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385 lines
26 KiB

# $Id$
// Language file Catalan
// by Jaume
$PALANG['YES'] = 'SI';
$PALANG['NO'] = 'NO';
$PALANG['edit'] = 'editar';
$PALANG['del'] = 'esborrar';
$PALANG['exit'] = 'Exit'; # XXX
$PALANG['cancel'] = 'Cancel'; # XXX
$PALANG['save'] = 'Save changes'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm'] = '¿Segur que vols esborrar-lo?\n';
$PALANG['confirm_delete_admin'] = 'Do you really want to delete the admin %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_alias'] = 'Do you really want to delete the alias %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_aliasdomain'] = 'Do you really want to delete the alias domain %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_domain'] = 'Estas segur que vols borrar tots els registres d\'aquest domini? Això no podrà ser desfet!\n (%s)'; # XXX text changed to: 'Do you really want to delete all records for the domain %s? This can not be undone'
$PALANG['confirm_delete_fetchmail'] = 'Do you really want to delete the fetchmail job %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_mailbox'] = 'Do you really want to delete the mailbox %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['confirm_delete_vacation'] = 'Do you really want to delete the vacation message for %s?'; # XXX
$PALANG['no_delete_permissions'] = 'You are not allowed to delete %s!'; # XXX
$PALANG['check_update'] = 'Check for update';
$PALANG['invalid_parameter'] = 'Invalid parameter!'; # XXX
$PALANG['show'] = 'Show:'; # XXX
$PALANG['all'] = 'All'; # XXX
$PALANG['created'] = 'Created'; # XXX
$PALANG['unknown'] = 'unknown'; # XXX
$PALANG['download_csv'] = 'Download this list as CSV file'; # XXX
$PALANG['missing_field'] = 'Field %s is missing'; # XXX
$PALANG['must_be_numeric'] = '%s must be numeric'; # XXX
$PALANG['must_be_numeric_bigger_than_null'] = '%s must be numeric and bigger than 0'; # XXX
$PALANG['must_be_boolean'] = '%s must be boolean'; # XXX
$PALANG['invalid_value_given'] = 'Invalid value given for %s'; # XXX
$PALANG['edit_not_allowed'] = 'You are not allowed to edit %s'; # XXX
$PALANG['searchparams'] = 'Search parameters:'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFooter_logged_as'] = 'Logged as %s'; # XXX # XXX Text change: 'logged in as %s' (the 'in' was missing)
$PALANG['pLogin_welcome'] = 'Login d\'administrador per l\'administració de dominis.';
$PALANG['pLogin_username'] = 'Usuari (e-mail)'; # XXX compare with pUsersLogin_username - should be "Login (email)"
$PALANG['password'] = 'Contrasenya';
$PALANG['pLogin_language'] = 'Language'; # XXX
$PALANG['pLogin_button'] = 'Usuari'; # XXX compare with pUsersLogin_button - should be "Login"
$PALANG['pLogin_failed'] = 'Your email address or password are not correct.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pLogin_login_users'] = 'Login per anar a la secció d\'usuaris.';
$PALANG['pMenu_main'] = 'Main'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_overview'] = 'Resum';
$PALANG['add_alias'] = 'Afegir àlies';
$PALANG['add_alias_domain'] = 'Add Alias Domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['add_mailbox'] = 'Afegir bústia';
$PALANG['pMenu_fetchmail'] = 'Fetch Email'; # XXX
$PALANG['pMenu_sendmail'] = 'Enviar e-mail';
$PALANG['pMenu_password'] = 'Contrasenya';
$PALANG['pMenu_viewlog'] = 'Veure Logs';
$PALANG['pMenu_logout'] = 'Sortir';
$PALANG['pMain_welcome'] = 'Benvingut al Postfix Admin!';
$PALANG['pMain_overview'] = 'Llistat dels seus àlies i bústies. Pot editar-los / borrar-los des d\'aquí.';
$PALANG['pMain_create_alias'] = 'Creació d\'un nou àlies pel seu domini.'; # XXX check text - should be 'Create a new alias for your domain.'
$PALANG['pMain_create_mailbox'] = 'Creació d\'una nova bústia pel seu domini.';
$PALANG['pMain_sendmail'] = 'Enviar un e-mail a una de les bústies acabades de crear.';
$PALANG['pMain_password'] = 'Canviar la contrasenya per la seva compta d\'administració.';
$PALANG['pMain_viewlog'] = 'Veure Logs.';
$PALANG['pMain_logout'] = 'Sortir.';
$PALANG['pOverview_disabled'] = 'Disabled'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_unlimited'] = 'Unlimited'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_title'] = ':: Defined Domains'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_up_arrow'] = 'Go Top'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_right_arrow'] = 'Next Page'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_left_arrow'] = 'Previous Page'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_domain_title'] = ':: Domain Aliases'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_title'] = ':: Alias'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_mailbox_title'] = ':: Mailboxes'; # XXX
$PALANG['go'] = 'Ves';
$PALANG['pOverview_welcome'] = 'Resum de ';
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_domain_aliases'] = 'Alias Domains'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_alias_address'] = 'De';
$PALANG['active'] = 'Actiu';
$PALANG['and_x_more'] = '[and %s more...]'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_mailbox_username'] = 'E-mail'; # XXX
$PALANG['name'] = 'Nom';
$PALANG['pOverview_mailbox_quota'] = 'Quota (MB)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_vacation_edit'] = 'VACATION IS ON'; # XXX
$PALANG['pOverview_vacation_option'] = 'Set Vacation'; # XXX
$PALANG['no_domains_for_this_admin'] = 'You don\'t have permissions for any domains.'; # XXX
$PALANG['no_domains_exist'] = 'You have to create at least one domain before you can use virtual list.'; # "virtual list" should match $PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_virtual'] # XXX
$PALANG['domain'] = 'Domini';
$PALANG['pOverview_get_alias_domains'] = 'Domain Aliases'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailboxes'] = 'Bústies';
$PALANG['pOverview_get_quota'] = 'Quota de bústia (MB)';
$PALANG['pDelete_delete_error'] = 'Imposible borrar el registre ';
The work of two nights causes a long changelog. Here we go: fetchmail.php: - IMPORTANT: fixed typo in database column name. If you have created the fetchmail database already, you have to rename the "pool_time" column to "poll_time" - fixed adding of new entries - don't display status fields (last poll date and result) in edit mode - validate and quote the GET and POST variables - show POSTed data again if invalid values were entered (data to display in the edit form is passed to fetchmail.tpl in $formvars) - check results of database operations and display error/success messages - check owner of target mailbox on all operations - changed password handling: empty means no change (instead of sending "******" around) - reworked and moved around large code portions - added some TODO notes fetchmail.tpl: - use data from $formvars in edit mode instead of parsing the full array - moved "new entry" below the table - replaced delete button with delete links - Note: the boolean fields need testing with PgSQL. Especially test if they are displayed as active correctly in list and edit mode! *.lang: - added several fetchmail-related strings, more to follow - added $PALANG['please_keep_this_as_last_entry'] which always has to be the last entry in the language files. This solves the problem that mixes up the string order when adding strings at the end of the language files. - added vim:ft=php git-svn-id: a1433add-5e2c-0410-b055-b7f2511e0802
17 years ago
$PALANG['pDelete_delete_success'] = '%s deleted.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pDelete_domain_error'] = 'Aquest domini no et pertany ';
$PALANG['pDelete_alias_error'] = 'Unable to delete alias '; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_welcome'] = 'Mirror addresses of one of your domains to another.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_alias'] = 'Alias Domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_alias_text'] = 'The domain that mails come in for.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_target'] = 'Target Domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_target_text'] = 'The domain where mails should go to.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_error1'] = 'You are not allowed to create the chosen configuration.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_error2'] = 'The chosen configuration is invalid, please choose a different one!'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_already_exists'] = 'This domain is already an alias domain!'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_does_not_exist'] = 'This domain isn\'t an alias domain!'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_create_failed'] = 'Creating the alias domain %s failed!'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_change_failed'] = 'Changing the alias domain %s failed!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_error4'] = 'All domains are already aliased.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_domain_success'] = 'The alias domain %s has been created.'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_changed'] = 'The alias domain %s has been changed.'; # XXX
$PALANG['alias_domain_to_itsself'] = 'A domain can\'t be an alias domain to itsself!'; # XXX
$PALANG['delete_domain_aliasdomain_target'] = 'The domain %s is the target for one or more alias domains and can\'t be deleted! (Delete the alias domains first.)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_address_text_error1'] = 'L\'àlies no és vàlid!';
$PALANG['alias_does_not_exist'] = 'This alias does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['email_address_already_exists'] = 'Aquesta adreça ja existeix, escull una altra de diferent, si us plau!'; # XXX check text - should be 'This email address already exists, please choose a different one\!'
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_address_text_error3'] = 'Has arribat al límit de creació d\'àlies!';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_goto_text'] = 'A on ha de ser enviat l\'e-mail.';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_goto_text_error'] = 'El destí no és vàlid!';
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_result_error'] = '¡No és posible afegir l\'àlies a la taula d\'àlies! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Creating the alias %s failed!
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_result_success'] = 'L\'àlies ha estat creat correctament!'; # XXX text change: 'The alias %s has been created!'
$PALANG['alias_updated'] = 'The alias %s has been updated!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pCreate_alias_catchall_text'] = 'Per crear un àlies general usi "*" com a àlies. Per una redirecció de domini a domini, usi "*@domain.tld" com a Destí.'; # XXX check/beautify - was split in two lines before
$PALANG['mailbox_alias_cant_be_deleted'] = 'This alias belongs to a mailbox and can\'t be deleted!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_welcome'] = 'Editi un àlies pel seu domini.'; # XXX Text change to: 'Edit forwarding settings'
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_help'] = 'Una entrada per línia.'; # XXX Text change to: 'Accepts multiple targets, one entry per line.'
$PALANG['alias'] = 'Àlies';
$PALANG['to'] = 'Destí';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_goto_text_error1'] = 'No has introduït res al destí';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_goto_text_error2'] = 'L\'adreça d\'e-mail introduida no és vàlida: ';
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_domain_result_error'] = 'Unable to modify the alias domain!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_forward_and_store'] = 'Deliver to the local mailbox.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_forward_only'] = 'Forward to given email addresses only.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_alias_result_error'] = 'Imposible modificar l\'àlies! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Modifying the alias %s failed!
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_welcome'] = 'Crear una nova bústia pel seu domini.';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error1'] = 'L\'e-mail no és vàlido!';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error3'] = 'Has arribat al límit de creació de bústies!';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_password_text'] = 'Contrasenya per a POP3/IMAP';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_name_text'] = 'Nom complet';
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_mail'] = 'Crear bústia'; # XXX Text change to 'Send Welcome mail'
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_result_error'] = 'Imposible afegir una bústia a la taula de bústies! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Creating the mailbox %s failed!
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_result_success'] = 'La bústia ha estat afegida a la taula de bústies! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: The mailbox %s has been added to the mailbox table!
$PALANG['pCreate_mailbox_result_succes_nosubfolders'] = 'The mailbox %s has been added to the mailbox table, but none (or only some) of the predefined sub-folders could be created.'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_updated'] = "The mailbox %s has been updated."; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_update_failed'] = "Updating the mailbox %s failed!"; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_welcome'] = 'Editar una bústia pel seu domini.';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_username'] = 'Usuari';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_password_text_error'] = 'Les contrasenyes introduides no coincideixen!';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_quota'] = 'Quota'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_quota_text'] = 'MB';
$PALANG['mb_max'] = 'MB (max: %s)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_quota_text_error'] = 'La quota especificada és massa alta!';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_domain_error'] = 'Aquest domini no et pertany: ';
$PALANG['pEdit_mailbox_result_error'] = 'Imposible canviar la contrasenya!';
$PALANG['pPassword_welcome'] = 'Canvia la teva contrasenya de login.';
$PALANG['pPassword_admin'] = 'Login';
$PALANG['pPassword_password_current'] = 'Contrasenya actual';
$PALANG['pPassword_password_current_text_error'] = 'No ha introduït la contrasenya actual!';
$PALANG['pPassword_password'] = 'Nova contrasenya';
$PALANG['pPassword_password2'] = 'Nova contrasenya (repetiu)';
$PALANG['pPassword_password_text_error'] = 'Les contrasenyes introduides no coincideixen o estan en blanc!'; # XXX check/beautify - was split in two lines before
$PALANG['change_password'] = 'Canviar la contrasenya';
$PALANG['pPassword_result_error'] = 'Imposible canviar la contrasenya! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Changing the password for %s failed!
$PALANG['pPassword_result_success'] = 'La seva contrasenya ha estat canviada! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: The password for %s has been changed.
$PALANG['pEdit_vacation_set'] = 'Change / Set away message'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_vacation_remove'] = 'Remove away message'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_result_error'] = 'Updating the auto response settings for %s failed'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_result_removed'] = 'Auto response for %s has been disabled!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_result_added'] = 'Auto response for %s has been enabled!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_reply_type'] = 'Choice of reply'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_reply_delay_time'] = 'Interval time'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_reply_delay_time_text'] = 'Time in seconds'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_until_before_today'] = 'The Date of [Active until] is set before Today'; # XXX
$PALANG['pVacation_until_before_from'] = 'The Date of [Active until] is set before [Active from]'; # XXX
$PALANG['reply_once'] = 'Reply once'; # XXX
$PALANG['reply_every_mail'] = 'Reply on every mail'; # XXX
$PALANG['reply_once_per_day'] = 'Reply once a day'; # XXX
$PALANG['reply_once_per_week'] = 'Reply once per week'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_welcome'] = 'Veure les últimes 10 accions per ';
$PALANG['pViewlog_timestamp'] = 'Data/Hora';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action'] = 'Acció';
$PALANG['pViewlog_data'] = 'Dades';
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_domain'] = 'create domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_domain'] = 'delete domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_domain'] = 'edit domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_mailbox'] = 'create mailbox'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_mailbox'] = 'delete mailbox'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_mailbox'] = 'edit mailbox'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_mailbox_state'] = 'edit mailbox active'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_alias'] = 'create alias'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_alias_domain'] = 'create alias domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias_domain'] = 'edit alias domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_alias'] = 'delete alias'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_alias_domain'] = 'delete alias domain'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias'] = 'edit alias'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias_state'] = 'edit alias active'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_alias_domain_state'] = 'edit alias domain active'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_password'] = 'change password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_admin'] = 'create admin'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_admin'] = 'edit admin'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_admin'] = 'delete admin'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_vacation'] = 'edit vacation'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_create_fetchmail'] = 'create fetchmail job'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_edit_fetchmail'] = 'edit fetchmail job'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_action_delete_fetchmail'] = 'delete fetchmail job'; # XXX
$PALANG['pViewlog_result_error'] = 'Imposible trobar els logs!';
$PALANG['pSendmail_welcome'] = 'Enviar un e-mail.';
$PALANG['from'] = 'De';
$PALANG['pSendmail_to'] = 'Destí';
$PALANG['pSendmail_to_text_error'] = 'La direcció de destí està buida o és una direcció invàlida!';
$PALANG['subject'] = 'Assumpte';
$PALANG['pSendmail_subject_text'] = 'Benvingut';
$PALANG['pSendmail_body'] = 'Cos';
$PALANG['pSendmail_button'] = 'Enviar missatge';
$PALANG['pSendmail_result_error'] = 'Imposible crear la bústia! (%s)'; # XXX text change - new: Unable to send email to %s!
$PALANG['pSendmail_result_success'] = 'La bústia ha estat creada! (%s)'; # XXX text change - new: Email sent to %s.
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_admin'] = 'Llistat d\'administradors';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_domain'] = 'Llistat de dominis';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_list_virtual'] = 'Llista de direccions virtuals';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_backup'] = 'Backup';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_create_domain_admins'] = 'Administradors de domini';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_create_admin'] = 'Nou administrador';
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_create_domain'] = 'Nou dominio';
$PALANG['pAdminList_admin_count'] = 'Dominis';
$PALANG['description'] = 'Descripció';
$PALANG['aliases'] = 'Àlies';
$PALANG['pAdminList_domain_quota'] = 'Domain quota (MB)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminList_domain_backupmx'] = 'Backup MX'; # XXX
$PALANG['last_modified'] = 'Última Modificació';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_welcome'] = 'Afegir nou domini';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_domain_text_error'] = 'El domini ja existeix!';
$PALANG['domain_does_not_exist'] = 'This domain does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_domain_text_error2'] = 'The domain is invalid!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_defaultaliases'] = 'Afegir àlies per defecte';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_button'] = 'Afegir domini';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_result_error'] = 'Imposible afegir el domini! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Adding the domain %s failed!
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_domain_result_success'] = 'El domini ha estat afegit! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: The domain %s has been added.
$PALANG['domain_updated'] = 'The domain %s has been updated.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminDelete_admin_error'] = 'Unable to delete admin!'; # XXX
$PALANG['domain_postdel_failed'] = 'The domain postdeletion script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['domain_postcreate_failed'] = 'The domain postcreate script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_postdel_failed'] = 'The mailbox postdeletion script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_postedit_failed'] = 'The mailbox postedit script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['mailbox_postcreate_failed'] = 'The mailbox postcreate script failed, check the error log for details!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminDelete_alias_domain_error'] = 'Unable to remove domain alias!'; # XXX
$PALANG['domain_conflict_vacation_domain'] = 'You can\'t use the vacation domain as mail domain!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_welcome'] = 'Editar un domini';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_aliases_text'] = '-1 = ilimitat | 0 = deshabilitar';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_maxquota'] = 'Quota màxima';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_maxquota_text'] = 'MB | -1 = ilimitat | 0 = deshabilitar';
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_quota'] = 'Domain Quota'; # XXX
$PALANG['transport'] = 'Transport'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_transport_text'] = 'Define transport'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_backupmx'] = 'Mail server is backup MX'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_domain_result_error'] = 'Imposible modificar el domini! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Modifying the domain %s failed!
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_welcome'] = 'Afegir un nou administrador de domini';
$PALANG['email_address'] = 'E-mail';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_username_text_error1'] = 'Administrador no es un e-mail vàlid!';
$PALANG['admin_already_exists'] = 'L\'administrador ja existeix o no es vàlid!'; # XXX Text changed to: The admin already exists!
$PALANG['admin_does_not_exist'] = 'The admin does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_button'] = 'Afegir administrador';
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_result_error'] = 'Imposible afegir l\'administrador! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Adding the admin %s failed!
$PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_result_success'] = 'L\'administrador ha estat afegit! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: The admin %s has been added.
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_admin_welcome'] = 'Editar un administrador de domini';
$PALANG['admin'] = 'Administrador';
$PALANG['password_again'] = 'Contrasenya (repetiu)';
$PALANG['super_admin'] = 'Super admin'; # XXX
$PALANG['super_admin_desc'] = 'Super admins have access to all domains, can manage domains and admin accounts.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_admin_result_error'] = 'Imposible modificar l\'administrador! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: Modifying the admin %s failed!
$PALANG['pAdminEdit_admin_result_success'] = 'L\'administrador ha estat modificat! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: The admin %s has been modified.
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_welcome'] = 'Login d\'usuaris per canviar la contrasenya i els àlies.';
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_username_incorrect'] = 'El seu login no és correcte. Asseguri\'s d\'haver introduït la seva adreça d\'e-mail com a login!';
$PALANG['pUsersLogin_password_incorrect'] = 'La seva contrasenya no és correcta!';
$PALANG['pUsersMenu_vacation'] = 'Resposta automàtica';
$PALANG['pUsersMenu_edit_alias'] = 'Canviar la redirecció';
$PALANG['pUsersMain_vacation'] = 'Configuri un missatge de "Fora de la feina" o una resposta automàtica pel seu correu.';
$PALANG['pUsersMain_vacationSet'] = $PALANG['pUsersMenu_vacation'] . ' is ON, click \'' . $PALANG['pUsersMenu_vacation'] . '\' to ' . $PALANG['edit'] . '/remove'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersMain_edit_alias'] = 'Canvïi la seva redirecció de correu.';
$PALANG['pUsersMain_password'] = 'Canvïi la seva contrasenya.';
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_welcome'] = 'Resposta automàtica.';
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_welcome_text'] = 'Ja disposa d\'una resposta automàtica configurada! (%s)'; # XXX Text changed to: 'Auto response for %s is active!'
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_subject_text'] = 'Fora de la feina';
$PALANG['message'] = 'Cos'; # XXX text changed to 'Message'
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_body_text'] = <<<EOM
Seré fora des del <date> fins al <date>.
Per assumptes urgents pot contactar amb mi a <contact person>.
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_activefrom'] = 'Active from'; # XXX
$PALANG['pUsersVacation_activeuntil'] = 'Active until'; # XXX
$PALANG['pEdit_dbLog_editactive'] = 'change active state'; # XXX
$PALANG['pSearch'] = 'search'; # XXX
$PALANG['pSearch_welcome'] = 'Searching for: '; # XXX
$PALANG['pReturn_to'] = 'Return to'; # XXX
$PALANG['pBroadcast_title'] = 'Send broadcast message'; # XXX
$PALANG['pBroadcast_name'] = 'Your name'; # XXX
$PALANG['pBroadcast_success'] = 'Your broadcast message was sent.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pAdminMenu_broadcast_message'] = 'Broadcast message'; # XXX
$PALANG['pBroadcast_error_empty'] = 'The fields Name, Subject and Message shouldn\'t be empty!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_undeliverable'] = 'maybe UNDELIVERABLE '; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_custom'] = 'Delivers to '; # XXX
$PALANG['pStatus_popimap'] = 'POP/IMAP '; # XXX
$PALANG['password_too_short'] = "Password is too short - requires %s characters"; # XXX
$PALANG['password_no_characters'] = "Your password must contain at least %s character(s)."; # XXX
$PALANG['password_no_digits'] = "Your password must contain at least %s digit(s)."; # XXX
$PALANG['pInvalidDomainRegex'] = "Invalid domain name %s, fails regexp check"; # XXX
$PALANG['pInvalidDomainDNS'] = "Invalid domain %s, and/or not discoverable in DNS"; # XXX
$PALANG['pInvalidMailRegex'] = "Invalid email address %s, fails regexp check"; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_welcome'] = 'Fetch mail for:'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_new_entry'] = 'New entry'; # XXX
$PALANG['fetchmail_already_exists'] = 'This fetchmail job already exists!'; # XXX
$PALANG['fetchmail_does_not_exist'] = 'This fetchmail job does not exist!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_database_save_error'] = 'Could not save this entry in the database!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_database_save_success'] = 'Entry saved in database.'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_error_invalid_id'] = 'No entry with ID %s found!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_invalid_mailbox'] = 'Invalid mailbox!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_server_missing'] = 'Please enter the remote server name!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_user_missing'] = 'Please enter the remote username!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_password_missing'] = 'Please enter the remote password!'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_id'] = 'ID'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_mailbox'] = 'Mailbox'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_server'] = 'Server'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_auth'] = 'Auth Type'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_user'] = 'User'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_password'] = $PALANG['password']; # needed until fetchmail is migrated into FetchmailHandler
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_src_folder'] = 'Folder'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_poll_time'] = 'Poll'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_fetchall'] = 'Fetch All'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_keep'] = 'Keep'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_protocol'] = 'Protocol'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_usessl'] = 'SSL active'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_sslcertck'] = 'SSL certificate check'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_sslcertpath'] = 'SSL path to certificates'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_sslfingerprint'] = 'SSL fingerprint (md5)'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_extra_options'] = 'Extra Options'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_mda'] = 'MDA'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_date'] = 'Date'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_field_returned_text'] = 'Returned Text'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_id'] = 'Record ID'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_mailbox'] = 'Local mailbox'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_server'] = 'Remote Server'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_auth'] = 'Mostly \'password\''; # Translators: Please do NOT translate 'password' here # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_user'] = 'Remote User'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_password'] = 'Remote Password'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_src_folder'] = 'Remote Folder'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_poll_time'] = 'Poll every ... minutes'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_fetchall'] = 'Retrieve both old (seen) and new messages'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_keep'] = 'Keep retrieved messages on the remote mailserver'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_protocol'] = 'Protocol to use'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_usessl'] = 'SSL encryption'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_extra_options'] = 'Extra fetchmail Options'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_mda'] = 'Mail Delivery Agent'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_date'] = 'Date of last polling/configuration change'; # XXX
$PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_returned_text'] = 'Text message from last polling'; # XXX
$PALANG['dateformat_pgsql'] = 'YYYY-mm-dd'; # translators: rearrange to your local date format, but make sure it's a valid PostgreSQL date format # XXX
$PALANG['dateformat_mysql'] = '%Y-%m-%d'; # translators: rearrange to your local date format, but make sure it's a valid MySQL date format # XXX
The work of two nights causes a long changelog. Here we go: fetchmail.php: - IMPORTANT: fixed typo in database column name. If you have created the fetchmail database already, you have to rename the "pool_time" column to "poll_time" - fixed adding of new entries - don't display status fields (last poll date and result) in edit mode - validate and quote the GET and POST variables - show POSTed data again if invalid values were entered (data to display in the edit form is passed to fetchmail.tpl in $formvars) - check results of database operations and display error/success messages - check owner of target mailbox on all operations - changed password handling: empty means no change (instead of sending "******" around) - reworked and moved around large code portions - added some TODO notes fetchmail.tpl: - use data from $formvars in edit mode instead of parsing the full array - moved "new entry" below the table - replaced delete button with delete links - Note: the boolean fields need testing with PgSQL. Especially test if they are displayed as active correctly in list and edit mode! *.lang: - added several fetchmail-related strings, more to follow - added $PALANG['please_keep_this_as_last_entry'] which always has to be the last entry in the language files. This solves the problem that mixes up the string order when adding strings at the end of the language files. - added vim:ft=php git-svn-id: a1433add-5e2c-0410-b055-b7f2511e0802
17 years ago
$PALANG['please_keep_this_as_last_entry'] = ''; # needed for
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