Update translations

* German
* Portuguese (Brazil)
* Russian
* French
* Japanese
* Remove headers from master string files
Alex Baker 11 years ago
parent 1759fa484f
commit 8a64bc5661

@ -1,246 +1,198 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1 Jahr</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d Jahre</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1 Monat</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d Monate</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Woche</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Wochen</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">Ein Tag</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Tage</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">Ein Wochentag</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Wochentage</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Stunde</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d Stunden</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Minute</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d Minuten</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Sekunde</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d Sekunden</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Std</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d Std</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Min</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d min</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Sek</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d Sek</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 Aufgabe</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d Aufgaben</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Person</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d Personen</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Heute</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Morgen</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">Gestern</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">Morg.</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">Gest.</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">Bestätigen?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Frage:</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Informationen</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">Fehler!</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">Speichern</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">Ja</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">Nein</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Schließen</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Erledigt</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Ups, sieht aus, als ob ein Fehler aufgetreten ist! Folgendes ist passiert:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Ups, sieht aus, als ob ein Fehler aufgetreten ist!</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Bitte warten...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Synchronisiere deine Aufgaben</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">Synchronisiere…</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">Synchronisation</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Jetzt synchronisieren</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">Google Tasks, gespeicherte Daten, lokale Backups</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">Verbindungsfehler! Überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">Status</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">Status: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Nicht angemeldet</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">Synchronisierung läuft...</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">Letzte Synchronisierung:\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">Fehlgeschlagen am: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Synchronisation m. Fehler: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">Letzte erfolgreiche Synchronisierung: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">Noch nie synchronisiert!</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">Einstellungen</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung ist deaktiviert</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">Gesetzt auf: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">WLAN-Einstellungen</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung nur bei WLAN-Verbindung</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung findet immer statt</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">Aktionen</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Jetzt synchronisieren</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">Einloggen &amp; synchronisieren!</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">Angemeldet als:</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Statusbericht</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Klicke um einen Bericht ans Tasks-Team zu senden</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Bericht senden</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">Abmelden</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">Alle Synchronisationsdaten löschen</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">Ausloggen/synchronisierte Daten löschen?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">Es gab ein Problem mit der Netzwerkverbindung während der letzten Synchronisation mit %s. Versuche es bitte später noch einmal.</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>alle 15 Minuten</item>
<item>alle 30 Minuten</item>
<item>alle 3 Stunden</item>
<item>alle 6 Stunden</item>
<item>alle 12 Stunden</item>
<item>jeden dritten Tag</item>
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">Ein Jahr</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d Jahre</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">Ein Monat</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d Monate</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Woche</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Wochen</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">Ein Tag</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Tage</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">Ein Wochentag</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Wochentage</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Stunde</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d Stunden</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Minute</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d Minuten</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Sekunde</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d Sekunden</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Std</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d Std</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Min</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d min</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Sek</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d Sek</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 Aufgabe</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d Aufgaben</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Person</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d Personen</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Heute</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Morgen</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">Gestern</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">Morg.</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">Gest.</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">Bestätigen?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Frage:</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Informationen</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">Fehler!</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">Speichern</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">Ja</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">Nein</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Schließen</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Erledigt</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Ups, sieht aus, als ob ein Fehler aufgetreten ist! Folgendes ist passiert:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Ups, sieht aus, als ob ein Fehler aufgetreten ist!</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Bitte warten...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Synchronisiere deine Aufgaben</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">Synchronisiere…</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">Synchronisation</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Jetzt synchronisieren</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">Google Tasks, gespeicherte Daten, lokale Backups</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">Verbindungsfehler! Überprüfe Deine Internetverbindung.</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">Status</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">Status: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Nicht angemeldet</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">Synchronisierung läuft...</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">Letzte Synchronisierung:\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">Fehlgeschlagen am: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Synchronisation m. Fehler: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">Letzte erfolgreiche Synchronisierung: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">Noch nie synchronisiert!</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">Einstellungen</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung ist deaktiviert</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">Gesetzt auf: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">WLAN-Einstellungen</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung nur bei WLAN-Verbindung</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung findet immer statt</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">Aktionen</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Jetzt synchronisieren</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">Einloggen &amp; synchronisieren!</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">Angemeldet als:</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Statusbericht</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Klicke um einen Bericht ans Tasks-Team zu senden</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Bericht senden</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">Abmelden</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">Alle Synchronisationsdaten löschen</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">Ausloggen/synchronisierte Daten löschen?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">Es gab ein Problem mit der Netzwerkverbindung während der letzten Synchronisation mit %s. Versuche es bitte später noch einmal.</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>alle 15 Minuten</item>
<item>alle 30 Minuten</item>
<item>alle 3 Stunden</item>
<item>alle 6 Stunden</item>
<item>alle 12 Stunden</item>
<item>jeden dritten Tag</item>

@ -1,246 +1,198 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1 an</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d ans</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1 mois</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d mois</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 semaine</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d semaines</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 jour</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d jours</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 jour de la semaine</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d jours de la semaine</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1 heure</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d heures</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 minute</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d minutes</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1 seconde</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d secondes</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 h</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d h</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 min</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d min</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 s</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d s</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 tâche</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d tâches</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">1 personne</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d personnes</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Aujourd\'hui</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Demain</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">Hier</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">Demain</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">Hier</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">Confirmer ?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Question :</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Information</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">Erreur !</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">Enregistrer</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">Oui</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">Non</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Fermer</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Fnalizado</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Oups, une erreur est survenue ! Voici ce qu\'il s\'est passé :\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Oups, une erreur est survenue !</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Veuillez patienter...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Synchronisation de vos tâches...</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">Synchronisation...</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">Synchronisation</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Sync now</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">Tâches Google, données enregistrées, sauvegarde locale</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">Erreur de connexion ! Veuillez vérifier votre connexion Internet.</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">Statut</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">État : %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Non connecté</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">Synchronisation en cours...</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">Dernière synchro. :\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">Échec sur : %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Synchro avec Erreurs: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">Dernière synchro. réussie : %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">Jamais synchronisé !</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">Options</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">Synchro. en arrière-plan</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">Synchronisation en arrière-plan désactivée</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">Actuellement configuré sur : %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">Paramètre Wifi seul</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">La synchronisation en arrière-plan ne s\'effectue uniquement sous Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">La synchronisation en arrière-plan s\'effectuera toujours</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">Actions</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Synchroniser maintenant</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">Se connecter et synchroniser !</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">Connecté en tant que :</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Rapport d\'état</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Cliquez pour envoyer un rapport à l\'équipe Tasks</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Envoyer le rapport</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">Se déconnecter</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">Purger toutes les données de synchronisation</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">Se déconnecter/purger les données de synchronisation ?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">Un problème de connexion réseau est survenu lors de la dernière synchronisation avec %s. Merci de réessayer plus tard.</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>toutes les quinze minutes</item>
<item>toutes les trente minutes</item>
<item>toutes les heures</item>
<item>toutes les trois heures</item>
<item>toutes les six heures</item>
<item>toutes les douze heures</item>
<item>tous les jours</item>
<item>tous les trois jours</item>
<item>toutes les semaines</item>
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1 an</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d ans</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1 mois</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d mois</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 semaine</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d semaines</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 jour</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d jours</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 jour de la semaine</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d jours de la semaine</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1 heure</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d heures</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 minute</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d minutes</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1 seconde</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d secondes</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 h</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d h</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 min</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d min</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 s</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d s</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 tâche</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d tâches</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">1 personne</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d personnes</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Aujourd\'hui</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Demain</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">Hier</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">Demain</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">Hier</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">Confirmer ?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Question :</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Information</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">Erreur !</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">Enregistrer</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">Oui</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">Non</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Fermer</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Fnalizado</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Oups, une erreur est survenue ! Voici ce qu\'il s\'est passé :\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Oups, une erreur est survenue !</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Veuillez patienter...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Synchronisation de vos tâches...</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">Synchronisation...</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">Synchronisation</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Sync now</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">Tâches Google, données enregistrées, sauvegarde locale</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">Erreur de connexion ! Veuillez vérifier votre connexion Internet.</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">Statut</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">État : %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Non connecté</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">Synchronisation en cours...</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">Dernière synchro. :\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">Échec sur : %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Synchro avec Erreurs: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">Dernière synchro. réussie : %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">Jamais synchronisé !</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">Options</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">Synchro. en arrière-plan</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">Synchronisation en arrière-plan désactivée</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">Actuellement configuré sur : %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">Paramètre Wifi seul</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">La synchronisation en arrière-plan ne s\'effectue uniquement sous Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">La synchronisation en arrière-plan s\'effectuera toujours</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">Actions</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Synchroniser maintenant</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">Se connecter et synchroniser !</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">Connecté en tant que :</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Rapport d\'état</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Cliquez pour envoyer un rapport à l\'équipe Tasks</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Envoyer le rapport</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">Se déconnecter</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">Purger toutes les données de synchronisation</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">Se déconnecter/purger les données de synchronisation ?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">Un problème de connexion réseau est survenu lors de la dernière synchronisation avec %s. Merci de réessayer plus tard.</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>toutes les quinze minutes</item>
<item>toutes les trente minutes</item>
<item>toutes les heures</item>
<item>toutes les trois heures</item>
<item>toutes les six heures</item>
<item>toutes les douze heures</item>
<item>tous les jours</item>
<item>tous les trois jours</item>
<item>toutes les semaines</item>

@ -1,247 +1,199 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1年</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d 年</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1か月</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d か月</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1週間</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d 週間</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 日</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d 日</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 Weekday</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Weekdays</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1 時間</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d 時間</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 分</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d 分</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1 秒</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d 秒</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 時間</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d 時間</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 分</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d 分</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 秒</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d 秒</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">タスク 1 件</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">タスク %d 件</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">1人</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d人</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Today</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">昨日</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">明日</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">昨日</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">確認</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">確認</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">インフォメーション</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">エラー</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">保存</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">はい</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">いいえ</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">閉じる</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">完了</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Oops, looks like an error occurred! Here\'s what happened:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Oops, looks like an error occurred!</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">お待ちください</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">タスクの同期中...</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">同期中...</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">同期</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Sync now</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">Google Tasks, saved data, local backup</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">接続エラー!インターネットに接続できるか確認してください。</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">状況</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">Status: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Not logged in</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">同期中</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">前回の同期:\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">失敗: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Sync w/ errors: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">最後の同期: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">同期していません</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">オプション</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">バックグラウンド同期</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">バックグラウンド同期は無効になっています</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">現在の設定: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">Wi-Fi のみ</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Wi-Fi が有効なときだけバックグラウンドで同期する</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Background synchronization will always occur</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">アクション</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Synchronize now</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">ログインと同期</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">ログインアカウント:</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Status report</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Click to send a report to the Tasks team</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Send report</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">ログアウト</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">すべての同期データを消去します</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">ログアウトと同期データを消去しますか?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">There was a problem connecting to the network
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1年</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d 年</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1か月</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d か月</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1週間</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d 週間</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 日</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d 日</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 Weekday</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Weekdays</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1 時間</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d 時間</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 分</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d 分</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1 秒</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d 秒</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 時間</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d 時間</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 分</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d 分</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 秒</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d 秒</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">タスク 1 件</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">タスク %d 件</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">1人</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d人</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Today</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">昨日</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">明日</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">昨日</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">確認</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">確認</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">インフォメーション</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">エラー</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">保存</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">はい</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">いいえ</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">閉じる</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">完了</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Oops, looks like an error occurred! Here\'s what happened:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Oops, looks like an error occurred!</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">お待ちください</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">タスクの同期中...</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">同期中...</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">同期</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Sync now</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">Google Tasks, saved data, local backup</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">接続エラー!インターネットに接続できるか確認してください。</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">状況</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">Status: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Not logged in</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">同期中</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">前回の同期:\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">失敗: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Sync w/ errors: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">最後の同期: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">同期していません</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">オプション</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">バックグラウンド同期</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">バックグラウンド同期は無効になっています</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">現在の設定: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">Wi-Fi のみ</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Wi-Fi が有効なときだけバックグラウンドで同期する</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Background synchronization will always occur</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">アクション</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Synchronize now</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">ログインと同期</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">ログインアカウント:</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Status report</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Click to send a report to the Tasks team</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Send report</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">ログアウト</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">すべての同期データを消去します</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">ログアウトと同期データを消去しますか?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">There was a problem connecting to the network
during the last sync with %s. Please try again later.</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->

@ -1,246 +1,198 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1 ano</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d anos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1 mês</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d meses</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 semana</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d semanas</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 dia</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d dias</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 dia útil</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d dias úteis</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1 hora</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d horas</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 minuto</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d minutos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1 segundo</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d segundos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 h</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d h</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 min</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d min</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 s</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d s</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 tarefa</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d tarefas</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">1 pessoa</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d pessoas</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Hoje</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Amanhã</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">Ontem</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">amanhã</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">ontem</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">Confirmar?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Pergunta:</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Informações</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">Erro!</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">Salvar</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">Sim</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">Não</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Fechar</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Feito</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Opa, parece que ocorreu um erro! Aqui está o que aconteceu:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Opa, parece que ocorreu um erro!</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Por favor, aguarde...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Sincronizando suas tarefas...</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">Sincronizando...</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">Sincronização</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Sync now</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">Google Tasks, dados salvos, backup local</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">Erro na Conexão! Verifique sua conexão com a internet.</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">Estado</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">Status: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Não Registrado</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">Sincronizando...</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">Última sincronização:\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">Falhou em: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Sicronizou com erros: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">Última sincronização com sucesso: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">Nunca sincronizado!</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">Opções</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">Sincronização em segundo plano</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">O serviço de sincronização em segundo plano está desativado</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">Atualmente definido para: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">Configuração Somente Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Sincronização em segundo plano só ocorre se conectado ao Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Sincronização em segundo plano sempre ocorre</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">Ações</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Sincronizar agora</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">Conectar e sincronizar!</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">Conectado como:</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Relatório de status</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Clique para enviar um relatório para a equipe do Tasks</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Enviar relatório</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">Desconectar</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">Limpar todos os dados de sincronização</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">Desconectar / limpar dados de sincronização?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">Houve um problema na conexão durante a última sincronia com %s. Por favor tente novamente mais tarde.</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>a cada quinze minutos</item>
<item>a cada trinta minutos</item>
<item>a cada hora</item>
<item>a cada três horas</item>
<item>a cada seis horas</item>
<item>a cada doze horas</item>
<item>a cada três dias</item>
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1 ano</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d anos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1 mês</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d meses</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 semana</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d semanas</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 dia</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d dias</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 dia útil</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d dias úteis</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1 hora</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d horas</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 minuto</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d minutos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1 segundo</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d segundos</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 h</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d h</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 min</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d min</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 s</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d s</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 tarefa</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d tarefas</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">1 pessoa</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d pessoas</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Hoje</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Amanhã</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">Ontem</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">amanhã</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">ontem</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">Confirmar?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Pergunta:</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Informações</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">Erro!</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">Salvar</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">Sim</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">Não</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Fechar</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Feito</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Opa, parece que ocorreu um erro! Aqui está o que aconteceu:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Opa, parece que ocorreu um erro!</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Por favor, aguarde...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Sincronizando suas tarefas...</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">Sincronizando...</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">Sincronização</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Sync now</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">Google Tasks, dados salvos, backup local</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">Erro na Conexão! Verifique sua conexão com a internet.</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">Estado</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">Status: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Não Registrado</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">Sincronizando...</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">Última sincronização:\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">Falhou em: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Sicronizou com erros: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">Última sincronização com sucesso: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">Nunca sincronizado!</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">Opções</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">Sincronização em segundo plano</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">O serviço de sincronização em segundo plano está desativado</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">Atualmente definido para: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">Configuração Somente Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Sincronização em segundo plano só ocorre se conectado ao Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Sincronização em segundo plano sempre ocorre</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">Ações</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Sincronizar agora</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">Conectar e sincronizar!</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">Conectado como:</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Relatório de status</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Clique para enviar um relatório para a equipe do Tasks</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Enviar relatório</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">Desconectar</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">Limpar todos os dados de sincronização</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">Desconectar / limpar dados de sincronização?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">Houve um problema na conexão durante a última sincronia com %s. Por favor tente novamente mais tarde.</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>a cada quinze minutos</item>
<item>a cada trinta minutos</item>
<item>a cada hora</item>
<item>a cada três horas</item>
<item>a cada seis horas</item>
<item>a cada doze horas</item>
<item>a cada três dias</item>

@ -1,246 +1,198 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1 год</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d года/лет</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1 месяц</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d месяца/месяцев</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 неделя</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d недели/недель</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 день</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d дня/дней</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 рабочий день</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d рабочих дня</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1 час</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d часа/часов</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 минута</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d минуты/минут</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1 секунда</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d секунды/секунд</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 час</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d ч</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 мин</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d мин</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 с</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d с</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 задача</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d задач(а/и)</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">1 человек</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d человек</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Сегодня</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Завтра</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">Вчера</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">Завт</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">Сег</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">Подтвердить?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Вопрос:</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Информация</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">Ошибка!</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">Готово</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">Да</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">Нет</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Закрыть</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Готово</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Ой, похоже произошла ошибка! Подробности ниже:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Ой, похоже произошла ошибка!</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Пожалуйста, подождите…</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Синхронизация задач…</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">Синхронизация…</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">Синхронизация</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Синхронизировать</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">Задачи Google, сохраненные данные, локальная резервная копия</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">Ошибка соединения! Проверьте подключение к интернету.</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">Состояние</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">Состояние: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Вход не выполнен</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">Процесс синхронизации…</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">Последняя синхронизация\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">Ошибка: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Синхронизировано с ошибками: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">Последняя успешная синхронизация: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">Синхронизаций не выполнялось!</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">Параметры</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">Фоновая синхронизация</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">Фоновая синхронизация отключена</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">Сейчас установлено: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">Только через Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Фоновая синхронизация происходит только через Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Фоновая синхронизация происходит всегда</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">Действия</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Синхронизировать</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">Войти и синхронизировать!</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">Вы вошли в систему как:</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Отчёт о состоянии</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Нажмите, чтобы отправить отчет команде Tasks</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Отправить отчет</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">Выйти</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">Очищает все данные синхронизации</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">Выйти / очистить данные синхронизации?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">В процессе последней синхронизации с %s возникли проблемы подключения к сети. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже.</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>каждые 15 минут</item>
<item>каждые 30 минут</item>
<item>каждый час</item>
<item>каждые 3 часа</item>
<item>каждые 6 часов</item>
<item>каждые 12 часов</item>
<item>каждый день</item>
<item>каждые 3 дня</item>
<item>каждую неделю</item>
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1 год</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d года/лет</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1 месяц</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d месяца/месяцев</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 неделя</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d недели/недель</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 день</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d дня/дней</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1 рабочий день</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d рабочих дня</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1 час</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d часа/часов</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 минута</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d минуты/минут</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1 секунда</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d секунды/секунд</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 час</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d ч</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 мин</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d мин</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 с</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d с</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 задача</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d задач(а/и)</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">1 человек</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d человек</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Сегодня</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Завтра</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">Вчера</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">Завт</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">Сег</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">Подтвердить?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Вопрос:</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Информация</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">Ошибка!</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">Готово</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">Да</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">Нет</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Закрыть</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Готово</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Ой, похоже произошла ошибка! Подробности ниже:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Ой, похоже произошла ошибка!</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Пожалуйста, подождите…</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Синхронизация задач…</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">Синхронизация…</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">Синхронизация</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Синхронизировать</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">Задачи Google, сохраненные данные, локальная резервная копия</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">Ошибка соединения! Проверьте подключение к интернету.</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">Состояние</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">Состояние: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Вход не выполнен</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">Процесс синхронизации…</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">Последняя синхронизация\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">Ошибка: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Синхронизировано с ошибками: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">Последняя успешная синхронизация: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">Синхронизаций не выполнялось!</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">Параметры</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">Фоновая синхронизация</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">Фоновая синхронизация отключена</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">Сейчас установлено: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">Только через Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Фоновая синхронизация происходит только через Wifi</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Фоновая синхронизация происходит всегда</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">Действия</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Синхронизировать</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">Войти и синхронизировать!</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">Вы вошли в систему как:</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Отчёт о состоянии</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Нажмите, чтобы отправить отчет команде Tasks</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Отправить отчет</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">Выйти</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">Очищает все данные синхронизации</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">Выйти / очистить данные синхронизации?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">В процессе последней синхронизации с %s возникли проблемы подключения к сети. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже.</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>каждые 15 минут</item>
<item>каждые 30 минут</item>
<item>каждый час</item>
<item>каждые 3 часа</item>
<item>каждые 6 часов</item>
<item>каждые 12 часов</item>
<item>каждый день</item>
<item>каждые 3 дня</item>
<item>каждую неделю</item>

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ================================================== general terms == -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Resources for built-in timers plug-in -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Resources for built-in backup plug-in -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ================================================== AndroidManifest == -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<!-- slide 32g: Preference Category: Defaults Title -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Resources for built-in filter plug-in -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Resources for built-in tag plug-in -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ============================================================= UI == -->

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Resources for built-in locale plug-in -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ====================== Plugin Boilerplate ========================= -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- ================================================== EditPreferences == -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<string name="speech_err_network">Network error! Speech recognition requires a network connection to work.</string>

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Resources for built-in reminders plug-in -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Resources for built-in repeat plug-in -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Subtasks Help Introduction -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Resources for built-in tag plug-in -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Resources for built-in timers plug-in -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Update string from activity codes %1$s - user, %2$s - target name, %3$s - message, %4$s - other_user-->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- Voice Add Prompt Text -->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<!-- slide 30a-->

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<string name="widget_mini">Tasks Mini</string>
