ac-nh-turnip-prices for BananaNetwork - to apply required patches before release or release in async to the official version

Updated 4 years ago

Agnoster Theme, Original:

Updated 4 years ago

Ansible Playbook for Servers of BananaNetwork

Updated 2 years ago

Configures your local sources.list to adapt to a running approx proxy

Updated 4 years ago

Website zum Blackout am 21.03.2019

Updated 5 years ago

Pi-Hole compatible blocklists from me

Updated 3 months ago

Mindows Core and UI-System for ComputerCraft (Minecraft)

Updated 8 years ago

This plugin adds the command `cptar` which allows copy directories using `tar`.

Updated 4 years ago

"Crowl" your birthdays, see on which weekdays you got a chance to party with your friends

Updated 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Rechner für Charakterbögen des Rollenspiels "Das schwarze Auge"

Updated 6 years ago

Python Library for Enjo Core & Modules

Updated 5 months ago

ZSH plugin for fast signed tagging of releases in git

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 1 week ago

Allows combining images to a searchable pdf using local ocr.

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Inkscape on Alpine Docker Image (e.g. for GitLab CI)

Updated 5 years ago

Node.js Implementation of

Updated 5 years ago

This plugin adds the command `launch` which allows launching applications from cli without further distraction.

Updated 4 years ago