- Added log_date_format option (#1485709)

alecpl 16 years ago
parent f055b12f3e
commit 0ad27c3840

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
CHANGELOG RoundCube Webmail
- Added log_date_format option (#1485709)
- Fix text wrapping in HTML editor after switching from plain text to HTML (#1485521)
- Fix auto-complete function hangs with plus sign (#1485815)
- Fix AJAX requests errors handler (#1485000)

@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ $rcmail_config['debug_level'] = 1;
// log driver: 'syslog' or 'file'.
$rcmail_config['log_driver'] = 'file';
// date format for log entries
// (read http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php for all format characters)
$rcmail_config['log_date_format'] = 'd-M-Y H:i:s O';
// Syslog ident string to use, if using the 'syslog' log driver.
$rcmail_config['syslog_id'] = 'roundcube';

@ -69,12 +69,15 @@ function log_bug($arg_arr)
global $CONFIG;
$program = strtoupper($arg_arr['type']);
if (empty($CONFIG['log_date_format']))
$CONFIG['log_date_format'] = 'd-M-Y H:i:s O';
// write error to local log file
if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 1)
$post_query = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ? '?_task='.urlencode($_POST['_task']).'&_action='.urlencode($_POST['_action']) : '');
$log_entry = sprintf("[%s] %s Error: %s%s (%s %s)\n",
date("d-M-Y H:i:s O", mktime()),
$arg_arr['file'] ? sprintf(' in %s on line %d', $arg_arr['file'], $arg_arr['line']) : '',

@ -863,9 +863,10 @@ function write_log($name, $line)
if (!is_string($line))
$line = var_export($line, true);
$log_entry = sprintf("[%s]: %s\n",
date("d-M-Y H:i:s O", mktime()),
if (empty($CONFIG['log_date_format']))
$CONFIG['log_date_format'] = 'd-M-Y H:i:s O';
$log_entry = sprintf("[%s]: %s\n", date($CONFIG['log_date_format']), $line);
if ($CONFIG['log_driver'] == 'syslog') {
if ($name == 'errors')
