You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

225 lines
8.0 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<resources xmlns:android="">
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1 Ano</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d Anos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1 Mês</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d Meses</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 Semana</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Semanas</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 Dia</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Dias</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 Weekday</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Weekdays</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1 Hora</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d Horas</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 Minuto</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d Minutos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1 Segundo</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d Segundos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 h</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d h</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 min</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d min</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 s</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d s</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 tarefa</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d tarefas</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">1 person</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d people</item>
<!-- today -->
<string name="today">Hoje</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Amanhã</string>
<!-- today -->
<string name="yesterday">Ontem</string>
<!-- tomorrow abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">Tmrw</string>
<!-- today abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">Yest</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">Confirma?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Pergunta:</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Informação</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">Error!</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">Guardar</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">Sim</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">Não</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Fechar</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Concluído</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Oops, looks like an error occurred! Here\'s what happened:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Oops, looks like an error occurred!</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Por favor aguarde...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Synchronizing your tasks...</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">A Sincronizar...</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">Sincronização</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">Connection Error! Check your Internet connection.</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">Estado</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Not Logged In!</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">Sync Ongoing...</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">Last Sync:\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">Failed On: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Sync w/ Errors: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">Last Successful Sync: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync'd -->
<string name="sync_status_never">Never Synchronized!</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">Opções</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">Background Sync</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">Background synchronization is disabled</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">Currently set to: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">Wifi Only Setting</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Background synchronization only happens when on Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Background synchronization will always occur</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">Acções</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Sincronizar Agora!</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">Log In &amp; Synchronize!</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">Logged in as:</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">Terminar sessão</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">Clears all synchronization data</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">Log out / clear synchronization data?</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>every fifteen minutes</item>
<item>every thirty minutes</item>
<item>every hour</item>
<item>every three hours</item>
<item>every six hours</item>
<item>every twelve hours</item>
<item>every day</item>
<item>every three days</item>
<item>every week</item>