# postfixadmin - Plugin for Squirrelmail.
# Copyright (C) 2004 FLORIAN KIMMERL
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Florian Kimmerl <info@spacekoeln.de>, 2004.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 0.3-1.4\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-01-28 16:32+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-28 16:32+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: FLORIAN KIMMERL <info@spacekoeln.de>\n"
"Language-Team: HUNGARIAN <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: setup.php
msgid "Forwarding"
msgstr "Lev<65> ltov<6F> bb<62> t<EFBFBD> s"
msgid "Here you can create and edit E-Mail forwards."
msgstr "Itt tudod l<> trehozni <20> s szerkeszteni az E-mail tov<6F> bb<62> t<EFBFBD> sokat."
msgid "Set an OUT OF OFFICE message or auto responder for your mail."
msgstr "Itt lehet be<62> ll<6C> tani az automatikus v<> lasz lev<65> l sz<73> veg<65> t, ha az ember t<> vol van."
msgid "Change your mailbox password."
msgstr "Itt tudod megv<67> ltoztatni a bel<65> p<EFBFBD> shez sz<73> ks<6B> ges jelsz<73> t."
#: postfixadmin_changepass.php
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "E-mail"
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Jelsz<73> megv<67> ltoztat<61> sa"
msgid "Change your login password"
msgstr "Bejelentkez<65> si jelsz<73> megv<67> ltoztat<61> sa"
#: postfixadmin_forward.php
msgid "Edit Forward"
msgstr "Lev<65> ltov<6F> bb<62> t<EFBFBD> s szerkeszt<7A> se"
msgid "Edit Alias"
msgstr "Lev<65> ltov<6F> bb<62> t<EFBFBD> s szerkeszt<7A> se"
msgid "The email address that you have entered is not valid:"
msgstr "Az E-mail c<> m amit be<62> rt<72> l hib<69> s:"
msgid "Unable to locate alias!"
msgstr "Hiba az e-mail c<> mmel."
msgid "Unable to modify the alias!"
msgstr "A m<> dos<6F> t<EFBFBD> s sikertelen!"
msgid "Alias successfully changed!"
msgstr "A m<> dos<6F> t<EFBFBD> s sikeres!"
#: postfixadmin_vacation.php
msgid "Auto Response"
msgstr "Automatikus v<> lasz"
msgid "Going Away"
msgstr "H<> zonk<6E> v<EFBFBD> l vagyok"
msgid "Coming Back"
msgstr "Visszaj<61> ttem"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opci<63> k"
msgid "Out of Office"
msgstr "H<> zonk<6E> v<EFBFBD> l"
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "T<> rgy"
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Lev<65> lt<6C> rzs"
msgid "Your auto response has been removed!"
msgstr "Az automatikus v<> lasz t<> r<EFBFBD> lve lett!"
msgid "Your auto response has been set!"
msgstr "Az automatikus v<> lasz be lett <20> ll<6C> tva!"
msgid "You already have an auto response configured!"
msgstr "M<> r l<> tezik egy automatikus v<> lasz!"
#: postfixadmin_changepass.php:81 postfixadmin_changepass.php:87
msgid "The passwords that you supplied don't match!<br />Or are empty!"
msgstr "A jelszavak nem egyeznek!<br />Vagy <20> resen hagytad a mez<65> ket!"
#: postfixadmin_changepass.php:101
msgid "Unable to change your password!"
msgstr "A jelsz<73> megv<67> ltoztat<61> sa sikertelen!"
#: postfixadmin_changepass.php:75
msgid "You didn't supply your current password!"
msgstr "Az aktu<74> lis jelsz<73> nem megfelel<65> !"
#: postfixadmin_changepass.php:96
msgid "Your password has been changed!"
msgstr "A jelsz<73> v<> ltoztat<61> sa sikeres volt!"
msgid "Password current"
msgstr "Aktu<74> lis jelsz<73> "
msgid "Password new"
msgstr "<22> j jelsz<73> "
msgid "Password new again"
msgstr "<22> j jelsz<73> m<> gegyszer"
msgid "Please sign out and log back again with your new password!"
msgstr "K<> rj<72> k, jelentkezzen ki, majd <20> jra be az <20> j jelszav<61> val!"
msgid "I will be away from <date> until <date>. For urgent matters you can contact <contact person>."
msgstr "H<> zonk<6E> v<EFBFBD> l leszek <date> <20> s <date> k<> z<EFBFBD> tt. S<> rg<72> s esetben <20> rtes<65> tend<6E> : <contact person>."
msgid "One copy always goes to"
msgstr "Egy m<> solat mindig ide"
msgid "Another copy also goes to"
msgstr "Tov<6F> bbi m<> solatok ide"
msgid "Enter an email address (or addresses) where you would like an additional copy of messages addressed to you sent.<br> Enter only one address per line."
msgstr "Sorolja fel azokat az e-mail c<> meket, amelyekre az <20> nh<6E> z <20> rkez<65> leveleket tov<6F> bb<62> tani szeretn<74> .<br>Soronk<6E> nt csak egy c<> met adjon meg!"
msgid "A copy of each message will go to both your mailbox and the forwarded address(es)."
msgstr "Minden <20> nnek c<> mzett lev<65> l meg fog <20> rkezni a saj<61> t postafi<66> kj<6B> ba <20> s a tov<6F> bb<62> tott e-mail c<> mekre is."
msgid "To remove a Forward, simply delete its line from the text box."
msgstr "Ahhoz, hogy t<> r<EFBFBD> lj<6C> n egy tov<6F> bb<62> t<EFBFBD> st, ki kell t<> r<EFBFBD> lnie az adott sort a felsorol<6F> sb<73> l."