u"title":u"Pyramids of Waste (2010), AKA The Lightbulb Conspiracy - Planned obsolescence documentary",
u'description':u'Pyramids of Waste (2010) also known as "The lightbulb conspiracy" is a documentary about how our economic system based on consumerism and planned obsolescence is breaking our planet down.\r\n\r\nSolutions to this can be found at:\r\nhttp://robotswillstealyourjob.com\r\nhttp://www.federicopistono.org\r\n\r\nhttp://opensourceecology.org\r\nhttp://thezeitgeistmovement.com',
'title':'Pyramids of Waste (2010), AKA The Lightbulb Conspiracy - Planned obsolescence documentary',
'description':'Pyramids of Waste (2010) also known as "The lightbulb conspiracy" is a documentary about how our economic system based on consumerism and planned obsolescence is breaking our planet down.\r\n\r\nSolutions to this can be found at:\r\nhttp://robotswillstealyourjob.com\r\nhttp://www.federicopistono.org\r\n\r\nhttp://opensourceecology.org\r\nhttp://thezeitgeistmovement.com',