<stringname="backup_BPr_header">Cópias de segurança</string>
<stringname="TEA_timer_est">Est. %s</string>
<stringcomment="Used for displaying the chosen hide until value in the task edit screen. Should be the same as due_date, just without capitalization."name="TEA_hideUntil_due_date">Data conclusão</string>
<stringcomment="Used for displaying the chosen hide until value in the task edit screen. Should be the same as due_time, just without capitalization."name="TEA_hideUntil_due_time">Hora conclusão</string>
<stringcomment="Used for displaying the chosen hide until value in the task edit screen. Should be the same as day_before_due, just without capitalization."name="TEA_hideUntil_day_before_due">Dia anterior à conclusão</string>
<stringcomment="Used for displaying the chosen hide until value in the task edit screen. Should be the same as week_before_due, just without capitalization."name="TEA_hideUntil_week_before_due">Semana anterior à conclusão</string>