Option to check for new mails in all folders (#1484374)

thomascube 16 years ago
parent 41b43ba00e
commit 2fd975071a

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
CHANGELOG RoundCube Webmail
2008/11/28 (thomasb)
- Option to check for new mails in all folders (#1484374)
- Don't set client busy when checking for new messages (#1485276)
2008/11/26 (alec)
- Allow UTF-8 folder names in config (#1485579)

@ -402,5 +402,8 @@ $rcmail_config['flag_for_deletion'] = FALSE;
// Must be greater than or equal to 'min_keep_alive' and less than 'session_lifetime'
$rcmail_config['keep_alive'] = 60;
// If true all folders will be checked for recent messages
$rcmail_config['check_all_folders'] = FALSE;
// end of config file

@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ $labels['select'] = 'Auswählen';
$labels['all'] = 'Alle';
$labels['none'] = 'Keine';
$labels['unread'] = 'Ungelesene';
$labels['flagged'] = 'Markiert';
$labels['unanswered'] = 'Unbeantwortet';
$labels['compact'] = 'Packen';
$labels['empty'] = 'Leeren';
$labels['purge'] = 'Aufräumen';
@ -234,11 +236,12 @@ $labels['never'] = 'nie';
$labels['messagesdisplaying'] = 'Nachrichtendarstellung';
$labels['messagescomposition'] = 'Nachrichtenerstellung';
$labels['mimeparamfolding'] = 'Namen der Dateianhänge';
$labels['2231folding'] = 'Vollständig RFC 2231 kompatibel (Mozilla Thunderbird)';
$labels['2231folding'] = 'Vollständig RFC 2231 kompatibel (Thunderbird)';
$labels['miscfolding'] = 'RFC 2047/2231 kompatibel (Microsoft Outlook)';
$labels['2047folding'] = 'Vollständig RFC 2047 kompatibel (andere)';
$labels['advancedoptions'] = 'Erweiterte Einstellungen';
$labels['focusonnewmessage'] = 'Fokussiere Browserfenster bei neuen Nachrichten';
$labels['checkallfolders'] = 'Alle Ordner auf neue Nachrichten prüfen';
$labels['folder'] = 'Ordner';
$labels['folders'] = 'Ordner';
$labels['foldername'] = 'Ordnername';

@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ $labels['select'] = 'Auswählen';
$labels['all'] = 'Alle';
$labels['none'] = 'Keine';
$labels['unread'] = 'Ungelesene';
$labels['flagged'] = 'Markiert';
$labels['unanswered'] = 'Unbeantwortet';
$labels['compact'] = 'Packen';
$labels['empty'] = 'Leeren';
$labels['purge'] = 'Bereinigen';
@ -233,11 +235,12 @@ $labels['never'] = 'nie';
$labels['messagesdisplaying'] = 'Nachrichtendarstellung';
$labels['messagescomposition'] = 'Nachrichtenerstellung';
$labels['mimeparamfolding'] = 'Namen der Dateianhänge';
$labels['2231folding'] = 'Vollständig RFC 2231 kompatibel (Mozilla Thunderbird)';
$labels['2231folding'] = 'Vollständig RFC 2231 kompatibel (Thunderbird)';
$labels['miscfolding'] = 'RFC 2047/2231 kompatibel (Microsoft Outlook)';
$labels['2047folding'] = 'Vollständig RFC 2047 kompatibel (andere)';
$labels['advancedoptions'] = 'Erweiterte Einstellungen';
$labels['focusonnewmessage'] = 'Fokussiere Browserfenster bei neuen Nachrichten';
$labels['checkallfolders'] = 'Alle Ordner auf neue Nachrichten prüfen';
$labels['folder'] = 'Ordner';
$labels['folders'] = 'Ordner';
$labels['foldername'] = 'Ordnername';

@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ $labels['miscfolding'] = 'RFC 2047/2231 (MS Outlook)';
$labels['2047folding'] = 'Full RFC 2047 (other)';
$labels['advancedoptions'] = 'Advanced options';
$labels['focusonnewmessage'] = 'Focus browser window on new message';
$labels['checkallfolders'] = 'Check all folders for new messages';
$labels['messagesdisplaying'] = 'Displaying Messages';
$labels['messagescomposition'] = 'Composing Messages';
$labels['folder'] = 'Folder';

@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ $labels['miscfolding'] = 'RFC 2047/2231 (MS Outlook)';
$labels['2047folding'] = 'Full RFC 2047 (other)';
$labels['advancedoptions'] = 'Advanced options';
$labels['focusonnewmessage'] = 'Focus browser window on new message';
$labels['checkallfolders'] = 'Check all folders for new messages';
$labels['folder'] = 'Folder';
$labels['folders'] = 'Folders';

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
| program/steps/mail/check_recent.inc |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2007, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2008, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
@ -20,13 +20,11 @@
$a_mailboxes = $IMAP->list_mailboxes();
$check_all = (bool)$RCMAIL->config->get('check_all_folders');
foreach ($a_mailboxes as $mbox_name)
if ($mbox_name == $IMAP->get_mailbox_name())
if ($recent_count = $IMAP->messagecount(NULL, 'RECENT', TRUE))
foreach ($a_mailboxes as $mbox_name) {
if ($mbox_name == $IMAP->get_mailbox_name()) {
if ($recent_count = $IMAP->messagecount(NULL, 'RECENT', TRUE)) {
// refresh saved search set
if (($search_request = get_input_value('_search', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)) && $IMAP->search_set)
$_SESSION['search'][$search_request] = $IMAP->refresh_search();
@ -60,12 +58,10 @@ foreach ($a_mailboxes as $mbox_name)
rcmail_js_message_list($a_headers, TRUE);
if ($IMAP->messagecount($mbox_name, 'RECENT'))
$OUTPUT->command('set_unread_count', $mbox_name, $IMAP->messagecount($mbox_name, 'UNSEEN'));
else if ($IMAP->messagecount($mbox_name, 'RECENT', $check_all)) {
$OUTPUT->command('set_unread_count', $mbox_name, $IMAP->messagecount($mbox_name, 'UNSEEN', $check_all));

@ -189,6 +189,13 @@ function rcmail_user_prefs_form($attrib)
$table->add(null, $select_keep_alive->show($config['keep_alive']/60));
if (!isset($no_override['check_all_folders'])) {
$field_id = 'rcmfd_check_all_folders';
$input_check_all = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_check_all_folders', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1));
$table->add('title', html::label($field_id, Q(rcube_label('checkallfolders'))));
$table->add(null, $input_check_all->show($config['check_all_folders']?1:0));
$out .= html::tag('fieldset', null, html::tag('legend', null, Q(rcube_label('mailboxview'))) . $table->show($attrib));
$table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2));

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ $a_user_prefs = array(
'logout_expunge' => isset($_POST['_logout_expunge']) ? TRUE : FALSE,
'draft_autosave' => isset($_POST['_draft_autosave']) ? intval($_POST['_draft_autosave']) : 0,
'keep_alive' => isset($_POST['_keep_alive']) ? intval($_POST['_keep_alive'])*60 : $CONFIG['keep_alive'],
'check_all_folders' => isset($_POST['_check_all_folders']) ? TRUE : FALSE,
'mime_param_folding' => isset($_POST['_mime_param_folding']) ? intval($_POST['_mime_param_folding']) : 0,
'mdn_requests' => isset($_POST['_mdn_requests']) ? intval($_POST['_mdn_requests']) : 0,
'skin' => isset($_POST['_skin']) ? get_input_value('_skin', RCUBE_INPUT_POST) : $CONFIG['skin'],
