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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Import the given python module(s) and report error(s) encountered."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
def main():
Main program function used to isolate globals from imported code.
Changes to globals in imported modules on Python 2.x will overwrite our own globals.
import ansible
import contextlib
import json
import os
import re
import runpy
import subprocess
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
ansible_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(ansible.__file__))
temp_path = os.environ['SANITY_TEMP_PATH'] + os.path.sep
external_python = os.environ.get('SANITY_EXTERNAL_PYTHON')
collection_full_name = os.environ.get('SANITY_COLLECTION_FULL_NAME')
collection_root = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS')
# noinspection PyCompatibility
from importlib import import_module
except ImportError:
def import_module(name):
return sys.modules[name]
# noinspection PyCompatibility
from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
if collection_full_name:
# allow importing code from collections when testing a collection
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes, to_text, to_native
from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionConfig
from ansible.utils.collection_loader._collection_finder import _AnsibleCollectionFinder
from ansible.utils.collection_loader import _collection_finder
yaml_to_json_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
yaml_to_dict_cache = {}
def yaml_to_dict(yaml, content_id):
Return a Python dict version of the provided YAML.
Conversion is done in a subprocess since the current Python interpreter does not have access to PyYAML.
if content_id in yaml_to_dict_cache:
return yaml_to_dict_cache[content_id]
cmd = [external_python, yaml_to_json_path]
proc = subprocess.Popen([to_bytes(c) for c in cmd], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout_bytes, stderr_bytes = proc.communicate(to_bytes(yaml))
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise Exception('command %s failed with return code %d: %s' % ([to_native(c) for c in cmd], proc.returncode, to_native(stderr_bytes)))
data = yaml_to_dict_cache[content_id] = json.loads(to_text(stdout_bytes))
return data
except Exception as ex:
raise Exception('internal importer error - failed to parse yaml: %s' % to_native(ex))
_collection_finder._meta_yml_to_dict = yaml_to_dict # pylint: disable=protected-access
collection_loader = _AnsibleCollectionFinder(paths=[collection_root])
collection_loader._install() # pylint: disable=protected-access
nuke_modules = list(m for m in sys.modules if m.partition('.')[0] == 'ansible')
map(sys.modules.pop, nuke_modules)
# do not support collection loading when not testing a collection
collection_loader = None
class ImporterAnsibleModuleException(Exception):
"""Exception thrown during initialization of ImporterAnsibleModule."""
class ImporterAnsibleModule:
"""Replacement for AnsibleModule to support import testing."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise ImporterAnsibleModuleException()
class ImportBlacklist:
"""Blacklist inappropriate imports."""
def __init__(self, path, name):
self.path = path = name
self.loaded_modules = set()
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
"""Return self if the given fullname is blacklisted, otherwise return None.
:param fullname: str
:param path: str
:return: ImportBlacklist | None
if fullname in self.loaded_modules:
return None # ignore modules that are already being loaded
if is_name_in_namepace(fullname, ['ansible']):
if fullname in ('ansible.module_utils.basic', 'ansible.module_utils.common.removed'):
return self # intercept loading so we can modify the result
if is_name_in_namepace(fullname, ['ansible.module_utils',]):
return None # module_utils and module under test are always allowed
if os.path.exists(convert_ansible_name_to_absolute_path(fullname)):
return self # blacklist ansible files that exist
return None # ansible file does not exist, do not blacklist
if is_name_in_namepace(fullname, ['ansible_collections']):
if not collection_loader:
return self # blacklist collections when we are not testing a collection
if is_name_in_namepace(fullname, ['ansible_collections...plugins.module_utils',]):
return None # module_utils and module under test are always allowed
if collection_loader.find_module(fullname, path):
return self # blacklist collection files that exist
return None # collection file does not exist, do not blacklist
# not a namespace we care about
return None
def load_module(self, fullname):
"""Raise an ImportError.
:type fullname: str
if fullname == 'ansible.module_utils.basic':
module = self.__load_module(fullname)
# stop Ansible module execution during AnsibleModule instantiation
module.AnsibleModule = ImporterAnsibleModule
# no-op for _load_params since it may be called before instantiating AnsibleModule
module._load_params = lambda *args, **kwargs: {} # pylint: disable=protected-access
return module
if fullname == 'ansible.module_utils.common.removed':
module = self.__load_module(fullname)
# no-op for removed_module since it is called in place of AnsibleModule instantiation
module.removed_module = lambda *args, **kwargs: None
return module
raise ImportError('import of "%s" is not allowed in this context' % fullname)
def __load_module(self, fullname):
"""Load the requested module while avoiding infinite recursion.
:type fullname: str
:rtype: module
return import_module(fullname)
def run():
"""Main program function."""
base_dir = os.getcwd()
messages = set()
for path in sys.argv[1:] or
name = convert_relative_path_to_name(path)
test_python_module(path, name, base_dir, messages)
if messages:
def test_python_module(path, name, base_dir, messages):
"""Test the given python module by importing it.
:type path: str
:type name: str
:type base_dir: str
:type messages: set[str]
if name in sys.modules:
return # cannot be tested because it has already been loaded
is_ansible_module = (path.startswith('lib/ansible/modules/') or path.startswith('plugins/modules/')) and os.path.basename(path) != ''
run_main = is_ansible_module
if path == 'lib/ansible/modules/':
# async_wrapper is a non-standard Ansible module (does not use AnsibleModule) so we cannot test the main function
run_main = False
capture_normal = Capture()
capture_main = Capture()
with monitor_sys_modules(path, messages):
with blacklist_imports(path, name, messages):
with capture_output(capture_normal):
if run_main:
with monitor_sys_modules(path, messages):
with blacklist_imports(path, name, messages):
with capture_output(capture_main):
runpy.run_module(name, run_name='__main__', alter_sys=True)
except ImporterAnsibleModuleException:
# module instantiated AnsibleModule without raising an exception
except BaseException as ex: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, broad-except
# intentionally catch all exceptions, including calls to sys.exit
exc_type, _exc, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
message = str(ex)
results = list(reversed(traceback.extract_tb(exc_tb)))
line = 0
offset = 0
full_path = os.path.join(base_dir, path)
base_path = base_dir + os.path.sep
source = None
# avoid line wraps in messages
message = re.sub(r'\n *', ': ', message)
for result in results:
if result[0] == full_path:
# save the line number for the file under test
line = result[1] or 0
if not source and result[0].startswith(base_path) and not result[0].startswith(temp_path):
# save the first path and line number in the traceback which is in our source tree
source = (os.path.relpath(result[0], base_path), result[1] or 0, 0)
if isinstance(ex, SyntaxError):
# SyntaxError has better information than the traceback
if ex.filename == full_path: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, no-member
# syntax error was reported in the file under test
line = ex.lineno or 0 # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, no-member
offset = ex.offset or 0 # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, no-member
elif ex.filename.startswith(base_path) and not ex.filename.startswith(temp_path): # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, no-member
# syntax error was reported in our source tree
source = (os.path.relpath(ex.filename, base_path), ex.lineno or 0, ex.offset or 0) # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, no-member
# remove the filename and line number from the message
# either it was extracted above, or it's not really useful information
message = re.sub(r' \(.*?, line [0-9]+\)$', '', message)
if source and source[0] != path:
message += ' (at %s:%d:%d)' % (source[0], source[1], source[2])
report_message(path, line, offset, 'traceback', '%s: %s' % (exc_type.__name__, message), messages)
capture_report(path, capture_normal, messages)
capture_report(path, capture_main, messages)
def is_name_in_namepace(name, namespaces):
"""Returns True if the given name is one of the given namespaces, otherwise returns False."""
name_parts = name.split('.')
for namespace in namespaces:
namespace_parts = namespace.split('.')
length = min(len(name_parts), len(namespace_parts))
truncated_name = name_parts[0:length]
truncated_namespace = namespace_parts[0:length]
# empty parts in the namespace are treated as wildcards
# to simplify the comparison, use those empty parts to indicate the positions in the name to be empty as well
for idx, part in enumerate(truncated_namespace):
if not part:
truncated_name[idx] = part
# example: name=ansible, allowed_name=ansible.module_utils
# example:, allowed_name=ansible.module_utils
if truncated_name == truncated_namespace:
return True
return False
def check_sys_modules(path, before, messages):
"""Check for unwanted changes to sys.modules.
:type path: str
:type before: dict[str, module]
:type messages: set[str]
after = sys.modules
removed = set(before.keys()) - set(after.keys())
changed = set(key for key, value in before.items() if key in after and value != after[key])
# additions are checked by our custom PEP 302 loader, so we don't need to check them again here
for module in sorted(removed):
report_message(path, 0, 0, 'unload', 'unloading of "%s" in sys.modules is not supported' % module, messages)
for module in sorted(changed):
report_message(path, 0, 0, 'reload', 'reloading of "%s" in sys.modules is not supported' % module, messages)
def convert_ansible_name_to_absolute_path(name):
"""Calculate the module path from the given name.
:type name: str
:rtype: str
return os.path.join(ansible_path, name.replace('.', os.path.sep))
def convert_relative_path_to_name(path):
"""Calculate the module name from the given path.
:type path: str
:rtype: str
if path.endswith('/'):
clean_path = os.path.dirname(path)
clean_path = path
clean_path = os.path.splitext(clean_path)[0]
name = clean_path.replace(os.path.sep, '.')
if collection_loader:
# when testing collections the relative paths (and names) being tested are within the collection under test
name = 'ansible_collections.%s.%s' % (collection_full_name, name)
# when testing ansible all files being imported reside under the lib directory
name = name[len('lib/'):]
return name
class Capture:
"""Captured output and/or exception."""
def __init__(self):
self.stdout = StringIO()
self.stderr = StringIO()
def capture_report(path, capture, messages):
"""Report on captured output.
:type path: str
:type capture: Capture
:type messages: set[str]
if capture.stdout.getvalue():
first = capture.stdout.getvalue().strip().splitlines()[0].strip()
report_message(path, 0, 0, 'stdout', first, messages)
if capture.stderr.getvalue():
first = capture.stderr.getvalue().strip().splitlines()[0].strip()
report_message(path, 0, 0, 'stderr', first, messages)
def report_message(path, line, column, code, message, messages):
"""Report message if not already reported.
:type path: str
:type line: int
:type column: int
:type code: str
:type message: str
:type messages: set[str]
message = '%s:%d:%d: %s: %s' % (path, line, column, code, message)
if message not in messages:
def blacklist_imports(path, name, messages):
"""Blacklist imports.
:type path: str
:type name: str
:type messages: set[str]
blacklist = ImportBlacklist(path, name)
sys.meta_path.insert(0, blacklist)
if sys.meta_path[0] != blacklist:
report_message(path, 0, 0, 'metapath', 'changes to sys.meta_path[0] are not permitted', messages)
while blacklist in sys.meta_path:
def monitor_sys_modules(path, messages):
"""Monitor sys.modules for unwanted changes, reverting any additions made to our own namespaces."""
snapshot = sys.modules.copy()
check_sys_modules(path, snapshot, messages)
for key in set(sys.modules.keys()) - set(snapshot.keys()):
if is_name_in_namepace(key, ('ansible', 'ansible_collections')):
del sys.modules[key] # only unload our own code since we know it's native Python
def capture_output(capture):
"""Capture sys.stdout and sys.stderr.
:type capture: Capture
old_stdout = sys.stdout
old_stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stdout = capture.stdout
sys.stderr = capture.stderr
# clear all warnings registries to make all warnings available
for module in sys.modules.values():
except AttributeError:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
sys.stdout = old_stdout
sys.stderr = old_stderr
if __name__ == '__main__':