
- add lots of comments
- sort variables into categories
  - public variables (currently only errorMsg)
  - must be defined in *Handler classes
  - set by methods
- (no "real" code changes)

git-svn-id: a1433add-5e2c-0410-b055-b7f2511e0802
Christian Boltz 13 years ago
parent ca8c27ae93
commit e36c3e2a23

@ -1,22 +1,70 @@
class PFAHandler {
protected $id = null;
* public variables
# array of error messages - if a method returns false, you'll find the error message(s) here
public $errormsg = array();
* variables that must be defined in all *Handler classes
# (default) name of the database table
# (can be overridden by $CONF[database_prefix] and $CONF[database_tables][*] via table_by_key())
protected $db_table = null;
# field containing the ID
protected $id_field = null;
# column containing the domain
# if a table does not contain a domain column, leave empty and override no_domain_field())
protected $domain_field = "";
* internal variables - filled by methods of *Handler
# if $domain_field is set, this is an array with the domain list
# set in __construct()
protected $allowed_domains = false;
# if set, restrict $allowed_domains to this admin
# set in __construct()
protected $admin_username = "";
# the ID of the current item (where item can be an admin, domain, mailbox, alias etc.)
# filled in init()
protected $id = null;
# structure of the database table, list, edit form etc.
# filled in initStruct()
protected $struct = array();
# new item or edit existing one?
# set in __construct()
protected $new = 0; # 1 on create, otherwise 0
# validated values
# filled in set()
protected $values = array();
protected $RAWvalues = array(); # unchecked (!) input given to set() - use it carefully!
protected $values_valid = false;
protected $admin_username = ""; # if set, restrict $allowed_domains to this admin
protected $domain_field = ""; # column containing the domain
protected $allowed_domains = false; # if $domain_field is set, this is an array with the domain list
public $errormsg = array();
# unchecked (!) input given to set() - use it carefully!
# filled in set(), can be modified by _missing_$field()
protected $RAWvalues = array();
# are the values given to set() valid?
# set by set(), checked by store()
protected $values_valid = false;
# messages used in various functions
# (stored separately to make the functions reuseable)
# filled by initMsg()
protected $msg = array();
@ -101,7 +149,9 @@ class PFAHandler {
if ($this->new) {
foreach($this->struct as $key=>$row) {
if ($row['editable'] && !isset($values[$key]) ) {
$func="_missing_".$key; # call $this->_missing_$fieldname()
# if a field is editable and not set, call $this->_missing_$fieldname()
# (if the method exists - otherwise the field won't be set, resulting in an error later)
if (method_exists($this, $func) ) {
$this->{$func}($key); # function can set $this->RAWvalues[$key] (or do nothing if it can't set a useful value)
@ -117,14 +167,15 @@ class PFAHandler {
foreach($this->struct as $key=>$row) {
if ($row['editable'] == 0) { # not editable
if ($this->new == 1) {
# on $new, always set non-editable field to default value on $new (even if input data contains another value)
$this->values[$key] = $row['default'];
} else {
} else { # field is editable
if (isset($values[$key])) {
if ($row['type'] != "pass" || strlen($values[$key]) > 0 || $this->new == 1) { # skip on empty (aka unchanged) password on edit
$valid = true; # trust input unless validator objects
# validate based on field type (_inp_$type)
# validate based on field type ($this->_inp_$type)
if (method_exists($this, $func) ) {
if (!$this->{$func}($key, $values[$key])) $valid = false;
@ -225,7 +276,9 @@ class PFAHandler {
* read_from_db
* @param array or string - condition (an array will be AND'ed using db_where_clause, a string will be directly used)
* @return array - rows
* @param integer limit - maximum number of rows to return
* @param integer offset - number of first row to return
* @return array - rows (as associative array, with the ID as key)
protected function read_from_db($condition, $limit=-1, $offset=-1) {
$select_cols = array();
@ -281,6 +334,8 @@ class PFAHandler {
$query = "SELECT $cols FROM $table $extrafrom $where ORDER BY " . $this->id_field;
if ($limit > -1 && $offset > -1) {
# TODO: make sure $limit and $offset are really integers - cast via (int) ?
# TODO: make sure $limit is > 0 (0 doesn't break anything, but guarantees an empty resultset, so it's pointless)
$query .= " LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset ";
@ -324,6 +379,8 @@ class PFAHandler {
* get a list of one or more items with all values
* @param array or string $condition
* @param integer limit - maximum number of rows to return
* @param integer offset - number of first row to return
* @return bool - true if at least one item was found
* The data is stored in $this->return (as array of rows, each row is an associative array of column => value)
@ -388,31 +445,47 @@ class PFAHandler {
* _inp_*()
* functions for basic input validation
* @return boolean - true if the value is valid, otherwise false
* also set $this->errormsg[$field] if a value is invalid
* check if value is numeric and >= -1 (= minimum value for quota)
function _inp_num($field, $val) {
$valid = is_numeric($val);
if ($val < -1) $valid = false;
if (!$valid) $this->errormsg[$field] = "$field must be numeric";
if (!$valid) $this->errormsg[$field] = "$field must be numeric"; # TODO: make translateable
return $valid;
# return (int)($val);
* check if value is (numeric) boolean - in other words: 0 or 1
function _inp_bool($field, $val) {
if ($val == "0" || $val == "1") return true;
$this->errormsg[$field] = "$field must be boolean";
$this->errormsg[$field] = "$field must be boolean"; # TODO: make translateable
return false;
# return $val ? db_get_boolean(true): db_get_boolean(false);
* check if value of an enum field is in the list of allowed values
function _inp_enum($field, $val) {
if(in_array($val, $this->struct[$field]['options'])) return true;
$this->errormsg[$field] = "Invalid parameter given for $field";
$this->errormsg[$field] = "Invalid parameter given for $field"; # TODO: make translateable
return false;
* check if a password is secure enough
function _inp_pass($field, $val){
$validpass = validate_password($val);
$validpass = validate_password($val); # returns array of error messages, or empty array on success
if(count($validpass) == 0) return true;
