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{{- with .Report -}} {{- if ( or .Updated .Failed ) -}} {{len .Scanned}} Scanned, {{len .Updated}} Updated, {{len .Failed}} Failed {{- range .Updated}} - {{.Name}} ({{.ImageName}}): {{.CurrentImageID.ShortID}} updated to {{.LatestImageID.ShortID}} {{- end -}} {{- range .Fresh}} - {{.Name}} ({{.ImageName}}): {{.State}} {{- end -}} {{- range .Skipped}} - {{.Name}} ({{.ImageName}}): {{.State}}: {{.Error}} {{- end -}} {{- range .Failed}} - {{.Name}} ({{.ImageName}}): {{.State}}: {{.Error}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- if (and .Entries .Report) }} <p>Logs: {{ end -}} {{range .Entries -}}{{.Time.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}} [{{.Level}}] {{.Message}}{{"\n"}}{{- end -}}

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