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# (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
from types import ModuleType
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native, to_text
from ansible.module_utils.compat.importlib import import_module
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems, string_types, with_metaclass
from ansible.utils.singleton import Singleton
# these provide fallback package definitions when there are no on-disk paths
'ansible_collections': dict(type='pkg_only', allow_external_subpackages=True),
'ansible_collections.ansible': dict(type='pkg_only', allow_external_subpackages=True),
# these implement the ansible.builtin synthetic collection mapped to the packages inside the ansible distribution
'ansible_collections.ansible.builtin': dict(type='pkg_only'),
'ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins': dict(type='map', map='ansible.plugins'),
'ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.module_utils': dict(type='map', map='ansible.module_utils', graft=True),
'ansible_collections.ansible.builtin.plugins.modules': dict(type='flatmap', flatmap='ansible.modules', graft=True),
# FIXME: exception handling/error logging
class AnsibleCollectionLoader(with_metaclass(Singleton, object)):
def __init__(self, config=None):
if config:
paths = config.get_config_value('COLLECTIONS_PATHS')
paths = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS', '').split(os.pathsep)
if isinstance(paths, string_types):
paths = [paths]
elif paths is None:
paths = []
# expand any placeholders in configured paths
paths = [
to_native(os.path.expanduser(p), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
for p in paths
# Append all ``ansible_collections`` dirs from sys.path to the end
for path in sys.path:
if (
path not in paths and
os.path.join(path, 'ansible_collections'),
self._n_configured_paths = paths
self._n_playbook_paths = []
self._default_collection = None
# pre-inject grafted package maps so we can force them to use the right loader instead of potentially delegating to a "normal" loader
for syn_pkg_def in (p for p in iteritems(_SYNTHETIC_PACKAGES) if p[1].get('graft')):
pkg_name = syn_pkg_def[0]
pkg_def = syn_pkg_def[1]
newmod = ModuleType(pkg_name)
newmod.__package__ = pkg_name
newmod.__file__ = '<ansible_synthetic_collection_package>'
pkg_type = pkg_def.get('type')
# TODO: need to rethink map style so we can just delegate all the loading
if pkg_type == 'flatmap':
newmod.__loader__ = AnsibleFlatMapLoader(import_module(pkg_def['flatmap']))
newmod.__path__ = []
sys.modules[pkg_name] = newmod
def n_collection_paths(self):
return self._n_playbook_paths + self._n_configured_paths
def get_collection_path(self, collection_name):
if not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_collection_name(collection_name):
raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid collection name'.format(to_native(collection_name)))
m = import_module('ansible_collections.{0}'.format(collection_name))
return m.__file__
def set_playbook_paths(self, b_playbook_paths):
if isinstance(b_playbook_paths, string_types):
b_playbook_paths = [b_playbook_paths]
# track visited paths; we have to preserve the dir order as-passed in case there are duplicate collections (first one wins)
added_paths = set()
# de-dupe and ensure the paths are native strings (Python seems to do this for package paths etc, so assume it's safe)
self._n_playbook_paths = [os.path.join(to_native(p), 'collections') for p in b_playbook_paths if not (p in added_paths or added_paths.add(p))]
# FIXME: only allow setting this once, or handle any necessary cache/package path invalidations internally?
# FIXME: is there a better place to store this?
# FIXME: only allow setting this once
def set_default_collection(self, collection_name):
self._default_collection = collection_name
def default_collection(self):
return self._default_collection
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
if self._find_module(fullname, path, load=False)[0]:
return self
return None
def load_module(self, fullname):
mod = self._find_module(fullname, None, load=True)[1]
if not mod:
raise ImportError('module {0} not found'.format(fullname))
return mod
def _find_module(self, fullname, path, load):
# this loader is only concerned with items under the Ansible Collections namespace hierarchy, ignore others
if not fullname.startswith('ansible_collections.') and fullname != 'ansible_collections':
return False, None
if sys.modules.get(fullname):
if not load:
return True, None
return True, sys.modules[fullname]
newmod = None
# this loader implements key functionality for Ansible collections
# * implicit distributed namespace packages for the root Ansible namespace (no pkgutil.extend_path hackery reqd)
# * implicit package support for Python 2.7 (no need for in collections, except to use standard Py2.7 tooling)
# * preventing controller-side code injection during collection loading
# * (default loader would execute arbitrary package code from all's)
parent_pkg_name = '.'.join(fullname.split('.')[:-1])
parent_pkg = sys.modules.get(parent_pkg_name)
if parent_pkg_name and not parent_pkg:
raise ImportError('parent package {0} not found'.format(parent_pkg_name))
# are we at or below the collection level? eg a.mynamespace.mycollection.something.else
# if so, we don't want distributed namespace behavior; first mynamespace.mycollection on the path is where
# we'll load everything from (ie, don't fall back to another mynamespace.mycollection lower on the path)
sub_collection = fullname.count('.') > 1
synpkg_def = _SYNTHETIC_PACKAGES.get(fullname)
synpkg_remainder = ''
if not synpkg_def:
# if the parent is a grafted package, we have some special work to do, otherwise just look for stuff on disk
parent_synpkg_def = _SYNTHETIC_PACKAGES.get(parent_pkg_name)
if parent_synpkg_def and parent_synpkg_def.get('graft'):
synpkg_def = parent_synpkg_def
synpkg_remainder = '.' + fullname.rpartition('.')[2]
# FUTURE: collapse as much of this back to on-demand as possible (maybe stub packages that get replaced when actually loaded?)
if synpkg_def:
pkg_type = synpkg_def.get('type')
if not pkg_type:
raise KeyError('invalid synthetic package type (no package "type" specified)')
if pkg_type == 'map':
map_package = synpkg_def.get('map')
if not map_package:
raise KeyError('invalid synthetic map package definition (no target "map" defined)')
if not load:
return True, None
mod = import_module(map_package + synpkg_remainder)
sys.modules[fullname] = mod
return True, mod
elif pkg_type == 'flatmap':
raise NotImplementedError()
elif pkg_type == 'pkg_only':
if not load:
return True, None
newmod = ModuleType(fullname)
newmod.__package__ = fullname
newmod.__file__ = '<ansible_synthetic_collection_package>'
newmod.__loader__ = self
newmod.__path__ = []
if not synpkg_def.get('allow_external_subpackages'):
# if external subpackages are NOT allowed, we're done
sys.modules[fullname] = newmod
return True, newmod
# if external subpackages ARE allowed, check for on-disk implementations and return a normal
# package if we find one, otherwise return the one we created here
if not parent_pkg: # top-level package, look for NS subpackages on all collection paths
package_paths = [self._extend_path_with_ns(p, fullname) for p in self.n_collection_paths]
else: # subpackage; search in all subpaths (we'll limit later inside a collection)
package_paths = [self._extend_path_with_ns(p, fullname) for p in parent_pkg.__path__]
for candidate_child_path in package_paths:
code_object = None
is_package = True
location = None
# check for implicit sub-package first
if os.path.isdir(to_bytes(candidate_child_path)):
# Py3.x implicit namespace packages don't have a file location, so they don't support get_data
# (which assumes the parent dir or that the loader has an internal mapping); so we have to provide
# a bogus leaf file on the __file__ attribute for pkgutil.get_data to strip off
location = os.path.join(candidate_child_path, '__synthetic__')
for source_path in [os.path.join(candidate_child_path, ''),
candidate_child_path + '.py']:
if not os.path.isfile(to_bytes(source_path)):
if not load:
return True, None
with open(to_bytes(source_path), 'rb') as fd:
source =
code_object = compile(source=source, filename=source_path, mode='exec', flags=0, dont_inherit=True)
location = source_path
is_package = source_path.endswith('')
if not location:
newmod = ModuleType(fullname)
newmod.__file__ = location
newmod.__loader__ = self
if is_package:
if sub_collection: # we never want to search multiple instances of the same collection; use first found
newmod.__path__ = [candidate_child_path]
newmod.__path__ = package_paths
newmod.__package__ = fullname
newmod.__package__ = parent_pkg_name
sys.modules[fullname] = newmod
if code_object:
# FIXME: decide cases where we don't actually want to exec the code?
exec(code_object, newmod.__dict__)
return True, newmod
# even if we didn't find one on disk, fall back to a synthetic package if we have one...
if newmod:
sys.modules[fullname] = newmod
return True, newmod
# FIXME: need to handle the "no dirs present" case for at least the root and synthetic internal collections like ansible.builtin
return False, None
def _extend_path_with_ns(path, ns):
ns_path_add = ns.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
return os.path.join(path, ns_path_add)
def get_data(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
class AnsibleFlatMapLoader(object):
_extension_blacklist = ['.pyc', '.pyo']
def __init__(self, root_package):
self._root_package = root_package
self._dirtree = None
def _init_dirtree(self):
# FIXME: thread safety
root_path = os.path.dirname(self._root_package.__file__)
flat_files = []
# FIXME: make this a dict of filename->dir for faster direct lookup?
# FIXME: deal with _ prefixed deprecated files (or require another method for collections?)
# FIXME: fix overloaded filenames (eg, rename Windows setup to win_setup)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path):
# add all files in this dir that don't have a blacklisted extension
flat_files.extend(((root, f) for f in files if not any((f.endswith(ext) for ext in self._extension_blacklist))))
# HACK: Put Windows modules at the end of the list. This makes collection_loader behave
# the same way as plugin loader, preventing '.ps1' from modules being selected before '.py'
# modules simply because '.ps1' files may be above '.py' files in the flat_files list.
# The expected sort order is paths in the order they were in 'flat_files'
# with paths ending in '/windows' at the end, also in the original order they were
# in 'flat_files'. The .sort() method is guaranteed to be stable, so original order is preserved.
flat_files.sort(key=lambda p: p[0].endswith('/windows'))
self._dirtree = flat_files
def find_file(self, filename):
# FIXME: thread safety
if not self._dirtree:
if '.' not in filename: # no extension specified, use extension regex to filter
extensionless_re = re.compile(r'^{0}(\..+)?$'.format(re.escape(filename)))
# why doesn't Python have first()?
# FIXME: store extensionless in a separate direct lookup?
filepath = next(os.path.join(r, f) for r, f in self._dirtree if extensionless_re.match(f))
except StopIteration:
raise IOError("couldn't find {0}".format(filename))
else: # actual filename, just look it up
# FIXME: this case sucks; make it a lookup
filepath = next(os.path.join(r, f) for r, f in self._dirtree if f == filename)
except StopIteration:
raise IOError("couldn't find {0}".format(filename))
return filepath
def get_data(self, filename):
found_file = self.find_file(filename)
with open(found_file, 'rb') as fd:
# TODO: implement these for easier inline debugging?
# def get_source(self, fullname):
# def get_code(self, fullname):
# def is_package(self, fullname):
class AnsibleCollectionRef:
# FUTURE: introspect plugin loaders to get these dynamically?
VALID_REF_TYPES = frozenset(to_text(r) for r in ['action', 'become', 'cache', 'callback', 'cliconf', 'connection',
'doc_fragments', 'filter', 'httpapi', 'inventory', 'lookup',
'module_utils', 'modules', 'netconf', 'role', 'shell', 'strategy',
'terminal', 'test', 'vars'])
# FIXME: tighten this up to match Python identifier reqs, etc
VALID_COLLECTION_NAME_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^(\w+)\.(\w+)$'))
VALID_SUBDIRS_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^\w+(\.\w+)*$'))
VALID_FQCR_RE = re.compile(to_text(r'^\w+\.\w+\.\w+(\.\w+)*$')) # can have 0-N included subdirs as well
def __init__(self, collection_name, subdirs, resource, ref_type):
Create an AnsibleCollectionRef from components
:param collection_name: a collection name of the form 'namespace.collectionname'
:param subdirs: optional subdir segments to be appended below the plugin type (eg, 'subdir1.subdir2')
:param resource: the name of the resource being references (eg, 'mymodule', 'someaction', 'a_role')
:param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
collection_name = to_text(collection_name, errors='strict')
if subdirs is not None:
subdirs = to_text(subdirs, errors='strict')
resource = to_text(resource, errors='strict')
ref_type = to_text(ref_type, errors='strict')
if not self.is_valid_collection_name(collection_name):
raise ValueError('invalid collection name (must be of the form namespace.collection): {0}'.format(to_native(collection_name)))
if ref_type not in self.VALID_REF_TYPES:
raise ValueError('invalid collection ref_type: {0}'.format(ref_type))
self.collection = collection_name
if subdirs:
if not re.match(self.VALID_SUBDIRS_RE, subdirs):
raise ValueError('invalid subdirs entry: {0} (must be empty/None or of the form subdir1.subdir2)'.format(to_native(subdirs)))
self.subdirs = subdirs
self.subdirs = u''
self.resource = resource
self.ref_type = ref_type
package_components = [u'ansible_collections', self.collection]
if self.ref_type == u'role':
# we assume it's a plugin
package_components += [u'plugins', self.ref_type]
if self.subdirs:
if self.ref_type == u'role':
# roles are their own resource
self.n_python_package_name = to_native('.'.join(package_components))
def from_fqcr(ref, ref_type):
Parse a string as a fully-qualified collection reference, raises ValueError if invalid
:param ref: collection reference to parse (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource')
:param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
:return: a populated AnsibleCollectionRef object
# assuming the fq_name is of the form (ns).(coll).(optional_subdir_N).(resource_name),
# we split the resource name off the right, split ns and coll off the left, and we're left with any optional
# subdirs that need to be added back below the plugin-specific subdir we'll add. So:
# ns.coll.resource -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.(plugintype).resource
# ns.coll.subdir1.resource -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.plugins.subdir1.(plugintype).resource
# ns.coll.rolename -> ansible_collections.ns.coll.roles.rolename
if not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref):
raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid collection reference'.format(to_native(ref)))
ref = to_text(ref, errors='strict')
ref_type = to_text(ref_type, errors='strict')
resource_splitname = ref.rsplit(u'.', 1)
package_remnant = resource_splitname[0]
resource = resource_splitname[1]
# split the left two components of the collection package name off, anything remaining is plugin-type
# specific subdirs to be added back on below the plugin type
package_splitname = package_remnant.split(u'.', 2)
if len(package_splitname) == 3:
subdirs = package_splitname[2]
subdirs = u''
collection_name = u'.'.join(package_splitname[0:2])
return AnsibleCollectionRef(collection_name, subdirs, resource, ref_type)
def try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type):
Attempt to parse a string as a fully-qualified collection reference, returning None on failure (instead of raising an error)
:param ref: collection reference to parse (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource')
:param ref_type: the type of the reference, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
:return: a populated AnsibleCollectionRef object on successful parsing, else None
return AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
except ValueError:
def legacy_plugin_dir_to_plugin_type(legacy_plugin_dir_name):
Utility method to convert from a PluginLoader dir name to a plugin ref_type
:param legacy_plugin_dir_name: PluginLoader dir name (eg, 'action_plugins', 'library')
:return: the corresponding plugin ref_type (eg, 'action', 'role')
legacy_plugin_dir_name = to_text(legacy_plugin_dir_name)
plugin_type = legacy_plugin_dir_name.replace(u'_plugins', u'')
if plugin_type == u'library':
plugin_type = u'modules'
if plugin_type not in AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_REF_TYPES:
raise ValueError('{0} cannot be mapped to a valid collection ref type'.format(to_native(legacy_plugin_dir_name)))
return plugin_type
def is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type=None):
Validates if is string is a well-formed fully-qualified collection reference (does not look up the collection itself)
:param ref: candidate collection reference to validate (a valid ref is of the form 'ns.coll.resource' or 'ns.coll.subdir1.subdir2.resource')
:param ref_type: optional reference type to enable deeper validation, eg 'module', 'role', 'doc_fragment'
:return: True if the collection ref passed is well-formed, False otherwise
ref = to_text(ref)
if not ref_type:
return bool(re.match(AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_FQCR_RE, ref))
return bool(AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type))
def is_valid_collection_name(collection_name):
Validates if the given string is a well-formed collection name (does not look up the collection itself)
:param collection_name: candidate collection name to validate (a valid name is of the form 'ns.collname')
:return: True if the collection name passed is well-formed, False otherwise
collection_name = to_text(collection_name)
return bool(re.match(AnsibleCollectionRef.VALID_COLLECTION_NAME_RE, collection_name))
def get_collection_role_path(role_name, collection_list=None):
acr = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(role_name, 'role')
if acr:
# looks like a valid qualified collection ref; skip the collection_list
collection_list = [acr.collection]
subdirs = acr.subdirs
resource = acr.resource
elif not collection_list:
return None # not a FQ role and no collection search list spec'd, nothing to do
resource = role_name # treat as unqualified, loop through the collection search list to try and resolve
subdirs = ''
for collection_name in collection_list:
acr = AnsibleCollectionRef(collection_name=collection_name, subdirs=subdirs, resource=resource, ref_type='role')
# FIXME: error handling/logging; need to catch any import failures and move along
# FIXME: this line shouldn't be necessary, but py2 pkgutil.get_data is delegating back to built-in loader when it shouldn't
pkg = import_module(acr.n_python_package_name)
if pkg is not None:
# the package is now loaded, get the collection's package and ask where it lives
path = os.path.dirname(to_bytes(sys.modules[acr.n_python_package_name].__file__, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
return resource, to_text(path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), collection_name
except IOError:
except Exception as ex:
# FIXME: pick out typical import errors first, then error logging
return None
_N_COLLECTION_PATH_RE = re.compile(r'/ansible_collections/([^/]+)/([^/]+)')
def get_collection_name_from_path(path):
Return the containing collection name for a given path, or None if the path is not below a configured collection, or
the collection cannot be loaded (eg, the collection is masked by another of the same name higher in the configured
collection roots).
:param n_path: native-string path to evaluate for collection containment
:return: collection name or None
n_collection_paths = [to_native(os.path.abspath(to_bytes(p))) for p in AnsibleCollectionLoader().n_collection_paths]
b_path = os.path.abspath(to_bytes(path))
n_path = to_native(b_path)
for coll_path in n_collection_paths:
common_prefix = to_native(os.path.commonprefix([b_path, to_bytes(coll_path)]))
if common_prefix == coll_path:
# strip off the common prefix (handle weird testing cases of nested collection roots, eg)
collection_remnant = n_path[len(coll_path):]
# commonprefix may include the trailing /, prepend to the remnant if necessary (eg trailing / on root)
if collection_remnant and collection_remnant[0] != '/':
collection_remnant = '/' + collection_remnant
# the path lives under this collection root, see if it maps to a collection
found_collection =
if not found_collection:
n_collection_name = '{0}.{1}'.format(*found_collection.groups())
loaded_collection_path = AnsibleCollectionLoader().get_collection_path(n_collection_name)
if not loaded_collection_path:
return None
# ensure we're using the canonical real path, with the bogus __synthetic__ stripped off
b_loaded_collection_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(to_bytes(loaded_collection_path)))
# if the collection path prefix matches the path prefix we were passed, it's the same collection that's loaded
if os.path.commonprefix([b_path, b_loaded_collection_path]) == b_loaded_collection_path:
return n_collection_name
return None # if not, it's a collection, but not the same collection the loader sees, so ignore it
def set_collection_playbook_paths(b_playbook_paths):
def resource_from_fqcr(ref):
Return resource from a fully-qualified collection reference,
or from a simple resource name.
For fully-qualified collection references, this is equivalent to
:param ref: collection reference to parse
:return: the resource as a unicode string
ref = to_text(ref, errors='strict')
return ref.split(u'.')[-1]