Copy update

Sam Bosley 12 years ago
parent 5cc5dd9b0d
commit 6f7b4349dd

@ -56,17 +56,7 @@ public class GtasksPreferences extends SyncProviderPreferences {
public void startSync() {
if (!gtasksPreferenceService.isLoggedIn()) {
if (actFmPreferenceService.isLoggedIn()) {
DialogUtilities.okCancelDialog(this, getString(R.string.DLG_warning), getString(R.string.gtasks_dual_sync_warning),
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
}, null);
} else {
} else {

@ -1789,8 +1789,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Fehler bei der Hintergrunautehntifizierung. Starte eine Synchronisation in der App.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">Sie synchrolisieren Ihre Aufgaben mit Beachten Sie bitte, das das Synchronisieren mit beiden Services in einigen Fällen zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen führen kann. Sind Sie sicher, das Sie mit Google Tasks synchronisieren möchten ?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1795,10 +1795,6 @@ Intenta acceder desde el navegador, a continuación vuelve a reintentarlo nuevam
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Error al autenticarse en un segundo plano. Por favor, intente iniciar la sincronización mientras Astrid está ejecutándose.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">Ahora estás sincronizando con
Ten en cuenta que sincronizarse con ambos servicios puede, en algún caso, llevar a resultados inesperados.
¿Estás seguro que quieres sincronizar con Google Tasks?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1788,8 +1788,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">"Erreur d\'authentification en arrière plan. Réessayez de vous synchroniser quand Astrid est lancé."</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">"Vous êtes actuellement en train de synchroniser avec Notez que la synchronisation avec les deux services peut, dans certains cas, avoir des effets inattendus. Êtes-vous certain de vouloir synchroniser avec Google Tasks ?"</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1794,10 +1794,6 @@ Prova ad autenticarti con un browser, poi torna e riprova:</string>
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Errore di autenticazione in background. Per favore prova ad avviare una sincronizzazione durante l\'esecuzione di Astrid.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">Sei attualmente sincronizzato con
Ti avvisiamo che sincronizzarsi con entrambi i servizi talvolta potrebbe avere conseguenze impreviste.
Sei sicuro di volerti sincronizzare con Google Tasks?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1796,10 +1796,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">האימות המתבצע ברקע נכשל. אנא נסה להתחיל את הסינכרון בזמן שאסטריד פועלת.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">הסנכרון כעת הוא מול אתר
שים לב שסינכרון מול שני האתרים יכול במקרים מסויימים להביא לתוצאות בלתי צפויות.
האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להסתנכרן מול ״משימות גוגל״?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress"> מייבאת את ״משימות גוגל״</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">הרשימה %1$s משותפת עם אחרים! האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להוסיף את המשימה %2$sלרשימה זו?</string>

@ -1806,10 +1806,6 @@ you get stuff done. It features reminders, tags, sync, Locale plug-in, a widget
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Error authenticating in background. Please try initiating a sync while Astrid is running.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">You are currently synchronizing with
Be advised that synchronizing with both services can in some cases lead to unexpected results.
Are you sure you want to sync with Google Tasks?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1788,8 +1788,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">백그라운드에서 인증 에러가 발생했습니다. Astrid가 실행중일 때 동기화를 시작해 보세요.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">현재 과 동기화 중입니다. 두 서비스를 동시에 동기화하면 예상치 않은 결과가 나타날 수 있습니다. 구글 일정과 동기화 하시겠습니까?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1788,8 +1788,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Error authenticatie op achtergrond bezig. Probeer alstublieft een synchronisatie te starten wanneer Astrid is gestart.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">Op dit moment synchroniseer je met Let erop dat synchroniseren met beide diensten in sommige gevallen kan leiden tot onverwachte resultaten. Weet je zeker dat je wilt synchroniseren met Google Tasks?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1791,8 +1791,6 @@ i odzyskanie zadań z kopi zapasowej (Settings->Sync and backup->Backup->Import
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Błąd uwierzytelniania w tle. Spróbuj zainicjalizować synchronizację, gdy aplikacja Astrid będzie włączone.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">Jesteś zsynchronizowany z Pamiętaj, że synchronizacja z obydwoma serwisami może w pewnych przypadkach prowadzić do nieoczekiwanych rezultatów. Jesteś pewny, że chcesz się zsynchronizować z Listą zadań Google?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1788,8 +1788,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Erro ao autenticar em plano de fundo. Por favor tente iniciar a sincronização enquanto o Astrid estiver rodando.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">Atualmente você está sincronizando com Esteja ciente de que a sincronização com ambos os serviços podem, em alguns casos, levar a resultados inesperados. Tem certeza de que deseja sincronizar com o Google Tasks?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1794,8 +1794,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Ошибка фоновой аутентификации. Пожалуйста, попробуйте синхронизироваться, когда Astrid запущен.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">Сейчас происходит синхронизация с Имейте в виду, что синхронизация с обеими службами в некоторых случаях может привести к ошибкам. Вы уверены, что хотите синхронизироваться с Google Tasks?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1794,10 +1794,6 @@ och återställer dina aktuella uppgifter från en backup
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Autentisering i bakgrunden misslyckades. Vänligen försök starta en synkronisering medan Astrid körs.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">Du synkroniserar för närvarande med med
Var vänlig notera att synkning av båda tjänsterna samtidigt i vissa fall kan ge oväntade resultat.
Är du säker på att du vill synkronisera med Google Tasks?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1792,8 +1792,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Artalanda kimlik doğrulama hatası. Lütfen Astrid çalışırken bir eşlemeyi sıfırlamayı deneyin.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">Şu anda ile eşleştirme yapıyorsunuz. Şu aklınızda olsun ki iki hizmet ile de eşleştirme yapmak bazı istenmeyen durumlara sebep olabilir. Google Görevleri ile eşleştirme yapmak istiyor musunuz?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1788,10 +1788,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">后台验证出错了。请在清单小助理运行时尝试启动同步。</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">You are currently synchronizing with
Be advised that synchronizing with both services can in some cases lead to unexpected results.
Are you sure you want to sync with Google Tasks?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -1788,8 +1788,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">後台驗證出錯了。請在Astrid 運行時嘗試啟動同步。</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">您當前正在和 同步。請注意在一些情況下和兩個服務一起同步可能會導致出現意外的結果。您真的想和Google 工作表同步嗎?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>

@ -315,8 +315,9 @@
<!-- text for notification when comments are received -->
<string name="actfm_dual_sync_warning">You are currently synchronizing with Google Tasks.
Be advised that synchronizing with both services can in some cases lead to unexpected results.
<string name="actfm_dual_sync_warning">You currently synchronize with Google Tasks. To avoid duplicate tasks and other synchronization issues,
Google Tasks will no longer synchronize when you start synchronizing with You can still import tasks from Google Tasks from the Google Tasks settings page,
or replace Google Tasks in Gmail with Astrid\'s Remind Me Chrome Extension.
Are you sure you want to sync with</string>
<!-- account types -->

@ -99,10 +99,6 @@
<!-- Error when authorization error happens in background sync -->
<string name="gtasks_error_background_sync_auth">Error authenticating in background. Please try initiating a sync while Astrid is running.</string>
<string name="gtasks_dual_sync_warning">You are currently synchronizing with
Be advised that synchronizing with both services can in some cases lead to unexpected results.
Are you sure you want to sync with Google Tasks?</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_progress">Importing Google Tasks...</string>
<string name="gtasks_import_add_to_shared_list">The list %1$s is shared with others! Do you still want to add the task %2$s to it?</string>
