You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1209 lines
48 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<resources xmlns:android="">
<!-- Resources for built-in timers plug-in -->
<!-- Task Edit Activity: Container Label -->
<string name="alarm_ACS_label">Alarmas</string>
<!-- Task Edit Activity: Add New Alarn -->
<string name="alarm_ACS_button">Añadir una alarma?</string>
<!-- Task Detail for Alarms (%s -> time)-->
<string name="alarm_ADE_detail">Alarma %s</string>
<string-array name="reminders_alarm">
<!-- reminders related to alarm -->
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in backup plug-in -->
<!-- ================================================= BackupPreferences == -->
<!-- Backup Preferences Title -->
<string name="backup_BPr_header">Respaldos</string>
<!-- Backup: Status Header -->
<string name="backup_BPr_group_status">Estado</string>
<!-- Backup Status: last backup was a success (%s -> last date). Keep it short! -->
<string name="backup_status_success">Última copia de seguridad: %s</string>
<!-- Backup Status: last error failed. Keep it short! -->
<string name="backup_status_failed">Falló el último backup</string>
<!-- Backup Status: error subtitle -->
<string name="backup_status_failed_subtitle">(toque esto ver los problemas)</string>
<!-- Backup Status: never backed up -->
<string name="backup_status_never">No respaldar nunca</string>
<!-- Backup Options Group Label -->
<string name="backup_BPr_group_options">Opciones</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Title -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_title">Respaldos automáticos</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_disabled">Desactivados los respaldos automáticos</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Description (when enabled) -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_enabled">El respaldo se hará diariamente</string>
<!-- Preference screen restoring Tasks Help -->
<string name="backup_BPr_how_to_restore">¿Cómo restaurar las tareas respaldas?</string>
<!-- Preference screen Restoring Tasks Help Dialog Text-->
<string name="backup_BPr_how_to_restore_dialog">Tiene que agregar el Astrid Power Pack para gestionar y restaurar copias de seguridad. Como un favor, Astrid también automáticamente copias de seguridad de sus tareas, por si acaso.</string>
<!-- ================================================= BackupActivity == -->
<!-- backup activity label -->
<string name="backup_BAc_label">Respaldos</string>
<!-- backup activity title -->
<string name="backup_BAc_title">Gestiones sus copias de seguridad</string>
<!-- backup activity import button -->
<string name="backup_BAc_import">Importar tareas</string>
<!-- backup activity export button -->
<string name="backup_BAc_export">Exportar tareas</string>
<!-- ============================================== Importer / Exporter == -->
<!-- Message displayed when error occurs -->
<string name="backup_TXI_error">Error al importar</string>
<string name="export_toast">Se respaldaron %s tareas en %s.</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog Title for exporting -->
<string name="export_progress_title">Exportando...</string>
<!-- Backup: Title of Import Summary Dialog -->
<string name="import_summary_title">Resumen de restauración</string>
<!-- Backup: Summary message for import. (%s => total # tasks, %s => imported, %s => skipped) -->
<string name="import_summary_message">El archivo %s contenido en %s.\n\n %s importados,\n %s ya existen\n %s tiene errores\n</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog Title for importing -->
<string name="import_progress_title">Importando...</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog text for import reading task (%d -> task number)-->
<string name="import_progress_read">Leyendo tarea %d...</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open a file -->
<string name="DLG_error_opening">No pude encontrar este ítem:</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open SD card folder (%s => folder) -->
<string name="DLG_error_sdcard">No puedo acceder carpeta: %s</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open SD card in general -->
<string name="DLG_error_sdcard_general">¡No puedo acceder a tu tarjeta de memoria!</string>
<!-- Backup: File Selector dialog for import -->
<string name="import_file_prompt">Selecciona un Archivo a Recobrar</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ================================================== AndroidManifest == -->
<!-- Application Name (shown on home screen & in launcher) -->
<string name="app_name">Tareas Astrid</string>
<!-- permission title for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="read_permission_label">Permisos Astrid</string>
<!-- permission description for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="read_permission_desc">leer tareas, mostrar filtros de tareas</string>
<!-- permission title for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="write_permission_label">Permisos Astrid</string>
<!-- permission description for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="write_permission_desc">crear nuevas tareas, editar tareas existentes</string>
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">Un año</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d años</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1 Mes</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d Meses</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 Semana</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Semanas</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 Día</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Día(s)</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1 Hora</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d Horas</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 Minuto</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d Minutos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1 Segundo</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d Segundos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Hr</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d Hrs</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Min</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d Min</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Seg</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d Seg</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 tarea</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d tareas</item>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">¿Confirmar?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Pregunta:</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Información</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes"></string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">No</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Cerrar</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">¡Oops, al parecer hay algún problema! Esto es lo que pasó:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- question for deleting tasks -->
<string name="DLG_delete_this_task_question">¿Borrar esta tarea?</string>
<!-- Button for being done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Listo</string>
<!-- Button for canceling out of this page -->
<string name="DLG_cancel">Cancelar</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Espere por favor...</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when upgrading -->
<string name="DLG_upgrading">Actualización de su tareas...</string>
<!-- Title for dialog selecting a time (hours and minutes) -->
<string name="DLG_hour_minutes">Tiempo (horas : minutos)</string>
<!-- Dialog for Astrid having a critical update -->
<string name="DLG_please_update">Astrid tiene una nueva versión en el mercado. Por favor, actualice antes de continuar, o espere unos pocos segundos.</string>
<!-- Button for going to Market -->
<string name="DLG_to_market">Ir al mercado</string>
<!-- =============================================================== UI == -->
<!-- Label for DateButtons with no value -->
<string name="WID_dateButtonUnset">Toque para grabar</string>
<!-- String formatter for DateButtons ($D => date, $T => time) -->
<string name="WID_dateButtonLabel">$D $T</string>
<!-- String formatter for Disable button -->
<string name="WID_disableButton">Desactivar</string>
<!-- ================================================= TaskListActivity == -->
<!-- Task List: Displayed instead of list when no items present -->
<string name="TLA_no_items">Sin tareas</string>
<!-- Menu: Add-ons -->
<string name="TLA_menu_addons">Componentes adicionales</string>
<!-- Menu: Settings -->
<string name="TLA_menu_settings">Preferencias</string>
<!-- Menu: Help -->
<string name="TLA_menu_help">Ayuda</string>
<!-- Search Label-->
<string name="TLA_search_label">Buscar en esta lista</string>
<!-- Window title for displaying Custom Filter -->
<string name="TLA_custom">Personalizado</string>
<!-- Quick Add Edit Box Hint-->
<string name="TLA_quick_add_hint">Añadir a esta lista...</string>
<!-- Help (HTML)-->
<string name="TLA_help"><![CDATA[
<center><h1>Help: Task Listing</h1></center>
<b>bar at the top</b>: shows the name of this filter, and a button to go back
to your list of filters.
<p />
<b>middle</b>: shows all your tasks.
<p />
<b>bottom</b>: quick add tasks. left button: add straight to the list. right
button: add task & go to the edit page.
<!-- ====================================================== TaskAdapter == -->
<!-- Format string to indicate task is hidden (%s => task name) -->
<string name="TAd_hiddenFormat">%s [oculto]</string>
<!-- Format string to indicate task is deleted (%s => task name) -->
<string name="TAd_deletedFormat">%s [borrado]</string>
<!-- Displayed when adapter is flung (scrolled quickly) -->
<string name="TAd_flingText"/>
<!-- indicates task was completed. %s => date or time ago -->
<string name="TAd_completed">Terminado %s</string>
<!-- Action Button: edit task -->
<string name="TAd_actionEditTask">Editar</string>
<!-- Context Item: edit task -->
<string name="TAd_contextEditTask">Editar Tarea</string>
<!-- Context Item: delete task -->
<string name="TAd_contextDeleteTask">Borrar Tarea</string>
<!-- Context Item: undelete task -->
<string name="TAd_contextUndeleteTask">Restaurar la Tarea</string>
<!-- =============================================== FilterListActivity == -->
<!-- Filter List Activity Title -->
<string name="FLA_title">Astrid: Filtros</string>
<!-- Displayed when loading filters -->
<string name="FLA_loading">Cargando filtros...</string>
<!-- Context Menu: Create Shortcut -->
<string name="FLA_context_shortcut">Crear acceso directo en el escritorio</string>
<!-- Menu: Search -->
<string name="FLA_menu_search">Buscar tareas...</string>
<!-- Menu: Help -->
<string name="FLA_menu_help">Ayuda</string>
<!-- Create Shortcut Dialog Title -->
<string name="FLA_shortcut_dialog_title">Crear acceso directo</string>
<!-- Create Shortcut Dialog (asks to name shortcut) -->
<string name="FLA_shortcut_dialog">Nombre del acceso directo:</string>
<!-- Search Hint-->
<string name="FLA_search_hint">Buscar tareas</string>
<!-- Search Filter name (%s => query) -->
<string name="FLA_search_filter">Coincider %s</string>
<!-- Help (HTML)-->
<string name="FLA_help"><![CDATA[
<center><h1>Help: Filters Page</h1></center>
<p>On the Filters page you can see all of the filters that you can use to
organize your tasks. Some Astrid Add-ons will add new filters to this
You can turn any filter into a shortcut on your desktop by long-pressing
to bring up the context menu, then selecting "Create Shortcut". Other options
that are displayed will depend on the particular plugins that you
are using.
If you are having trouble with a particular plugin, please report errors
to the plugin creator for fastest service.
<!-- Toast: created shortcut (%s => label) -->
<string name="FLA_toast_onCreateShortcut">Acceso directo creado: %s</string>
<!-- ================================================= TaskEditActivity == -->
<!-- Title when editing a task (%s => task title) -->
<string name="TEA_view_title">Astrid: Editando \'%s\'</string>
<!-- Title when creating a new task -->
<string name="TEA_view_titleNew">Astrid: Nueva tarea</string>
<!-- First Tab - basic task details -->
<string name="TEA_tab_basic">Básico</string>
<!-- Second Tab - extra details -->
<string name="TEA_tab_extra">Avanzado</string>
<!-- Third Tab - add-ons -->
<string name="TEA_tab_addons">Componentes adicionales</string>
<!-- Task title label -->
<string name="TEA_title_label">Título</string>
<!-- Task title hint (displayed when edit box is empty) -->
<string name="TEA_title_hint">Descripción de la tarea</string>
<!-- Task importance label -->
<string name="TEA_importance_label">Importancia</string>
<!-- Task urgency label -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_label">Fecha límite</string>
<!-- Task urgency specific time checkbox -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_specific_time">debido a una hora específica</string>
<!-- Task urgency specific time title when specific time false -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_time_none">No a su debido tiempo</string>
<!-- Task hide until label -->
<string name="TEA_hideUntil_label">Esconder hasta</string>
<!-- Task note label -->
<string name="TEA_note_label">Notas</string>
<!-- Task note hint -->
<string name="TEA_notes_hint">Ingrese las notas de la tarea...</string>
<!-- Estimated time label -->
<string name="TEA_estimatedDuration_label">¿Cuanto tiempo llevará?</string>
<!-- Elapsed time label -->
<string name="TEA_elapsedDuration_label">Tiempo empleado en la tarea</string>
<!-- Menu: Save -->
<string name="TEA_menu_save">Guardar cambios</string>
<!-- Menu: Don't Save -->
<string name="TEA_menu_discard">No guardar</string>
<!-- Menu: Delete Task -->
<string name="TEA_menu_delete">Borrar Tarea</string>
<!-- Toast: task saved with deadline (%s => time units) -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_due">Tarea guardada: finaliza en %s</string>
<!-- Toast: task saved with deadline in past (%s => time units) -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_overdue">Tarea guardada: finalizó hace %s</string>
<!-- Toast: task saved without deadlines -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_notDue">Tarea guardada</string>
<!-- Toast: task was not saved -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskCancel">Se canceló la edición</string>
<!-- Toast: task was deleted -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskDelete">¡Tarea eliminada!</string>
<string-array name="TEA_urgency">
<!-- urgency: labels for edit page. item #4 -> auto filled -->
<item>Día/Tiempo Específicas</item>
<item>(día anterior)</item>
<item>Próxima semana</item>
<item>Ninguna fecha límite</item>
<string-array name="TEA_hideUntil">
<!-- hideUntil: labels for edit page. -->
<item>No esconder</item>
<item>Tarea se debe</item>
<item>Día antes de fecha límite</item>
<item>Semana antes de fecha límite</item>
<item>Día específico</item>
<!-- Add Ons tab when no add-ons found -->
<string name="TEA_no_addons">No componentes adicionales encontrado!</string>
<!-- Add Ons button -->
<string name="TEA_addons_button">Obtener algunos componentes adicionales.</string>
<!-- ============================================= IntroductionActivity == -->
<!-- Introduction Window title -->
<string name="InA_title">¡Bienvenido a Astrid!</string>
<!-- Button to agree to EULA -->
<string name="InA_agree">¡Acepto!</string>
<!-- Button to disagree with EULA -->
<string name="InA_disagree">No acepto</string>
<!-- ===================================================== HelpActivity == -->
<!-- Help: Button to get support from our website -->
<string name="HlA_get_support">Obtener ayuda</string>
<!-- ==================================================== UpdateService == -->
<!-- Changelog Window Title -->
<string name="UpS_changelog_title">¿Que hay de nuevo en Astrid?</string>
<!-- ================================================== EditPreferences == -->
<!-- Preference Window Title -->
<string name="EPr_title">Astrid: Preferencias</string>
<!-- Preference Category: Appearance Title -->
<string name="EPr_appearance_header">Apariencia</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Font Size Title -->
<string name="EPr_fontSize_title">Tamaño de la lista de tareas</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Font Size Description -->
<string name="EPr_fontSize_desc">Tamaño de la fuente en la pagina de listado principal</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_title">Mostrar notas en la tarea</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes Description (disabled) -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_desc_disabled">Las notas se mostrarán cuando se toca una tarea.</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes Description (enabled) -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_desc_enabled">Notas se mostrará siempre.</string>
<!-- Preference Category: Defaults Title -->
<string name="EPr_defaults_header">configuración de la tarea inicial</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Urgency Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_urgency_title">Urgencia predeterminada</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Urgency Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_urgency_desc">Configuración actual: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Importance Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_importance_title">Importancia predeterminada</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Importance Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_importance_desc">Configuración actual: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Hide Until Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_hideUntil_title">Ocultar configuración inicial hasta</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Hide Until Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_hideUntil_desc">Configuración actual: %s</string>
<string-array name="EPr_default_importance">
<!-- importance: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>!!!! (Alto)</item>
<item>! (Bajo)</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_urgency">
<!-- urgency: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>Ninguna fecha límite</item>
<item>Pasado mañana</item>
<item>Próxima semana</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_hideUntil">
<!-- hideUntil: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>No esconder</item>
<item>Tarea se debe</item>
<item>Día antes de fecha límite</item>
<item>Semana antes de fecha límite</item>
<!-- ==================================================== AddOnActivity == -->
<!-- Add Ons Activity Title -->
<string name="AOA_title">Astrid: Componentes Adicionales</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity: author for internal authors -->
<string name="AOA_internal_author">Equipo de Astrid</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity: installed add-ons tab -->
<string name="AOA_tab_installed">Instalado</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - available add-ons tab -->
<string name="AOA_tab_available">Disponible</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - free add-ons label -->
<string name="AOA_free">Gratuito</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - menu item to visit add-on website -->
<string name="AOA_visit_website">Visitar sitio web</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - menu item to visit android market -->
<string name="AOA_visit_market">Tienda Android</string>
<!-- ========================================== SynchronizationProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Sincronizando sus tareas...</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">Sincronizando...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== TasksWidget == -->
<!-- Widget text when loading tasks -->
<string name="TWi_loading">Cargando...</string>
<!-- ============================================================= Misc == -->
<!-- Displayed when task killer found. %s => name of the application -->
<string name="task_killer_help">Parece que está usando una app que puede matar procesos (%s)!
Si puede añada Astrid a la lista de exclusión de modo que no sea matada. De otro modo podría no avisarle cuando venza una Tarea.\n</string>
<!-- Task killer dialog ok button -->
<string name="task_killer_help_ok">No mataré Astrid!</string>
<!-- Astrid's Android Marketplace title. It never appears in the app itself. -->
<string name="marketplace_title">Astrid lista Tareas/hacer</string>
<!-- Astrid's Android Marketplace description. It never appears in the app itself. -->
<string name="marketplace_description">Astrid es la lista muy querido de código abierto todo / administrador de tareas diseñadas para ayudarle a conseguir la materia hecha. Cuenta con recordatorios, etiquetas, sincronización, un widget y mucho más.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in filter plug-in -->
<!-- Active Tasks Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Active">Tareas activas</string>
<!-- Title for Active Tasks Filter (what user sees when first opening the app) -->
<string name="BFE_Active_title">Tareas activas</string>
<!-- Search Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Search">Buscar</string>
<!-- Extended Filters Category -->
<string name="BFE_Extended">Más…</string>
<!-- sort recent modification filter -->
<string name="SSD_sort_modified">Recientemente modificado</string>
<!-- Completed Filter -->
<string name="SSD_completed">Tareas Finalizadas</string>
<!-- hidden tasks filter -->
<string name="SSD_hidden">Tareas ocultas</string>
<!-- sort Alphabetical filter -->
<string name="SSD_sort_alpha">Por título</string>
<!-- sort Due Date filter -->
<string name="SSD_sort_due">Por fecha de vencimiento</string>
<!-- sort Importance filter -->
<string name="SSD_sort_importance">Por importancia</string>
<!-- deleted tasks filter -->
<string name="SSD_deleted">Tareas eliminadas</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in tag plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== Task Edit Controls == -->
<!-- Error message for adding to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_error">¡Ocurrió un error al agregar la tarea al calendario!</string>
<!-- Label for adding task to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_calendar_label">Entrar la tarea al calendario</string>
<!-- Label for adding task to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_addToCalendar_label">Crear evento de calendario</string>
<!-- Label when calendar event already exists -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_showCalendar_label">Abrir evento del calendario</string>
<!-- ======================================================== Calendars == -->
<!-- Calendar event name when task is completed (%s => task title) -->
<string name="gcal_completed_title">%s (completo)</string>
<!-- System Default Calendar (displayed if we can't figure out calendars) -->
<string name="gcal_GCP_default">Calendario predeterminado</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in locale plug-in -->
<!-- Locale Alert Editing Window Title -->
<string name="locale_edit_alerts_title">Astrid alerta de filtro</string>
<!-- Locale Window Help -->
<string name="locale_edit_intro">Astrid enviará un recordatorio cuando tiene cualquier tares en el siguiente filtro.</string>
<!-- Locale Window Filter Picker UI -->
<string name="locale_pick_filter">Filtrar:</string>
<!-- Locale Window Interval Label -->
<string name="locale_interval_label">Limitar notificaciones a:</string>
<!-- Locale Window Interval Values -->
<string-array name="locale_interval">
<item>una vez por hora</item>
<item>una vez cada seis horas</item>
<item>una vez cada doce horas</item>
<item>una vez por día</item>
<item>una vez cada tres días</item>
<item>una vez por semana</item>
<!-- Locale Notification text -->
<string name="locale_notification">Tiene $NUM coincider: $FILTER</string>
<!-- Locale Plugin was not found, it is required -->
<string name="locale_plugin_required">Por favor, instale el componente adicionale de Locale</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in reminders plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== task edit activity == -->
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder header label -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_label">Recordarme...</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder @ deadline -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_due">... cuando la tarea se debe</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder after deadline -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_overdue">... cuando la tarea esta atrasado</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder at random times (%s => time plural)-->
<string name="TEA_reminder_random">... azar una vez</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock label -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_alarm_label">Tipo de Sonar/Vibrar:</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock toggle: off -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_alarm_off">Sonar una vez</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock toggle: on -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_alarm_on">Sonar hasta que apague la alarma</string>
<string-array name="TEA_reminder_random">
<!-- random reminder choices for task edit page. -->
<item>una hora</item>
<item>un día</item>
<item>una semana</item>
<item>en dos semanas</item>
<item>un mes</item>
<item>en dos meses</item>
<!-- ==================================================== notifications == -->
<!-- Name of filter when viewing a reminder -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_filter">¡Recordatorio!</string>
<!-- Reminder: Snooze button (remind again later) -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_snooze">Tregua</string>
<!-- Reminder: Cancel reminder -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_goAway">Marcharse</string>
<!-- ============================================= reminder preferences == -->
<!-- Reminder Preference Screen Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_alerts_header">Configuración de recordatorios</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_title">Inicio del horario en silencio</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start Description (%s => time set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_desc">Notoficaciones no aparcerá despues de %s</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start/End Description (disabled) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_desc_none">Horas de silencio son discapacitados</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours End Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_title">Fin del horario en silencio</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours End Description (%s => time set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_desc">Notoficaciones comenzarán a aparcer en %s</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_title">Tono de notificación</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when custom tone is set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_custom">Tono se ha establecido</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when silence is set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_silent">Tono en modo silencio</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when custom tone is not set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_default">Configuración tono inicial se utilizará</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_title">Persistencia de notificación</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_true">Notificacións hay que eliminar uno a la vez</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_false">Notificaciónes se pueden borrar con el botón \"Borrar Todo\"</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Icon Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_notificon_title">Icono de notoficación establecidos</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Icon Description -->
<string name="rmd_Epr_notificon_desc">elegir el icono de notificación establecidos</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_title">Vibrar en alerta</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_true">Vibrará cuando el envío de notificaciones</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_false">No vibrará cuando el envío de notificaciones</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_title">Recordatorios de Astrid</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_desc_true">Astrid dará estímulo adicional para los recordatorios.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_desc_false">Astrid no dará estímulo adicional para los recordatorios</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_title">Recordatorios aleatorios</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Setting (disabled) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc_disabled">Nuevas tareas no han recordatorios al azar</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Setting (%s => setting) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc">Nuevas tares le recordará al azar: %s</string>
<!-- Defaults Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaults_header">configuración de la tarea inicial</string>
<string-array name="EPr_reminder_random">
<!-- Reminder Preference: random reminder choices for preference page. -->
<item>cada hora</item>
<item>Dos veces por semana</item>
<item>Dos veces por mes</item>
<string-array name="EPr_quiet_hours_start">
<!-- Reminder Preference: quiet_hours_start: options for preference menu. Translate but don't change the times!. -->
<item>8 PM</item>
<item>9 PM</item>
<item>10 PM</item>
<item>11 PM</item>
<item>12 AM</item>
<item>1 AM</item>
<item>2 AM</item>
<item>3 AM</item>
<item>4 AM</item>
<item>5 AM</item>
<item>6 AM</item>
<item>7 AM</item>
<item>8 AM</item>
<item>9 AM</item>
<item>10 AM</item>
<item>11 AM</item>
<item>12 PM</item>
<item>1 PM</item>
<item>2 PM</item>
<item>3 PM</item>
<item>4 PM</item>
<item>5 PM</item>
<item>6 PM</item>
<item>7 PM</item>
<string-array name="EPr_quiet_hours_end">
<!-- Reminder Preference: quiet_hours_end: options for preference menu. Translate but don't change the times! -->
<item>9 AM</item>
<item>10 AM</item>
<item>11 AM</item>
<item>12 PM</item>
<item>1 PM</item>
<item>2 PM</item>
<item>3 PM</item>
<item>4 PM</item>
<item>5 PM</item>
<item>6 PM</item>
<item>7 PM</item>
<item>8 PM</item>
<item>9 PM</item>
<item>10 PM</item>
<item>11 PM</item>
<item>12 AM</item>
<item>1 AM</item>
<item>2 AM</item>
<item>3 AM</item>
<item>4 AM</item>
<item>5 AM</item>
<item>6 AM</item>
<item>7 AM</item>
<item>8 AM</item>
<!-- =============================================== random reminders == -->
<string-array name="reminders">
<!-- reminders: Make these < 20 chars so the task name is displayed -->
<item>Hola! ¿Tiene un segundo?</item>
<item>¿Puede ver por un segundo?</item>
<item>¿Tiene unos minutos?</item>
<item>¿Se te olvidó?</item>
<item>Cuando tenga un minuto:</item>
<item>En su agenda:</item>
<item>Tiene un momento libre?</item>
<item>Astrid aquí!</item>
<item>¡Hola! ¿Puedo molestarlo?</item>
<item>Un minuto de su tiempo</item>
<item>Es un gran día para</item>
<string-array name="reminders_due">
<!-- reminders related to task due date -->
<item>¡Hora de trabajar!</item>
<item>Fecha de venciendo está aquí!</item>
<item>¿Listo para empezar?</item>
<item>Dijiste que harías:</item>
<item>Se supone que comenzará:</item>
<item>Momento de empezar:</item>
<item>¡Es hora!</item>
<item>Perdón! Tiempo para:</item>
<item>¿Está libre? Tiempo para:</item>
<string-array name="reminders_snooze">
<!-- reminders related to snooze -->
<item>No sea perezoso ahora!</item>
<item>Tiempo de pausa está terminado!</item>
<item>No dormitando mas!</item>
<item>¿Ahora está listo?</item>
<item>¡Basta de posponerlo!</item>
<string-array name="reminder_responses">
<!-- responses to reminder: Astrid says... (user should answer yes or no) -->
<item>¡Tengo algo para usted!</item>
<item>Está listo para poner esto en el pasado?</item>
<item>¿Por qué no conseguir este hecho?</item>
<item>¿Qué te parece? Tigre listo?</item>
<item>¿Listo para hacer esto?</item>
<item>¿Se puede manejar esto?</item>
<item>Puede estar feliz! Solo terminar este!</item>
<item>¡Le prometo que se sentirá mejor si termina esto!</item>
<item>¿No hará esto hoy?</item>
<item>Por favor termine esto ¡me tiene harto!</item>
<item>Puede terminar este? Sí, se puede!</item>
<item>¿Acaso nunca va a hacer esto?</item>
<item>Sentirse bien consigo mismo! Vamos!</item>
<item>Estoy orgulloso de ti! Lograr que se haga!</item>
<item>Un refrigerio después de haber terminado?</item>
<item>Solo este tarea? Por favor?</item>
<item>Es hora de acortar su lista de tarea!</item>
<string-array name="postpone_nags">
<!-- Astrid's nagging when user clicks postpone -->
<item>Por favor, dime que no es cierto que usted es un procrastinator!</item>
<item>¿Puede ser perezoso aburrido?</item>
<item>¡Alguien en algún lugar está esperando que termine esto!</item>
<item>¿Cuando dice posponer... realmente quiere decir \'lo estoy haciendo\'? ¿verdad?</item>
<item>¿Esta es la última vez que pospone esto? ¿verdad?</item>
<item>¡Termínelo hoy! no le diré a nadie...</item>
<item>Porqué posponer cuando puede... no posponer!</item>
<item>¿Supongo que terminará esto en algún momento?</item>
<item>Pienso que eres fenomenal! ¿Qué hay de no demorar esto?</item>
<item>¿Serás capaz de lograr sus metas, si haces eso?</item>
<item>Posponer, posponer, posponer. ¡Cuándo va a cambiar!</item>
<item>¡Ya fueron suficientes excusas! ¡hágalo de una vez!</item>
<item>¿Esa no fue la excusa que usó la última vez?</item>
<item>No puedo ayudarlo a organizar su vida si hace eso...</item>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in repeat plug-in -->
<!-- repeating plugin name -->
<string name="repeat_plugin">Repetición de Tareas</string>
<!-- repeating plugin description -->
<string name="repeat_plugin_desc">Permite repetir las tareas.</string>
<!-- checkbox for turning on/off repeats -->
<string name="repeat_enabled">Repeticiones</string>
<!-- button for "every x" part of repeat (%d -> repeat value) -->
<string name="repeat_every">Cada %d</string>
<!-- hint when opening repeat interval -->
<string name="repeat_interval_prompt">Intervalo de repetición</string>
<string-array name="repeat_interval">
<!-- repeat interval (days,weeks,months,hours) -->
<string-array name="repeat_type">
<!-- repeat type (date to repeat from) -->
<item>Desde fecha límite</item>
<item>Desde fecha finalización</item>
<!-- task detail weekly by day ($I -> interval, i.e. 1 week, $D -> days, i.e. Monday, Tuesday) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_byday">$I en $D</string>
<!-- task detail for repeat from due date (%s -> interval) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_duedate">Se repite cada %s</string>
<!-- task detail for repeat from completion date (%s -> interval) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_completion">Se repite %s después de la finalización</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ====================== Plugin Boilerplate ========================= -->
<!-- label for RMilk button in Task Edit Activity -->
<string name="rmilk_EOE_button">Ajustes de Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- task detail showing RTM list information -->
<string name="rmilk_TLA_list">RTM Lista: %s</string>
<!-- task detail showing RTM repeat information -->
<string name="rmilk_TLA_repeat">RTM Tarea Repetitiva</string>
<!-- task detail showing item needs to be synchronized -->
<string name="rmilk_TLA_sync">Se necesita sincronizar con RTM</string>
<!-- filters header: RTM -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_header">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- filter category for RTM lists -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_list">Listas</string>
<!-- RTM list filter name ($N => list, $C => count) -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_list_item">$N ($C)</string>
<!-- RTM list filter title (%s => list) -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_list_title">RTM Lista \'%s\'</string>
<!-- ======================= MilkEditActivity ========================== -->
<!-- RTM edit activity Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_title">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- RTM edit List Edit Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_list_label">RTM Lista:</string>
<!-- RTM edit Repeat Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_repeat_label">RTM Repita Estado:</string>
<!-- RTM edit Repeat Hint -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_repeat_hint">Es decir cada semana, después de catorce días</string>
<!-- ======================== MilkPreferences ========================== -->
<!-- Milk Preferences Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_header">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- RTM Status Group Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_group_status">Estado</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="rmilk_status_loggedout">Por favor, ingrese a RTM</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="rmilk_status_ongoing">Sincronización en curso...</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="rmilk_status_success">Última sincronización: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="rmilk_status_failed">Falló el: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="rmilk_status_failed_subtitle">Última sincronización exitosa: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync'd -->
<string name="rmilk_status_never">¡Jamás se sincronizó!</string>
<!-- RTM Options Group Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_group_options">Opciones</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_interval_title">Sincronizar en segundo plano</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_interval_desc_disabled">Sincronización en segundo plano está desactivada</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_interval_desc">Actualmente configurado para: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_bgwifi_title">Wifi ajuste sólo</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Sincronización en segundo plano sólo ocurre cuando el Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Sincronización en segundo plano siempre se produce</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_group_actions">Acciones</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_sync">¡Sincronizar ahora!</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_sync_log_in">Registrarse y sincronizar!</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_forget">Cerrar sesión</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_forget_description">Borra todos los datos de sincronización de RTM</string>
<!-- ======================= MilkLoginActivity ========================= -->
<!-- RTM Login Instructions -->
<string name="rmilk_MLA_label">Por favor Entrar en este lugar y Autorizar Astrid:</string>
<!-- Login Error Dialog (%s => message) -->
<string name="rmilk_MLA_error">Lo siento, no fue un error verificar su nombre de usuario. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo. \n\n Mensaje de error: %s</string>
<!-- ======================== Synchronization ========================== -->
<!-- title for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="rmilk_notification_title">Astrid: Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for RTM log out -->
<string name="rmilk_forget_confirm">Cierre de sesión / cancelar la sincronización de datos?</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception with rmilk -->
<string name="rmilk_ioerror">Error de conexión! Compruebe su conexión a Internet o servidores quizá RTM (, para posibles soluciones.</string>
<string-array name="rmilk_MPr_interval_entries">
<!-- rmilk_MPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>cada quince minutos</item>
<item>cada treinta minutos</item>
<item>cada hora</item>
<item>cada tres horas</item>
<item>cada seis horas</item>
<item>cada doce horas</item>
<item>cada día</item>
<item>cada tres días</item>
<item>cada semana</item>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in tag plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== Task Edit Controls == -->
<!-- Tags label -->
<string name="TEA_tags_label">Etiquetas:</string>
<!-- Tags hint -->
<string name="TEA_tag_hint">Nombre de la etiqueta</string>
<!-- ===================================================== Task Details == -->
<!-- tag text that displays in task list. %s => tag name -->
<string name="tag_TLA_detail">Etiquetas: %s</string>
<!-- ========================================================== Filters == -->
<!-- filter header for tags -->
<string name="tag_FEx_header">Etiquetas</string>
<!-- filter header for tags, sorted by size -->
<string name="tag_FEx_by_size">Activo</string>
<!-- filter header for tags of completed tasks -->
<string name="tag_FEx_completed">Completado</string>
<!-- filter header for all tags, sorted by name -->
<string name="tag_FEx_alpha">Todas las etiquetas</string>
<!-- filter for untagged tasks -->
<string name="tag_FEx_untagged">Sin etiquetas</string>
<!-- $T => tag, $C => count -->
<string name="tag_FEx_tag_w_size">$T ($C)</string>
<!-- %s => tag name -->
<string name="tag_FEx_name">Etiquetado \'%s\'</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in timers plug-in -->
<!-- Task List: Start Timer button -->
<string name="TAE_startTimer">Empezar</string>
<!-- Task List: Stop Timer button -->
<string name="TAE_stopTimer">Parar</string>
<!-- Android Notification Title (%s => # tasks) -->
<string name="TPl_notification">Temporizadores Activos por %s!</string>
<!-- Filter Header for Timer plugin -->
<string name="TFE_category">Filtros de Temporizadores</string>
<!-- Filter for Timed Tasks -->
<string name="TFE_workingOn">Tareas que se cronometrado</string>