A collection or set of small scripts for automation

Updated 6 years ago

Customizations for tmux

Updated 5 years ago

Play first result of YouTube search using mpv

Updated 4 years ago

This plugin adds the command `cptar` which allows copy directories using `tar`.

Updated 4 years ago

This plugin adds the command `launch` which allows launching applications from cli without further distraction.

Updated 4 years ago

Allows combining images to a searchable pdf using local ocr.

Updated 4 years ago

ZSH plugin for fast signed tagging of releases in git

Updated 4 years ago

Lädt Gesetzestexte von gesetze-im-internet.de bei Bedarf herunter und zeigt diese im PDF Viewer an

Updated 4 years ago

Agnoster Theme, Original: https://gist.github.com/agnoster/3712874

Updated 4 years ago