminder Description (%s => time set)
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_rmd_time_desc"
msgid "Notifications for tasks without due times will appear at %s"
msgstr "אתראות משימות ללא תאריך יעד תגענה ב-%s"
#. Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_ringtone_title"
msgid "Notification Ringtone"
msgstr "נְעִימוֹן אתראות"
#. Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when custom tone is
#. set)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_custom"
msgid "Custom ringtone has been set"
msgstr "נְעִימוֹן מוגדר אישית נקבע"
#. Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when silence is
#. set)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_silent"
msgid "Ringtone set to silent"
msgstr "נְעִימוֹן נקבע להיות שקט"
#. Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when custom tone is
#. not set)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_default"
msgid "Default ringtone will be used"
msgstr "יעשה שימוש בִּנְעִימוֹן ברירת מחדל"
#. Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_persistent_title"
msgid "Notification Persistence"
msgstr "התמדת אתראות"
#. Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Description (true)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_true"
msgid "Notifications must be viewed individually to be cleared"
msgstr "יש לצפות בכל אתראה בנפרד כדי להסירה"
#. Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Description (false)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_false"
msgid "Notifications can be cleared with \"Clear All\" button"
msgstr "כפתור «הסר הכל» יסיר את כל האתראות"
#. Reminder Preference: Notification Icon Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_notificon_title"
msgid "Notification Icon Set"
msgstr "ערכת צלמיות לאתראות"
#. Reminder Preference: Notification Icon Description
msgctxt "rmd_Epr_notificon_desc"
msgid "Choose Astrid's notification bar icon"
msgstr "בחר צלמית לסרגל האתראות של אסטריד"
#. Reminder Preference: Max Volume for Multiple-Ring reminders Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_multiple_maxvolume_title"
msgid "Max volume for multiple-ring reminders"
msgstr "עוצמת קול מירבית לתזכורות מרובות צילצולים"
#. Reminder Preference: Max Volume for Multiple-Ring reminders Description
#. (true)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_multiple_maxvolume_desc_true"
msgid "Astrid will max out the volume for multiple-ring reminders"
msgstr "אסטריד תשתמש בעוצמת קול מירבית לתזכורות רבות צלצולים"
#. Reminder Preference: Max Volume for Multiple-Ring reminders Description
#. (false)
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_multiple_maxvolume_desc_false"
msgid "Astrid will use the system setting for the volume"
msgstr "אסטריד תשתמש בהגדרות המערכת של עצמת קול"
#. Reminder Preference: Vibrate Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_vibrate_title"
msgid "Vibrate on Alert"
msgstr "רטט בזמן אתראה"
#. Reminder Preference: Vibrate Description (true)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_true"
msgid "Astrid will vibrate when sending notifications"
msgstr "אסטריד תצרף רטט לאתראות"
#. Reminder Preference: Vibrate Description (false)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_false"
msgid "Astrid will not vibrate when sending notifications"
msgstr "אסטריד לא תצרף רטט לאתראות"
#. Reminder Preference: Nagging Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_nagging_title"
msgid "Astrid Encouragements"
msgstr "עידוד על ידי אסטריד"
#. Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (true)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_nagging_desc_true"
msgid "Astrid will show up to give you an encouragement during reminders"
msgstr "אסטריד תלווה את התזכורות בקריאות עידוד וחיזוק"
#. Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (false)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_nagging_desc_false"
msgid "Astrid will not give you any encouragement messages"
msgstr "אסטריד תחדל מקריאות העידוד והחיזוק"
#. Reminder Preference: Snooze Dialog Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_title"
msgid "Snooze Dialog HH:MM"
msgstr "בקרת השתקה HH:MM"
#. Reminder Preference: Snooze Dialog Description (true)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_desc_true"
msgid "Snooze by selecting new snooze time (HH:MM)"
msgstr "השתק עד לשעה מסויימת (HH:MM)"
#. Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (false)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_desc_false"
msgid "Snooze by selecting # days/hours to snooze"
msgstr "השתק ע״י בחירת שקט למס' שעות/ימים"
#. slide 44g: Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_title"
msgid "Random Reminders"
msgstr "תזכורות אקראיות"
#. Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Setting (disabled)
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc_disabled"
msgid "New tasks will have no random reminders"
msgstr "משימות חדשות לא תכלנה תזכורות אקראיות"
#. Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Setting (%s => setting)
#, c-format
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc"
msgid "New tasks will remind randomly: %s"
msgstr "משימות חדשות יתזכרו אותך אקראית: %s"
#. slide 39a: Defaults Title
msgctxt "rmd_EPr_defaults_header"
msgid "New Task Defaults"
msgstr "ברירות המחדל למשימה חדשה"
msgctxt "EPr_reminder_random:0"
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "מופסק"
msgctxt "EPr_reminder_random:1"
msgid "hourly"
msgstr "שְׁעָתִי"
msgctxt "EPr_reminder_random:2"
msgid "daily"
msgstr "יוֹמִי"
msgctxt "EPr_reminder_random:3"
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "שְׁבוּעִי"
msgctxt "EPr_reminder_random:4"
msgid "bi-weekly"
msgstr "דּוּ-שְׁבוּעִי"
msgctxt "EPr_reminder_random:5"
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "חָדְשִׁי"
msgctxt "EPr_reminder_random:6"
msgid "bi-monthly"
msgstr "דּוּ-חָדְשִׁי"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:0"
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "מופסק"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:1"
msgid "8 PM"
msgstr "8 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:2"
msgid "9 PM"
msgstr "9 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:3"
msgid "10 PM"
msgstr "10 בלילה"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:4"
msgid "11 PM"
msgstr "11 בלילה"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:5"
msgid "12 AM"
msgstr "חצות"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:6"
msgid "1 AM"
msgstr "1 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:7"
msgid "2 AM"
msgstr "2 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:8"
msgid "3 AM"
msgstr "3 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:9"
msgid "4 AM"
msgstr "4 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:10"
msgid "5 AM"
msgstr "5 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:11"
msgid "6 AM"
msgstr "6 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:12"
msgid "7 AM"
msgstr "7 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:13"
msgid "8 AM"
msgstr "8 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:14"
msgid "9 AM"
msgstr "9 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:15"
msgid "10 AM"
msgstr "10 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:16"
msgid "11 AM"
msgstr "11 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:17"
msgid "12 PM"
msgstr "12 בצהריים"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:18"
msgid "1 PM"
msgstr "1 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:19"
msgid "2 PM"
msgstr "2 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:20"
msgid "3 PM"
msgstr "3 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:21"
msgid "4 PM"
msgstr "4 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:22"
msgid "5 PM"
msgstr "5 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:23"
msgid "6 PM"
msgstr "6 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_start:24"
msgid "7 PM"
msgstr "7 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:0"
msgid "9 AM"
msgstr "9 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:1"
msgid "10 AM"
msgstr "10 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:2"
msgid "11 AM"
msgstr "11 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:3"
msgid "12 PM"
msgstr "12 בצהריים"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:4"
msgid "1 PM"
msgstr "1 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:5"
msgid "2 PM"
msgstr "2 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:6"
msgid "3 PM"
msgstr "3 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:7"
msgid "4 PM"
msgstr "4 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:8"
msgid "5 PM"
msgstr "4 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:9"
msgid "6 PM"
msgstr "6 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:10"
msgid "7 PM"
msgstr "7 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:11"
msgid "8 PM"
msgstr "8 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:12"
msgid "9 PM"
msgstr "9 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:13"
msgid "10 PM"
msgstr "10 בלילה"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:14"
msgid "11 PM"
msgstr "11 בלילה"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:15"
msgid "12 AM"
msgstr "חצות"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:16"
msgid "1 AM"
msgstr "1 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:17"
msgid "2 AM"
msgstr "2 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:18"
msgid "3 AM"
msgstr "3 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:19"
msgid "4 AM"
msgstr "4 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:20"
msgid "5 AM"
msgstr "5 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:21"
msgid "6 AM"
msgstr "6 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:22"
msgid "7 AM"
msgstr "7 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_quiet_hours_end:23"
msgid "8 AM"
msgstr "8 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:0"
msgid "9 AM"
msgstr "9 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:1"
msgid "10 AM"
msgstr "10 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:2"
msgid "11 AM"
msgstr "11 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:3"
msgid "12 PM"
msgstr "12 בצהריים"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:4"
msgid "1 PM"
msgstr "1 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:5"
msgid "2 PM"
msgstr "2 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:6"
msgid "3 PM"
msgstr "3 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:7"
msgid "4 PM"
msgstr "4 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:8"
msgid "5 PM"
msgstr "5 אחה״צ"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:9"
msgid "6 PM"
msgstr "6 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:10"
msgid "7 PM"
msgstr "7 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:11"
msgid "8 PM"
msgstr "8 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:12"
msgid "9 PM"
msgstr "9 בערב"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:13"
msgid "10 PM"
msgstr "10 בלילה"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:14"
msgid "11 PM"
msgstr "11 בלילה"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:15"
msgid "12 AM"
msgstr "חצות"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:16"
msgid "1 AM"
msgstr "1 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:17"
msgid "2 AM"
msgstr "2 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:18"
msgid "3 AM"
msgstr "3 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:19"
msgid "4 AM"
msgstr "4 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:20"
msgid "5 AM"
msgstr "5 לפנות בוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:21"
msgid "6 AM"
msgstr "6 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:22"
msgid "7 AM"
msgstr "7 בבוקר"
msgctxt "EPr_rmd_time:23"
msgid "8 AM"
msgstr "8 בבוקר"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:0"
msgid "Hi there! Have a sec?"
msgstr "הי אתה! יש לך דקה?"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:1"
msgid "Can I see you for a sec?"
msgstr "אפשר לקבל את תשומת לִבְּךָ לרגע?"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:2"
msgid "Have a few minutes?"
msgstr "יש לך כמה רגעים?"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:3"
msgid "Did you forget?"
msgstr "האם שכחת?"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:4"
msgid "Excuse me!"
msgstr "סליחה!"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:5"
msgid "When you have a minute:"
msgstr "כיהיה לך רגע פנאי:"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:6"
msgid "On your agenda:"
msgstr "על השולחן:"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:7"
msgid "Free for a moment?"
msgstr "פנוי לרגע?"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:8"
msgid "Astrid here!"
msgstr "אסטריד כאן"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:9"
msgid "Hi! Can I bug you?"
msgstr "סליחה, אפשר להציק לך?"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:10"
msgid "A minute of your time?"
msgstr "אפשר דקה מזמנך?"
#. =============================================== random reminders ==
msgctxt "reminders:11"
msgid "It's a great day to"
msgstr "יום מצויין בשביל"
msgctxt "reminders_due:0"
msgid "Time to work!"
msgstr "קדימה לעבודה!"
msgctxt "reminders_due:1"
msgid "Due date is here!"
msgstr "תאריך היעד הגיע!"
msgctxt "reminders_due:2"
msgid "Ready to start?"
msgstr "מוכן להתחיל?"
msgctxt "reminders_due:3"
msgid "You said you would do:"
msgstr "אמרת שתעשה זאת:"
msgctxt "reminders_due:4"
msgid "You're supposed to start:"
msgstr "אתה אמור להתחיל:"
msgctxt "reminders_due:5"
msgid "Time to start:"
msgstr "זמן ההתחלה"
msgctxt "reminders_due:6"
msgid "It's time!"
msgstr "הגיעה העת!"
msgctxt "reminders_due:7"
msgid "Excuse me! Time for"
msgstr "סליחה, הגיעה העת"
msgctxt "reminders_due:8"
msgid "You free? Time to"
msgstr "פנוי? זה הזמן ל..."
msgctxt "reminders_snooze:0"
msgid "Don't be lazy now!"
msgstr "תפסיק להיות עצלן!"
msgctxt "reminders_snooze:1"
msgid "Snooze time is up!"
msgstr "ההשתקה שלי הסתיימה!"
msgctxt "reminders_snooze:2"
msgid "No more snoozing!"
msgstr "די להשתקות!"
msgctxt "reminders_snooze:3"
msgid "Now are you ready?"
msgstr "מוכן?"
msgctxt "reminders_snooze:4"
msgid "No more postponing!"
msgstr "די לדחות!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:0"
msgid "I've got something for you!"
msgstr "יש לי משהו בשבילך!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:1"
msgid "Ready to put this in the past?"
msgstr "מוכן לשים את זה מאחוריך?"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:2"
msgid "Why don't you get this done?"
msgstr "למה שלא תגמור את זה וזהו?"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:3"
msgid "How about it? Ready tiger?"
msgstr "מה דעתך?"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:4"
msgid "Ready to do this?"
msgstr "קדימה?"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:5"
msgid "Can you handle this?"
msgstr "קטן עליך!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:6"
msgid "You can be happy! Just finish this!"
msgstr "בקרוב תהיה מאושר! רק תגמור את זה ודי!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:7"
msgid "I promise you'll feel better if you finish this!"
msgstr "מילה שלי: תרגיש הרבה יותר טוב כשרק תגמור את זה!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:8"
msgid "Won't you do this today?"
msgstr "מה דעתך לעשות זאת?"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:9"
msgid "Please finish this, I'm sick of it!"
msgstr "בבקשה תגמור את זה, נמאס לי להזכיר לך!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:10"
msgid "Can you finish this? Yes you can!"
msgstr "אתה חושב שתוכל לעשות זאת? אני בטוחה שכן!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:11"
msgid "Are you ever going to do this?"
msgstr "מתי כבר תעשה זאת?"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:12"
msgid "Feel good about yourself! Let's go!"
msgstr "תרגיש שוב עם עצמך! קדימה לעבודה!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:13"
msgid "I'm so proud of you! Lets get it done!"
msgstr "אני כל כך גֵּאָה בְּךָ! עשה זאת!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:14"
msgid "A little snack after you finish this?"
msgstr "חטיף קטן לפני שמתחילים?"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:15"
msgid "Just this one task? Please?"
msgstr "רק את זה? בבקשה?"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:16"
msgid "Time to shorten your todo list!"
msgstr "הגיע הזמן לקצר את רשימת המשימות שלך!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:17"
msgid "Are you on Team Order or Team Chaos? Team Order! Let's go!"
msgstr "אתה תותח-לענין או נמושת-בלגן? אני בטוחה שתותח לענין! קדימה!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:18"
msgid "Have I mentioned you are awesome recently? Keep it up!"
msgstr "אמרתי כבר שאתה נהדר לאחרונה? בוא נמשיך!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:19"
msgid "A task a day keeps the clutter away... Goodbye clutter!"
msgstr "משימה אחת ליום, והעומס ימוג כחלום... די לעומס!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:20"
msgid "How do you do it? Wow, I'm impressed!"
msgstr "איך עשית זאת? אני נפעמת!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:21"
msgid "You can't just get by on your good looks. Let's get to it!"
msgstr "אתה לא יכול להסתדר בחיים רק בזכות הפנים היפות שלך. כדאי להתחיל לעבוד!"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:22"
msgid "Lovely weather for a job like this, isn't it?"
msgstr "מזג אוויר מצויין לעבודה מסוג זה, לא?"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:23"
msgid "A spot of tea while you work on this?"
msgstr "כוס קפה בזמן שאתה עובד על כך?"
msgctxt "reminder_responses:24"
msgid "If only you had already done this, then you could go outside and play."
msgstr "אם היית גומר את זה, יכולת ללכת ולעשות חיים."
msgctxt "reminder_responses:25"
msgid "It's time. You can't put off the inevitable."
msgstr "זה הזמן. אי אפשר לדחות עוד ועוד."
msgctxt "reminder_responses:26"
msgid "I die a little every time you ignore me."
msgstr "אני נעלב כל פעם מחדש כשאתה מתעלם ממני."
msgctxt "postpone_nags:0"
msgid "Please tell me it isn't true that you're a procrastinator!"
msgstr "מי שדוחה משימות, הוא פשוט טיפוס דוחה!"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:1"
msgid "Doesn't being lazy get old sometimes?"
msgstr "אתה לא מתעייף מלהיות עצלן כל כך?"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:2"
msgid "Somewhere, someone is depending on you to finish this!"
msgstr "איפשהו, מישהו תלוי בכך שתגמור את המשימה הזו!"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:3"
msgid "When you said postpone, you really meant 'I'm doing this', right?"
msgstr "כשאמרת לדחות, מה שהתכוונת באמת היה ״אני אעשה זאת\", לא?"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:4"
msgid "This is the last time you postpone this, right?"
msgstr "זו הפעם האחרונה שאתה דוחה את זה, נכון?"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:5"
msgid "Just finish this today, I won't tell anyone!"
msgstr "רק תגמור את זה היום, ואני מבטיחה לא לספר לאף אחד על ההזנחות שלך!"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:6"
msgid "Why postpone when you can um... not postpone!"
msgstr "למה לדחות, כאשר אפשר, ... פשוט לא לדחות!"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:7"
msgid "You'll finish this eventually, I presume?"
msgstr "מה יהיה? בכלל תגמור את זה פעם?"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:8"
msgid "I think you're really great! How about not putting this off?"
msgstr "אתה בחור כל כך נחמד! מה דעתך פשוט לא לדחות?"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:9"
msgid "Will you be able to achieve your goals if you do that?"
msgstr "אתה בטוח שתוכל להשיג את מטרותיך אם תדחה זאת?"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:10"
msgid "Postpone, postpone, postpone. When will you change!"
msgstr "דוחה, דוחה, דוחה... מתי תשתנה?"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:11"
msgid "I've had enough with your excuses! Just do it already!"
msgstr "נמאס לי מהתירוצים שלך! פשוט עשה זאת ודי!"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:12"
msgid "Didn't you make that excuse last time?"
msgstr "זה לא היה בדיוק אותו התירוץ בו השתמש בפעם הקודמת שדחית ?"
msgctxt "postpone_nags:13"
msgid "I can't help you organize your life if you do that..."
msgstr "אני ממש לא יכולה לעזור לך לארגן את החיים שלך, אם תעשה זאת..."
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Resources for built-in repeat plug-in
#. repeating plugin name
msgctxt "repeat_plugin"
msgid "Repeating Tasks"
msgstr "משימות חוזרות"
#. repeating plugin description
msgctxt "repeat_plugin_desc"
msgid "Allows tasks to repeat"
msgstr "אפשר למשימות לחזור"
#. slide 20a: checkbox for turning on/off repeats
msgctxt "repeat_enabled"
msgid "Repeats"
msgstr "חזרה"
#. slide 20b: button for "every x" part of repeat (%d -> repeat value)
#, c-format
msgctxt "repeat_every"
msgid "Every %d"
msgstr "כל %d"
#. hint when opening repeat interval
msgctxt "repeat_interval_prompt"
msgid "Repeat Interval"
msgstr "אינטרוול חזרות"
#. slide 19b
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "repeat_never"
msgid "Make repeating?"
msgstr "הגדר כמשימה חוזרת?"
#. slide 20f
msgctxt "repeat_dont"
msgid "Don't repeat"
msgstr "ללא חזרות"
msgctxt "repeat_interval_short:0"
msgid "d"
msgstr "יום"
msgctxt "repeat_interval_short:1"
msgid "wk"
msgstr "שב'"
msgctxt "repeat_interval_short:2"
msgid "mo"
msgstr "חד'"
msgctxt "repeat_interval_short:3"
msgid "hr"
msgstr "שע'"
msgctxt "repeat_interval_short:4"
msgid "min"
msgstr "דק'"
msgctxt "repeat_interval_short:5"
msgid "yr"
msgstr "שנ'"
msgctxt "repeat_interval:0"
msgid "Day(s)"
msgstr "יום/ימים"
msgctxt "repeat_interval:1"
msgid "Week(s)"
msgstr "שבוע/(ות)"
msgctxt "repeat_interval:2"
msgid "Month(s)"
msgstr "חודש/ים"
msgctxt "repeat_interval:3"
msgid "Hour(s)"
msgstr "שעה/ות"
msgctxt "repeat_interval:4"
msgid "Minute(s)"
msgstr "דקה/דקות"
msgctxt "repeat_interval:5"
msgid "Year(s)"
msgstr "שנה/שנים"
msgctxt "repeat_until_shortcuts:0"
msgid "Forever"
msgstr "לנצח"
msgctxt "repeat_until_shortcuts:1"
msgid "Specific Day"
msgstr "תאריך מסויים"
msgctxt "repeat_until_shortcuts:2"
msgid "Today"
msgstr "היום"
msgctxt "repeat_until_shortcuts:3"
msgid "Tomorrow"
msgstr "מחר"
msgctxt "repeat_until_shortcuts:4"
msgid "(day after)"
msgstr "(יום אחרי)"
msgctxt "repeat_until_shortcuts:5"
msgid "Next Week"
msgstr "שבוע הבא"
msgctxt "repeat_until_shortcuts:6"
msgid "In Two Weeks"
msgstr "שבועיים"
msgctxt "repeat_until_shortcuts:7"
msgid "Next Month"
msgstr "החודש הבא"
msgctxt "repeat_until_title"
msgid "Repeat until..."
msgstr "חזור עד..."
msgctxt "repeat_keep_going"
msgid "Keep going"
msgstr "המשך"
msgctxt "repeat_type:0"
msgid "from due date"
msgstr "ממועד היעד"
msgctxt "repeat_type:1"
msgid "from completion date"
msgstr "מהמועד שהמשימה הושלמה"
#. task detail weekly by day ($I -> interval, i.e. 1 week, $D -> days, i.e.
#. Monday, Tuesday)
msgctxt "repeat_detail_byday"
msgid "$I on $D"
msgstr "$I על $D"
#. task detail for repeat from due date (%s -> interval)
#, c-format
msgctxt "repeat_detail_duedate"
msgid "Every %s"
msgstr "כל %s"
#. task detail for repeat until a specific date (%1$s -> interval, %2$s ->
#. finish date)
#, c-format
msgctxt "repeat_detail_duedate_until"
msgid ""
"Every %1$s\n"
"until %2$s"
msgstr ""
"כל %1$s\n"
"עד %2$s"
#. task detail for repeat from completion date (%s -> interval)
#, c-format
msgctxt "repeat_detail_completion"
msgid "%s after completion"
msgstr "%s אחרי שהמשימה הושלמה"
#. text for button when repeating task indefinitely
msgctxt "repeat_forever"
msgid "Repeat forever"
msgstr "חזור לנצח"
#. text for button when repeating task until specified date (%s -> date
#. string)
#, c-format
msgctxt "repeat_until"
msgid "Repeat until %s"
msgstr "חזרה עד %s"
#. text for confirmation dialog after repeating a task (%s -> task title)
#, c-format
msgctxt "repeat_rescheduling_dialog_title"
msgid "Rescheduling task \"%s\""
msgstr "תזמון מחדש של משימה \"%s\""
#. text for confirmation dialog after repeating a task for the last time (%s
#. -> task title)
#, c-format
msgctxt "repeat_rescheduling_dialog_title_last_time"
msgid "Completed repeating task \"%s\""
msgstr "משימה חוזרת \"%s\" הושלמה"
#. text for when a repeating task was rescheduled (%1$s -> encouragment
#. string, %2$s -> old due date, %3$s -> new due date)
#, c-format
msgctxt "repeat_rescheduling_dialog_bubble"
msgid "%1$s I've rescheduled this repeating task from %2$s to %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s תיזמנתי מחדש משימה חוזרת זו מ־%2$s ל־%3$s"
13 years ago
#. text for when a repeating task was rescheduled but didn't have a due date
#. yet, (%1$s -> encouragement string, %2$s -> new due date)
13 years ago
#, c-format
msgctxt "repeat_rescheduling_dialog_bubble_no_date"
msgid "%1$s I've rescheduled this repeating task to %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s תזמנתי מחדש משימה חוזרת זו ל־%2$s"
#. text for when a repeating task was rescheduled for the last time (%1$s ->
#. repeat end date, %2$s -> encouragement string)
#, c-format
msgctxt "repeat_rescheduling_dialog_bubble_last_time"
msgid "You had this repeating until %1$s, and now you're all done. %2$s"
msgstr "משימה זו חזרה עד %1$s, וכעת כל החזרות הסתיימו. %2$s"
13 years ago
msgctxt "repeat_encouragement:0"
msgid "Good job!"
msgstr "עבודה יפה!"
msgctxt "repeat_encouragement:1"
msgid "Wow… I'm so proud of you!"
msgstr "יפה... אני כל כך גֵּאָה בְּךָ!"
msgctxt "repeat_encouragement:2"
13 years ago
msgid "I love when you're productive!"
msgstr "אני אוהבת שאתה פורה!"
msgctxt "repeat_encouragement:3"
msgid "Doesn't it feel good to check something off?"
msgstr "איזו הרגשה נהדרת לסמן ״בוצע״?"
msgctxt "repeat_encouragement_last_time:0"
msgid "Good job!"
msgstr "עבודה יפה!"
msgctxt "repeat_encouragement_last_time:1"
msgid "I'm so proud of you!"
msgstr "אני כל כך גֵּאָה בְּךָ!"
msgctxt "repeat_encouragement_last_time:2"
msgid "I love when you're productive!"
msgstr "אני אוהבת שאתה פורה!"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. ====================== Plugin Boilerplate =========================
#. label for RMilk button in Task Edit Activity
msgctxt "rmilk_EOE_button"
msgid "Remember the Milk Settings"
msgstr "הגדרות Remember the Milk"
#. task detail showing RTM repeat information
msgctxt "rmilk_TLA_repeat"
msgid "RTM Repeating Task"
msgstr "משימה חוזרת של RTM"
#. task detail showing item needs to be synchronized
msgctxt "rmilk_TLA_sync"
msgid "Needs synchronization with RTM"
msgstr "נדרש סינכרון עם ּRTM"
#. filters header: RTM
msgctxt "rmilk_FEx_header"
msgid "Remember the Milk"
msgstr "Remember the Milk"
#. filter category for RTM lists
msgctxt "rmilk_FEx_list"
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "רשימות"
#. RTM list filter title (%s => list)
#, c-format
msgctxt "rmilk_FEx_list_title"
msgid "RTM List '%s'"
msgstr "רשימת RTM '%s'"
#. ======================= MilkEditActivity ==========================
#. RTM edit activity Title
msgctxt "rmilk_MEA_title"
msgid "Remember the Milk"
msgstr "Remember the Milk"
#. RTM edit List Edit Label
msgctxt "rmilk_MEA_list_label"
msgid "RTM List:"
msgstr "רשימה של RTM:"
#. RTM edit Repeat Label
msgctxt "rmilk_MEA_repeat_label"
msgid "RTM Repeat Status:"
msgstr "סטטוס חזרה של RTM:"
#. RTM edit Repeat Hint
msgctxt "rmilk_MEA_repeat_hint"
msgid "i.e. every week, after 14 days"
msgstr "למשל כל שבוע, או אחרי 14 יום"
#. ======================== MilkPreferences ==========================
#. Milk Preferences Title
msgctxt "rmilk_MPr_header"
msgid "Remember the Milk"
msgstr "Remember the Milk"
#. ======================= MilkLoginActivity =========================
#. RTM Login Instructions
msgctxt "rmilk_MLA_label"
msgid "Please Log In and Authorize Astrid:"
msgstr "אנא התחבר ואשר את אסטריד:"
#. Login Error Dialog (%s => message)
#, c-format
msgctxt "rmilk_MLA_error"
msgid ""
"Sorry, there was an error verifying your login. Please try again. \n"
" Error Message: %s"
msgstr ""
"מצטערת, אירעה שגיאה בהתחברות למערכת.\n"
"הודעת השגיאה הייתה: %s"
#. ======================== Synchronization ==========================
#. title for notification tray when synchronizing
msgctxt "rmilk_notification_title"
msgid "Astrid: Remember the Milk"
msgstr "אסטריד: Remember the Milk"
#. Error msg when io exception with rmilk
msgctxt "rmilk_ioerror"
msgid ""
"Connection Error! Check your Internet connection, or maybe RTM servers "
"(, for possible solutions."
msgstr ""
"שגיאת התחברות! בדוק את החיבור שלך לאינטרנט ואת השרתים של RTM "
"( כדי לנסות לפתור את הבעיה."
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Subtasks Help Introduction
msgctxt "subtasks_help_title"
msgid "Sort and Indent in Astrid"
msgstr "מיין והזח באסטריד"
msgctxt "subtasks_help_1"
msgid "Tap and hold to move a task"
msgstr "גע והחזק כדי להזיז משימה"
msgctxt "subtasks_help_2"
msgid "Drag vertically to rearrange"
msgstr "גרור אנכית כדי לארגן מחדש"
msgctxt "subtasks_help_3"
msgid "Drag horizontally to indent"
msgstr "גרור אופקית כדי להזיח"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Resources for built-in tag plug-in
#. =============================================== Task Edit Controls ==
#. Tags label
msgctxt "TEA_tags_label"
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "רשימות"
#. Tags label long version
msgctxt "TEA_tags_label_long"
msgid "Put task on one or more lists"
msgstr "הצב את המשימה ברשימה אחת או יותר"
#. slide 16h: Tags none
msgctxt "TEA_tags_none"
msgid "None"
msgstr "אין"
#. Tags hint
msgctxt "TEA_tag_hint"
msgid "New list"
msgstr "רשימה חדשה"
#. Tags dropdown
msgctxt "TEA_tag_dropdown"
msgid "Select a list"
msgstr "בחר רשימה"
#. =============================================== Task List Controls ==
#. menu item for tags
msgctxt "tag_TLA_menu"
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "רשימות"
#. ========================================================== Extras ==
#. Context Item: show tag
msgctxt "TAd_contextFilterByTag"
msgid "Show List"
msgstr "הצג רשימה"
#. slide 25a: Dialog: new list
msgctxt "tag_new_list"
msgid "New List"
msgstr "רשימה חדשה"
#. Dialog: list saved
msgctxt "tag_list_saved"
msgid "List Saved"
msgstr "רשימה נשמהה"
#. Dialog: task created without title
msgctxt "tag_no_title_error"
msgid "Please enter a name for this list first!"
msgstr "אנא הכנס שם לרשימה זו"
#. ========================================================== Filters ==
#. filter button to add tag
msgctxt "tag_FEx_add_new"
msgid "New"
msgstr "חדש"
#. filter header for tags
msgctxt "tag_FEx_header"
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "רשימות"
#. filter header for tags user created
msgctxt "tag_FEx_category_mine"
msgid "My Lists"
msgstr "הרשימות שלי"
#. filter header for tags, shared with user
msgctxt "tag_FEx_category_shared"
msgid "Shared With Me"
msgstr "שותפו איתי"
#. filter header for tags which have no active tasks
msgctxt "tag_FEx_category_inactive"
msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "לא פעיל"
#. slide 10d: filter for untagged tasks
msgctxt "tag_FEx_untagged"
msgid "Not in any List"
msgstr "לא בשום רשמיה"
#. clarifying title for people who have Google and Astrid lists
msgctxt "tag_FEx_untagged_w_astrid"
msgid "Not in an Astrid List"
msgstr "לא ברשימה של אסטריד"
#. slide 27a: %s => tag name
#, c-format
msgctxt "tag_FEx_name"
msgid "List: %s"
msgstr "רשימה: %s"
#. context menu option to rename a tag
msgctxt "tag_cm_rename"
msgid "Rename List"
msgstr "שנה שם רשימה"
#. context menu option to delete a tag
msgctxt "tag_cm_delete"
msgid "Delete List"
msgstr "מחק רשימה"
#. context menu option to leave a shared list
msgctxt "tag_cm_leave"
msgid "Leave List"
msgstr "עזוב רשימה"
#. Dialog to confirm deletion of a tag (%s -> the name of the list to be
#. deleted)
#, c-format
msgctxt "DLG_delete_this_tag_question"
msgid "Delete this list: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.)"
msgstr "למחוק את הרשימה %s? (המשימות שברשימה לא תימחקנה.)"
#. Dialog to confirm leaving a shared tag (%s -> the name of the shared list
#. to leave)
#, c-format
msgctxt "DLG_leave_this_shared_tag_question"
msgid "Leave this shared list: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.)"
msgstr "לעזוב את הרשימה המשותפת %s? (המשימות לא תימחקנה.)"
#. Dialog to rename tag
#, c-format
msgctxt "DLG_rename_this_tag_header"
msgid "Rename the list %s to:"
msgstr "שינוי שם הרשימה %s ל:"
#. Toast notification that no changes have been made
msgctxt "TEA_no_tags_modified"
msgid "No changes made"
msgstr "לא נעשו שינויים"
#. Toast notification that a tag has been deleted (%1$s - list name, %2$d - #
#. tasks)
#, c-format
msgctxt "TEA_tags_deleted"
msgid "List %1$s was deleted, affecting %2$d tasks"
msgstr "הרשימה %1$s נמחקה, %2$d משימות השתנו"
#. Toast notification that a shared tag has been left (%1$s - list name, %2$d
#. - # tasks)
#, c-format
msgctxt "TEA_tags_left"
msgid "You left shared list %1$s, affecting %2$d tasks"
msgstr "עזבת את הרשימה המשותפת %1$s, %2$d משימות השתנו"
#. Toast notification that a tag has been renamed (%1$s - old name, %2$s - new
#. name, %3$d - # tasks)
#, c-format
msgctxt "TEA_tags_renamed"
msgid "Renamed %1$s with %2$s for %3$d tasks"
msgstr "החלפתי את %1$s ב %2$s עבור %3$d משימות"
#. Tag case migration
msgctxt "tag_case_migration_notice"
msgid ""
"We've noticed that you have some lists that have the same name with "
"different capitalizations. We think you may have intended them to be the "
"same list, so we've combined the duplicates. Don't worry though: the "
"original lists are simply renamed with numbers (e.g. Shopping_1, "
"Shopping_2). If you don't want this, you can simply delete the new "
"combined list!"
msgstr ""
"שמתי לב שיש לך רשימות ששמן נבדל זו מזו רק בגודל האותיות הלועזיות. לדעתי, "
"התכוונת לאותה רשימה, ועל כן מיזגתי את הרשימות. אם זה אינו מה שרצית, תוכל "
"תמיד למחוק את הרשימה הממוזגת. לידיעתך, הרשימות המקומיות נשמרו תוך הוספת "
"מספר לשמן (לדוגמא, Shopping_1, Shopping_2)."
#. Header for tag settings
msgctxt "tag_settings_title"
msgid "List Settings"
msgstr "הגדרות רשימה:"
#. Header for tag activity
#, c-format
msgctxt "tag_updates_title"
msgid "Activity: %s"
msgstr "פעילות: %s"
#. Delete button for tag settings
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "tag_delete_button"
msgid "Delete list"
msgstr "מחק רשימה"
#. slide 28d: Leave button for tag settings
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "tag_leave_button"
msgid "Leave this list"
msgstr "עזוב רשימה זו"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Resources for built-in timers plug-in
#. Task List: Start Timer button
msgctxt "TAE_startTimer"
msgid "Timer"
msgstr "קוצב זמן"
#. Task List: Stop Timer button
msgctxt "TAE_stopTimer"
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "עצור"
#. Android Notification Title (%s => # tasks)
#, c-format
msgctxt "TPl_notification"
msgid "Timers Active for %s!"
msgstr "קוצב זמן הופעל עבור %s משימות"
#. Filter Header for Timer plugin
msgctxt "TFE_category"
msgid "Timer Filters"
msgstr "מסנני הערכת זמן"
#. Filter for Timed Tasks
msgctxt "TFE_workingOn"
msgid "Tasks Being Timed"
msgstr "משימות עם הערכת זמן"
#. Title for TEA
msgctxt "TEA_timer_controls"
msgid "Timer Controls"
msgstr "הערכת זמן"
#. Edit Notes: create comment for when timer is started
msgctxt "TEA_timer_comment_started"
msgid "started this task:"
msgstr "התחיל משימה זו:"
#. Edit Notes: create comment for when timer is stopped
msgctxt "TEA_timer_comment_stopped"
msgid "stopped doing this task:"
msgstr "הפסק ביצוע של משימה זו:"
#. Edit Notes: comment to notify how long was spent on task
msgctxt "TEA_timer_comment_spent"
msgid "Time spent:"
msgstr "זמן שהושקע:"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Update string from activity codes %1$s - user, %2$s - target name, %3$s -
#. message, %4$s - other_user
13 years ago
#. NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: things beginning with $link_ are special tokens we use
#. for string formatting. Please do not translate this part of the string.
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_friends"
msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s הינו שותף של %2$s"
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_request_friendship"
msgid "%1$s wants to be friends with you"
msgstr "%1$s רוצה להיות שותף שלך"
#. slide 22e
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_confirmed_friendship"
msgid "%1$s has confirmed your friendship request"
msgstr "%1$s אישר את בקשת השותפות שלך"
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_task_created"
msgid "%1$s created this task"
msgstr "%1$s יצר משימה זו"
13 years ago
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_task_created_global"
msgid "%1$s created $link_task"
msgstr "%1$s יצר את $link_task"
13 years ago
#. slide 24 b and c
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_task_created_on_list"
13 years ago
msgid "%1$s added $link_task to this list"
msgstr "%1$s הוסיף את $link_task לרשימה זו"
#. slide 22c
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_task_completed"
13 years ago
msgid "%1$s completed $link_task. Huzzah!"
msgstr "%1$s ביצע את $link_task. כֹּה לֶחָי!"
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_task_uncompleted"
13 years ago
msgid "%1$s un-completed $link_task."
msgstr "%1$s ציין ש $link_task לא הושלמה."
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_task_tagged"
13 years ago
msgid "%1$s added $link_task to %4$s"
msgstr "%1$s הוסיף $link_task ל־%4$s"
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_task_tagged_list"
13 years ago
msgid "%1$s added $link_task to this list"
msgstr "%1$s הוסיף $link_task לרשימה זו"
#. slide 22d
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_task_assigned"
13 years ago
msgid "%1$s assigned $link_task to %4$s"
msgstr "%1$s הטיל את $link_task על %4$s"
#. slide 24d
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_default_comment"
msgid "%1$s commented: %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s הוסיף: %3$s"
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_task_comment"
13 years ago
msgid "%1$s Re: $link_task: %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s בענין: $link_task: %3$s"
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_tag_comment"
msgid "%1$s Re: %2$s: %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s בענין: %2$s: %3$s"
13 years ago
#, c-format
msgctxt "update_string_tag_created"
msgid "%1$s created this list"
msgstr "%1$s יצר רשימה זו"
13 years ago
#, c-format
13 years ago
msgctxt "update_string_tag_created_global"
msgid "%1$s created the list %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s יצר את הרשימה %2$s"
13 years ago
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Voice Add Prompt Text
msgctxt "voice_create_prompt"
msgid "Speak to create a task"
msgstr "דַּבֵּר כדי ליצור משימה"
msgctxt "voice_edit_title_prompt"
msgid "Speak to set task title"
msgstr "דַּבֵּר כדי לקבוע את כותרת המשימה"
msgctxt "voice_edit_note_prompt"
msgid "Speak to set task notes"
msgstr "דַּבֵּר כדי לקבוע את ההערות למשימה"
#. Preference: Task List recognition-service is not installed, but available
msgctxt "EPr_voiceInputInstall_dlg"
msgid ""
"Voice-input is not installed.\n"
"Do you want to go to the market and install it?"
msgstr ""
"קלט קולי אינו מותקן עדיין.\n"
"האם תרצה ללכת לחנות של גוגל ולהתקינו משם?"
#. Preference: Task List recognition-service is not available for this system
msgctxt "EPr_voiceInputUnavailable_dlg"
msgid ""
"Unfortunately voice-input is not available for your system.\n"
"If possible, please update Android to 2.1 or later."
msgstr ""
"לצערי, קלט קולי איוו נתמשך על המערכת שלך. \n"
"אם אפשרי, נסה לעדכן לגירסת 2.1 ומעלה של אנדרואיד."
#. Preference: Market is not available for this system
msgctxt "EPr_marketUnavailable_dlg"
msgid ""
"Unfortunately the market is not available for your system.\n"
"If possible, try downloading voice search from another source."
msgstr ""
"לצערי, חנות גוגל אינה זמינה למערכת שלך.\n"
" נסה אולי להוריד את החיפוש הקולי ממקור אחר."
#. slide 38d: Preference: Task List Show Voice-button if recognition-service
#. is available
msgctxt "EPr_voiceInputEnabled_title"
msgid "Voice Input"
msgstr "קלט קולי"
#. slide 38a: Preference: voice button description (true)
msgctxt "EPr_voiceInputEnabled_desc_enabled"
msgid "Voice input button will be displayed in task list page"
msgstr "כפתור קלט קולי יוצג ברשימת המשימות"
#. Preference: voice button description (false)
msgctxt "EPr_voiceInputEnabled_desc_disabled"
msgid "Voice input button will be hidden on task list page"
msgstr "כפתור קלט קולי לא יוצג ברשימת המשימות"
#. slide 38e: Preference: Task List Voice-button directly creates tasks
msgctxt "EPr_voiceInputCreatesTask_title"
msgid "Directly Create Tasks"
msgstr "צור משימות ישירות"
#. Preference: Task List Voice-creation description (true)
msgctxt "EPr_voiceInputCreatesTask_desc_enabled"
msgid "Tasks will automatically be created from voice input"
msgstr "משימות תיווצרנה באופן אוטומטי מקלט קולי"
#. slide 38b: Preference: Task List Voice-creation description (false)
msgctxt "EPr_voiceInputCreatesTask_desc_disabled"
msgid "You can edit the task title after voice input finishes"
msgstr "תוכל לערוך את כותרת המשימה אחרי שהתזכורת הקולית תסתיים"
#. slide 38f: Preference: Voice reminders if TTS-service is available
msgctxt "EPr_voiceRemindersEnabled_title"
msgid "Voice Reminders"
msgstr "תזכורות קוליות"
#. Preference: Voice reminders description (true)
msgctxt "EPr_voiceRemindersEnabled_desc_enabled"
msgid "Astrid will speak task names during task reminders"
msgstr "אסטריד תאמר את שמות המשימות כחלק מהתזכורות"
#. slide 38c: Preference: Voice reminders description (false)
msgctxt "EPr_voiceRemindersEnabled_desc_disabled"
msgid "Astrid will sound a ringtone during task reminders"
msgstr "אסטריד תשמיע נְעִימוֹן במתן תזכורות למשימות"
#. slide 32d: Preference Category: Voice Title
msgctxt "EPr_voice_header"
msgid "Voice Input Settings"
msgstr "הגדרות קלט קולי"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
msgctxt "welcome_show_eula"
msgid "Accept EULA to get started!"
msgstr "אשר את הרישיון למשתמש כדי להתחיל!"
#. slide 30a
msgctxt "welcome_setting"
msgid "Show Tutorial"
msgstr "הצג מדריך"
msgctxt "welcome_title_1"
msgid "Welcome to Astrid!"
msgstr "ברוך בואך לאסטריד!"
#. slide 2a
msgctxt "welcome_title_2"
msgid "Make lists"
msgstr "הכנת רשימות"
#. slide 3a
msgctxt "welcome_title_3"
msgid "Switch between lists"
msgstr "מעבר בין רשימות"
#. slide 4a
msgctxt "welcome_title_4"
msgid "Share lists"
msgstr "שיתוף רשימות"
#. slide 5a
msgctxt "welcome_title_5"
msgid "Divvy up tasks"
msgstr "חלוקת מטלות בין חברים"
#. slide 6a
msgctxt "welcome_title_6"
msgid "Provide details"
msgstr "הוסף פרטים"
#. slide 7a
msgctxt "welcome_title_7"
msgid ""
"Connect now\n"
"to get started!"
msgstr ""
"התחבר כעת\n"
"כדי להתחיל!"
msgctxt "welcome_title_7_return"
msgid "That's it!"
msgstr "זהו זה!"
#. slide 1b
msgctxt "welcome_body_1"
msgid ""
"The perfect personal to-do list \n"
"that works great with friends"
msgstr "המנהלת האישית המושלמת של רשימת המשימות אשר עובדת מצויין עם שותפים"
#. slide 2b
msgctxt "welcome_body_2"
msgid ""
"Great for any list:\n"
"read, watch, buy, visit!"
msgstr ""
"מעולה לכל סוגי הרשימות:\n"
"רשימת קריאה, רשימת קניות, רשימת ביקורים ורשימת מעקב!"
#. slide 3b
msgctxt "welcome_body_3"
msgid ""
"Tap the list title \n"
"to see all your lists"
msgstr ""
"גע בכותרת הרשימה \n"
"כדי לראות את כל הרשימות"
#. slide 4b
msgctxt "welcome_body_4"
msgid ""
"Share lists with \n"
"friends, housemates,\n"
"or your sweetheart!"
msgstr ""
"שתף רשימות עם חברים,\n"
"שותפים, וגם עם אהובתך"
#. slide 5b
msgctxt "welcome_body_5"
msgid ""
"Never wonder who's\n"
"bringing dessert!"
msgstr ""
"איתי תוכל להיות תמיד\n"
"בטוח מי יביא קינוח!"
#. slide 6b
msgctxt "welcome_body_6"
msgid ""
"Tap to add notes,\n"
"set reminders,\n"
"and much more!"
msgstr ""
"גע כדי להוסיף הערות, לקבוע\n"
"תזכורות, ועוד הרבה יותר!"
msgctxt "welcome_body_7"
msgid "Login"
msgstr "התחבר"
msgctxt "welcome_body_7_return"
msgid "Tap Astrid to return."
msgstr "גע באסטריד כדי לחזור"
msgctxt "welcome_back"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "הקודם"
#. slide 1c
msgctxt "welcome_next"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "הבא"
#. ** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc ** ** See the file "LICENSE" for the
#. full license governing this code.
#. Resources for power pack widget
msgctxt "PPW_widget_42_label"
msgid "Astrid Premium 4x2"
msgstr "אסטריד מתקדם 4x2"
msgctxt "PPW_widget_43_label"
msgid "Astrid Premium 4x3"
msgstr "אסטריד מתקדם 4x3"
msgctxt "PPW_widget_44_label"
msgid "Astrid Premium 4x4"
msgstr "אסטריד מתקדם 4x4"
msgctxt "PPW_widget_v11_label"
msgid "Astrid Scrollable Premium"
msgstr "אסטריד מתקדם נגלל"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "PPW_widget_custom_label"
msgid "Astrid Custom Launcher Premium"
msgstr "אסטריד מתקדם נגלל"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "PPW_widget_custom_launcherpro_label"
msgid "Astrid Launcher Pro Premium"
msgstr "אסטריד מתקדם נגלל"
msgctxt "PPW_configure_title"
msgid "Configure Widget"
msgstr "הגדרות חֲפִיץ מסך"
msgctxt "PPW_color"
msgid "Widget color"
msgstr "צבע חֲפִיץ מסך"
msgctxt "PPW_enable_calendar"
msgid "Show calendar events"
msgstr "הצג אירועי לוח שנה"
msgctxt "PPW_disable_encouragements"
msgid "Hide encouragements"
msgstr "הסתר קריאות עידוד"
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "PPW_show_dates"
msgid "Show due dates"
msgstr "ממועד היעד"
msgctxt "PPW_filter"
msgid "Select Filter"
msgstr "בחר מַסְנֵן"
msgctxt "PPW_due"
msgid "Due:"
msgstr "מועד יעד:"
msgctxt "PPW_past_due"
msgid "Past Due:"
msgstr "מעבר ליעד:"
msgctxt "PPW_old_astrid_notice"
msgid ""
"You need at least version 3.6 of Astrid in order to use this widget. "
msgstr "מצטערת, אך עליך להשתמש בגירסא 3.6 לפחות כדי להשתמש בְּחֲפִיץ מסך זה!"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements:0"
msgid "Hi there!"
msgstr "שלום!"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements:1"
msgid "Have time to finish something?"
msgstr "אולי יש לך זמן כדי לגמור משהו?"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements:2"
msgid "Gosh, you are looking suave today!"
msgstr "אתה נראה כל כך מוצלח היום יקירי!"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements:3"
msgid "Do something great today!"
msgstr "עשה משהו גדול היום!"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements:4"
msgid "Make me proud today!"
msgstr "תן לי להתגאות בְּךָ היום!"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements:5"
msgid "How are you doing today?"
msgstr "מה שלומך היום?"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_tod:0"
msgid "Good morning!"
msgstr "בוקר טוב!"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_tod:1"
msgid "Good afternoon!"
msgstr "אחר-צהריים טובים!"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_tod:2"
msgid "Good evening!"
msgstr "ערב טוב!"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_tod:3"
msgid "Late night?"
msgstr "מאוחר בלילה?"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_tod:4"
msgid "It's early, get something done!"
msgstr "מוקדם כעת, אולי תעשה משהו?"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_tod:5"
msgid "Afternoon tea, perhaps?"
msgstr "אולי כוס תה של אחרי-הצהריים?"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_tod:6"
msgid "Enjoy the evening!"
msgstr "ערב נעים!"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_tod:7"
msgid "Sleep is good for you, you know!"
msgstr "אתה הרי יודע ששינה תיטיב עמך!"
#, c-format
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_completed:0"
msgid "You've already completed %d tasks!"
msgstr "הִשְׁלַמְתָּ כבר %d משימות"
#, c-format
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_completed:1"
msgid "Score in life: %d tasks completed"
msgstr "תוצאה בחיים: %d משימות הושלמו"
#, c-format
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_completed:2"
msgid "Smile! You've already finished %d tasks!"
msgstr "חַיֵּךְ! גמרת כבר %d משימות!"
msgctxt "PPW_encouragements_none_completed"
msgid "You haven't completed any tasks yet! Shall we?"
msgstr "לא גמרת ולו משימה אחת! שנתחיל?"
msgctxt "PPW_colors:0"
msgid "Black"
msgstr "שחור"
msgctxt "PPW_colors:1"
msgid "White"
msgstr "לבן"
msgctxt "PPW_colors:2"
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "כחול"
msgctxt "PPW_colors:3"
msgid "Translucent"
msgstr "שקוף למחצה"
msgctxt "PPW_widget_dlg_text"
msgid "This widget is only available to owners of the PowerPack!"
msgstr "חֲפִיץ מסך זה זמין רק למי שיש לו חֲבִילַת הַכֹּחַ"
msgctxt "PPW_widget_dlg_ok"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "תצוגה מקדימה"
#, c-format
msgctxt "PPW_demo_title1"
msgid "Items on %s will go here"
msgstr "פריטים ב־%s יגיעו לכאן"
msgctxt "PPW_demo_title2"
msgid "Power Pack includes Premium Widgets..."
msgstr "חבילת הַכֹּחַ כוללת גם חֲפִיצֵי מסך מתקדמים..."
msgctxt "PPW_demo_title3"
msgid "...voice add and good feelings!"
msgstr "ותן הרגשה טובה!"
msgctxt "PPW_demo_title4"
msgid "Tap to learn more!"
msgstr "גע כדי ללמוד עוד"
msgctxt "PPW_info_title"
msgid "Free Power Pack!"
msgstr "חבילת כֹּחַ חינם!"
msgctxt "PPW_info_signin"
msgid "Sign in!"
msgstr "התחבר!"
msgctxt "PPW_info_later"
msgid "Later"
msgstr "מאוחר יותר"
msgctxt "PPW_unlock_howto"
msgid ""
"Share lists with friends! Unlock the free Power Pack when 3 friends sign "
"up with Astrid."
msgstr ""
"שתף רשימות עם חברים! ושחרר את הנעילה של חבילת הַכֹּחַ של אסטריד כאשר "
"שלושה חברים ירשמו לאסטריד"
msgctxt "PPW_check_button"
msgid "Get the Power Pack for free!"
msgstr "קבל את חבילת הַכֹּחַ חינם!"
msgctxt "PPW_check_share_lists"
msgid "Share lists!"
msgstr "שתף רשימות!"
msgctxt "PPW_api_level"
msgid "Sorry! This widget is only supported on Android 3.0 or higher."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "EPr_widget_enabled_title"
msgid "Enable/Disable Widgets"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "PPW_restart_for_enabled_state"
msgid "You may need to restart your phone for this change to take effect."
msgstr "יהיה עליך לאתחל את אסטריד כדי להפעיל שינוי זה"
#~ msgctxt "actfm_ALA_signup_title"
#~ msgid "Create New Account"
#~ msgstr "צור חשבון חדש"
#~ msgctxt "actfm_ALA_login_title"
#~ msgid "Login to"
#~ msgstr "התחבר לאתר אסטריד"
#~ msgctxt "TEA_urgency:1"
#~ msgid "Specific Day"
#~ msgstr "יום מסוים"
#~ msgctxt "TEA_urgency:5"
#~ msgid "Next Week"
#~ msgstr "בשבוע הבא"
#~ msgctxt "TEA_urgency:6"
#~ msgid "In Two Weeks"
#~ msgstr "בעוד שבועיים"
#~ msgctxt "TEA_urgency:7"
#~ msgid "Next Month"
#~ msgstr "בחודש הבא"
#~ msgctxt "AOA_title"
#~ msgid "Astrid: Add Ons"
#~ msgstr "אסטריד: תוספים"
#~ msgctxt "welcome_login_pw"
#~ msgid "Login with Username/Password"
#~ msgstr "התחבר עם שם משתמש/סיסמא"
#~ msgctxt "EPr_powerpack_header"
#~ msgid "Astrid Power Pack"
#~ msgstr "חבילת הַכֹּחַ של אסטריד"