dns_zone_domain:"{{ lookup('pipe', global_public_key_directory|quote + '/dns_zone.py ' + domain|quote) }}"# domain of dns zone
dns_zone_domain:"{{ lookup('pipe', global_public_key_directory|quote + '/dns_zone.py ' + domain|quote) }}"# domain of dns zone
dns_system_domain:"{{ lookup('file', global_dns_list_directory + '/' + dns_zone_domain) }}"# domain of dns authority server
dns_system_domain:"{{ lookup('file', global_dns_list_directory + '/' + dns_zone_domain) }}"# domain of dns authority server
ttl_default:"{{ global_dns_ttl }}"# TTL for all entries where none was given
ttl_default:"{{ has_debug_instance | ternary(global_dns_debug_ttl, global_dns_ttl) }}"# TTL for all entries where none was given
# entries (example: [{domain: "example.com.", ttl: 86400, class: "IN", type: "A", data: ""},"example.com. IN AAAA ::",…], type/data or raw required, class will be ignored)
# entries (example: [{domain: "example.com.", ttl: 86400, class: "IN", type: "A", data: ""},"example.com. IN AAAA ::",…], type/data or raw required, class will be ignored)