mirror of https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git
collection routing (#67684)
* `meta/` directory in collections * runtime metadata for redirection/deprecation/removal of plugin loads * a compatibility layer to keep existing content working on ansible-base + collections * a Python import redirection layer to keep collections-hosted (and otherwise moved) content importable by things that don't know better * supported Ansible version validation on collection loadspull/69714/head
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- Plugin routing allows collections to declare deprecation, redirection targets, and removals for all plugin types.
- Routing data built into Ansible 2.10 ensures that 2.9 content should work unmodified on 2.10. Formerly included
modules and plugins that were moved to collections are still accessible by their original unqualified names, so long
as their destination collections are installed.
- Collections may declare a list of supported/tested Ansible versions for the collection. A warning is issued if a
collection does not support the Ansible version that loads it (can also be configured as silent or a fatal error).
Collections that do not declare supported Ansible versions do not issue a warning/error.
- Plugins that import module_utils and other ansible namespaces that have moved to collections should
continue to work unmodified.
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- validate-modules checks for deprecated in collections against meta/routing.yml
- validate-modules checks for deprecated in collections against meta/runtime.yml
@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
# (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
from types import ModuleType
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native, to_text
from ansible.module_utils.compat.importlib import import_module
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems, string_types, with_metaclass
from ansible.utils.singleton import Singleton
# these provide fallback package definitions when there are no on-disk paths
'ansible_collections': dict(type='pkg_only', allow_external_subpackages=True),
'ansible_collections.ansible': dict(type='pkg_only', allow_external_subpackages=True),
# these implement the ansible.builtin synthetic collection mapped to the packages inside the ansible distribution
'ansible_collections.ansible.builtin': dict(type='pkg_only'),
'ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins': dict(type='map', map='ansible.plugins'),
'ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils': dict(type='map', map='ansible.module_utils', graft=True),
'ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.modules': dict(type='flatmap', flatmap='ansible.modules', graft=True),
# FIXME: exception handling/error logging
class AnsibleCollectionLoader(with_metaclass(Singleton, object)):
def __init__(self, config=None):
if config:
paths = config.get_config_value('COLLECTIONS_PATHS')
paths = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS', '').split(os.pathsep)
if isinstance(paths, string_types):
paths = [paths]
elif paths is None:
paths = []
# expand any placeholders in configured paths
paths = [
to_native(os.path.expanduser(p), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
for p in paths
# Append all ``ansible_collections`` dirs from sys.path to the end
for path in sys.path:
if (
path not in paths and
os.path.join(path, 'ansible_collections'),
self._n_configured_paths = paths
self._n_playbook_paths = []
self._default_collection = None
# pre-inject grafted package maps so we can force them to use the right loader instead of potentially delegating to a "normal" loader
for syn_pkg_def in (p for p in iteritems(_SYNTHETIC_PACKAGES) if p[1].get('graft')):
pkg_name = syn_pkg_def[0]
pkg_def = syn_pkg_def[1]
newmod = ModuleType(pkg_name)
newmod.__package__ = pkg_name
newmod.__file__ = '<ansible_synthetic_collection_package>'
pkg_type = pkg_def.get('type')
# TODO: need to rethink map style so we can just delegate all the loading
if pkg_type == 'flatmap':
newmod.__loader__ = AnsibleFlatMapLoader(import_module(pkg_def['flatmap']))
newmod.__path__ = []
sys.modules[pkg_name] = newmod
def n_collection_paths(self):
return self._n_playbook_paths + self._n_configured_paths
def get_collection_path(self, collection_name):
if not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_collection_name(collection_name):
raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid collection name'.format(to_native(collection_name)))
m = import_module('ansible_collections.{0}'.format(collection_name))
return m.__file__
def set_playbook_paths(self, b_playbook_paths):
if isinstance(b_playbook_paths, string_types):
b_playbook_paths = [b_playbook_paths]
# track visited paths; we have to preserve the dir order as-passed in case there are duplicate collections (first one wins)
added_paths = set()
# de-dupe and ensure the paths are native strings (Python seems to do this for package paths etc, so assume it's safe)
self._n_playbook_paths = [os.path.join(to_native(p), 'collections') for p in b_playbook_paths if not (p in added_paths or added_paths.add(p))]
# FIXME: only allow setting this once, or handle any necessary cache/package path invalidations internally?
# FIXME: is there a better place to store this?
# FIXME: only allow setting this once
def set_default_collection(self, collection_name):
self._default_collection = collection_name
def default_collection(self):
return self._default_collection
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
if self._find_module(fullname, path, load=False)[0]:
return self
return None
def load_module(self, fullname):
mod = self._find_module(fullname, None, load=True)[1]
if not mod:
raise ImportError('module {0} not found'.format(fullname))
return mod
def _find_module(self, fullname, path, load):
# this loader is only concerned with items under the Ansible Collections namespace hierarchy, ignore others
if not fullname.startswith('ansible_collections.') and fullname != 'ansible_collections':
return False, None
if sys.modules.get(fullname):
if not load:
return True, None
return True, sys.modules[fullname]
newmod = None
# this loader implements key functionality for Ansible collections
# * implicit distributed namespace packages for the root Ansible namespace (no pkgutil.extend_path hackery reqd)
# * implicit package support for Python 2.7 (no need for __init__.py in collections, except to use standard Py2.7 tooling)
# * preventing controller-side code injection during collection loading
# * (default loader would execute arbitrary package code from all __init__.py's)
parent_pkg_name = '.'.join(fullname.split('.')[:-1])
parent_pkg = sys.modules.get(parent_pkg_name)
if parent_pkg_name and not parent_pkg:
raise ImportError('parent package {0} not found'.format(parent_pkg_name))
# are we at or below the collection level? eg a.mynamespace.mycollection.something.else
# if so, we don't want distributed namespace behavior; first mynamespace.mycollection on the path is where
# we'll load everything from (ie, don't fall back to another mynamespace.mycollection lower on the path)
sub_collection = fullname.count('.') > 1
synpkg_def = _SYNTHETIC_PACKAGES.get(fullname)
synpkg_remainder = ''
if not synpkg_def:
# if the parent is a grafted package, we have some special work to do, otherwise just look for stuff on disk
parent_synpkg_def = _SYNTHETIC_PACKAGES.get(parent_pkg_name)
if parent_synpkg_def and parent_synpkg_def.get('graft'):
synpkg_def = parent_synpkg_def
synpkg_remainder = '.' + fullname.rpartition('.')[2]
# FUTURE: collapse as much of this back to on-demand as possible (maybe stub packages that get replaced when actually loaded?)
if synpkg_def:
pkg_type = synpkg_def.get('type')
if not pkg_type:
raise KeyError('invalid synthetic package type (no package "type" specified)')
if pkg_type == 'map':
map_package = synpkg_def.get('map')
if not map_package:
raise KeyError('invalid synthetic map package definition (no target "map" defined)')
if not load:
return True, None
mod = import_module(map_package + synpkg_remainder)
sys.modules[fullname] = mod
return True, mod
elif pkg_type == 'flatmap':
raise NotImplementedError()
elif pkg_type == 'pkg_only':
if not load:
return True, None
newmod = ModuleType(fullname)
newmod.__package__ = fullname
newmod.__file__ = '<ansible_synthetic_collection_package>'
newmod.__loader__ = self
newmod.__path__ = []
if not synpkg_def.get('allow_external_subpackages'):
# if external subpackages are NOT allowed, we're done
sys.modules[fullname] = newmod
return True, newmod
# if external subpackages ARE allowed, check for on-disk implementations and return a normal
# package if we find one, otherwise return the one we created here
if not parent_pkg: # top-level package, look for NS subpackages on all collection paths
package_paths = [self._extend_path_with_ns(p, fullname) for p in self.n_collection_paths]
else: # subpackage; search in all subpaths (we'll limit later inside a collection)
package_paths = [self._extend_path_with_ns(p, fullname) for p in parent_pkg.__path__]
for candidate_child_path in package_paths:
code_object = None
is_package = True
location = None
# check for implicit sub-package first
if os.path.isdir(to_bytes(candidate_child_path)):
# Py3.x implicit namespace packages don't have a file location, so they don't support get_data
# (which assumes the parent dir or that the loader has an internal mapping); so we have to provide
# a bogus leaf file on the __file__ attribute for pkgutil.get_data to strip off
location = os.path.join(candidate_child_path, '__synthetic__')
for source_path in [os.path.join(candidate_child_path, '__init__.py'),
candidate_child_path + '.py']:
if not os.path.isfile(to_bytes(source_path)):
if not load:
return True, None
with open(to_bytes(source_path), 'rb') as fd:
source = fd.read()
code_object = compile(source=source, filename=source_path, mode='exec', flags=0, dont_inherit=True)
location = source_path
is_package = source_path.endswith('__init__.py')
if not location:
newmod = ModuleType(fullname)
newmod.__file__ = location
newmod.__loader__ = self
if is_package:
if sub_collection: # we never want to search multiple instances of the same collection; use first found
newmod.__path__ = [candidate_child_path]
newmod.__path__ = package_paths
newmod.__package__ = fullname
newmod.__package__ = parent_pkg_name
sys.modules[fullname] = newmod
if code_object:
# FIXME: decide cases where we don't actually want to exec the code?
exec(code_object, newmod.__dict__)
return True, newmod
# even if we didn't find one on disk, fall back to a synthetic package if we have one...
if newmod:
sys.modules[fullname] = newmod
return True, newmod
# FIXME: need to handle the "no dirs present" case for at least the root and synthetic internal collections like ansible.builtin
return False, None
def _extend_path_with_ns(path, ns):
ns_path_add = ns.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
return os.path.join(path, ns_path_add)
def get_data(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
return fd.read()
class AnsibleFlatMapLoader(object):
_extension_blacklist = ['.pyc', '.pyo']
def __init__(self, root_package):
self._root_package = root_package
self._dirtree = None
def _init_dirtree(self):
# FIXME: thread safety
root_path = os.path.dirname(self._root_package.__file__)
flat_files = []
# FIXME: make this a dict of filename->dir for faster direct lookup?
# FIXME: deal with _ prefixed deprecated files (or require another method for collections?)
# FIXME: fix overloaded filenames (eg, rename Windows setup to win_setup)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path):
# add all files in this dir that don't have a blacklisted extension
flat_files.extend(((root, f) for f in files if not any((f.endswith(ext) for ext in self._extension_blacklist))))
# HACK: Put Windows modules at the end of the list. This makes collection_loader behave
# the same way as plugin loader, preventing '.ps1' from modules being selected before '.py'
# modules simply because '.ps1' files may be above '.py' files in the flat_files list.
# The expected sort order is paths in the order they were in 'flat_files'
# with paths ending in '/windows' at the end, also in the original order they were
# in 'flat_files'. The .sort() method is guaranteed to be stable, so original order is preserved.
flat_files.sort(key=lambda p: p[0].endswith('/windows'))
self._dirtree = flat_files
def find_file(self, filename):
# FIXME: thread safety
if not self._dirtree:
if '.' not in filename: # no extension specified, use extension regex to filter
extensionless_re = re.compile(r'^{0}(\..+)?$'.format(re.escape(filename)))
# why doesn't Python have first()?
# FIXME: store extensionless in a separate direct lookup?
filepath = next(os.path.join(r, f) for r, f in self._dirtree if extensionless_re.match(f))
except StopIteration:
raise IOError("couldn't find {0}".format(filename))
else: # actual filename, just look it up
# FIXME: this case sucks; make it a lookup
filepath = next(os.path.join(r, f) for r, f in self._dirtree if f == filename)
except StopIteration:
raise IOError("couldn't find {0}".format(filename))
return filepath
def get_data(self, filename):
found_file = self.find_file(filename)
with open(found_file, 'rb') as fd:
return fd.read()
# TODO: implement these for easier inline debugging?
# def get_source(self, fullname):
# def get_code(self, fullname):
# def is_package(self, fullname):
class AnsibleCollectionRef:
# FUTURE: introspect plugin loaders to get these dynamically?
VALID_REF_TYPES = frozenset(to_text(r) for r in ['action', 'become', 'cache', 'callback', 'cliconf', 'connection',
'doc_fragments', 'filter', 'httpapi', 'inventory', 'lookup',
'module_utils', 'modules', 'netconf', 'role', 'shell', 'strategy',
'terminal', 'test', 'vars'])
# FIXME: tighten this up to match Python identifier reqs, etc
VALID_COLLECTION_NAME_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^(\w+)\.(\w+)$'))
VALID_SUBDIRS_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^\w+(\.\w+)*$'))
VALID_FQCR_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^\w+\.\w+\.\w+(\.\w+)*$')) # can have 0-N included subdirs as well
def __init__(self, collection_name, subdirs, resource, ref_type):
Create an AnsibleCollectionRef from components
:param collection_name: a collection name of the form 'namespace.collectionname'
:param subdirs: optional subdir segments to be appended below the plugin type (eg, 'subdir1.subdir2')
:param resource: the name of the resource being references (eg, 'mymodule', 'someaction', 'a_role')
:param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
collection_name = to_text(collection_name, errors='strict')
if subdirs is not None:
subdirs = to_text(subdirs, errors='strict')
resource = to_text(resource, errors='strict')
ref_type = to_text(ref_type, errors='strict')
if not self.is_valid_collection_name(collection_name):
raise ValueError('invalid collection name (must be of the form namespace.collection): {0}'.format(to_native(collection_name)))
if ref_type not in self.VALID_REF_TYPES:
raise ValueError('invalid collection ref_type: {0}'.format(ref_type))
self.collection = collection_name
if subdirs:
if not re.match(self.VALID_SUBDIRS_RE, subdirs):
raise ValueError('invalid subdirs entry: {0} (must be empty/None or of the form subdir1.subdir2)'.format(to_native(subdirs)))
self.subdirs = subdirs
self.subdirs = u''
self.resource = resource
self.ref_type = ref_type
package_components = [u'ansible_collections', self.collection]
if self.ref_type == u'role':
# we assume it's a plugin
package_components += [u'plugins', self.ref_type]
if self.subdirs:
if self.ref_type == u'role':
# roles are their own resource
self.n_python_package_name = to_native('.'.join(package_components))
def from_fqcr(ref, ref_type):
Parse a string as a fully-qualified collection reference, raises ValueError if invalid
:param ref: collection reference to parse (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource')
:param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
:return: a populated AnsibleCollectionRef object
# assuming the fq_name is of the form (ns).(coll).(optional_subdir_N).(resource_name),
# we split the resource name off the right, split ns and coll off the left, and we're left with any optional
# subdirs that need to be added back below the plugin-specific subdir we'll add. So:
# ns.coll.resource -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.(plugintype).resource
# ns.coll.subdir1.resource -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.subdir1.(plugintype).resource
# ns.coll.rolename -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.roles.rolename
if not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref):
raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid collection reference'.format(to_native(ref)))
ref = to_text(ref, errors='strict')
ref_type = to_text(ref_type, errors='strict')
resource_splitname = ref.rsplit(u'.', 1)
package_remnant = resource_splitname[0]
resource = resource_splitname[1]
# split the left two components of the collection package name off, anything remaining is plugin-type
# specific subdirs to be added back on below the plugin type
package_splitname = package_remnant.split(u'.', 2)
if len(package_splitname) == 3:
subdirs = package_splitname[2]
subdirs = u''
collection_name = u'.'.join(package_splitname[0:2])
return AnsibleCollectionRef(collection_name, subdirs, resource, ref_type)
def try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type):
Attempt to parse a string as a fully-qualified collection reference, returning None on failure (instead of raising an error)
:param ref: collection reference to parse (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource')
:param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
:return: a populated AnsibleCollectionRef object on successful parsing, else None
return AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
except ValueError:
def legacy_plugin_dir_to_plugin_type(legacy_plugin_dir_name):
Utility method to convert from a PluginLoader dir name to a plugin ref_type
:param legacy_plugin_dir_name: PluginLoader dir name (eg, 'action_plugins', 'library')
:return: the corresponding plugin ref_type (eg, 'action', 'role')
legacy_plugin_dir_name = to_text(legacy_plugin_dir_name)
plugin_type = legacy_plugin_dir_name.replace(u'_plugins', u'')
if plugin_type == u'library':
plugin_type = u'modules'
if plugin_type not in AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_REF_TYPES:
raise ValueError('{0} cannot be mapped to a valid collection ref type'.format(to_native(legacy_plugin_dir_name)))
return plugin_type
def is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type=None):
Validates if is string is a well-formed fully-qualified collection reference (does not look up the collection itself)
:param ref: candidate collection reference to validate (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource')
:param ref_type: optional reference type to enable deeper validation, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
:return: True if the collection ref passed is well-formed, False otherwise
ref = to_text(ref)
if not ref_type:
return bool(re.match(AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_FQCR_RE, ref))
return bool(AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type))
def is_valid_collection_name(collection_name):
Validates if the given string is a well-formed collection name (does not look up the collection itself)
:param collection_name: candidate collection name to validate (a valid name is of the form 'ns.collname')
:return: True if the collection name passed is well-formed, False otherwise
collection_name = to_text(collection_name)
return bool(re.match(AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_COLLECTION_NAME_RE, collection_name))
def get_collection_role_path(role_name, collection_list=None):
acr = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(role_name, 'role')
if acr:
# looks like a valid qualified collection ref; skip the collection_list
collection_list = [acr.collection]
subdirs = acr.subdirs
resource = acr.resource
elif not collection_list:
return None # not a FQ role and no collection search list spec'd, nothing to do
resource = role_name # treat as unqualified, loop through the collection search list to try and resolve
subdirs = ''
for collection_name in collection_list:
acr = AnsibleCollectionRef(collection_name=collection_name, subdirs=subdirs, resource=resource, ref_type='role')
# FIXME: error handling/logging; need to catch any import failures and move along
# FIXME: this line shouldn't be necessary, but py2 pkgutil.get_data is delegating back to built-in loader when it shouldn't
pkg = import_module(acr.n_python_package_name)
if pkg is not None:
# the package is now loaded, get the collection's package and ask where it lives
path = os.path.dirname(to_bytes(sys.modules[acr.n_python_package_name].__file__, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
return resource, to_text(path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), collection_name
except IOError:
except Exception as ex:
# FIXME: pick out typical import errors first, then error logging
return None
_N_COLLECTION_PATH_RE = re.compile(r'/ansible_collections/([^/]+)/([^/]+)')
def get_collection_name_from_path(path):
Return the containing collection name for a given path, or None if the path is not below a configured collection, or
the collection cannot be loaded (eg, the collection is masked by another of the same name higher in the configured
collection roots).
:param n_path: native-string path to evaluate for collection containment
:return: collection name or None
n_collection_paths = [to_native(os.path.abspath(to_bytes(p))) for p in AnsibleCollectionLoader().n_collection_paths]
b_path = os.path.abspath(to_bytes(path))
n_path = to_native(b_path)
for coll_path in n_collection_paths:
common_prefix = to_native(os.path.commonprefix([b_path, to_bytes(coll_path)]))
if common_prefix == coll_path:
# strip off the common prefix (handle weird testing cases of nested collection roots, eg)
collection_remnant = n_path[len(coll_path):]
# commonprefix may include the trailing /, prepend to the remnant if necessary (eg trailing / on root)
if collection_remnant and collection_remnant[0] != '/':
collection_remnant = '/' + collection_remnant
# the path lives under this collection root, see if it maps to a collection
found_collection = _N_COLLECTION_PATH_RE.search(collection_remnant)
if not found_collection:
n_collection_name = '{0}.{1}'.format(*found_collection.groups())
loaded_collection_path = AnsibleCollectionLoader().get_collection_path(n_collection_name)
if not loaded_collection_path:
return None
# ensure we're using the canonical real path, with the bogus __synthetic__ stripped off
b_loaded_collection_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(to_bytes(loaded_collection_path)))
# if the collection path prefix matches the path prefix we were passed, it's the same collection that's loaded
if os.path.commonprefix([b_path, b_loaded_collection_path]) == b_loaded_collection_path:
return n_collection_name
return None # if not, it's a collection, but not the same collection the loader sees, so ignore it
def set_collection_playbook_paths(b_playbook_paths):
def resource_from_fqcr(ref):
Return resource from a fully-qualified collection reference,
or from a simple resource name.
For fully-qualified collection references, this is equivalent to
:param ref: collection reference to parse
:return: the resource as a unicode string
ref = to_text(ref, errors='strict')
return ref.split(u'.')[-1]
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
# FIXME: decide what of this we want to actually be public/toplevel, put other stuff on a utility class?
from ._collection_config import AnsibleCollectionConfig
from ._collection_finder import AnsibleCollectionRef
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text
def resource_from_fqcr(ref):
Return resource from a fully-qualified collection reference,
or from a simple resource name.
For fully-qualified collection references, this is equivalent to
:param ref: collection reference to parse
:return: the resource as a unicode string
ref = to_text(ref, errors='strict')
return ref.split(u'.')[-1]
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text
from ansible.module_utils.six import with_metaclass
class _EventSource:
def __init__(self):
self._handlers = set()
def __iadd__(self, handler):
if not callable(handler):
raise ValueError('handler must be callable')
return self
def __isub__(self, handler):
except KeyError:
return self
def _on_exception(self, handler, exc, *args, **kwargs):
# if we return True, we want the caller to re-raise
return True
def fire(self, *args, **kwargs):
for h in self._handlers:
h(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as ex:
if self._on_exception(h, ex, *args, **kwargs):
class _AnsibleCollectionConfig(type):
def __init__(cls, meta, name, bases):
cls._collection_finder = None
cls._default_collection = None
cls._on_collection_load = _EventSource()
def collection_finder(cls):
return cls._collection_finder
def collection_finder(cls, value):
if cls._collection_finder:
raise ValueError('an AnsibleCollectionFinder has already been configured')
cls._collection_finder = value
def collection_paths(cls):
return [to_text(p) for p in cls._collection_finder._n_collection_paths]
def default_collection(cls):
return cls._default_collection
def default_collection(cls, value):
if cls._default_collection:
raise ValueError('default collection {0} has already been configured'.format(value))
cls._default_collection = value
def on_collection_load(cls):
return cls._on_collection_load
def on_collection_load(cls, value):
if value is not cls._on_collection_load:
raise ValueError('on_collection_load is not directly settable (use +=)')
def playbook_paths(cls):
return [to_text(p) for p in cls._collection_finder._n_playbook_paths]
def playbook_paths(cls, value):
def _require_finder(cls):
if not cls._collection_finder:
raise NotImplementedError('an AnsibleCollectionFinder has not been installed in this process')
# concrete class of our metaclass type that defines the class properties we want
class AnsibleCollectionConfig(with_metaclass(_AnsibleCollectionConfig)):
@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
# (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import os.path
import pkgutil
import re
import sys
# DO NOT add new non-stdlib import deps here, this loader is used by external tools (eg ansible-test import sanity)
# that only allow stdlib and module_utils
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native, to_text, to_bytes
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types, PY3
from ._collection_config import AnsibleCollectionConfig
from contextlib import contextmanager
from types import ModuleType
from importlib import import_module
except ImportError:
def import_module(name):
return sys.modules[name]
from importlib import reload as reload_module
except ImportError:
# 2.7 has a global reload function instead...
reload_module = reload # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
# NB: this supports import sanity test providing a different impl
from ._collection_meta import _meta_yml_to_dict
except ImportError:
_meta_yml_to_dict = None
class _AnsibleCollectionFinder:
def __init__(self, paths=None, scan_sys_paths=True):
# TODO: accept metadata loader override
self._ansible_pkg_path = to_native(os.path.dirname(to_bytes(sys.modules['ansible'].__file__)))
if isinstance(paths, string_types):
paths = [paths]
elif paths is None:
paths = []
# expand any placeholders in configured paths
paths = [os.path.expanduser(to_native(p, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) for p in paths]
if scan_sys_paths:
# append all sys.path entries with an ansible_collections package
for path in sys.path:
if (
path not in paths and
os.path.join(path, 'ansible_collections'),
self._n_configured_paths = paths
self._n_cached_collection_paths = None
self._n_cached_collection_qualified_paths = None
self._n_playbook_paths = []
def _remove(cls):
for mps in sys.meta_path:
if isinstance(mps, _AnsibleCollectionFinder):
# remove any path hooks that look like ours
for ph in sys.path_hooks:
if hasattr(ph, '__self__') and isinstance(ph.__self__, _AnsibleCollectionFinder):
# zap any cached path importer cache entries that might refer to us
AnsibleCollectionConfig._collection_finder = None
# validate via the public property that we really killed it
if AnsibleCollectionConfig.collection_finder is not None:
raise AssertionError('_AnsibleCollectionFinder remove did not reset AnsibleCollectionConfig.collection_finder')
def _install(self):
sys.meta_path.insert(0, self)
sys.path_hooks.insert(0, self._ansible_collection_path_hook)
AnsibleCollectionConfig.collection_finder = self
def _ansible_collection_path_hook(self, path):
path = to_native(path)
interesting_paths = self._n_cached_collection_qualified_paths
if not interesting_paths:
interesting_paths = [os.path.join(p, 'ansible_collections') for p in
interesting_paths.insert(0, self._ansible_pkg_path)
self._n_cached_collection_qualified_paths = interesting_paths
if any(path.startswith(p) for p in interesting_paths):
return _AnsiblePathHookFinder(self, path)
raise ImportError('not interested')
def _n_collection_paths(self):
paths = self._n_cached_collection_paths
if not paths:
self._n_cached_collection_paths = paths = self._n_playbook_paths + self._n_configured_paths
return paths
def set_playbook_paths(self, playbook_paths):
if isinstance(playbook_paths, string_types):
playbook_paths = [playbook_paths]
# track visited paths; we have to preserve the dir order as-passed in case there are duplicate collections (first one wins)
added_paths = set()
# de-dupe
self._n_playbook_paths = [os.path.join(to_native(p), 'collections') for p in playbook_paths if not (p in added_paths or added_paths.add(p))]
self._n_cached_collection_paths = None
# HACK: playbook CLI sets this relatively late, so we've already loaded some packages whose paths might depend on this. Fix those up.
# NB: this should NOT be used for late additions; ideally we'd fix the playbook dir setup earlier in Ansible init
# to prevent this from occurring
for pkg in ['ansible_collections', 'ansible_collections.ansible']:
def _reload_hack(self, fullname):
m = sys.modules.get(fullname)
if not m:
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
# Figure out what's being asked for, and delegate to a special-purpose loader
split_name = fullname.split('.')
toplevel_pkg = split_name[0]
module_to_find = split_name[-1]
part_count = len(split_name)
if toplevel_pkg not in ['ansible', 'ansible_collections']:
# not interested in anything other than ansible_collections (and limited cases under ansible)
return None
# sanity check what we're getting from import, canonicalize path values
if part_count == 1:
if path:
raise ValueError('path should not be specified for top-level packages (trying to find {0})'.format(fullname))
# seed the path to the configured collection roots
path = self._n_collection_paths
if part_count > 1 and path is None:
raise ValueError('path must be specified for subpackages (trying to find {0})'.format(fullname))
# NB: actual "find"ing is delegated to the constructors on the various loaders; they'll ImportError if not found
if toplevel_pkg == 'ansible':
# something under the ansible package, delegate to our internal loader in case of redirections
return _AnsibleInternalRedirectLoader(fullname=fullname, path_list=path)
if part_count == 1:
return _AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader(fullname=fullname, path_list=path)
if part_count == 2: # ns pkg eg, ansible_collections, ansible_collections.somens
return _AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader(fullname=fullname, path_list=path)
elif part_count == 3: # collection pkg eg, ansible_collections.somens.somecoll
return _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader(fullname=fullname, path_list=path)
# anything below the collection
return _AnsibleCollectionLoader(fullname=fullname, path_list=path)
except ImportError:
# TODO: log attempt to load context
return None
# Implements a path_hook finder for iter_modules (since it's only path based). This finder does not need to actually
# function as a finder in most cases, since our meta_path finder is consulted first for *almost* everything, except
# pkgutil.iter_modules, and under py2, pkgutil.get_data if the parent package passed has not been loaded yet.
class _AnsiblePathHookFinder:
def __init__(self, collection_finder, pathctx):
# when called from a path_hook, find_module doesn't usually get the path arg, so this provides our context
self._pathctx = to_native(pathctx)
self._collection_finder = collection_finder
if PY3:
# cache the native FileFinder (take advantage of its filesystem cache for future find/load requests)
self._file_finder = None
# class init is fun- this method has a self arg that won't get used
def _get_filefinder_path_hook(self=None):
_file_finder_hook = None
if PY3:
# try to find the FileFinder hook to call for fallback path-based imports in Py3
_file_finder_hook = [ph for ph in sys.path_hooks if 'FileFinder' in repr(ph)]
if len(_file_finder_hook) != 1:
raise Exception('need exactly one FileFinder import hook (found {0})'.format(len(_file_finder_hook)))
_file_finder_hook = _file_finder_hook[0]
return _file_finder_hook
_filefinder_path_hook = _get_filefinder_path_hook()
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
# we ignore the passed in path here- use what we got from the path hook init
split_name = fullname.split('.')
toplevel_pkg = split_name[0]
if toplevel_pkg == 'ansible_collections':
# collections content? delegate to the collection finder
return self._collection_finder.find_module(fullname, path=[self._pathctx])
# Something else; we'd normally restrict this to `ansible` descendent modules so that any weird loader
# behavior that arbitrary Python modules have can be serviced by those loaders. In some dev/test
# scenarios (eg a venv under a collection) our path_hook signs us up to load non-Ansible things, and
# it's too late by the time we've reached this point, but also too expensive for the path_hook to figure
# out what we *shouldn't* be loading with the limited info it has. So we'll just delegate to the
# normal path-based loader as best we can to service it. This also allows us to take advantage of Python's
# built-in FS caching and byte-compilation for most things.
if PY3:
# create or consult our cached file finder for this path
if not self._file_finder:
self._file_finder = _AnsiblePathHookFinder._filefinder_path_hook(self._pathctx)
spec = self._file_finder.find_spec(fullname)
if not spec:
return None
return spec.loader
# call py2's internal loader
return pkgutil.ImpImporter(self._pathctx).find_module(fullname)
def iter_modules(self, prefix):
# NB: this currently represents only what's on disk, and does not handle package redirection
return _iter_modules_impl([self._pathctx], prefix)
def __repr__(self):
return "{0}(path='{1}')".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._pathctx)
class _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase:
_allows_package_code = False
def __init__(self, fullname, path_list=None):
self._fullname = fullname
self._redirect_module = None
self._split_name = fullname.split('.')
self._rpart_name = fullname.rpartition('.')
self._parent_package_name = self._rpart_name[0] # eg ansible_collections for ansible_collections.somens, '' for toplevel
self._package_to_load = self._rpart_name[2] # eg somens for ansible_collections.somens
self._source_code_path = None
self._decoded_source = None
self._compiled_code = None
self._candidate_paths = self._get_candidate_paths([to_native(p) for p in path_list])
self._subpackage_search_paths = self._get_subpackage_search_paths(self._candidate_paths)
# allow subclasses to validate args and sniff split values before we start digging around
def _validate_args(self):
if self._split_name[0] != 'ansible_collections':
raise ImportError('this loader can only load packages from the ansible_collections package, not {0}'.format(self._fullname))
# allow subclasses to customize candidate path filtering
def _get_candidate_paths(self, path_list):
return [os.path.join(p, self._package_to_load) for p in path_list]
# allow subclasses to customize finding paths
def _get_subpackage_search_paths(self, candidate_paths):
# filter candidate paths for existence (NB: silently ignoring package init code and same-named modules)
return [p for p in candidate_paths if os.path.isdir(to_bytes(p))]
# allow subclasses to customize state validation/manipulation before we return the loader instance
def _validate_final(self):
def _new_or_existing_module(name, **kwargs):
# handle all-or-nothing sys.modules creation/use-existing/delete-on-exception-if-created behavior
created_module = False
module = sys.modules.get(name)
if not module:
module = ModuleType(name)
created_module = True
sys.modules[name] = module
# always override the values passed, except name (allow reference aliasing)
for attr, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(module, attr, value)
yield module
except Exception:
if created_module:
if sys.modules.get(name):
# basic module/package location support
# NB: this does not support distributed packages!
def _module_file_from_path(leaf_name, path):
has_code = True
package_path = os.path.join(to_native(path), to_native(leaf_name))
module_path = None
# if the submodule is a package, assemble valid submodule paths, but stop looking for a module
if os.path.isdir(to_bytes(package_path)):
# is there a package init?
module_path = os.path.join(package_path, '__init__.py')
if not os.path.isfile(to_bytes(module_path)):
module_path = os.path.join(package_path, '__synthetic__')
has_code = False
module_path = package_path + '.py'
package_path = None
if not os.path.isfile(to_bytes(module_path)):
raise ImportError('{0} not found at {1}'.format(leaf_name, path))
return module_path, has_code, package_path
def load_module(self, fullname):
# short-circuit redirect; we've already imported the redirected module, so just alias it and return it
if self._redirect_module:
sys.modules[self._fullname] = self._redirect_module
return self._redirect_module
# we're actually loading a module/package
module_attrs = dict(
__package__=self._parent_package_name # sane default for non-packages
# eg, I am a package
if self._subpackage_search_paths is not None: # empty is legal
module_attrs['__path__'] = self._subpackage_search_paths
module_attrs['__package__'] = fullname # per PEP366
with self._new_or_existing_module(fullname, **module_attrs) as module:
# execute the module's code in its namespace
exec(self.get_code(fullname), module.__dict__)
return module
def is_package(self, fullname):
if fullname != self._fullname:
raise ValueError('this loader cannot answer is_package for {0}, only {1}'.format(fullname, self._fullname))
return self._subpackage_search_paths is not None
def get_source(self, fullname):
if self._decoded_source:
return self._decoded_source
if fullname != self._fullname:
raise ValueError('this loader cannot load source for {0}, only {1}'.format(fullname, self._fullname))
if not self._source_code_path:
return None
# FIXME: what do we want encoding/newline requirements to be?
self._decoded_source = self.get_data(self._source_code_path)
return self._decoded_source
def get_data(self, path):
if not path:
raise ValueError('a path must be specified')
# TODO: ensure we're being asked for a path below something we own
# TODO: try to handle redirects internally?
if not path[0] == '/':
# relative to current package, search package paths if possible (this may not be necessary)
# candidate_paths = [os.path.join(ssp, path) for ssp in self._subpackage_search_paths]
raise ValueError('relative resource paths not supported')
candidate_paths = [path]
for p in candidate_paths:
b_path = to_bytes(p)
if os.path.isfile(b_path):
with open(b_path, 'rb') as fd:
return fd.read()
return None
def _synthetic_filename(self, fullname):
return '<ansible_synthetic_collection_package>'
def get_filename(self, fullname):
if fullname != self._fullname:
raise ValueError('this loader cannot find files for {0}, only {1}'.format(fullname, self._fullname))
filename = self._source_code_path
if not filename and self.is_package(fullname):
if len(self._subpackage_search_paths) == 1:
filename = os.path.join(self._subpackage_search_paths[0], '__synthetic__')
filename = self._synthetic_filename(fullname)
return filename
def get_code(self, fullname):
if self._compiled_code:
return self._compiled_code
# this may or may not be an actual filename, but it's the value we'll use for __file__
filename = self.get_filename(fullname)
if not filename:
filename = '<string>'
source_code = self.get_source(fullname)
if not source_code:
source_code = ''
self._compiled_code = compile(source=source_code, filename=filename, mode='exec', flags=0, dont_inherit=True)
return self._compiled_code
def iter_modules(self, prefix):
return _iter_modules_impl(self._subpackage_search_paths, prefix)
def __repr__(self):
return '{0}(path={1})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._subpackage_search_paths or self._source_code_path)
class _AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase):
def _validate_args(self):
super(_AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader, self)._validate_args()
if len(self._split_name) != 1:
raise ImportError('this loader can only load the ansible_collections toplevel package, not {0}'.format(self._fullname))
# Implements Ansible's custom namespace package support.
# The ansible_collections package and one level down (collections namespaces) are Python namespace packages
# that search across all configured collection roots. The collection package (two levels down) is the first one found
# on the configured collection root path, and Python namespace package aggregation is not allowed at or below
# the collection. Implements implicit package (package dir) support for both Py2/3. Package init code is ignored
# by this loader.
class _AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase):
def _validate_args(self):
super(_AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader, self)._validate_args()
if len(self._split_name) != 2:
raise ImportError('this loader can only load collections namespace packages, not {0}'.format(self._fullname))
def _validate_final(self):
# special-case the `ansible` namespace, since `ansible.builtin` is magical
if not self._subpackage_search_paths and self._package_to_load != 'ansible':
raise ImportError('no {0} found in {1}'.format(self._package_to_load, self._candidate_paths))
# handles locating the actual collection package and associated metadata
class _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase):
def _validate_args(self):
super(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader, self)._validate_args()
if len(self._split_name) != 3:
raise ImportError('this loader can only load collection packages, not {0}'.format(self._fullname))
def _validate_final(self):
if self._split_name[1:3] == ['ansible', 'builtin']:
# we don't want to allow this one to have on-disk search capability
self._subpackage_search_paths = []
elif not self._subpackage_search_paths:
raise ImportError('no {0} found in {1}'.format(self._package_to_load, self._candidate_paths))
# only search within the first collection we found
self._subpackage_search_paths = [self._subpackage_search_paths[0]]
def load_module(self, fullname):
if not _meta_yml_to_dict:
raise ValueError('ansible.utils.collection_loader._meta_yml_to_dict is not set')
module = super(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader, self).load_module(fullname)
module._collection_meta = {}
# TODO: load collection metadata, cache in __loader__ state
collection_name = '.'.join(self._split_name[1:3])
if collection_name == 'ansible.builtin':
# ansible.builtin is a synthetic collection, get its routing config from the Ansible distro
raw_routing = pkgutil.get_data('ansible.config', 'ansible_builtin_runtime.yml')
b_routing_meta_path = to_bytes(os.path.join(module.__path__[0], 'meta/runtime.yml'))
if os.path.isfile(b_routing_meta_path):
with open(b_routing_meta_path, 'rb') as fd:
raw_routing = fd.read()
raw_routing = ''
if raw_routing:
routing_dict = _meta_yml_to_dict(raw_routing, (collection_name, 'runtime.yml'))
module._collection_meta = self._canonicalize_meta(routing_dict)
except Exception as ex:
raise ValueError('error parsing collection metadata: {0}'.format(to_native(ex)))
AnsibleCollectionConfig.on_collection_load.fire(collection_name=collection_name, collection_path=os.path.dirname(module.__file__))
return module
def _canonicalize_meta(self, meta_dict):
# TODO: rewrite import keys and all redirect targets that start with .. (current namespace) and . (current collection)
# OR we could do it all on the fly?
# if not meta_dict:
# return {}
# ns_name = '.'.join(self._split_name[0:2])
# collection_name = '.'.join(self._split_name[0:3])
# #
# for routing_type, routing_type_dict in iteritems(meta_dict.get('plugin_routing', {})):
# for plugin_key, plugin_dict in iteritems(routing_type_dict):
# redirect = plugin_dict.get('redirect', '')
# if redirect.startswith('..'):
# redirect = redirect[2:]
return meta_dict
# loads everything under a collection, including handling redirections defined by the collection
class _AnsibleCollectionLoader(_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase):
# HACK: stash this in a better place
_redirected_package_map = {}
_allows_package_code = True
def _validate_args(self):
super(_AnsibleCollectionLoader, self)._validate_args()
if len(self._split_name) < 4:
raise ValueError('this loader is only for sub-collection modules/packages, not {0}'.format(self._fullname))
def _get_candidate_paths(self, path_list):
if len(path_list) != 1 and self._split_name[1:3] != ['ansible', 'builtin']:
raise ValueError('this loader requires exactly one path to search')
return path_list
def _get_subpackage_search_paths(self, candidate_paths):
collection_meta = _get_collection_metadata('.'.join(self._split_name[1:3]))
# check for explicit redirection, as well as ancestor package-level redirection (only load the actual code once!)
redirect = None
explicit_redirect = False
routing_entry = _nested_dict_get(collection_meta, ['import_redirection', self._fullname])
if routing_entry:
redirect = routing_entry.get('redirect')
if redirect:
explicit_redirect = True
redirect = _get_ancestor_redirect(self._redirected_package_map, self._fullname)
# NB: package level redirection requires hooking all future imports beneath the redirected source package
# in order to ensure sanity on future relative imports. We always import everything under its "real" name,
# then add a sys.modules entry with the redirected name using the same module instance. If we naively imported
# the source for each redirection, most submodules would import OK, but we'd have N runtime copies of the module
# (one for each name), and relative imports that ascend above the redirected package would break (since they'd
# see the redirected ancestor package contents instead of the package where they actually live).
if redirect:
# FIXME: wrap this so we can be explicit about a failed redirection
self._redirect_module = import_module(redirect)
if explicit_redirect and hasattr(self._redirect_module, '__path__') and self._redirect_module.__path__:
# if the import target looks like a package, store its name so we can rewrite future descendent loads
# FIXME: shouldn't this be in a shared location? This is currently per loader instance, so
self._redirected_package_map[self._fullname] = redirect
# if we redirected, don't do any further custom package logic
return None
# we're not doing a redirect- try to find what we need to actually load a module/package
# this will raise ImportError if we can't find the requested module/package at all
if not candidate_paths:
# noplace to look, just ImportError
raise ImportError('package has no paths')
found_path, has_code, package_path = self._module_file_from_path(self._package_to_load, candidate_paths[0])
# still here? we found something to load...
if has_code:
self._source_code_path = found_path
if package_path:
return [package_path] # always needs to be a list
return None
# This loader only answers for intercepted Ansible Python modules. Normal imports will fail here and be picked up later
# by our path_hook importer (which proxies the built-in import mechanisms, allowing normal caching etc to occur)
class _AnsibleInternalRedirectLoader:
def __init__(self, fullname, path_list):
self._redirect = None
split_name = fullname.split('.')
toplevel_pkg = split_name[0]
module_to_load = split_name[-1]
if toplevel_pkg != 'ansible':
raise ImportError('not interested')
builtin_meta = _get_collection_metadata('ansible.builtin')
routing_entry = _nested_dict_get(builtin_meta, ['import_redirection', fullname])
if routing_entry:
self._redirect = routing_entry.get('redirect')
if not self._redirect:
raise ImportError('not redirected, go ask path_hook')
def load_module(self, fullname):
# since we're delegating to other loaders, this should only be called for internal redirects where we answered
# find_module with this loader, in which case we'll just directly import the redirection target, insert it into
# sys.modules under the name it was requested by, and return the original module.
# should never see this
if not self._redirect:
raise ValueError('no redirect found for {0}'.format(fullname))
# FIXME: smuggle redirection context, provide warning/error that we tried and failed to redirect
mod = import_module(self._redirect)
sys.modules[fullname] = mod
return mod
class AnsibleCollectionRef:
# FUTURE: introspect plugin loaders to get these dynamically?
VALID_REF_TYPES = frozenset(to_text(r) for r in ['action', 'become', 'cache', 'callback', 'cliconf', 'connection',
'doc_fragments', 'filter', 'httpapi', 'inventory', 'lookup',
'module_utils', 'modules', 'netconf', 'role', 'shell', 'strategy',
'terminal', 'test', 'vars'])
# FIXME: tighten this up to match Python identifier reqs, etc
VALID_COLLECTION_NAME_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^(\w+)\.(\w+)$'))
VALID_SUBDIRS_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^\w+(\.\w+)*$'))
VALID_FQCR_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^\w+\.\w+\.\w+(\.\w+)*$')) # can have 0-N included subdirs as well
def __init__(self, collection_name, subdirs, resource, ref_type):
Create an AnsibleCollectionRef from components
:param collection_name: a collection name of the form 'namespace.collectionname'
:param subdirs: optional subdir segments to be appended below the plugin type (eg, 'subdir1.subdir2')
:param resource: the name of the resource being references (eg, 'mymodule', 'someaction', 'a_role')
:param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
collection_name = to_text(collection_name, errors='strict')
if subdirs is not None:
subdirs = to_text(subdirs, errors='strict')
resource = to_text(resource, errors='strict')
ref_type = to_text(ref_type, errors='strict')
if not self.is_valid_collection_name(collection_name):
raise ValueError('invalid collection name (must be of the form namespace.collection): {0}'.format(to_native(collection_name)))
if ref_type not in self.VALID_REF_TYPES:
raise ValueError('invalid collection ref_type: {0}'.format(ref_type))
self.collection = collection_name
if subdirs:
if not re.match(self.VALID_SUBDIRS_RE, subdirs):
raise ValueError('invalid subdirs entry: {0} (must be empty/None or of the form subdir1.subdir2)'.format(to_native(subdirs)))
self.subdirs = subdirs
self.subdirs = u''
self.resource = resource
self.ref_type = ref_type
package_components = [u'ansible_collections', self.collection]
fqcr_components = [self.collection]
self.n_python_collection_package_name = to_native('.'.join(package_components))
if self.ref_type == u'role':
# we assume it's a plugin
package_components += [u'plugins', self.ref_type]
if self.subdirs:
if self.ref_type == u'role':
# roles are their own resource
self.n_python_package_name = to_native('.'.join(package_components))
self._fqcr = u'.'.join(fqcr_components)
def __repr__(self):
return 'AnsibleCollectionRef(collection={0!r}, subdirs={1!r}, resource={2!r})'.format(self.collection, self.subdirs, self.resource)
def fqcr(self):
return self._fqcr
def from_fqcr(ref, ref_type):
Parse a string as a fully-qualified collection reference, raises ValueError if invalid
:param ref: collection reference to parse (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource')
:param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
:return: a populated AnsibleCollectionRef object
# assuming the fq_name is of the form (ns).(coll).(optional_subdir_N).(resource_name),
# we split the resource name off the right, split ns and coll off the left, and we're left with any optional
# subdirs that need to be added back below the plugin-specific subdir we'll add. So:
# ns.coll.resource -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.(plugintype).resource
# ns.coll.subdir1.resource -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.subdir1.(plugintype).resource
# ns.coll.rolename -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.roles.rolename
if not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref):
raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid collection reference'.format(to_native(ref)))
ref = to_text(ref, errors='strict')
ref_type = to_text(ref_type, errors='strict')
resource_splitname = ref.rsplit(u'.', 1)
package_remnant = resource_splitname[0]
resource = resource_splitname[1]
# split the left two components of the collection package name off, anything remaining is plugin-type
# specific subdirs to be added back on below the plugin type
package_splitname = package_remnant.split(u'.', 2)
if len(package_splitname) == 3:
subdirs = package_splitname[2]
subdirs = u''
collection_name = u'.'.join(package_splitname[0:2])
return AnsibleCollectionRef(collection_name, subdirs, resource, ref_type)
def try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type):
Attempt to parse a string as a fully-qualified collection reference, returning None on failure (instead of raising an error)
:param ref: collection reference to parse (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource')
:param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
:return: a populated AnsibleCollectionRef object on successful parsing, else None
return AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
except ValueError:
def legacy_plugin_dir_to_plugin_type(legacy_plugin_dir_name):
Utility method to convert from a PluginLoader dir name to a plugin ref_type
:param legacy_plugin_dir_name: PluginLoader dir name (eg, 'action_plugins', 'library')
:return: the corresponding plugin ref_type (eg, 'action', 'role')
legacy_plugin_dir_name = to_text(legacy_plugin_dir_name)
plugin_type = legacy_plugin_dir_name.replace(u'_plugins', u'')
if plugin_type == u'library':
plugin_type = u'modules'
if plugin_type not in AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_REF_TYPES:
raise ValueError('{0} cannot be mapped to a valid collection ref type'.format(to_native(legacy_plugin_dir_name)))
return plugin_type
def is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type=None):
Validates if is string is a well-formed fully-qualified collection reference (does not look up the collection itself)
:param ref: candidate collection reference to validate (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource')
:param ref_type: optional reference type to enable deeper validation, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
:return: True if the collection ref passed is well-formed, False otherwise
ref = to_text(ref)
if not ref_type:
return bool(re.match(AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_FQCR_RE, ref))
return bool(AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type))
def is_valid_collection_name(collection_name):
Validates if the given string is a well-formed collection name (does not look up the collection itself)
:param collection_name: candidate collection name to validate (a valid name is of the form 'ns.collname')
:return: True if the collection name passed is well-formed, False otherwise
collection_name = to_text(collection_name)
return bool(re.match(AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_COLLECTION_NAME_RE, collection_name))
def _get_collection_role_path(role_name, collection_list=None):
acr = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(role_name, 'role')
if acr:
# looks like a valid qualified collection ref; skip the collection_list
collection_list = [acr.collection]
subdirs = acr.subdirs
resource = acr.resource
elif not collection_list:
return None # not a FQ role and no collection search list spec'd, nothing to do
resource = role_name # treat as unqualified, loop through the collection search list to try and resolve
subdirs = ''
for collection_name in collection_list:
acr = AnsibleCollectionRef(collection_name=collection_name, subdirs=subdirs, resource=resource, ref_type='role')
# FIXME: error handling/logging; need to catch any import failures and move along
pkg = import_module(acr.n_python_package_name)
if pkg is not None:
# the package is now loaded, get the collection's package and ask where it lives
path = os.path.dirname(to_bytes(sys.modules[acr.n_python_package_name].__file__, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
return resource, to_text(path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), collection_name
except IOError:
except Exception as ex:
# FIXME: pick out typical import errors first, then error logging
return None
def _get_collection_name_from_path(path):
Return the containing collection name for a given path, or None if the path is not below a configured collection, or
the collection cannot be loaded (eg, the collection is masked by another of the same name higher in the configured
collection roots).
:param path: path to evaluate for collection containment
:return: collection name or None
# FIXME: mess with realpath canonicalization or not?
path = to_native(path)
path_parts = path.split('/')
if path_parts.count('ansible_collections') != 1:
return None
ac_pos = path_parts.index('ansible_collections')
# make sure it's followed by at least a namespace and collection name
if len(path_parts) < ac_pos + 3:
return None
candidate_collection_name = '.'.join(path_parts[ac_pos + 1:ac_pos + 3])
# we've got a name for it, now see if the path prefix matches what the loader sees
imported_pkg_path = to_native(os.path.dirname(to_bytes(import_module('ansible_collections.' + candidate_collection_name).__file__)))
except ImportError:
return None
# reassemble the original path prefix up the collection name, and it should match what we just imported. If not
# this is probably a collection root that's not configured.
original_path_prefix = os.path.join('/', *path_parts[0:ac_pos + 3])
if original_path_prefix != imported_pkg_path:
return None
return candidate_collection_name
def _get_import_redirect(collection_meta_dict, fullname):
if not collection_meta_dict:
return None
return _nested_dict_get(collection_meta_dict, ['import_redirection', fullname, 'redirect'])
def _get_ancestor_redirect(redirected_package_map, fullname):
# walk the requested module's ancestor packages to see if any have been previously redirected
cur_pkg = fullname
while cur_pkg:
cur_pkg = cur_pkg.rpartition('.')[0]
ancestor_redirect = redirected_package_map.get(cur_pkg)
if ancestor_redirect:
# rewrite the prefix on fullname so we import the target first, then alias it
redirect = ancestor_redirect + fullname[len(cur_pkg):]
return redirect
return None
def _nested_dict_get(root_dict, key_list):
cur_value = root_dict
for key in key_list:
cur_value = cur_value.get(key)
if not cur_value:
return None
return cur_value
def _iter_modules_impl(paths, prefix=''):
# NB: this currently only iterates what's on disk- redirected modules are not considered
if not prefix:
prefix = ''
prefix = to_native(prefix)
# yield (module_loader, name, ispkg) for each module/pkg under path
# TODO: implement ignore/silent catch for unreadable?
for b_path in map(to_bytes, paths):
if not os.path.isdir(b_path):
for b_basename in sorted(os.listdir(b_path)):
b_candidate_module_path = os.path.join(b_path, b_basename)
if os.path.isdir(b_candidate_module_path):
# exclude things that obviously aren't Python package dirs
# FIXME: this dir is adjustable in py3.8+, check for it
if b'.' in b_basename or b_basename == b'__pycache__':
# TODO: proper string handling?
yield prefix + to_native(b_basename), True
# FIXME: match builtin ordering for package/dir/file, support compiled?
if b_basename.endswith(b'.py') and b_basename != b'__init__.py':
yield prefix + to_native(os.path.splitext(b_basename)[0]), False
def _get_collection_metadata(collection_name):
collection_name = to_native(collection_name)
if not collection_name or not isinstance(collection_name, string_types) or len(collection_name.split('.')) != 2:
raise ValueError('collection_name must be a non-empty string of the form namespace.collection')
collection_pkg = import_module('ansible_collections.' + collection_name)
except ImportError:
raise ValueError('unable to locate collection {0}'.format(collection_name))
_collection_meta = getattr(collection_pkg, '_collection_meta', None)
if _collection_meta is None:
raise ValueError('collection metadata was not loaded for collection {0}'.format(collection_name))
return _collection_meta
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from yaml import safe_load
def _meta_yml_to_dict(yaml_string_data, content_id):
routing_dict = safe_load(yaml_string_data)
if not routing_dict:
routing_dict = {}
# TODO: change this to Mapping abc?
if not isinstance(routing_dict, dict):
raise ValueError('collection metadata must be a dictionary')
return routing_dict
@ -1 +1,2 @@
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
redirect: testns.testcoll.subclassed_normal
redirect: ansible.builtin.local
redirect: testns.testcoll.multilevel2
redirect: testns.testcoll.multilevel3
redirect: testns.testcoll.ping
redirect: ansible.builtin.ping
setup.ps1: ansible.windows.setup
redirect: testns.testcoll.looped_ping2
redirect: testns.testcoll.looped_ping
redirect: bogus.collection.shouldbomb
removal_date: 2020-12-31
warning_text: old_ping will be removed in a future release of this collection. Use new_ping instead.
redirect: foobar_info
redirect: ansible.builtin.ping
removal_date: 2019-12-31
warning_text: dead_ping has been removed
redirect: testns.content_adj.sub1.foomodule
requires_ansible: '>=2.11'
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.plugins.action.normal import ActionModule as NormalAction
class ActionModule(NormalAction):
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
result = super(ActionModule, self).run(*args, **kwargs)
result['hacked'] = 'I got run under a subclassed normal, yay'
return result
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
from ansible.module_utils.formerly_core import thingtocall
class ActionModule(ActionBase):
_VALID_ARGS = frozenset()
def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
if task_vars is None:
task_vars = dict()
result = super(ActionModule, self).run(None, task_vars)
result = dict(changed=False, ttc_res=thingtocall())
return result
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
def nested_same():
return 'hello from nested_same'
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# NB: this module should never be loaded, since we'll see the subpkg_with_init package dir first
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
def thingtocall():
raise Exception('this should never be called (loaded discrete module instead of package module)')
def anotherthingtocall():
raise Exception('this should never be called (loaded discrete module instead of package module)')
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import json
def main():
print(json.dumps(dict(changed=False, source='user', is_deprecated=True)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import json
import sys
from ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.plugins.module_utils.moved_out_root import importme
def main():
mu_result = importme()
print(json.dumps(dict(changed=False, source='user', mu_result=mu_result)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import json
import sys
from ansible.module_utils.formerly_core import thingtocall
def main():
mu_result = thingtocall()
print(json.dumps(dict(changed=False, source='user', mu_result=mu_result)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import json
import sys
from ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.plugins.module_utils.nested_same.nested_same.nested_same import nested_same
def main():
mu_result = nested_same()
print(json.dumps(dict(changed=False, source='user', mu_result=mu_result)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import json
import sys
from ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.plugins.module_utils.nested_same.nested_same import nested_same
def main():
mu_result = nested_same.nested_same()
print(json.dumps(dict(changed=False, source='user', mu_result=mu_result)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
def importme():
return "hello from {0}".format(__name__)
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
def override_formerly_core_masked_filter(*args, **kwargs):
return 'hello from overridden formerly_core_masked_filter'
class FilterModule(object):
def filters(self):
return {
'formerly_core_masked_filter': override_formerly_core_masked_filter
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
- name: test a collection-hosted connection plugin against hosts from collection-hosted inventory plugins
hosts: dynamic_host_a, dynamic_host_redirected
gather_facts: no
ansible_connection: testns.testcoll.localconn
ansible_localconn_connectionvar: from_play
- raw: echo 'hello world'
register: connection_out
- assert:
- connection_out.stdout == "localconn ran echo 'hello world'"
# ensure that the connection var we overrode above made it into the running config
- connection_out.stderr == "connectionvar is from_play"
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- assert:
- hostvars['dynamic_host_a'] is defined
- hostvars['dynamic_host_a'].connection_out.stdout == "localconn ran echo 'hello world'"
- hostvars['dynamic_host_redirected'] is defined
- hostvars['dynamic_host_redirected'].connection_out.stdout == "localconn ran echo 'hello world'"
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# use a plugin redirected by core to a collection to ensure inventory redirection and redirected config names are working
plugin: formerly_core_inventory # this is defined in the ansible-base runtime.yml routing to point at testns.content_adj.statichost
hostname: dynamic_host_redirected
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- testns.testcoll
# redirect connection
ansible_connection: testns.testcoll.redirected_local
- assert:
that: ('data' | testns.testcoll.testfilter) == 'data_via_testfilter_from_userdir'
# redirect module (multiple levels)
- multilevel1:
# redirect action
- uses_redirected_action:
# redirect import (consumed via action)
- uses_redirected_import:
# redirect lookup
- assert:
that: lookup('formerly_core_lookup') == 'mylookup_from_user_dir'
# redirect filter
- assert:
that: ('yes' | formerly_core_filter) == True
# legacy filter should mask redirected
- assert:
that: ('' | formerly_core_masked_filter) == 'hello from overridden formerly_core_masked_filter'
# redirect test
- assert:
- "'stuff' is formerly_core_test('tuf')"
- "'hello override' is formerly_core_masked_test"
# redirect module (formerly internal)
- formerly_core_ping:
# redirect module from collection (with subdir)
- testns.testcoll.module_subdir.subdir_ping_module:
# redirect module_utils plugin (consumed via module)
- uses_core_redirected_mu:
# deprecated module (issues warning)
- deprecated_ping:
# redirect module (internal alias)
- aliased_ping:
# redirect module (cycle detection, fatal)
# - looped_ping:
# removed module (fatal)
# - dead_ping:
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
def override_formerly_core_masked_test(value, *args, **kwargs):
if value != 'hello override':
raise Exception('expected "hello override" only...')
return True
class TestModule(object):
def tests(self):
return {
'formerly_core_masked_test': override_formerly_core_masked_test
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"""Read YAML from stdin and write JSON to stdout."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import json
import sys
from yaml import load
from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader
except ImportError:
from yaml import SafeLoader
json.dump(load(sys.stdin, Loader=SafeLoader), sys.stdout)
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
raise Exception('this module should never be loaded')
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
redirect: ansible.builtin.ping
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from ..module_utils.my_util import question
def action_code():
return "hello from my_action.py"
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
raise Exception('this should never run')
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
def module_code():
return "hello from amodule.py"
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
raise Exception('this code should never execute')
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
raise Exception('this code should never execute')
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
raise Exception('this code should never execute')
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
raise Exception('this code should never execute')
@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import pkgutil
import pytest
import re
import sys
from ansible.module_utils.six import PY3, string_types
from ansible.module_utils.compat.importlib import import_module
from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionConfig, AnsibleCollectionRef
from ansible.utils.collection_loader._collection_finder import (
_AnsibleCollectionFinder, _AnsibleCollectionLoader, _AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader, _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader,
_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase, _AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader, _AnsiblePathHookFinder,
_get_collection_name_from_path, _get_collection_role_path, _get_collection_metadata, _iter_modules_impl
from ansible.utils.collection_loader._collection_config import _EventSource
from units.compat.mock import MagicMock, NonCallableMagicMock, patch
# fixture to ensure we always clean up the import stuff when we're done
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function')
def teardown(*args, **kwargs):
# BEGIN STANDALONE TESTS - these exercise behaviors of the individual components without the import machinery
def test_finder_setup():
# ensure scalar path is listified
f = _AnsibleCollectionFinder(paths='/bogus/bogus')
assert isinstance(f._n_collection_paths, list)
# ensure sys.path paths that have an ansible_collections dir are added to the end of the collections paths
with patch.object(sys, 'path', ['/bogus', default_test_collection_paths[1], '/morebogus', default_test_collection_paths[0]]):
f = _AnsibleCollectionFinder(paths=['/explicit', '/other'])
assert f._n_collection_paths == ['/explicit', '/other', default_test_collection_paths[1], default_test_collection_paths[0]]
configured_paths = ['/bogus']
playbook_paths = ['/playbookdir']
f = _AnsibleCollectionFinder(paths=configured_paths)
assert f._n_collection_paths == configured_paths
assert f._n_collection_paths == extend_paths(playbook_paths, 'collections') + configured_paths
# ensure scalar playbook_paths gets listified
assert f._n_collection_paths == extend_paths(playbook_paths, 'collections') + configured_paths
def test_finder_not_interested():
f = get_default_finder()
assert f.find_module('nothanks') is None
assert f.find_module('nothanks.sub', path=['/bogus/dir']) is None
def test_finder_ns():
# ensure we can still load ansible_collections and ansible_collections.ansible when they don't exist on disk
f = _AnsibleCollectionFinder(paths=['/bogus/bogus'])
loader = f.find_module('ansible_collections')
assert isinstance(loader, _AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader)
loader = f.find_module('ansible_collections.ansible', path=['/bogus/bogus'])
assert isinstance(loader, _AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader)
f = get_default_finder()
loader = f.find_module('ansible_collections')
assert isinstance(loader, _AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader)
# path is not allowed for top-level
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
f.find_module('ansible_collections', path=['whatever'])
# path is required for subpackages
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
f.find_module('ansible_collections.whatever', path=None)
paths = [os.path.join(p, 'ansible_collections/nonexistns') for p in default_test_collection_paths]
# test missing
loader = f.find_module('ansible_collections.nonexistns', paths)
assert loader is None
# keep these up top to make sure the loader install/remove are working, since we rely on them heavily in the tests
def test_loader_remove():
fake_mp = [MagicMock(), _AnsibleCollectionFinder(), MagicMock(), _AnsibleCollectionFinder()]
fake_ph = [MagicMock().m1, MagicMock().m2, _AnsibleCollectionFinder()._ansible_collection_path_hook, NonCallableMagicMock]
# must nest until 2.6 compilation is totally donezo
with patch.object(sys, 'meta_path', fake_mp):
with patch.object(sys, 'path_hooks', fake_ph):
assert len(sys.meta_path) == 2
# no AnsibleCollectionFinders on the meta path after remove is called
assert all((not isinstance(mpf, _AnsibleCollectionFinder) for mpf in sys.meta_path))
assert len(sys.path_hooks) == 3
# none of the remaining path hooks should point at an AnsibleCollectionFinder
assert all((not isinstance(ph.__self__, _AnsibleCollectionFinder) for ph in sys.path_hooks if hasattr(ph, '__self__')))
assert AnsibleCollectionConfig.collection_finder is None
def test_loader_install():
fake_mp = [MagicMock(), _AnsibleCollectionFinder(), MagicMock(), _AnsibleCollectionFinder()]
fake_ph = [MagicMock().m1, MagicMock().m2, _AnsibleCollectionFinder()._ansible_collection_path_hook, NonCallableMagicMock]
# must nest until 2.6 compilation is totally donezo
with patch.object(sys, 'meta_path', fake_mp):
with patch.object(sys, 'path_hooks', fake_ph):
f = _AnsibleCollectionFinder()
assert len(sys.meta_path) == 3 # should have removed the existing ACFs and installed a new one
assert sys.meta_path[0] is f # at the front
# the rest of the meta_path should not be AnsibleCollectionFinders
assert all((not isinstance(mpf, _AnsibleCollectionFinder) for mpf in sys.meta_path[1:]))
assert len(sys.path_hooks) == 4 # should have removed the existing ACF path hooks and installed a new one
# the first path hook should be ours, make sure it's pointing at the right instance
assert hasattr(sys.path_hooks[0], '__self__') and sys.path_hooks[0].__self__ is f
# the rest of the path_hooks should not point at an AnsibleCollectionFinder
assert all((not isinstance(ph.__self__, _AnsibleCollectionFinder) for ph in sys.path_hooks[1:] if hasattr(ph, '__self__')))
assert AnsibleCollectionConfig.collection_finder is f
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
AnsibleCollectionConfig.collection_finder = f
def test_finder_coll():
f = get_default_finder()
tests = [
{'name': 'ansible_collections.testns.testcoll', 'test_paths': [default_test_collection_paths]},
{'name': 'ansible_collections.ansible.builtin', 'test_paths': [['/bogus'], default_test_collection_paths]},
# ensure finder works for legit paths and bogus paths
for test_dict in tests:
# splat the dict values to our locals
parent_pkg = name.rpartition('.')[0]
for paths in test_paths:
paths = [os.path.join(p, parent_pkg.replace('.', '/')) for p in paths]
loader = f.find_module(name, path=paths)
assert isinstance(loader, _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader)
def test_root_loader_not_interested():
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
_AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader('not_ansible_collections_toplevel', path_list=[])
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
_AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader('ansible_collections.somens', path_list=['/bogus'])
def test_root_loader():
name = 'ansible_collections'
# ensure this works even when ansible_collections doesn't exist on disk
for paths in [], default_test_collection_paths:
if name in sys.modules:
del sys.modules[name]
loader = _AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader(name, paths)
assert repr(loader).startswith('_AnsibleCollectionRootPkgLoader(path=')
module = loader.load_module(name)
assert module.__name__ == name
assert module.__path__ == [p for p in extend_paths(paths, name) if os.path.isdir(p)]
# even if the dir exists somewhere, this loader doesn't support get_data, so make __file__ a non-file
assert module.__file__ == '<ansible_synthetic_collection_package>'
assert module.__package__ == name
assert sys.modules.get(name) == module
def test_nspkg_loader_not_interested():
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
_AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader('not_ansible_collections_toplevel.something', path_list=[])
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
_AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader('ansible_collections.somens.somecoll', path_list=[])
def test_nspkg_loader_load_module():
# ensure the loader behaves on the toplevel and ansible packages for both legit and missing/bogus paths
for name in ['ansible_collections.ansible', 'ansible_collections.testns']:
parent_pkg = name.partition('.')[0]
module_to_load = name.rpartition('.')[2]
paths = extend_paths(default_test_collection_paths, parent_pkg)
existing_child_paths = [p for p in extend_paths(paths, module_to_load) if os.path.exists(p)]
if name in sys.modules:
del sys.modules[name]
loader = _AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader(name, path_list=paths)
assert repr(loader).startswith('_AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader(path=')
module = loader.load_module(name)
assert module.__name__ == name
assert isinstance(module.__loader__, _AnsibleCollectionNSPkgLoader)
assert module.__path__ == existing_child_paths
assert module.__package__ == name
assert module.__file__ == '<ansible_synthetic_collection_package>'
assert sys.modules.get(name) == module
def test_collpkg_loader_not_interested():
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader('not_ansible_collections', path_list=[])
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader('ansible_collections.ns', path_list=['/bogus/bogus'])
def test_collpkg_loader_load_module():
with patch('ansible.utils.collection_loader.AnsibleCollectionConfig') as p:
for name in ['ansible_collections.ansible.builtin', 'ansible_collections.testns.testcoll']:
parent_pkg = name.rpartition('.')[0]
module_to_load = name.rpartition('.')[2]
paths = extend_paths(default_test_collection_paths, parent_pkg)
existing_child_paths = [p for p in extend_paths(paths, module_to_load) if os.path.exists(p)]
is_builtin = 'ansible.builtin' in name
if name in sys.modules:
del sys.modules[name]
loader = _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader(name, path_list=paths)
assert repr(loader).startswith('_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader(path=')
module = loader.load_module(name)
assert module.__name__ == name
assert isinstance(module.__loader__, _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader)
if is_builtin:
assert module.__path__ == []
assert module.__path__ == [existing_child_paths[0]]
assert module.__package__ == name
if is_builtin:
assert module.__file__ == '<ansible_synthetic_collection_package>'
assert module.__file__.endswith('__synthetic__') and os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(module.__file__))
assert sys.modules.get(name) == module
assert hasattr(module, '_collection_meta') and isinstance(module._collection_meta, dict)
# FIXME: validate _collection_meta contents match what's on disk (or not)
# if the module has metadata, try loading it with busted metadata
if module._collection_meta:
_collection_finder = import_module('ansible.utils.collection_loader._collection_finder')
with patch.object(_collection_finder, '_meta_yml_to_dict', side_effect=Exception('bang')):
with pytest.raises(Exception) as ex:
_AnsibleCollectionPkgLoader(name, path_list=paths).load_module(name)
assert 'error parsing collection metadata' in str(ex.value)
def test_coll_loader():
with patch('ansible.utils.collection_loader.AnsibleCollectionConfig'):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# not a collection
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# bogus paths
_AnsibleCollectionLoader('ansible_collections.testns.testcoll', path_list=[])
# FIXME: more
def test_path_hook_setup():
with patch.object(sys, 'path_hooks', []):
found_hook = None
pathhook_exc = None
found_hook = _AnsiblePathHookFinder._get_filefinder_path_hook()
except Exception as phe:
pathhook_exc = phe
if PY3:
assert str(pathhook_exc) == 'need exactly one FileFinder import hook (found 0)'
assert found_hook is None
assert repr(_AnsiblePathHookFinder(object(), '/bogus/path')) == "_AnsiblePathHookFinder(path='/bogus/path')"
def test_new_or_existing_module():
module_name = 'blar.test.module'
pkg_name = module_name.rpartition('.')[0]
# create new module case
with _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase._new_or_existing_module(module_name, __package__=pkg_name) as new_module:
# the module we just created should now exist in sys.modules
assert sys.modules.get(module_name) is new_module
assert new_module.__name__ == module_name
# the module should stick since we didn't raise an exception in the contextmgr
assert sys.modules.get(module_name) is new_module
# reuse existing module case
with _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase._new_or_existing_module(module_name, __attr1__=42, blar='yo') as existing_module:
assert sys.modules.get(module_name) is new_module # should be the same module we created earlier
assert hasattr(existing_module, '__package__') and existing_module.__package__ == pkg_name
assert hasattr(existing_module, '__attr1__') and existing_module.__attr1__ == 42
assert hasattr(existing_module, 'blar') and existing_module.blar == 'yo'
# exception during update existing shouldn't zap existing module from sys.modules
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve:
with _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase._new_or_existing_module(module_name) as existing_module:
err_to_raise = ValueError('bang')
raise err_to_raise
# make sure we got our error
assert ve.value is err_to_raise
# and that the module still exists
assert sys.modules.get(module_name) is existing_module
# test module removal after exception during creation
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ve:
with _AnsibleCollectionPkgLoaderBase._new_or_existing_module(module_name) as new_module:
err_to_raise = ValueError('bang')
raise err_to_raise
# make sure we got our error
assert ve.value is err_to_raise
# and that the module was removed
assert sys.modules.get(module_name) is None
def test_iter_modules_impl():
modules_trailer = 'ansible_collections/testns/testcoll/plugins'
modules_pkg_prefix = modules_trailer.replace('/', '.') + '.'
modules_path = os.path.join(default_test_collection_paths[0], modules_trailer)
modules = list(_iter_modules_impl([modules_path], modules_pkg_prefix))
assert modules
assert set([('ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.plugins.action', True),
('ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.plugins.module_utils', True),
('ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.plugins.modules', True)]) == set(modules)
modules_trailer = 'ansible_collections/testns/testcoll/plugins/modules'
modules_pkg_prefix = modules_trailer.replace('/', '.') + '.'
modules_path = os.path.join(default_test_collection_paths[0], modules_trailer)
modules = list(_iter_modules_impl([modules_path], modules_pkg_prefix))
assert modules
assert len(modules) == 1
assert modules[0][0] == 'ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.plugins.modules.amodule' # name
assert modules[0][1] is False # is_pkg
# FIXME: more
# BEGIN IN-CIRCUIT TESTS - these exercise behaviors of the loader when wired up to the import machinery
def test_import_from_collection(monkeypatch):
collection_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'collections')
collection_path = os.path.join(collection_root, 'ansible_collections/testns/testcoll/plugins/module_utils/my_util.py')
# the trace we're expecting to be generated when running the code below:
# answer = question()
expected_trace_log = [
(collection_path, 5, 'call'),
(collection_path, 6, 'line'),
(collection_path, 6, 'return'),
# define the collection root before any ansible code has been loaded
# otherwise config will have already been loaded and changing the environment will have no effect
monkeypatch.setenv('ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS', collection_root)
finder = _AnsibleCollectionFinder(paths=[collection_root])
from ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.plugins.module_utils.my_util import question
original_trace_function = sys.gettrace()
trace_log = []
if original_trace_function:
# enable tracing while preserving the existing trace function (coverage)
def my_trace_function(frame, event, arg):
trace_log.append((frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, event))
# the original trace function expects to have itself set as the trace function
# call the original trace function
original_trace_function(frame, event, arg)
# restore our trace function
return my_trace_function
# no existing trace function, so our trace function is much simpler
def my_trace_function(frame, event, arg):
trace_log.append((frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, event))
return my_trace_function
# run a minimal amount of code while the trace is running
# adding more code here, including use of a context manager, will add more to our trace
answer = question()
# make sure 'import ... as ...' works on builtin synthetic collections
# the following import is not supported (it tries to find module_utils in ansible.plugins)
# import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils as c1
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action as c2
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins as c3
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin as c4
import ansible_collections.ansible as c5
import ansible_collections as c6
# make sure 'import ...' works on builtin synthetic collections
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action
assert ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action == c3.action == c2
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins
assert ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins == c4.plugins == c3
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin
assert ansible_collections.ansible.builtin == c5.builtin == c4
import ansible_collections.ansible
assert ansible_collections.ansible == c6.ansible == c5
import ansible_collections
assert ansible_collections == c6
# make sure 'from ... import ...' works on builtin synthetic collections
from ansible_collections.ansible import builtin
from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin import plugins
assert builtin.plugins == plugins
from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins import action
from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action import command
assert action.command == command
from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils import basic
from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
assert basic.AnsibleModule == AnsibleModule
# make sure relative imports work from collections code
# these require __package__ to be set correctly
import ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.plugins.module_utils.my_other_util
import ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.plugins.action.my_action
# verify that code loaded from a collection does not inherit __future__ statements from the collection loader
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
# if the collection code inherits the division future feature from the collection loader this will fail
assert answer == 1
assert answer == 1.5
# verify that the filename and line number reported by the trace is correct
# this makes sure that collection loading preserves file paths and line numbers
assert trace_log == expected_trace_log
def test_eventsource():
es = _EventSource()
# fire when empty should succeed
handler1 = MagicMock()
handler2 = MagicMock()
es += handler1
es.fire(99, my_kwarg='blah')
handler1.assert_called_with(99, my_kwarg='blah')
es += handler2
es.fire(123, foo='bar')
handler1.assert_called_with(123, foo='bar')
handler2.assert_called_with(123, foo='bar')
es -= handler2
es.fire(123, foo='bar')
handler1.assert_called_with(123, foo='bar')
es -= handler1
es.fire('blah', kwarg=None)
es -= handler1 # should succeed silently
handler_bang = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception('bang'))
es += handler_bang
with pytest.raises(Exception) as ex:
assert 'bang' in str(ex.value)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
es += 42
def test_on_collection_load():
finder = get_default_finder()
load_handler = MagicMock()
AnsibleCollectionConfig.on_collection_load += load_handler
m = import_module('ansible_collections.testns.testcoll')
load_handler.assert_called_once_with(collection_name='testns.testcoll', collection_path=os.path.dirname(m.__file__))
_meta = _get_collection_metadata('testns.testcoll')
assert _meta
# FIXME: compare to disk
finder = get_default_finder()
AnsibleCollectionConfig.on_collection_load += MagicMock(side_effect=Exception('bang'))
with pytest.raises(Exception) as ex:
assert 'bang' in str(ex.value)
def test_default_collection_config():
finder = get_default_finder()
assert AnsibleCollectionConfig.default_collection is None
AnsibleCollectionConfig.default_collection = 'foo.bar'
assert AnsibleCollectionConfig.default_collection == 'foo.bar'
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
AnsibleCollectionConfig.default_collection = 'bar.baz'
def test_default_collection_detection():
finder = get_default_finder()
# we're clearly not under a collection path
assert _get_collection_name_from_path('/') is None
# something that looks like a collection path but isn't importable by our finder
assert _get_collection_name_from_path('/foo/ansible_collections/bogusns/boguscoll/bar') is None
# legit, at the top of the collection
live_collection_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures/collections/ansible_collections/testns/testcoll')
assert _get_collection_name_from_path(live_collection_path) == 'testns.testcoll'
# legit, deeper inside the collection
live_collection_deep_path = os.path.join(live_collection_path, 'plugins/modules')
assert _get_collection_name_from_path(live_collection_deep_path) == 'testns.testcoll'
# this one should be hidden by the real testns.testcoll, so should not resolve
masked_collection_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures/collections_masked/ansible_collections/testns/testcoll')
assert _get_collection_name_from_path(masked_collection_path) is None
('some_role', ['testns.testcoll', 'ansible.bogus'], 'testns.testcoll', 'testns/testcoll/roles/some_role'),
('testns.testcoll.some_role', ['ansible.bogus', 'testns.testcoll'], 'testns.testcoll', 'testns/testcoll/roles/some_role'),
('testns.testcoll.some_role', [], 'testns.testcoll', 'testns/testcoll/roles/some_role'),
('testns.testcoll.some_role', None, 'testns.testcoll', 'testns/testcoll/roles/some_role'),
('some_role', [], None, None),
('some_role', None, None, None),
def test_collection_role_name_location(role_name, collection_list, expected_collection_name, expected_path_suffix):
finder = get_default_finder()
expected_path = None
if expected_path_suffix:
expected_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures/collections/ansible_collections', expected_path_suffix)
found = _get_collection_role_path(role_name, collection_list)
if found:
assert found[0] == role_name.rpartition('.')[2]
assert found[1] == expected_path
assert found[2] == expected_collection_name
assert expected_collection_name is None and expected_path_suffix is None
def test_bogus_imports():
finder = get_default_finder()
# ensure ImportError on known-bogus imports
bogus_imports = ['bogus_toplevel', 'ansible_collections.bogusns', 'ansible_collections.testns.boguscoll',
'ansible_collections.testns.testcoll.bogussub', 'ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.bogussub']
for bogus_import in bogus_imports:
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
def test_finder_playbook_paths():
finder = get_default_finder()
import ansible_collections
import ansible_collections.ansible
import ansible_collections.testns
# ensure the package modules look like we expect
assert hasattr(ansible_collections, '__path__') and len(ansible_collections.__path__) > 0
assert hasattr(ansible_collections.ansible, '__path__') and len(ansible_collections.ansible.__path__) > 0
assert hasattr(ansible_collections.testns, '__path__') and len(ansible_collections.testns.__path__) > 0
# these shouldn't be visible yet, since we haven't added the playbook dir
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
import ansible_collections.ansible.playbook_adj_other
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
import ansible_collections.testns.playbook_adj_other
assert AnsibleCollectionConfig.playbook_paths == []
playbook_path_fixture_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures/playbook_path')
# configure the playbook paths
AnsibleCollectionConfig.playbook_paths = [playbook_path_fixture_dir]
# playbook paths go to the front of the line
assert AnsibleCollectionConfig.collection_paths[0] == os.path.join(playbook_path_fixture_dir, 'collections')
# playbook paths should be updated on the existing root ansible_collections path, as well as on the 'ansible' namespace (but no others!)
assert ansible_collections.__path__[0] == os.path.join(playbook_path_fixture_dir, 'collections/ansible_collections')
assert ansible_collections.ansible.__path__[0] == os.path.join(playbook_path_fixture_dir, 'collections/ansible_collections/ansible')
assert all('playbook_path' not in p for p in ansible_collections.testns.__path__)
# should succeed since we fixed up the package path
import ansible_collections.ansible.playbook_adj_other
# should succeed since we didn't import freshns before hacking in the path
import ansible_collections.freshns.playbook_adj_other
# should fail since we've already imported something from this path and didn't fix up its package path
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
import ansible_collections.testns.playbook_adj_other
def test_toplevel_iter_modules():
finder = get_default_finder()
modules = list(pkgutil.iter_modules(default_test_collection_paths, ''))
assert len(modules) == 1
assert modules[0][1] == 'ansible_collections'
def test_iter_modules_namespaces():
finder = get_default_finder()
paths = extend_paths(default_test_collection_paths, 'ansible_collections')
modules = list(pkgutil.iter_modules(paths, 'ansible_collections.'))
assert len(modules) == 2
assert all(m[2] is True for m in modules)
assert all(isinstance(m[0], _AnsiblePathHookFinder) for m in modules)
assert set(['ansible_collections.testns', 'ansible_collections.ansible']) == set(m[1] for m in modules)
def test_collection_get_data():
finder = get_default_finder()
# something that's there
d = pkgutil.get_data('ansible_collections.testns.testcoll', 'plugins/action/my_action.py')
assert b'hello from my_action.py' in d
# something that's not there
d = pkgutil.get_data('ansible_collections.testns.testcoll', 'bogus/bogus')
assert d is None
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
plugins_pkg = import_module('ansible_collections.ansible.builtin')
assert not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(plugins_pkg.__file__))
d = pkgutil.get_data('ansible_collections.ansible.builtin', 'plugins/connection/local.py')
('ns.coll.myaction', 'action', 'ns.coll', '', 'myaction', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.action'),
('ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.myaction', 'action', 'ns.coll', 'subdir1.subdir2', 'myaction', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.action.subdir1.subdir2'),
('ns.coll.myrole', 'role', 'ns.coll', '', 'myrole', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.roles.myrole'),
('ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.myrole', 'role', 'ns.coll', 'subdir1.subdir2', 'myrole', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.roles.subdir1.subdir2.myrole'),
def test_fqcr_parsing_valid(ref, ref_type, expected_collection,
expected_subdirs, expected_resource, expected_python_pkg_name):
assert AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
r = AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
assert r.collection == expected_collection
assert r.subdirs == expected_subdirs
assert r.resource == expected_resource
assert r.n_python_package_name == expected_python_pkg_name
r = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
assert r.collection == expected_collection
assert r.subdirs == expected_subdirs
assert r.resource == expected_resource
assert r.n_python_package_name == expected_python_pkg_name
('no_dots_at_all_action', 'action', ValueError, 'is not a valid collection reference'),
('no_nscoll.myaction', 'action', ValueError, 'is not a valid collection reference'),
('ns.coll.myaction', 'bogus', ValueError, 'invalid collection ref_type'),
def test_fqcr_parsing_invalid(ref, ref_type, expected_error_type, expected_error_expression):
assert not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
with pytest.raises(expected_error_type) as curerr:
AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
assert re.search(expected_error_expression, str(curerr.value))
r = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
assert r is None
('ns.coll', None, 'res', 'doc_fragments', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.doc_fragments'),
('ns.coll', 'subdir1', 'res', 'doc_fragments', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.doc_fragments.subdir1'),
('ns.coll', 'subdir1.subdir2', 'res', 'action', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.action.subdir1.subdir2'),
def test_collectionref_components_valid(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type, python_pkg_name):
x = AnsibleCollectionRef(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type)
assert x.collection == name
if subdirs:
assert x.subdirs == subdirs
assert x.subdirs == ''
assert x.resource == resource
assert x.ref_type == ref_type
assert x.n_python_package_name == python_pkg_name
('become_plugins', 'become'),
('cache_plugins', 'cache'),
('connection_plugins', 'connection'),
('library', 'modules'),
('filter_plugins', 'filter'),
('bogus_plugins', ValueError),
(None, ValueError)
def test_legacy_plugin_dir_to_plugin_type(dirname, expected_result):
if isinstance(expected_result, string_types):
assert AnsibleCollectionRef.legacy_plugin_dir_to_plugin_type(dirname) == expected_result
with pytest.raises(expected_result):
('bad_ns', '', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid collection name'),
('ns.coll.', '', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid collection name'),
('ns.coll', 'badsubdir#', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid subdirs entry'),
('ns.coll', 'badsubdir.', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid subdirs entry'),
('ns.coll', '.badsubdir', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid subdirs entry'),
('ns.coll', '', 'resource', 'bogus', ValueError, 'invalid collection ref_type'),
def test_collectionref_components_invalid(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type, expected_error_type, expected_error_expression):
with pytest.raises(expected_error_type) as curerr:
AnsibleCollectionRef(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type)
assert re.search(expected_error_expression, str(curerr.value))
default_test_collection_paths = [
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'collections'),
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'collections_masked'),
def get_default_finder():
return _AnsibleCollectionFinder(paths=default_test_collection_paths)
def extend_paths(path_list, suffix):
suffix = suffix.replace('.', '/')
return [os.path.join(p, suffix) for p in path_list]
def nuke_module_prefix(prefix):
for module_to_nuke in [m for m in sys.modules if m.startswith(prefix)]:
def reset_collections_loader_state(metapath_finder=None):
# FIXME: better to move this someplace else that gets cleaned up automatically?
_AnsibleCollectionLoader._redirected_package_map = {}
AnsibleCollectionConfig._default_collection = None
AnsibleCollectionConfig._on_collection_load = _EventSource()
if metapath_finder:
@ -1 +0,0 @@
from ..module_utils.my_util import question
@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import pytest
import re
import sys
from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionRef
def test_import_from_collection(monkeypatch):
collection_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'collections')
collection_path = os.path.join(collection_root, 'ansible_collections/my_namespace/my_collection/plugins/module_utils/my_util.py')
# the trace we're expecting to be generated when running the code below:
# answer = question()
expected_trace_log = [
(collection_path, 5, 'call'),
(collection_path, 6, 'line'),
(collection_path, 6, 'return'),
# define the collection root before any ansible code has been loaded
# otherwise config will have already been loaded and changing the environment will have no effect
monkeypatch.setenv('ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS', collection_root)
from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionLoader
# zap the singleton collection loader instance if it exists
AnsibleCollectionLoader._Singleton__instance = None
for index in [idx for idx, obj in enumerate(sys.meta_path) if isinstance(obj, AnsibleCollectionLoader)]:
# replace any existing collection loaders that may exist
# since these were loaded during unit test collection
# they will not have the correct configuration
sys.meta_path[index] = AnsibleCollectionLoader()
# make sure the collection loader is installed
# this will be a no-op if the collection loader is already installed
# which will depend on whether or not any tests being run imported ansible.plugins.loader during unit test collection
from ansible.plugins.loader import _configure_collection_loader
_configure_collection_loader() # currently redundant, the import above already calls this
from ansible_collections.my_namespace.my_collection.plugins.module_utils.my_util import question
original_trace_function = sys.gettrace()
trace_log = []
if original_trace_function:
# enable tracing while preserving the existing trace function (coverage)
def my_trace_function(frame, event, arg):
trace_log.append((frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, event))
# the original trace function expects to have itself set as the trace function
# call the original trace function
original_trace_function(frame, event, arg)
# restore our trace function
return my_trace_function
# no existing trace function, so our trace function is much simpler
def my_trace_function(frame, event, arg):
trace_log.append((frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, event))
return my_trace_function
# run a minimal amount of code while the trace is running
# adding more code here, including use of a context manager, will add more to our trace
answer = question()
# make sure 'import ... as ...' works on builtin synthetic collections
# the following import is not supported (it tries to find module_utils in ansible.plugins)
# import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils as c1
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action as c2
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins as c3
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin as c4
import ansible_collections.ansible as c5
import ansible_collections as c6
# make sure 'import ...' works on builtin synthetic collections
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action
assert ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action == c3.action == c2
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins
assert ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins == c4.plugins == c3
import ansible_collections.ansible.builtin
assert ansible_collections.ansible.builtin == c5.builtin == c4
import ansible_collections.ansible
assert ansible_collections.ansible == c6.ansible == c5
import ansible_collections
assert ansible_collections == c6
# make sure 'from ... import ...' works on builtin synthetic collections
from ansible_collections.ansible import builtin
from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin import plugins
assert builtin.plugins == plugins
from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins import action
from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.action import command
assert action.command == command
from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils import basic
from ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
assert basic.AnsibleModule == AnsibleModule
# make sure relative imports work from collections code
# these require __package__ to be set correctly
import ansible_collections.my_namespace.my_collection.plugins.module_utils.my_other_util
import ansible_collections.my_namespace.my_collection.plugins.action.my_action
# verify that code loaded from a collection does not inherit __future__ statements from the collection loader
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
# if the collection code inherits the division future feature from the collection loader this will fail
assert answer == 1
assert answer == 1.5
# verify that the filename and line number reported by the trace is correct
# this makes sure that collection loading preserves file paths and line numbers
assert trace_log == expected_trace_log
('ns.coll.myaction', 'action', 'ns.coll', '', 'myaction', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.action'),
('ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.myaction', 'action', 'ns.coll', 'subdir1.subdir2', 'myaction', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.action.subdir1.subdir2'),
('ns.coll.myrole', 'role', 'ns.coll', '', 'myrole', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.roles.myrole'),
('ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.myrole', 'role', 'ns.coll', 'subdir1.subdir2', 'myrole', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.roles.subdir1.subdir2.myrole'),
def test_fqcr_parsing_valid(ref, ref_type, expected_collection,
expected_subdirs, expected_resource, expected_python_pkg_name):
assert AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
r = AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
assert r.collection == expected_collection
assert r.subdirs == expected_subdirs
assert r.resource == expected_resource
assert r.n_python_package_name == expected_python_pkg_name
r = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
assert r.collection == expected_collection
assert r.subdirs == expected_subdirs
assert r.resource == expected_resource
assert r.n_python_package_name == expected_python_pkg_name
('no_dots_at_all_action', 'action', ValueError, 'is not a valid collection reference'),
('no_nscoll.myaction', 'action', ValueError, 'is not a valid collection reference'),
('ns.coll.myaction', 'bogus', ValueError, 'invalid collection ref_type'),
def test_fqcr_parsing_invalid(ref, ref_type, expected_error_type, expected_error_expression):
assert not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
with pytest.raises(expected_error_type) as curerr:
AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
assert re.search(expected_error_expression, str(curerr.value))
r = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
assert r is None
('ns.coll', None, 'res', 'doc_fragments', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.doc_fragments'),
('ns.coll', 'subdir1', 'res', 'doc_fragments', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.doc_fragments.subdir1'),
('ns.coll', 'subdir1.subdir2', 'res', 'action', 'ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.action.subdir1.subdir2'),
def test_collectionref_components_valid(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type, python_pkg_name):
x = AnsibleCollectionRef(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type)
assert x.collection == name
if subdirs:
assert x.subdirs == subdirs
assert x.subdirs == ''
assert x.resource == resource
assert x.ref_type == ref_type
assert x.n_python_package_name == python_pkg_name
('bad_ns', '', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid collection name'),
('ns.coll.', '', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid collection name'),
('ns.coll', 'badsubdir#', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid subdirs entry'),
('ns.coll', 'badsubdir.', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid subdirs entry'),
('ns.coll', '.badsubdir', 'resource', 'action', ValueError, 'invalid subdirs entry'),
('ns.coll', '', 'resource', 'bogus', ValueError, 'invalid collection ref_type'),
def test_collectionref_components_invalid(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type, expected_error_type, expected_error_expression):
with pytest.raises(expected_error_type) as curerr:
AnsibleCollectionRef(name, subdirs, resource, ref_type)
assert re.search(expected_error_expression, str(curerr.value))
Reference in New Issue