@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
-- You can create the database from the shell with:
-- createuser -P postfix
-- createuser -P postfixadmin
-- createuser -P vacation
-- createdb postfix
-- psql postfix
-- postfix=# \i postfix.sql
@ -130,7 +131,44 @@ TO postfixadmin;
GRANT SELECT ON alias,domain,mailbox TO postfix;
-- Vacation Stuff ...
DROP TABLE vacation,vacation_notification CASCADE;
CREATE TABLE vacation (
email character varying(255) PRIMARY KEY,
subject character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
body text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
cache text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
"domain" character varying(255) NOT NULL REFERENCES "domain",
created timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
active boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX vacation_email_active ON vacation(email,active);
CREATE TABLE vacation_notification (
on_vacation character varying(255) NOT NULL REFERENCES vacation(email) ON DELETE CASCADE,
notified character varying(255) NOT NULL,
notified_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
CONSTRAINT vacation_notification_pkey primary key(on_vacation,notified)
-- Note: It's important that the primary key constraint on vacation_notification
-- be given a name which includes the '_pkey' substring (default PostgreSQL naming
-- for primary keys). The vacation-script looks for this substring to
-- distinguish between an acceptable and non-acceptable error.
TO postfixadmin;
GRANT SELECT ON vacation TO vacation;
GRANT SELECT,INSERT,DELETE ON vacation_notification TO vacation;
-- superadmin user & password (login: admin@domain.tld, password: admin)
INSERT INTO domain (domain) VALUES ('ALL');
INSERT INTO domain_admins (username, domain, active) VALUES ('admin@domain.tld','ALL','1');