@ -11,39 +11,59 @@ if compat_pycrypto_AES:
""" Decrypt bytes with AES-CBC using pycryptodome """
return compat_pycrypto_AES.new(key, compat_pycrypto_AES.MODE_CBC, iv).decrypt(data)
def aes_gcm_decrypt_and_verify_bytes(data, key, tag, nonce):
""" Decrypt bytes with AES-GCM using pycryptodome """
return compat_pycrypto_AES.new(key, compat_pycrypto_AES.MODE_GCM, nonce).decrypt_and_verify(data, tag)
def aes_cbc_decrypt_bytes(data, key, iv):
""" Decrypt bytes with AES-CBC using native implementation since pycryptodome is unavailable """
return intlist_to_bytes(aes_cbc_decrypt(*map(bytes_to_intlist, (data, key, iv))))
def aes_gcm_decrypt_and_verify_bytes(data, key, tag, nonce):
""" Decrypt bytes with AES-GCM using native implementation since pycryptodome is unavailable """
return intlist_to_bytes(aes_gcm_decrypt_and_verify(*map(bytes_to_intlist, (data, key, tag, nonce))))
def aes_ctr_decrypt(data, key, counter):
def aes_ctr_decrypt(data, key, iv):
Decrypt with aes in counter mode
@param {int[]} data cipher
@param {int[]} key 16/24/32-Byte cipher key
@param {instance} counter Instance whose next_value function (@returns {int[]} 16-Byte block)
returns the next counter block
@param {int[]} iv 16-Byte initialization vector
@returns {int[]} decrypted data
return aes_ctr_encrypt(data, key, iv)
def aes_ctr_encrypt(data, key, iv):
Encrypt with aes in counter mode
@param {int[]} data cleartext
@param {int[]} key 16/24/32-Byte cipher key
@param {int[]} iv 16-Byte initialization vector
@returns {int[]} encrypted data
expanded_key = key_expansion(key)
block_count = int(ceil(float(len(data)) / BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES))
counter = iter_vector(iv)
decrypted_data = []
encrypted_data = []
for i in range(block_count):
counter_block = counter.next_value()
counter_block = next(counter)
block = data[i * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES: (i + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES]
block += [0] * (BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - len(block))
cipher_counter_block = aes_encrypt(counter_block, expanded_key)
decrypted_data += xor(block, cipher_counter_block)
decrypted_data = decrypted_data[:len(data)]
encrypted_data += xor(block, cipher_counter_block)
encrypted_data = encrypted_data[:len(data)]
return decrypted_data
return encrypted_data
def aes_cbc_decrypt(data, key, iv):
@ -100,39 +120,47 @@ def aes_cbc_encrypt(data, key, iv):
return encrypted_data
def key_expansion(data):
def aes_gcm_decrypt_and_verify(data, key, tag, nonce):
Generate key schedule
Decrypt with aes in GBM mode and checks authenticity using tag
@param {int[]} data 16/24/32-Byte cipher key
@returns {int[]} 176/208/240-Byte expanded key
@param {int[]} data cipher
@param {int[]} key 16-Byte cipher key
@param {int[]} tag authentication tag
@param {int[]} nonce IV (recommended 12-Byte)
@returns {int[]} decrypted data
data = data[:] # copy
rcon_iteration = 1
key_size_bytes = len(data)
expanded_key_size_bytes = (key_size_bytes // 4 + 7) * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES
while len(data) < expanded_key_size_bytes:
temp = data[-4:]
temp = key_schedule_core(temp, rcon_iteration)
rcon_iteration += 1
data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes: 4 - key_size_bytes])
# XXX: check aes, gcm param
for _ in range(3):
temp = data[-4:]
data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes: 4 - key_size_bytes])
hash_subkey = aes_encrypt([0] * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, key_expansion(key))
if key_size_bytes == 32:
temp = data[-4:]
temp = sub_bytes(temp)
data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes: 4 - key_size_bytes])
if len(nonce) == 12:
j0 = nonce + [0, 0, 0, 1]
ghash_in = nonce + [0] * fill + bytes_to_intlist((8 * len(nonce)).to_bytes(8, 'big'))
j0 = ghash(hash_subkey, ghash_in)
for _ in range(3 if key_size_bytes == 32 else 2 if key_size_bytes == 24 else 0):
temp = data[-4:]
data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes: 4 - key_size_bytes])
data = data[:expanded_key_size_bytes]
# TODO: add nonce support to aes_ctr_decrypt
return data
# nonce_ctr = j0[:12]
iv_ctr = inc(j0)
decrypted_data = aes_ctr_decrypt(data, key, iv_ctr + [0] * (BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - len(iv_ctr)))
pad_len = len(data) // 16 * 16
s_tag = ghash(
+ [0] * (BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - len(data) + pad_len) # pad
+ bytes_to_intlist((0 * 8).to_bytes(8, 'big') # length of associated data
+ ((len(data) * 8).to_bytes(8, 'big'))) # length of data
if tag != aes_ctr_encrypt(s_tag, key, j0):
raise ValueError("Mismatching authentication tag")
return decrypted_data
def aes_encrypt(data, expanded_key):
@ -201,15 +229,7 @@ def aes_decrypt_text(data, password, key_size_bytes):
nonce = data[:NONCE_LENGTH_BYTES]
cipher = data[NONCE_LENGTH_BYTES:]
class Counter(object):
__value = nonce + [0] * (BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - NONCE_LENGTH_BYTES)
def next_value(self):
temp = self.__value
self.__value = inc(self.__value)
return temp
decrypted_data = aes_ctr_decrypt(cipher, key, Counter())
decrypted_data = aes_ctr_decrypt(cipher, key, nonce + [0] * (BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - NONCE_LENGTH_BYTES))
plaintext = intlist_to_bytes(decrypted_data)
return plaintext
@ -290,6 +310,47 @@ RIJNDAEL_LOG_TABLE = (0x00, 0x00, 0x19, 0x01, 0x32, 0x02, 0x1a, 0xc6, 0x4b, 0xc7
0x67, 0x4a, 0xed, 0xde, 0xc5, 0x31, 0xfe, 0x18, 0x0d, 0x63, 0x8c, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xf7, 0x70, 0x07)
def key_expansion(data):
Generate key schedule
@param {int[]} data 16/24/32-Byte cipher key
@returns {int[]} 176/208/240-Byte expanded key
data = data[:] # copy
rcon_iteration = 1
key_size_bytes = len(data)
expanded_key_size_bytes = (key_size_bytes // 4 + 7) * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES
while len(data) < expanded_key_size_bytes:
temp = data[-4:]
temp = key_schedule_core(temp, rcon_iteration)
rcon_iteration += 1
data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes: 4 - key_size_bytes])
for _ in range(3):
temp = data[-4:]
data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes: 4 - key_size_bytes])
if key_size_bytes == 32:
temp = data[-4:]
temp = sub_bytes(temp)
data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes: 4 - key_size_bytes])
for _ in range(3 if key_size_bytes == 32 else 2 if key_size_bytes == 24 else 0):
temp = data[-4:]
data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes: 4 - key_size_bytes])
data = data[:expanded_key_size_bytes]
return data
def iter_vector(iv):
while True:
yield iv
iv = inc(iv)
def sub_bytes(data):
return [SBOX[x] for x in data]
@ -315,7 +376,7 @@ def xor(data1, data2):
def rijndael_mul(a, b):
if(a == 0 or b == 0):
if a == 0 or b == 0:
return 0
@ -359,6 +420,20 @@ def shift_rows_inv(data):
return data_shifted
def shift_block(data):
data_shifted = []
bit = 0
for n in data:
if bit:
n |= 0x100
bit = n & 1
n >>= 1
return data_shifted
def inc(data):
data = data[:] # copy
for i in range(len(data) - 1, -1, -1):
@ -370,4 +445,50 @@ def inc(data):
return data
__all__ = ['aes_encrypt', 'key_expansion', 'aes_ctr_decrypt', 'aes_cbc_decrypt', 'aes_decrypt_text']
def block_product(block_x, block_y):
# NIST SP 800-38D, Algorithm 1
if len(block_x) != BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES or len(block_y) != BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES:
raise ValueError("Length of blocks need to be %d bytes" % BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES)
block_r = [0xE1] + [0] * (BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - 1)
block_v = block_y[:]
block_z = [0] * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES
for i in block_x:
for bit in range(7, -1, -1):
if i & (1 << bit):
block_z = xor(block_z, block_v)
do_xor = block_v[-1] & 1
block_v = shift_block(block_v)
if do_xor:
block_v = xor(block_v, block_r)
return block_z
def ghash(subkey, data):
# NIST SP 800-38D, Algorithm 2
if len(data) % BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES:
raise ValueError("Length of data should be %d bytes" % BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES)
last_y = [0] * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES
for i in range(0, len(data), BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES):
block = data[i : i + BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES] # noqa: E203
last_y = block_product(xor(last_y, block), subkey)
return last_y
__all__ = [