You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2363 lines
98 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<resources xmlns:android="">
<!-- ================================================== general terms == -->
<!-- People Editing Activity -->
<string name="EPE_action">Compartilhar</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: assigned hint -->
<string name="actfm_person_hint">Contact or Email</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: shared with hint -->
<string name="actfm_person_or_tag_hint">Contato ou Lista compartilhada</string>
<!-- toast on transmit success -->
<string name="actfm_toast_success">Salvo no servidor</string>
<!-- toast on transmit error (%s => error) -->
<string name="actfm_toast_error">Save Failed: %s</string>
<!-- can't rename or delete shared tag message -->
<string name="actfm_tag_operation_disabled">Desculpe, esta operação ainda não foi implementada para tags compartilhadas.</string>
<!-- warning before deleting a list you're the owner of -->
<string name="actfm_tag_operation_owner_delete">You are the owner of this shared list! If you delete it, it will be deleted for all list members. Are you sure you want to continue?</string>
<!-- menu item to take a picture -->
<string name="actfm_picture_camera">Tirar uma foto</string>
<!-- menu item to select from gallery -->
<string name="actfm_picture_gallery">Selecionar da galeria</string>
<!-- menu item to clear picture selection -->
<string name="actfm_picture_clear">Clear Picture</string>
<!-- filter list activity: refresh tags -->
<string name="actfm_FLA_menu_refresh">Atualizar listas</string>
<!-- Title for prompt after sharing a task -->
<string name="actfm_view_task_title">View Task?</string>
<!-- Text for prompt after sharing a task -->
<string name="actfm_view_task_text">Task was sent to %s! You\'re currently viewing your own tasks. Do you want to view this and other tasks you\'ve assigned?</string>
<!-- Ok button for task view prompt -->
<string name="actfm_view_task_ok">View Assigned</string>
<!-- Cancel button for task view prompt -->
<string name="actfm_view_task_cancel">Stay Here</string>
<!-- ================================================== TagViewActivity == -->
<!-- Tag View Activity: Add Comment hint -->
<string name="TVA_add_comment">Adicionar um comentário...</string>
<!-- Tag View Activity: task comment ($1 - user name, $2 - task title) -->
<string name="UAd_title_comment">%1$s re: %2$s</string>
<!-- Tabs for Tag view -->
<string-array name="TVA_tabs">
<!-- Tab for showing tasks -->
<!-- Tab for showing comments & updates -->
<!-- Tab for showing setting -->
<!-- Tag View: filtered by assigned to user -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_filtered_by_assign">%s\'s tasks. Tap for all.</string>
<!-- Tag View: list is private, no members -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_no_members_alert">Private: tap to share or edit</string>
<!-- Tag View Menu: refresh -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_menu_refresh">Atualizar</string>
<!-- Tag Settings: tag name label -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_tag_label">Nome da lista:</string>
<!-- Tag Settings: tag owner label -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_tag_owner_label">Criador da lista:</string>
<!-- Tag Settings: tag owner value when there is no owner -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_tag_owner_none">nenhum</string>
<!-- Tag Settings: list collaborators label -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_members_label">Shared With:</string>
<!-- Tag Settings: tag picture -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_tag_picture">Imagem da lista</string>
<!-- Tag Settings: silence notifications label -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_silence_label">Silenciar notificações</string>
<!-- Tag Settings: list icon label -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_list_icon_label">List Icon:</string>
<!-- Tag Settings: list description label -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_tag_description_label">Description:</string>
<!-- Tag Settings: list description hint -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_tag_description_hint">List description</string>
<!-- Tag settings: login prompt from share-->
<string name="actfm_TVA_login_to_share">You need to be logged in to to share lists! Please log in or make this a private list.</string>
<!-- ============================================ edit people dialog == -->
<!-- task sharing dialog: intro -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_intro">Use o Astrid para compartilhar listas de compras, planos para festas, ou projetos em equipe e instantaneamente ver quando as pessoas cumprem suas tarefas!</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: window title -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_title">Compartilhar / Designar</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: save button -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_save">Salvar &amp; Compartilhar</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: assigned label -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_assign_label">Who</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: assigned to me -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_assign_me">Mim</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: anyone -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_unassigned">Anyone</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: custom email assignment -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_assign_custom">Personalizado...</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: shared with label -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_share_with">Share with:</string>
<!-- Toast when assigning a task -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_assigned_toast">Sent to %1$s (you can see it in the list between you and %2$s).</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: shared with label -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_collaborators_header">Share with Friends</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: collaborator list name (%s => name of list) -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_list">Lista: %s</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: assigned hint -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_assigned_hint">Nome do contato</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: message label text -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_message_text">Texto do convite</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: message body -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_message_body">Me ajude a fazer isso!</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: message hint -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_tag_label">Criar uma tag compartilhada?</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: message hint -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_tag_hint">ex: supermercado, orçamento, ...</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: share with Facebook -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_facebook">Facebook</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: share with Twitter -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_twitter">Twitter</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: # of e-mails sent (%s => # people plural string) -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_emailed_toast">Tarefa compartilhada com %s</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: edit people settings saved -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_saved_toast">Configuração salva</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: invalid email (%s => email) -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_invalid_email">Email inválido: %s</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: tag not found (%s => tag) -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_invalid_tag">Lista não encontrada: %s</string>
<!-- task sharing login prompt -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_login_to_share">You need to be logged in to to share tasks! Please log in or make this a private task.</string>
<string name="actfm_EPA_login_button">Log in</string>
<string name="actfm_EPA_dont_share_button">Make private</string>
<!-- ========================================= sharing login activity == -->
<!-- share login: Title -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_title">Bem-vindo ao!</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing Description -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_body"> lhe permite acessar tarefas online, compartilhá-las, e delegá-las a outros.</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing Login FB Prompt -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_fb_login">Connect with Facebook</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing Login GG Prompt -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_gg_login">Connect with Google</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing Footer Password Label -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_pw_login">Don\'t use Google or Facebook?</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing Password Link -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_pw_link">Conectar aqui</string>
<!-- share login: Password Are you a New User? -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_pw_new">Criar uma conta?</string>
<!-- share login: Password Are you a Returning User? -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_pw_returning">Já possui uma conta?</string>
<!-- share login: Name -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_name_label">Nome</string>
<!-- share login: Email -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_email_label">Email</string>
<!-- share login: Username / Email -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_username_email_label">Usuário / Email</string>
<!-- share login: Password -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_password_label">Senha</string>
<!-- share login: Sign Up Title -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_signup_title">Criar conta</string>
<!-- share login: Login Title -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_login_title">Conectar em</string>
<!-- share login: Google Auth title -->
<string name="actfm_GAA_title">Select the Google account you want to use:</string>
<!-- share login: OAUTH Login Prompt -->
<string name="actfm_OLA_prompt">Por favor conecte ao Google:</string>
<!-- ================================================ Synchronization == -->
<!-- Preferences Title: -->
<string name="actfm_APr_header"> (Beta!)</string>
<string name="actfm_https_title">Use HTTPS</string>
<string name="actfm_https_enabled">HTTPS enabled (slower)</string>
<string name="actfm_https_disabled">HTTPS disabled (faster)</string>
<!-- title for notification tray after synchronizing -->
<string name="actfm_notification_title">Sincronizar</string>
<!-- text for notification when comments are received -->
<string name="actfm_notification_comments">Você tem novos comentários / clique para mais detalhes</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in timers plug-in -->
<!-- Task Edit Activity: Container Label -->
<string name="alarm_ACS_label">Alarmes</string>
<!-- Task Edit Activity: Add New Alarm -->
<string name="alarm_ACS_button">Adicionar um alarme</string>
<string-array name="reminders_alarm">
<!-- reminders related to alarm -->
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in backup plug-in -->
<!-- ================================================= BackupPreferences == -->
<!-- Backup Preferences Title -->
<string name="backup_BPr_header">Backups</string>
<!-- Backup: Status Header -->
<string name="backup_BPr_group_status">Estado</string>
<!-- Backup Status: last backup was a success (%s -> last date). Keep it short! -->
<string name="backup_status_success">Latest backup:\n%s</string>
<!-- Backup Status: last error failed. Keep it short! -->
<string name="backup_status_failed">O último backup falhou</string>
<!-- Backup Status: error subtitle -->
<string name="backup_status_failed_subtitle">(toque para exibir o erro)</string>
<!-- Backup Status: never backed up -->
<string name="backup_status_never">O Backup nunca foi executado!</string>
<!-- Backup Options Group Label -->
<string name="backup_BPr_group_options">Opções</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Title -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_title">Backups automáticos</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_disabled">Backups automáticos desativados</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Description (when enabled) -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_enabled">O Backup ocorrerá diariamente</string>
<!-- Preference screen restoring Tasks Help -->
<string name="backup_BPr_how_to_restore">Como recuperar backups?</string>
<!-- Preference screen Restoring Tasks Help Dialog Text-->
<string name="backup_BPr_how_to_restore_dialog">Você precisa adicionar o \"Astrid Power Pack\" para gerenciar e recuperar seus backups. Por favor, o Astrid efetua o backup de suas tarefas automaticamente.</string>
<!-- ================================================= BackupActivity == -->
<!-- backup activity label -->
<string name="backup_BAc_label">Gerenciar backups</string>
<!-- backup activity title -->
<string name="backup_BAc_title">Gerenciar seus backups</string>
<!-- backup activity import button -->
<string name="backup_BAc_import">Importar tarefas</string>
<!-- backup activity export button -->
<string name="backup_BAc_export">Exportar tarefas</string>
<!-- ============================================== Importer / Exporter == -->
<!-- Message displayed when error occurs -->
<string name="backup_TXI_error">Erro de importação</string>
<string name="export_toast">Backups feitos: de %1$s para %2$s.</string>
<string name="export_toast_no_tasks">Nenhuma tarefa a exportar</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog Title for exporting -->
<string name="export_progress_title">Exportando...</string>
<!-- Backup: Title of Import Summary Dialog -->
<string name="import_summary_title">Sumário da restauração</string>
<!-- Backup: Summary message for import. (%s => file name, %s => total # tasks, %s => imported, %s => skipped, %s => errors) -->
<string name="import_summary_message">Arquivo %1$s contendo %2$s.\n\n %3$s importada(s),\n %4$s já existia(m)\n %5$s tinha(m) erro(s)\n</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog Title for importing -->
<string name="import_progress_title">Importando...</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog text for import reading task (%d -> task number)-->
<string name="import_progress_read">Lendo tarefa %d...</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open a file -->
<string name="DLG_error_opening">Não foi possível encontrar este item:</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open SD card folder (%s => folder) -->
<string name="DLG_error_sdcard">Não foi possível acessar a pasta: %s</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open SD card in general -->
<string name="DLG_error_sdcard_general">Não foi possível acessar seu cartão SD!</string>
<!-- Backup: File Selector dialog for import -->
<string name="import_file_prompt">Selecione um arquivo para ser restaurado</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ================================================== AndroidManifest == -->
<!-- Application Name (shown on home screen & in launcher) -->
<string name="app_name">Tarefas do Astrid</string>
<!-- permission title for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="read_permission_label">Permissões do Astrid</string>
<!-- permission description for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="read_permission_desc">ler tarefas, exibir filtros das tarefas</string>
<!-- permission title for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="write_permission_label">Permissões do Astrid</string>
<!-- permission description for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="write_permission_desc">criar novas tarefas, editar tarefas existentes</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- question for deleting tasks -->
<string name="DLG_delete_this_task_question">Excluir esta tarefa?</string>
<!-- question for deleting items (%s => item name) -->
<string name="DLG_delete_this_item_question">Excluir este item: %s?</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when upgrading -->
<string name="DLG_upgrading">Atualizando suas tarefas...</string>
<!-- Title for dialog selecting a time (hours and minutes) -->
<string name="DLG_hour_minutes">Horário (horas:minutos)</string>
<!-- Dialog for Astrid having a critical update -->
<string name="DLG_please_update">Astrid deve ser atualizado para a versão mais recente no Android market! Por favor faça isso antes de continuar, ou aguarde alguns segundos.</string>
<!-- Button for going to Market -->
<string name="DLG_to_market">Ir ao Market</string>
<!-- Button for accepting EULA -->
<string name="DLG_accept">Aceitar</string>
<!-- Button for declining EULA -->
<string name="DLG_decline">Recusar</string>
<!-- EULA title -->
<string name="DLG_eula_title">Termos de uso do Astrid</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog generic text -->
<string name="DLG_please_wait">Por favor, espere</string>
<!-- Dialog - loading -->
<string name="DLG_loading">Carregando...</string>
<!-- Dialog - dismiss -->
<string name="DLG_dismiss">Dismiss</string>
<string name="DLG_ok">OK</string>
<string name="DLG_cancel">Cancel</string>
<string name="DLG_undo">Undo</string>
<!-- =============================================================== UI == -->
<!-- Label for DateButtons with no value -->
<string name="WID_dateButtonUnset">Toque para definir</string>
<!-- String formatter for DateButtons ($D => date, $T => time) -->
<string name="WID_dateButtonLabel">$D $T</string>
<!-- String formatter for Disable button -->
<string name="WID_disableButton">Desativar</string>
<!-- ============================================================= notes -->
<!-- Note Exposer -->
<string name="ENE_label">Notas</string>
<!-- Note Exposer / Comments -->
<string name="ENE_label_comments">Comentários</string>
<!-- EditNoteActivity - no comments -->
<string name="ENA_no_comments">Nada a exibir</string>
<!-- EditNoteActivity - refresh comments -->
<string name="ENA_refresh_comments">Atualizar comentários</string>
<!-- ================================================= TaskListActivity == -->
<!-- Task List: Displayed instead of list when no items present -->
<string name="TLA_no_items">You have no tasks! \n Want to add something?</string>
<!-- Menu: Add-ons -->
<string name="TLA_menu_addons">Complementos</string>
<!-- Menu: Adjust Sort and Hidden Task Settings -->
<string name="TLA_menu_sort">Ordenar &amp; Ocultar</string>
<!-- Menu: Sync Now -->
<string name="TLA_menu_sync">Sincronizar agora!</string>
<!-- Menu: Tasks -->
<string name="TLA_menu_tasks">Tarefas</string>
<!-- Menu: Friends -->
<string name="TLA_menu_friends">Friends</string>
<!-- Menu: Suggestions -->
<string name="TLA_menu_suggestions">Suggestions</string>
<!-- Menu: Tutorial -->
<string name="TLA_menu_tutorial">Tutorial</string>
<!-- Menu: Settings -->
<string name="TLA_menu_settings">Configurações</string>
<!-- Menu: Support -->
<string name="TLA_menu_support">Support</string>
<!-- Search Label-->
<string name="TLA_search_label">Procurar esta lista</string>
<!-- Window title for displaying Custom Filter -->
<string name="TLA_custom">Personalizar</string>
<!-- Quick Add Edit Box Hint-->
<string name="TLA_quick_add_hint">Add a task</string>
<!-- Quick Add Edit Box Hint for assigning -->
<string name="TLA_quick_add_hint_assign">Tap to assign %s a task</string>
<!-- Notification Volumne notification-->
<string name="TLA_notification_volume_low">As notificações estão silenciadas. Você não ouvirá o Astrid!</string>
<!-- Notifications disabled warning -->
<string name="TLA_notification_disabled">Astrid reminders are disabled! You will not receive any reminders</string>
<string-array name="TLA_filters">
<!-- Title for confirmation dialog after quick add markup -->
<string name="TLA_quickadd_confirm_title">You said, \"%s\"</string>
<!-- Text for speech bubble in dialog after quick add markup -->
<!-- First string is task title, second is due date, third is priority -->
<string name="TLA_quickadd_confirm_speech_bubble">I created a task called \"%1$s\" %2$s at %3$s</string>
<string name="TLA_quickadd_confirm_speech_bubble_date">for %s</string>
<string name="TLA_quickadd_confirm_hide_helpers">Don\'t display future confirmations</string>
<string-array name="TLA_priority_strings">
<item>highest priority</item>
<item>high priority</item>
<item>medium priority</item>
<item>low priority</item>
<string name="TLA_all_activity">All Activity</string>
<!-- ====================================================== TaskAdapter == -->
<!-- Format string to indicate task is hidden (%s => task name) -->
<string name="TAd_hiddenFormat">%s [oculta]</string>
<!-- Format string to indicate task is deleted (%s => task name) -->
<string name="TAd_deletedFormat">%s [excluída]</string>
<!-- Displayed when adapter is flung (scrolled quickly) -->
<string name="TAd_flingText"/>
<!-- indicates task was completed. %s => date or time ago -->
<string name="TAd_completed">Finished\n%s</string>
<!-- Action Button: edit task -->
<string name="TAd_actionEditTask">Editar</string>
<!-- Context Item: edit task -->
<string name="TAd_contextEditTask">Editar tarefa</string>
<!-- Context Item: copy task -->
<string name="TAd_contextCopyTask">Copiar tarefa</string>
<!-- Context Item: delete task -->
<string name="TAd_contextDeleteTask">Excluir tarefa</string>
<!-- Context Item: undelete task -->
<string name="TAd_contextUndeleteTask">Restaurar tarefa</string>
<!-- Context Item: purge task -->
<string name="TAd_contextPurgeTask">Destruir tarefa</string>
<!-- ============================================== SortSelectionDialog == -->
<!-- Sort Selection: dialog title -->
<string name="SSD_title">Ordenando e ocultando tarefas</string>
<!-- Hidden Task Selection: show completed tasks -->
<string name="SSD_completed">Exibir tarefas terminadas</string>
<!-- Hidden Task Selection: show hidden tasks -->
<string name="SSD_hidden">Exibir tarefas ocultas</string>
<!-- Hidden Task Selection: show deleted tasks -->
<string name="SSD_deleted">Exibir tarefas excluídas</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort options header -->
<string name="SSD_sort_header">Opções de ordenação</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: smart sort -->
<string name="SSD_sort_auto">Ordenação inteligente Astrid</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by alpha -->
<string name="SSD_sort_alpha">Por título</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by due date -->
<string name="SSD_sort_due">Por data de vencimento</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by importance -->
<string name="SSD_sort_importance">Por importância</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by modified date -->
<string name="SSD_sort_modified">Por data de modificação</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: reverse -->
<string name="SSD_sort_reverse">Ordenação reversa</string>
<!-- Sort Button: sort temporarily -->
<string name="SSD_save_temp">Somente uma vez</string>
<!-- Sort Button: sort permanently -->
<string name="SSD_save_always">Sempre</string>
<!-- =============================================== FilterListActivity == -->
<!-- Filter List Activity Title -->
<string name="FLA_title">Listas</string>
<!-- Displayed when loading filters -->
<string name="FLA_loading">Carregando filtros...</string>
<!-- Context Menu: Create Shortcut -->
<string name="FLA_context_shortcut">Criar atalho no desktop</string>
<!-- Menu: Search -->
<string name="FLA_menu_search">Procurar tarefas</string>
<!-- Menu: Help -->
<string name="FLA_menu_help">Ajuda</string>
<!-- Create Shortcut Dialog Title -->
<string name="FLA_shortcut_dialog_title">Criar atalho</string>
<!-- Create Shortcut Dialog (asks to name shortcut) -->
<string name="FLA_shortcut_dialog">Nome do atalho</string>
<!-- Search Hint-->
<string name="FLA_search_hint">Procurar por tarefas</string>
<!-- Search Filter name (%s => query) -->
<string name="FLA_search_filter">Encontradas para \'%s\'</string>
<!-- Toast: created shortcut (%s => label) -->
<string name="FLA_toast_onCreateShortcut">Atalho criado: %s</string>
<!-- Menu: new filter -->
<string name="FLA_new_filter">New Filter</string>
<!-- Button: new list -->
<string name="FLA_new_list">Nova lista</string>
<!-- ================================================= TaskEditActivity == -->
<!-- Title when editing a task (%s => task title) -->
<string name="TEA_view_title">Astrid: Editando \'%s\'</string>
<!-- Title when creating a new task -->
<string name="TEA_view_titleNew">New Task</string>
<!-- Task title label -->
<string name="TEA_title_label">Título</string>
<!-- Task when label (note the <u> tags - be sure to leave those in when localizing! -->
<string name="TEA_when_header_label">When</string>
<!-- Task title hint (displayed when edit box is empty) -->
<string name="TEA_title_hint">Resumo da Tarefa</string>
<!-- Task importance label -->
<string name="TEA_importance_label">Importância</string>
<!-- Task urgency label -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_label">Prazo final</string>
<!-- Task urgency specific time checkbox -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_specific_time">Num horário específico?</string>
<!-- Task urgency specific time title when specific time false -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_none">Nenhum</string>
<!-- Task hide until label -->
<string name="TEA_hideUntil_label">Show Task</string>
<!-- Task hide until toast -->
<string name="TEA_hideUntil_message">Task will be hidden until %s</string>
<!-- Task editing data being loaded label -->
<string-array name="TEA_loading"><item>Carregando...</item></string-array>
<!-- Task note label -->
<string name="TEA_note_label">Notas</string>
<!-- Task note hint -->
<string name="TEA_notes_hint">Inserir notas da tarefa</string>
<!-- Estimated time label -->
<string name="TEA_estimatedDuration_label">Quanto tempo irá demorar?</string>
<!-- Elapsed time label -->
<string name="TEA_elapsedDuration_label">Tempo gasto na tarefa</string>
<!-- Menu: Save -->
<string name="TEA_menu_save">Salvar alterações</string>
<!-- Menu: Don't Save -->
<string name="TEA_menu_discard">Não salvar</string>
<!-- Menu: Delete Task -->
<string name="TEA_menu_delete">Excluir tarefa</string>
<!-- Menu: Task comments -->
<string name="TEA_menu_comments">Comentários</string>
<!-- Toast: task saved with deadline (%s => preposition + time units) -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_due">Tarefa salva: vence em %s</string>
<!-- Toast: task saved without deadlines -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_notDue">Tarefa salva</string>
<!-- Toast: task was not saved -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskCancel">Alteração da tarefa cancelada</string>
<!-- Toast: task was deleted -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskDelete">Task deleted!</string>
<!-- Task edit tab: activity -->
<string name="TEA_tab_activity">Atividade</string>
<!-- Task edit tab: more editing settings -->
<string name="TEA_tab_more">Mais</string>
<string-array name="TEA_urgency">
<!-- urgency: labels for edit page. item #4 -> auto filled -->
<item>No deadline</item>
<item>Dia específico</item>
<item>Depois de amanhã</item>
<item>Próxima semana</item>
<item>Em duas semanas</item>
<item>Próximo mês</item>
<string name="TEA_no_time">No time</string>
<string-array name="TEA_hideUntil">
<!-- hideUntil: labels for edit page. -->
<item>At due date</item>
<item>1 dia antes do vencimento</item>
<item>1 semana antes do vencimento</item>
<item>Dia/Hora específica</item>
<!-- Task edit control set descriptors -->
<string name="TEA_control_title">Task Title</string>
<string name="TEA_control_who">Who</string>
<string name="TEA_control_when">When</string>
<string name="TEA_control_more_section">----More Section----</string>
<string name="TEA_control_importance">Importância</string>
<string name="TEA_control_lists">Listas</string>
<string name="TEA_control_notes">Notas</string>
<string name="TEA_control_reminders">Reminders</string>
<string name="TEA_control_timer">Timer Controls</string>
<string name="TEA_control_share">Share With Friends</string>
<string name="hide_until_prompt">Show in my list</string>
<!-- Add Ons tab when no add-ons found -->
<string name="TEA_addons_text">Procurando por mais funcionalidades?</string>
<!-- Add Ons button -->
<string name="TEA_addons_button">Obtenha o Power Pack!</string>
<!-- More row -->
<string name="TEA_more">Mais</string>
<!-- Text when no activity to show -->
<string name="TEA_no_activity">No Activity to Show.</string>
<!-- Text to load more activity -->
<string name="TEA_load_more">Load more...</string>
<!-- When controls dialog -->
<string name="TEA_when_dialog_title">When is this due?</string>
<string name="TEA_date_and_time">Date/Time</string>
<!-- ============================================= IntroductionActivity == -->
<!-- Introduction Window title -->
<string name="InA_title">Bem vindo ao Astrid!</string>
<!-- Button to agree to EULA -->
<string name="InA_agree">Aceitar</string>
<!-- Button to disagree with EULA -->
<string name="InA_disagree">Recusar</string>
<!-- ===================================================== HelpActivity == -->
<!-- Help: Button to get support from our website -->
<string name="HlA_get_support">Obter ajuda</string>
<!-- ==================================================== UpdateService == -->
<!-- Changelog Window Title -->
<string name="UpS_changelog_title">O que há de novo no Astrid?</string>
<!-- Updates Window Title -->
<string name="UpS_updates_title">Ultimas novidades no Astrid</string>
<!-- ================================================== EditPreferences == -->
<!-- Preference Window Title -->
<string name="EPr_title">Astrid: Configurações</string>
<string name="EPr_deactivated">deactivated</string>
<!-- Preference Category: Appearance Title -->
<string name="EPr_appearance_header">Aparência</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Font Size Title -->
<string name="EPr_fontSize_title">Tamanho da fonte</string>
<!-- Preference: Show confirmation for smart reminders -->
<string name="EPr_showSmartConfirmation_title">Show confirmation for smart reminders</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Font Size Description -->
<string name="EPr_fontSize_desc">Tamanho da fonte na página da lista principal</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_title">Exibir notas na tarefa</string>
<!-- Preference: Beast mode (auto-expand edit page) -->
<string name="EPr_beastMode_title">Beast Mode</string>
<string name="EPr_beastMode_desc">Customize the layout of the Task Edit Page</string>
<string name="EPr_beastMode_reset">Reset to defaults</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes Description (disabled) -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_desc_disabled">Notes will be accessible from the Task Edit Page</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes Description (enabled) -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_desc_enabled">As notas sempre serão exibidas</string>
<!-- Preference: Theme -->
<string name="EPr_theme_title">Color Theme</string>
<!-- Preference: Theme Description (%s => value) -->
<string name="EPr_theme_desc">Atualmente: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Theme Description (android 1.6) -->
<string name="EPr_theme_desc_unsupported">Esta opção requer Android 2.0+</string>
<string-array name="EPr_default_reminders_mode">
<!-- reminders duration: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<string-array name="EPr_themes">
<!-- theme_settings: labels for Theme preference menu -->
<item>Transparent (White Text)</item>
<item>Transparent (Black Text)</item>
<!-- ========================================== Task Management Settings == -->
<!-- Preference Screen Header: Old Task Management -->
<string name="EPr_manage_header">Gerenciar tarefas antigas</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_completed">Excluir tarefas concluídas</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_completed_message">Você realmente deseja excluir todas as tarefas concluídas?</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_completed_summary">Tarefas excluídas podem ser recuperados uma a uma</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_completed_status">Tarefas %d excluídas!</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_purge_deleted">Remover tarefas excluídas</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_purge_deleted_message">Você realmente deseja remover todas as suas tarefas excluídas?\n\nEstas tarefas serão removidas para sempre!</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_purge_deleted_status">Tarefas %d removidas!</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_purge_deleted_summary">Cuidado! Tarefas removidas não podem ser recuperados sem arquivos de backup!</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_clear_all">Clear All Data</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_clear_all_message">Delete all tasks and settings in Astrid?\n\nWarning: can\'t be undone!</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_completed_gcal">Delete Calendar Events for Completed Tasks</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_completed_gcal_message">Do you really want to delete all your events for completed tasks?</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_completed_gcal_summary"/>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_completed_gcal_status">Deleted %d calendar events!</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_all_gcal">Delete All Calendar Events for Tasks</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_all_gcal_message">Do you really want to delete all your events for tasks?</string>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_all_gcal_summary"/>
<string name="EPr_manage_delete_all_gcal_status">Deleted %d calendar events!</string>
<!-- ==================================================== AddOnActivity == -->
<!-- Add Ons Activity Title -->
<string name="AOA_title">Astrid: Complementos</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity: author for internal authors -->
<string name="AOA_internal_author">Equipe do Astrid</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity: installed add-ons tab -->
<string name="AOA_tab_installed">Instalado</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - available add-ons tab -->
<string name="AOA_tab_available">Disponível</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - free add-ons label -->
<string name="AOA_free">Gratuito</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - menu item to visit add-on website -->
<string name="AOA_visit_website">Visitar página</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - menu item to visit android market -->
<string name="AOA_visit_market">Android Market</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - when list is empty -->
<string name="AOA_no_addons">Lista Vazia!</string>
<!-- ====================================================== TasksWidget == -->
<!-- Widget text when loading tasks -->
<string name="TWi_loading">Carregando...</string>
<!-- Widget configuration activity title: select a filter -->
<string name="WCA_title">Selecionar tarefas para visualização...</string>
<!-- ============================================================= About == -->
<!-- Title of "About" option in settings -->
<string name="p_about">Sobre Astrid</string>
<!-- About text (%s => current version)-->
<string name="p_about_text">Versão atual: %s\n\n Astrid é open-source e orgulhosamente mantido pela Todoroo, Inc.</string>
<!-- Title of "Help" option in settings -->
<string name="p_help">Ajuda</string>
<!-- ============================================================= Misc == -->
<!-- Displayed when task killer found. %s => name of the application -->
<string name="task_killer_help">Parece que você está usando um aplicativo que pode eliminar processos (%s)! Se você puder, adicione o Astrid à lista de exclusão para que ele não seja eliminado. Caso contrário, o Astrid pode não avisar para você quando suas tarefas estiverem vencidas.\n</string>
<!-- Task killer dialog ok button -->
<string name="task_killer_help_ok">Eu não vou excluir o Astrid!</string>
<!-- Astrid's Android Marketplace title. It never appears in the app itself. -->
<string name="marketplace_title">Astrid - Lista de Tarefas/Afazeres</string>
<!-- Astrid's Android Marketplace description. It never appears in the app itself. -->
<string name="marketplace_description">Astrid é o aclamado gerenciador de tarefas/lista de afazeres de código aberto feito para lhe ajudar a terminar seu trabalho. Ele contém lembretes, etiquetas, sincronização, plugin local, um widget e mais.</string>
<!-- Preference Category: Defaults Title -->
<string name="EPr_defaults_header">Padrão para novas tarefas</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Urgency Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_urgency_title">Urgência</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Urgency Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_urgency_desc">Atualmente: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Importance Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_importance_title">Importância</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Importance Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_importance_desc">Atualmente: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Hide Until Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_hideUntil_title">Ocultar até</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Hide Until Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_hideUntil_desc">Atualmente: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Reminders Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_reminders_title">Lembretes</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Reminders Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_reminders_desc">Atualmente: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Add To Calendar Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_addtocalendar_title">Default Add To Calendar</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Add To Calendar Setting Description (disabled) -->
<string name="EPr_default_addtocalendar_desc_disabled">New tasks will not create an event in the Google Calendar</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Add To Calendar Setting Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_addtocalendar_desc">New tasks will be in the calendar: \"%s\"</string>
<!-- Reminder Mode Preference: Default Reminders Duration -->
<string name="EPr_default_reminders_mode_title">Default Ring/Vibrate type</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Reminders Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_reminders_mode_desc">Atualmente: %s</string>
<string-array name="EPr_default_importance">
<!-- importance: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>!!! (Highest)</item>
<item>!! (normal)</item>
<item>o (Lowest)</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_urgency">
<!-- urgency: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>Sem vencimento</item>
<item>Depois de amanhã</item>
<item>Próxima semana</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_hideUntil">
<!-- hideUntil: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>Não ocultar</item>
<item>O dia do vencimento</item>
<item>1 dia antes do vencimento</item>
<item>1 semana antes do vencimento</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_reminders">
<!-- reminders: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>Sem lembretes no vencimento</item>
<item>No vencimento</item>
<item>Quando vencida</item>
<item>No prazo ou vencidas</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_addtocalendar">
<!-- addtocalendar: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in filter plug-in -->
<!-- ================================================= Filter Exposer == -->
<!-- Active Tasks Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Active">Tarefas ativas</string>
<!-- Search Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Search">Pesquisar...</string>
<!-- Recently Modified -->
<string name="BFE_Recent">Recentemente Modificado</string>
<!-- I've assigned -->
<string name="BFE_Assigned">I\'ve Assigned</string>
<!-- Build Your Own Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Custom">Filtro Personalizado...</string>
<!-- Saved Filters Header -->
<string name="BFE_Saved">Filters</string>
<!-- Saved Filters Context Menu: delete -->
<string name="BFE_Saved_delete">Excluir Filtro</string>
<!-- =========================================== CustomFilterActivity == -->
<!-- Build Your Own Filter Activity Title-->
<string name="CFA_title">Filtro Personalizado</string>
<!-- Filter Name edit box hint (if user types here, filter will be saved) -->
<string name="CFA_filterName_hint">Nome do filtro a salvar...</string>
<!-- Filter Name default for copied filters (%s => old filter name) -->
<string name="CFA_filterName_copy">Cópia de %s</string>
<!-- Filter Starting Universe: all tasks -->
<string name="CFA_universe_all">Tarefas ativas</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Type: add (at the begging of title of the criteria) -->
<string name="CFA_type_add">ou</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Type: subtract (at the begging of title of the criteria) -->
<string name="CFA_type_subtract">não</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Type: intersect (at the begging of title of the criteria) -->
<string name="CFA_type_intersect">Também</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Context Menu: chaining (%s chain type as above) -->
<string name="CFA_context_chain">%s tem critérios</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Context Menu: delete -->
<string name="CFA_context_delete">Remover Linha</string>
<!-- Filter Screen Help Text -->
<string name="CFA_help">Esta tela permite que você crie um novo filtro. Adicione critérios utilizando o botão abaixo, clique em curto ou longo para ajustar, e então click em \"Visualizar\"!</string>
<!-- Filter Button: add new -->
<string name="CFA_button_add">Adicionar critério</string>
<!-- Filter Button: view without saving -->
<string name="CFA_button_view">Visualizar</string>
<!-- Filter Button: save & view filter -->
<string name="CFA_button_save">Salvar &amp; Visualizar</string>
<!-- =========================================== CustomFilterCriteria == -->
<!-- Criteria: due by X - display text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_dueBefore_text">Vencimento: ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: due by X - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_dueBefore_name">Vencimento...</string>
<string-array name="CFC_dueBefore_entries">
<!-- Criteria: due by X - options -->
<item>Sem data de vencimento</item>
<item>Depois de amanhã</item>
<item>Próxima semana</item>
<item>Próximo mês</item>
<!-- Criteria: importance - display text (? -> user input)-->
<string name="CFC_importance_text">É Importante ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: importance - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_importance_name">Importância...</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag - display text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_tag_text">Lista: ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_tag_name">Lista...</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag_contains - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_tag_contains_name">Nome da lista contém...</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag_contains - text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_tag_contains_text">Nome da lista contém: ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: title_contains - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_title_contains_name">Título...</string>
<!-- Criteria: title_contains - text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_title_contains_text">Título contêm: ?</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in tag plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== Task Edit Controls == -->
<!-- Error message for adding to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_error">Erro ao adicionar a tarefa ao calendário!</string>
<!-- Label for adding task to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_calendar_label">Integração com o calendário:</string>
<!-- Label for adding task to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_addToCalendar_label">Add to Calendar</string>
<!-- Label when calendar event already exists -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_showCalendar_label">Abrir evento no calendário</string>
<!-- Toast when unable to open calendar event -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_calendar_error">Erro ao abrir evento!</string>
<!-- Toast when calendar event updated because task changed -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_calendar_updated">Evento do calendário também atualizado!</string>
<!-- No calendar label (don't add option) -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_nocal">Don\'t add</string>
<string name="gcal_TEA_none_selected">Add to cal...</string>
<string name="gcal_TEA_has_event">Cal event</string>
<!-- ======================================================== Calendars == -->
<!-- Calendar event name when task is completed (%s => task title) -->
<string name="gcal_completed_title">%s (terminada)</string>
<!-- System Default Calendar (displayed if we can't figure out calendars) -->
<string name="gcal_GCP_default">Calendário padrão</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ============================================================= UI == -->
<!-- filters header: GTasks -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_header">Tarefas do Google</string>
<!-- filter category for GTasks lists -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_list">Por lista</string>
<!-- filter title for GTasks lists (%s => list name) -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_title">Tarefas do Google: %s</string>
<!-- dialog prompt for creating a new gtasks list -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_creating_list">Creating list...</string>
<!-- dialog prompt for creating a new gtasks list -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_create_list_dialog">Nova lista</string>
<!-- error to show when list creation fails -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_create_list_error">Erro ao criar nova lista</string>
<!-- short help title for Gtasks -->
<string name="gtasks_help_title">Bem vindo à Tarefas do Google</string>
<!-- short help for GTasks list activity -->
<string name="gtasks_help_body">Arraste o controle no lado esquerdo de uma tarefa para reorganizá-la. Deslize o controle para direita ou esquerda para mudar a indentação.</string>
<string name="CFC_gtasks_list_text">Na Lista: ?</string>
<string name="CFC_gtasks_list_name">No Google Tasks...</string>
<!-- Message while clearing completed tasks -->
<string name="gtasks_GTA_clearing">Clearing completed tasks...</string>
<!-- Label for clear completed menu item -->
<string name="gtasks_GTA_clear_completed">Clear Completed</string>
<!-- ============================================ GtasksLoginActivity == -->
<!-- Activity Title: Gtasks Login -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_title">Logar no Tarefas do Google</string>
<!-- Instructions: Gtasks login -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_body">Faça o login no Google Tasks Sync (Beta!). Não migraram contas do Google Apps pois não são suportadas.</string>
<string name="gtasks_GLA_noaccounts">Google não está disponível para sincronização com contas.</string>
<!-- Instructions: Gtasks further help -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_further_help">Para ver suas tarefas com indentação e ordem preservadas, vá para a página de filtros e selecione uma lista do Google Tasks. Por padrão, Astrid usa sua própria configuração de ordem de tarefas.</string>
<!-- Sign In Button -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_signIn">Entrar</string>
<!-- E-mail Address Label -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_email">E-mail</string>
<!-- Password Label -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_password">Senha</string>
<!-- Authenticating toast -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_authenticating">Autenticando ...</string>
<!-- Google Apps for Domain checkbox -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_domain">Conta Google Apps para dominio</string>
<!-- Error Message when fields aren't filled out -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_errorEmpty">Erro: preencha todos os campos!</string>
<!-- Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_errorAuth">Error authenticating! Please check your username and password in your phone\'s account manager</string>
<!-- Error Message when we receive an IO Exception -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_errorIOAuth">Sorry, we had trouble communicating with Google servers. Please try again later.</string>
<!-- Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized multiple times -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_errorAuth_captcha">Você pode ter encontrado um código de verificação. Tente iniciar sessão pelo navegador, então retorne para tentar novamente:</string>
<!-- ============================================== GtasksPreferences == -->
<!-- GTasks Preferences Title -->
<string name="gtasks_GPr_header">Google Tarefas (Beta!)</string>
<!-- ================================================ Synchronization == -->
<!-- title for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="gtasks_notification_title">Astrid: Google Tarefas</string>
<!-- Error Message when we receive a HTTP 503 error -->
<string name="gtasks_error_backend">Google\'s Task API is in beta and has encountered an error. The service may be down, please try again later.</string>
<!-- Error for account not found -->
<string name="gtasks_error_accountNotFound">Account %s not found--please log out and log back in from the Google Tasks settings.</string>
<!-- Error when ping after refreshing token fails -->
<string name="gtasks_error_authRefresh">Unable to authenticate with Google Tasks. Please check your account password or try again later.</string>
<!-- Error when account manager returns no auth token or throws exception -->
<string name="gtasks_error_accountManager">Error in your phone\'s account manager. Please log out and log back in from the Google Tasks settings.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources initial tasks added -->
<!-- Intro Tag or click prompt -->
<string name="intro_click_prompt">Introdução: Pressione-me para ver notas</string>
<!-- Task 1 Summary -->
<string name="intro_task_1_summary">Crie sua primeira tarefa</string>
<!-- Task 1 Note -->
<string name="intro_task_1_note">Two ways to add a task:\n
1) Quick Add: Type the task into the quick entry box at bottom of screen and press the + button on the right.\n
2) Regular Add: Press the + button of the quick entry box. Add as much detail as you want. Then press \"Save\" or use your phone\'s back button.\n
<!-- Task 2 Summary -->
<string name="intro_task_2_summary">Adicionar widget na área de trabalho</string>
<!-- Task 2 Note -->
<string name="intro_task_2_note">
1) Long Press on your phone\'s desktop\n
     2) Choose \"Widget\"\n
     3) Choose the Astrid widget\n
     4) Select the list you want and press OK.\n
<!-- Task 3 Summary -->
<string name="intro_task_3_summary">Sincronizar a instalação com o</string>
<!-- Task 3 Note -->
<string name="intro_task_3_note">
1) Press your Menu button\n
     2) Choose \"Sync Now\"\n
     3) Select \"\"\n
     4) Log In &amp; Synchronize!\n
<!-- help bubbles -->
<!-- Shown the first time a user sees the task list activity -->
<string name="help_popover_add_task">Start by adding a task or two</string>
<!-- Shown the first time a user adds a task to a list -->
<string name="help_popover_tap_task">Tap task to edit and share</string>
<!-- Shown the first time a user sees the list activity -->
<string name="help_popover_list_settings">Tap to edit or share this list</string>
<!-- Shown the first time a user sees the list settings tab -->
<string name="help_popover_collaborators">People you share with can help you build your list or finish tasks</string>
<!-- Shown after user adds a task on tablet-->
<string name="help_popover_add_lists">Tap add a list</string>
<!-- Shown after a user adds a task on phones -->
<string name="help_popover_switch_lists">Tap to add a list or switch between lists</string>
<string name="help_popover_when_shortcut">Tap this shortcut to quick select date and time</string>
<string name="help_popover_when_row">Tap anywhere on this row to access options like repeat</string>
<!-- Login activity -->
<string name="welcome_login_title">Bem vindo ao Astrid!</string>
<string name="welcome_login_intro"/>
<string name="welcome_login_tos_base">By using Astrid you agree to the</string>
<string name="welcome_login_tos_link">\"Terms of Service\"</string>
<string name="welcome_login_pw">Login with Username/Password</string>
<string name="welcome_login_later">Connect Later</string>
<string name="welcome_login_confirm_later_title">Why not sign in?</string>
<string name="welcome_login_confirm_later_ok">I\'ll do it!</string>
<string name="welcome_login_confirm_later_cancel">No thanks</string>
<string name="welcome_login_confirm_later_dialog">Sign in to get the most out of Astrid!
For free, you get online backup, full synchronization with, the
ability to add tasks via email, and you can even share task lists with friends!</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in locale plug-in -->
<!-- Locale Alert Editing Window Title -->
<string name="locale_edit_alerts_title">Filtro de Alerta do Astrid</string>
<!-- Locale Window Help -->
<string name="locale_edit_intro">Astrid irá envirar um lembrete quando você tiver qualquer tarefa neste filtro:</string>
<!-- Locale Window Filter Picker UI -->
<string name="locale_pick_filter">Filtro:</string>
<!-- Locale Window Interval Label -->
<string name="locale_interval_label">Limitar notificações para:</string>
<!-- Locale Window Interval Values -->
<string-array name="locale_interval">
<item>uma vez por hora</item>
<item>uma vez a cada seis horas</item>
<item>uma vez a cada doze horas</item>
<item>uma vez por dia</item>
<item>uma vez a cada três dias</item>
<item>uma vez por semana</item>
<!-- Locale Notification text -->
<string name="locale_notification">Você tem $NUM resultados: $FILTER</string>
<!-- Locale Plugin was not found, it is required -->
<string name="locale_plugin_required">Por favor instale o plugin Astrid Locale!</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ====================== Plugin Boilerplate ========================= -->
<!-- filters header: OpenCRX -->
<string name="opencrx_FEx_header">AbrirCRX</string>
<!-- filter category for OpenCRX ActivityCreators -->
<string name="opencrx_FEx_dashboard">Espaços de trabalho</string>
<!-- filter category for OpenCRX responsible person -->
<string name="opencrx_FEx_responsible">Atribuído a</string>
<!-- OpenCRX assignedTo filter title (%s => assigned contact) -->
<string name="opencrx_FEx_responsible_title">Atribuído a \'%s\'</string>
<!-- detail for showing tasks created by someone else (%s => person name) -->
<string name="opencrx_PDE_task_from">de %s</string>
<!-- replacement string for task edit "Notes" when using OpenCRX -->
<string name="opencrx_TEA_notes">Adicionar um comentário</string>
<string name="opencrx_creator_input_hint">Criador</string>
<string name="opencrx_contact_input_hint">Atribuído a</string>
<!-- ==================================================== Preferences == -->
<!-- Preferences Title: OpenCRX -->
<string name="opencrx_PPr_header">AbrirCRX</string>
<!-- creator title for tasks that are not synchronized -->
<string name="opencrx_no_creator">(Não Sincronizar)</string>
<!-- preference title for default creator -->
<string name="opencrx_PPr_defaultcreator_title">CriadorDeAtividade Padrão</string>
<!-- preference description for default creator (%s -> setting) -->
<string name="opencrx_PPr_defaultcreator_summary">Novas atividades serão criadas por: %s</string>
<!-- preference description for default dashboard (when set to 'not synchronized') -->
<string name="opencrx_PPr_defaultcreator_summary_none">Novas atividades não serão sincronizados por padrão</string>
<!-- OpenCRX host and segment group name -->
<string name="opencrx_group">Servidor OpenCRX</string>
<!-- preference description for OpenCRX host -->
<string name="opencrx_host_title">Máquina</string>
<!-- dialog title for OpenCRX host -->
<string name="opencrx_host_dialog_title">Máquina OpenCRX</string>
<!-- example for OpenCRX host -->
<string name="opencrx_host_summary">Por exemplo: <i></i></string>
<!-- preference description for OpenCRX segment -->
<string name="opencrx_segment_title">Segmento</string>
<!-- dialog title for OpenCRX segment -->
<string name="opencrx_segment_dialog_title">Segmento Sincronizado</string>
<!-- example for OpenCRX segment -->
<string name="opencrx_segment_summary">Por exemplo: <i>Standard</i></string>
<!-- default value for OpenCRX segment -->
<string name="opencrx_segment_default">Qualidade</string>
<!-- preference description for OpenCRX provider -->
<string name="opencrx_provider_title">Provedor</string>
<!-- dialog title for OpenCRX provider -->
<string name="opencrx_provider_dialog_title">Provedor de autenticação do OpenCRX</string>
<!-- example for OpenCRX provider -->
<string name="opencrx_provider_summary">Por exemplo: <i>CRX</i></string>
<!-- default value for OpenCRX provider -->
<string name="opencrx_provider_default">CRX</string>
<!-- ================================================= Login Activity == -->
<!-- Activity Title: Opencrx Login -->
<string name="opencrx_PLA_title">Login para AbrirCRX</string>
<!-- Instructions: Opencrx login -->
<string name="opencrx_PLA_body">Entrar com sua conta OpenCRX</string>
<!-- Sign In Button -->
<string name="opencrx_PLA_signIn">Entrar</string>
<!-- Login Label -->
<string name="opencrx_PLA_login">Login</string>
<!-- Password Label -->
<string name="opencrx_PLA_password">Senha</string>
<!-- Error Message when fields aren't filled out -->
<string name="opencrx_PLA_errorEmpty">Erro: preencha todos os campos</string>
<!-- Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized -->
<string name="opencrx_PLA_errorAuth">Erro: login ou senha incorreto!</string>
<!-- ================================================ Synchronization == -->
<!-- title for notification tray after synchronizing -->
<string name="opencrx_notification_title">AbrirCRX</string>
<!-- text for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="opencrx_notification_text">%s tarefas atualizadas / clique para mais detalhes</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="opencrx_ioerror">Erro na Conexão! Verifique sua conexão com a internet.</string>
<!-- opencrx Login not specified-->
<string name="opencrx_MLA_email_empty">Login não foi especificado!</string>
<!-- opencrx password not specified-->
<string name="opencrx_MLA_password_empty">A Senha não foi especificada!</string>
<!-- ================================================ labels for layout-elements == -->
<!-- label for task-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="opencrx_TEA_task_assign_label">Atribuir essa tarefa a esta pessoa:</string>
<!-- Spinner-item for unassigned tasks on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="opencrx_TEA_task_unassigned">&lt;Não atribuído&gt;</string>
<!-- label for dashboard-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="opencrx_TEA_creator_assign_label">Atribuir essa tarefa a este criador:</string>
<!-- Spinner-item for default dashboard on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="opencrx_TEA_dashboard_default">&lt;Padrão&gt;</string>
<string name="opencrx_TEA_opencrx_title">OpenCRX Controls</string>
<string name="CFC_opencrx_in_workspace_text">Na área de trabalho: ?</string>
<string name="CFC_opencrx_in_workspace_name">Na área de trabalho...</string>
<string name="CFC_opencrx_assigned_to_text">Atribuído a:?</string>
<string name="CFC_opencrx_assigned_to_name">Atribuído a ...</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ================================================== EditPreferences == -->
<!-- Preference Category: Power Pack -->
<string name="EPr_powerpack_header">Bloco de Poder Astrid</string>
<!-- Preference: Anonymous User Statistics -->
<string name="EPr_statistics_title">Estatística de uso anônimas</string>
<!-- Preference: User Statistics (disabled) -->
<string name="EPr_statistics_desc_disabled">Nenhum dado pessoal será enviado</string>
<!-- Preference: User Statistics (enabled) -->
<string name="EPr_statistics_desc_enabled">Ajude-nos a melhorar o Astrid nos enviando dados anônimos de uso</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ====================== Plugin Boilerplate ========================= -->
<!-- filters header: Producteev -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_header">Producteev</string>
<!-- filter category for Producteev dashboards -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_dashboard">Espaços de trabalho</string>
<!-- filter category for Producteev responsible person -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_responsible_byme">Atribuído por mim com</string>
<!-- filter category for Producteev responsible person -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_responsible_byothers">Atribuído por outras pessoas para</string>
<!-- Producteev responsible filter title (%s => responsiblename) -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_responsible_title">Atribuído a \'%s\'</string>
<!-- detail for showing tasks created by someone else (%s => person name) -->
<string name="producteev_PDE_task_from">de %s</string>
<!-- replacement string for task edit "Notes" when using Producteev -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_notes">Adicionar um comentário</string>
<!-- ==================================================== Preferences == -->
<!-- Preferences Title: Producteev -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_header">Producteev</string>
<!-- dashboard title for producteev default dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_default_dashboard">Área de trabalho padrão</string>
<!-- dashboard title for tasks that are not synchronized -->
<string name="producteev_no_dashboard">(Não Sincronizar)</string>
<!-- dashboard spinner entry on TEA for adding a new dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_create_dashboard">Adicionar novo espaço de trabalho</string>
<!-- dashboard spinner entry on TEA for adding a new dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_create_dashboard_name">Nome para novo espaço de trabalho</string>
<!-- preference title for default dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_defaultdash_title">Área de trabalho padrão</string>
<!-- preference description for default dashboard (%s -> setting) -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_defaultdash_summary">Novas tarefas serão adicionadas: %s</string>
<!-- preference description for default dashboard (when set to 'not synchronized') -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_defaultdash_summary_none">Novas tarefas não serão sincronizadas por padrão</string>
<!-- ================================================= Login Activity == -->
<!-- Activity Title: Producteev Login -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_title">Logar-se ao Producteev</string>
<!-- Instructions: Producteev login -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_body">Entrar com uma conta Producteev existente, ou criar uma nova conta!</string>
<!-- Producteev Terms Link -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_terms">Termos &amp; Condições</string>
<!-- Sign In Button -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_signIn">Entrar</string>
<!-- Create New User Button -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_createNew">Criar Novo Usuário</string>
<!-- E-mail Address Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_email">E-mail</string>
<!-- Password Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_password">Senha</string>
<!-- Timezone Spinner -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_timezone">Fuso horário</string>
<!-- Confirm Password Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_confirmPassword">Confirmar Senha</string>
<!-- First Name Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_firstName">Primeiro Nome</string>
<!-- Last Name Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_lastName">Sobrenome</string>
<!-- Error Message when fields aren't filled out -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_errorEmpty">Erro: preencha todos os campos!</string>
<!-- Error Message when passwords don't match -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_errorMatch">Erro: as senhas não se combinam!</string>
<!-- Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_errorAuth">Erro: E-mail ou senha incorreta!</string>
<!-- ================================================ Synchronization == -->
<!-- title for notification tray after synchronizing -->
<string name="producteev_notification_title">Producteev</string>
<!-- text for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="producteev_notification_text">%s tarefas atualizadas / clique para mais detalhes</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="producteev_ioerror">Erro na Conexão! Verifique sua conexão com a internet.</string>
<!-- Prod Login email not specified-->
<string name="producteev_MLA_email_empty">E-Mail não foi especificado!</string>
<!-- Prod Login password not specified-->
<string name="producteev_MLA_password_empty">A Senha não foi especificada!</string>
<!-- ================================================ labels for layout-elements == -->
<!-- Label for Producteev control set row -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_control_set_display">Producteev Assignment</string>
<!-- label for task-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_task_assign_label">Atribuir essa tarefa a esta pessoa:</string>
<!-- Spinner-item for unassigned tasks on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_task_unassigned">&lt;Não atribuído&gt;</string>
<!-- label for dashboard-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_dashboard_assign_label">Atribuir essa tarefa a esta área de trabalho:</string>
<!-- Spinner-item for default dashboard on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_dashboard_default">&lt;Padrão&gt;</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_in_workspace_text">Na área de trabalho: ?</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_in_workspace_name">Na área de trabalho...</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_assigned_to_text">Atribuído a:?</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_assigned_to_name">Atribuído a ...</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in reminders plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== task edit activity == -->
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder group label -->
<string name="TEA_reminders_group_label">Reminders</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder header label -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_label">Me lembrar:</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder @ deadline -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_due">no dia que a tarefa vencer</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder after deadline -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_overdue">quando a tarefa estiver atrasada</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder at random times (%s => time plural)-->
<string name="TEA_reminder_random">Aleatoriamente uma vez</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock label -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_alarm_label">Toque/Vibração Tipo:</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder mode: ring once -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_mode_once">Tocar uma vez</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder mode: ring five times -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_mode_five">Tocas 5 vezes</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder mode: ring nonstop -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_mode_nonstop">Tocar até eu cancelar o alarme</string>
<string-array name="TEA_reminder_random">
<!-- random reminder choices for task edit page. -->
<item>por hora</item>
<item>por dia</item>
<item>por semana</item>
<item>a cada duas semanas</item>
<item>por mês</item>
<item>a cada dois meses</item>
<!-- ==================================================== notifications == -->
<!-- Name of filter when viewing a reminder -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_filter">Lembrete!</string>
<!-- Reminder: Task was already done -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_done">Complete</string>
<!-- Reminder: Snooze button (remind again later) -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_snooze">Snooze</string>
<!-- Reminder: Completed Toast -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_completed_toast">Congratulations on finishing!</string>
<!-- ============================================= reminder preferences == -->
<!-- Reminder Preference Screen Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_alerts_header">Configurações do Lembrete</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Reminders Enabled Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_enabled_title">Reminders Enabled?</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference Reminders Enabled Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_enabled_desc_true">Astrid reminders are enabled (this is normal)</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference Reminders Enabled Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_enabled_desc_false">Astrid reminders will never appear on your phone</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_title">Silêncio começa às</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start Description (%s => time set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_desc">As notificações serão silenciadas depois de %s.\nNota: A vibração é configurada abaixo!</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start/End Description (disabled) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_desc_none">Horário de silêncio está desativado</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours End Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_title">Silêncio termina às</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours End Description (%s => time set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_desc">As notificações ficarão normais (sonoras) a partir de %s</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminder Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_rmd_time_title">Horário padrão</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminder Description (%s => time set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_rmd_time_desc">As notificações para tarefas sem prazo irão aparecer às %s</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_title">Campainha da notificação</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when custom tone is set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_custom">Toque personalizado foi definido</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when silence is set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_silent">Campainha definida para silencioso</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when custom tone is not set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_default">Campainha padrão será utilizada</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_title">Notificação Persistente</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_true">Cada notificação precisa ser vista individualmente</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_false">Notificações podem ser eliminadas com o botão \"Eliminar Todas\"</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Icon Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_notificon_title">Conjunto de Ícones de Notificação</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Icon Description -->
<string name="rmd_Epr_notificon_desc">Escolha o ícone do Astrid para a barra de notificação</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Max Volume for Multiple-Ring reminders Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_multiple_maxvolume_title">Volume máximo para lembretes com múltiplos sons</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Max Volume for Multiple-Ring reminders Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_multiple_maxvolume_desc_true">Astrid irá aumentar o volume para alertas com múltiplos sons</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Max Volume for Multiple-Ring reminders Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_multiple_maxvolume_desc_false">Astrid irá usar o volume definido no sistema</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_title">Vibrar quando alertar</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_true">Astrid irá vibrar quando enviar notificações</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_false">Astrid não irá vibrar quando enviar notificações</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_title">Encorajamentos Astrid</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_desc_true">Astrid virá para dar-lhe um incentivo nos lembretes</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_desc_false">Astrid não dará nenhuma mensagem de encorajamento.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Snooze Dialog Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_title">Adiar em HH:MM</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Snooze Dialog Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_desc_true">Adiar em horas/minutos</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_desc_false">Adiar em # dias/horas</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_title">Lembretes Aleatórios</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Setting (disabled) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc_disabled">Novas tarefas não terão lembretes aleatórios</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Setting (%s => setting) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc">Novas tarefas irão lembrar aleatoriamente: %s</string>
<!-- Defaults Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaults_header">Padrão para novas tarefas</string>
<string-array name="EPr_reminder_random">
<!-- Reminder Preference: random reminder choices for preference page. -->
<item>de hora em hora</item>
<item>a cada duas semanas</item>
<item>a cada dois meses</item>
<string-array name="EPr_quiet_hours_start">
<!-- Reminder Preference: quiet_hours_start: options for preference menu. Translate but don't change the times!. -->
<item>8 PM</item>
<item>9 PM</item>
<item>10 PM</item>
<item>11 PM</item>
<item>12 AM</item>
<item>1 AM</item>
<item>2 AM</item>
<item>3 AM</item>
<item>4 AM</item>
<item>5 AM</item>
<item>6 AM</item>
<item>7 AM</item>
<item>8 AM</item>
<item>9 AM</item>
<item>10 AM</item>
<item>11 AM</item>
<item>12 PM</item>
<item>1 PM</item>
<item>2 PM</item>
<item>3 PM</item>
<item>4 PM</item>
<item>5 PM</item>
<item>6 PM</item>
<item>7 PM</item>
<string-array name="EPr_quiet_hours_end">
<!-- Reminder Preference: quiet_hours_end: options for preference menu. Translate but don't change the times! -->
<item>9 AM</item>
<item>10 AM</item>
<item>11 AM</item>
<item>12 PM</item>
<item>1 PM</item>
<item>2 PM</item>
<item>3 PM</item>
<item>4 PM</item>
<item>5 PM</item>
<item>6 PM</item>
<item>7 PM</item>
<item>8 PM</item>
<item>9 PM</item>
<item>10 PM</item>
<item>11 PM</item>
<item>12 AM</item>
<item>1 AM</item>
<item>2 AM</item>
<item>3 AM</item>
<item>4 AM</item>
<item>5 AM</item>
<item>6 AM</item>
<item>7 AM</item>
<item>8 AM</item>
<string-array name="EPr_rmd_time">
<!-- Reminder Preference: rmd_time: options for preference menu. Translate but don't change the times! -->
<item>9 AM</item>
<item>10 AM</item>
<item>11 AM</item>
<item>12 PM</item>
<item>1 PM</item>
<item>2 PM</item>
<item>3 PM</item>
<item>4 PM</item>
<item>5 PM</item>
<item>6 PM</item>
<item>7 PM</item>
<item>8 PM</item>
<item>9 PM</item>
<item>10 PM</item>
<item>11 PM</item>
<item>12 AM</item>
<item>1 AM</item>
<item>2 AM</item>
<item>3 AM</item>
<item>4 AM</item>
<item>5 AM</item>
<item>6 AM</item>
<item>7 AM</item>
<item>8 AM</item>
<!-- =============================================== random reminders == -->
<string-array name="reminders">
<!-- reminders: Make these < 20 chars so the task name is displayed -->
<item>Olá você! Tem um minuto?</item>
<item>Posso falar com você?</item>
<item>Tem alguns minutos?</item>
<item>Você esqueceu?</item>
<item>Dá licença!</item>
<item>Quando você tiver um minuto:</item>
<item>Na sua agenda:</item>
<item>Você tá livre?</item>
<item>Astrid aqui!</item>
<item>Ola! Posso pertubar você?</item>
<item>Um minuto do seu tempo?</item>
<item>É um bom dia para</item>
<string-array name="reminders_due">
<!-- reminders related to task due date -->
<item>Hora de trabalhar!</item>
<item>Prazo final está aqui!</item>
<item>Pronto para começar?</item>
<item>Você disse que ía fazer:</item>
<item>Você devia começar:</item>
<item>Hora de começar:</item>
<item>É a hora!</item>
<item>Licença! Hora de</item>
<item>Você está livre? Hora para</item>
<string-array name="reminders_snooze">
<!-- reminders related to snooze -->
<item>Não seja preguiçoso agora!</item>
<item>Acabou a pausa!</item>
<item>Não dá pra adiar mais!</item>
<item>Agora você está pronto(a)?</item>
<item>Nada de adiar!</item>
<string-array name="reminder_responses">
<!-- responses to reminder: Astrid says... (user should answer yes or no) -->
<item>Tenho uma coisa para você!</item>
<item>Hora de deixar isso no seu passado?</item>
<item>Porque você não deixa isso pronto?</item>
<item>E aí? Pronto tigrão,tigreza?</item>
<item>Pronto para isso?</item>
<item>Você consegue lidar com isso?</item>
<item>Você pode ser feliz! É só terminar isso!</item>
<item>Se terminar isso se sentirá bem melhor!</item>
<item>Você não fará isso hoje?</item>
<item>Por favor termine isso, já estou enjoado disso!</item>
<item>Você pode terminar isso? Sim, você pode!</item>
<item>Algum dia você vai fazer isso?</item>
<item>Você vai se sentir bem melhor! Vamos lá!</item>
<item>Estou tão orgulhoso de você! Vamos terminar isso!</item>
<item>Que tal lanchinho depois que você terminar isso?</item>
<item>Só mais essa, ok?</item>
<item>Hora de terminar essa tarefa!</item>
<item>Are you on Team Order or Team Chaos? Team Order! Let\'s go!</item>
<item>Have I mentioned you are awesome recently? Keep it up!</item>
<item>A task a day keeps the clutter away... Goodbye clutter!</item>
<item>How do you do it? Wow, I\'m impressed!</item>
<item>You can\'t just get by on your good looks. Let\'s get to it!</item>
<item>Lovely weather for a job like this, isn\'t it?</item>
<item>A spot of tea while you work on this?</item>
<item>If only you had already done this, then you could go outside and play.</item>
<item>It\'s time. You can\'t put off the inevitable.</item>
<item>I die a little every time you ignore me.</item>
<string-array name="postpone_nags">
<!-- Astrid's nagging when user clicks postpone -->
<item>Não me diga que você vive adiando as coisas!</item>
<item>Ser preguiçoso(a) não fica cansativo de vez em quando?</item>
<item>Em algum lugar, alguém está dependendo de você para terminar isso!</item>
<item>Quando você disse adiar, você realmente quis dizer \'Vou fazer isso agora\', certo?</item>
<item>Essa é a última vez que você adia isso, certo?</item>
<item>Termina isso hoje, eu não vou contar para ninguém!</item>
<item>Porque adiar se você pode, hmm... não adiar!</item>
<item>Suponho que vai terminar isso algum dia, certo?</item>
<item>Eu acho que você é realmente ótimo! Que tal não deixar isso de lado?</item>
<item>Você vai alcançar seus objetivos se você fizer isso?</item>
<item>Adiar, adiar, adiar. Quando você vai mudar!</item>
<item>Já estou cheio das suas desculpas! Faça isso agora!</item>
<item>Você não inventou essa desculpa na última vez?</item>
<item>Eu não vou poder ajudar você a organizar a sua vida se você fizer isso...</item>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in repeat plug-in -->
<!-- repeating plugin name -->
<string name="repeat_plugin">Tarefas Repetitivas</string>
<!-- repeating plugin description -->
<string name="repeat_plugin_desc">Permitir tarefas para repetições</string>
<!-- checkbox for turning on/off repeats -->
<string name="repeat_enabled">Repetições</string>
<!-- button for "every x" part of repeat (%d -> repeat value) -->
<string name="repeat_every">Toda %d</string>
<!-- hint when opening repeat interval -->
<string name="repeat_interval_prompt">Intervalo de repetição</string>
<string name="repeat_never">No Repeat</string>
<string name="repeat_dont">Don\'t repeat</string>
<string-array name="repeat_interval_short">
<!-- repeat interval (days,weeks,months,hours,minutes,years) -->
<string-array name="repeat_interval">
<!-- repeat interval (days,weeks,months,hours,minutes,years) -->
<string-array name="repeat_type">
<!-- repeat type (date to repeat from) -->
<item>à partir do dia do prazo final</item>
<item>à partir do dia de realização</item>
<!-- task detail weekly by day ($I -> interval, i.e. 1 week, $D -> days, i.e. Monday, Tuesday) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_byday">$I na $D</string>
<!-- task detail for repeat from due date (%s -> interval) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_duedate">a cada %s</string>
<!-- task detail for repeat from completion date (%s -> interval) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_completion">%s após a conclusão</string>
<!-- text for confirmation dialog after repeating a task -->
<string name="repeat_rescheduling_dialog_title">Rescheduling task \"%s\"</string>
<string name="repeat_rescheduling_dialog_bubble">I\'ve rescheduled this repeating task from %1$s to %2$s</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ====================== Plugin Boilerplate ========================= -->
<!-- label for RMilk button in Task Edit Activity -->
<string name="rmilk_EOE_button">Configurações do Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- task detail showing RTM repeat information -->
<string name="rmilk_TLA_repeat">Tarefa repetitiva do RTM</string>
<!-- task detail showing item needs to be synchronized -->
<string name="rmilk_TLA_sync">Precisa ser sincronizado com RTM</string>
<!-- filters header: RTM -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_header">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- filter category for RTM lists -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_list">Listas</string>
<!-- RTM list filter title (%s => list) -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_list_title">Lista RTM \'%s\'</string>
<!-- ======================= MilkEditActivity ========================== -->
<!-- RTM edit activity Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_title">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- RTM edit List Edit Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_list_label">Lista RTM:</string>
<!-- RTM edit Repeat Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_repeat_label">Status de Repetição do RTM:</string>
<!-- RTM edit Repeat Hint -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_repeat_hint">ex. semanalmente, depois de 14 dias</string>
<!-- ======================== MilkPreferences ========================== -->
<!-- Milk Preferences Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_header">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- ======================= MilkLoginActivity ========================= -->
<!-- RTM Login Instructions -->
<string name="rmilk_MLA_label">Por favor, conecte-se e autorize o Astrid:</string>
<!-- Login Error Dialog (%s => message) -->
<string name="rmilk_MLA_error">Desculpe, houve um erro identificando seu login. Por favor tente novamente. \n\n Mensagem de Erro: %s</string>
<!-- ======================== Synchronization ========================== -->
<!-- title for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="rmilk_notification_title">Astrid: Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception with rmilk -->
<string name="rmilk_ioerror">Erro de conexão! Verifique sua conexão com a Internet, ou talvez os servidores do RTM (, para possíveis soluções.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in tag plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== Task Edit Controls == -->
<!-- Tags label -->
<string name="TEA_tags_label">Listas</string>
<!-- Tags none -->
<string name="TEA_tags_none">Nenhum</string>
<!-- Tags hint -->
<string name="TEA_tag_hint">New list</string>
<!-- Tags dropdown -->
<string name="TEA_tag_dropdown">Selecionar uma lista</string>
<!-- =============================================== Task List Controls == -->
<!-- menu item for tags -->
<string name="tag_TLA_menu">Listas</string>
<!-- ========================================================== Extras == -->
<!-- Context Item: show tag -->
<string name="TAd_contextFilterByTag">Mostrar Lista</string>
<!-- Dialog: new list -->
<string name="tag_new_list">Nova lista</string>
<!-- Dialog: list saved -->
<string name="tag_list_saved">Lista salva</string>
<!-- Dialog: task created without title -->
<string name="tag_no_title_error">Entre com o nome da lista primeiro!</string>
<!-- ========================================================== Filters == -->
<!-- filter button to add tag -->
<string name="tag_FEx_add_new">Nova</string>
<!-- filter header for tags -->
<string name="tag_FEx_header">Listas</string>
<!-- filter header for tags user created -->
<string name="tag_FEx_category_mine">Minhas listas</string>
<!-- filter header for tags, shared with user -->
<string name="tag_FEx_category_shared">Compartilhadas comigo</string>
<!-- filter header for tags which have no active tasks -->
<string name="tag_FEx_category_inactive">Inativa</string>
<!-- filter for untagged tasks -->
<string name="tag_FEx_untagged">Not in any List</string>
<!-- clarifying title for people who have Google and Astrid lists -->
<string name="tag_FEx_untagged_w_astrid">Not in an Astrid List</string>
<!-- %s => tag name -->
<string name="tag_FEx_name">Lista: %s</string>
<!-- context menu option to rename a tag -->
<string name="tag_cm_rename">Renomear Lista</string>
<!-- context menu option to delete a tag -->
<string name="tag_cm_delete">Excluir lista</string>
<!-- context menu option to leave a shared list -->
<string name="tag_cm_leave">Leave List</string>
<!-- Dialog to confirm deletion of a tag (%s -> the name of the list to be deleted) -->
<string name="DLG_delete_this_tag_question">Excluir esta lista: %s? (nenhuma tarefa será excluída)</string>
<!-- Dialog to confirm leaving a shared tag (%s -> the name of the shared list to leave) -->
<string name="DLG_leave_this_shared_tag_question">Leave this shared list: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.)</string>
<!-- Dialog to rename tag -->
<string name="DLG_rename_this_tag_header">Renomear a lista %s para:</string>
<!-- Toast notification that no changes have been made -->
<string name="TEA_no_tags_modified">Nenhuma mudança efetuada</string>
<!-- Toast notification that a tag has been deleted -->
<string name="TEA_tags_deleted">A Lista %1$s foi excluída, afetando %2$d tarefas</string>
<!-- Toast notification that a shared tag has been left -->
<string name="TEA_tags_left">You left shared list %1$s, affecting %2$d tasks</string>
<!-- Toast notification that a tag has been renamed -->
<string name="TEA_tags_renamed">A lista %1$s foi renomeada para %2$s com %3$d tarefas</string>
<!-- Tag case migration -->
<string name="tag_case_migration_notice">We\'ve noticed that you have some lists that have the same name with different capitalizations. We think you may have intended them to
be the same list, so we\'ve combined the duplicates. Don\'t worry though: the original lists are simply renamed with numbers (e.g. Shopping_1, Shopping_2). If you don\'t want this, you
can simply delete the new combined list!</string>
<!-- Header for tag settings -->
<string name="tag_settings_title">Settings: %s</string>
<!-- Header for tag activity -->
<string name="tag_updates_title">Activity: %s</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in timers plug-in -->
<!-- Task List: Start Timer button -->
<string name="TAE_startTimer">Temporizador</string>
<!-- Task List: Stop Timer button -->
<string name="TAE_stopTimer">Parar</string>
<!-- Android Notification Title (%s => # tasks) -->
<string name="TPl_notification">Temporizador ativado para %s!</string>
<!-- Filter Header for Timer plugin -->
<string name="TFE_category">Fltros do Temporizador</string>
<!-- Filter for Timed Tasks -->
<string name="TFE_workingOn">Tarefas com contagem de tempo</string>
<!-- Title for TEA -->
<string name="TEA_timer_controls">Timer Controls</string>
<!-- Edit Notes: create comment for when timer is started -->
<string name="TEA_timer_comment_started">started this task:</string>
<!-- Edit Notes: create comment for when timer is stopped -->
<string name="TEA_timer_comment_stopped">stopped doing this task:</string>
<!-- Edit Notes: comment to notify how long was spent on task -->
<string name="TEA_timer_comment_spent">Time spent:</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Voice Add Prompt Text -->
<string name="voice_create_prompt">Fale para criar uma tarefa</string>
<string name="voice_edit_title_prompt">Fale para completar o título</string>
<string name="voice_edit_note_prompt">Fale para completar as notas da tarefa</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List recognition-service is not installed, but available -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputInstall_dlg">Entrada por voz não está instalado.\n Você quer ir ao Market instalar?</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List recognition-service is not available for this system -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputUnavailable_dlg">Infelizmente a entrada por voz não está disponível no seu sistema.\nSe possível, atualize o Android para 2.1 ou superior</string>
<!-- Preference: Market is not available for this system -->
<string name="EPr_marketUnavailable_dlg">Infelizmente o Market não está disponível no seu sistema.\nSe possível, tente baixar o Voice Search de outro lugar</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Voice-button if recognition-service is available -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputEnabled_title">Entrada de voz</string>
<!-- Preference: voice button description (true) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputEnabled_desc_enabled">O botão de entrada por voz será mostrado na tela de listagem de tarefas</string>
<!-- Preference: voice button description (false) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputEnabled_desc_disabled">O botão de entrada por voz não será exibido na tela de listagem de tarefas</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Voice-button directly creates tasks -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputCreatesTask_title">Criar tarefas diretamente</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Voice-creation description (true) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputCreatesTask_desc_enabled">Tarefas serão criadas automaticamente pela entrada de voz</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Voice-creation description (false) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputCreatesTask_desc_disabled">Você pode editar o título da tarefa após a entrada por voz terminar.</string>
<!-- Preference: Voice reminders if TTS-service is available -->
<string name="EPr_voiceRemindersEnabled_title">Lembretes Falados</string>
<!-- Preference: Voice reminders description (true) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceRemindersEnabled_desc_enabled">Astrid irá falar o nome das tarefas durante os lembretes</string>
<!-- Preference: Voice reminders description (false) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceRemindersEnabled_desc_disabled">Astrid irá tocar um som durante o lembrete</string>
<!-- Preference Category: Voice Title -->
<string name="EPr_voice_header">Configurações de entrada de voz</string>
<string name="welcome_show_eula">Accept EULA to get started!</string>
<string name="welcome_setting">Show Tutorial</string>
<string name="welcome_title_1">Bem vindo ao Astrid!</string>
<string name="welcome_title_2">Make lists</string>
<string name="welcome_title_3">Share lists</string>
<string name="welcome_title_4">Divvy up tasks</string>
<string name="welcome_title_5">Provide details</string>
<string name="welcome_title_6">Discover</string>
<string name="welcome_title_7">Connect now\nto get started!</string>
<string name="welcome_title_7_return">That\'s it!</string>
<string name="welcome_body_1">The perfect to-do list that \nworks great with friends</string>
<string name="welcome_body_2">Perfect for any list:\nread, watch, buy, visit!</string>
<string name="welcome_body_3">Share lists with \nfriends, housemates,\nor your sweetheart!</string>
<string name="welcome_body_4">Never wonder who\'s\nbringing dessert!</string>
<string name="welcome_body_5">Tap to add notes,\nset reminders,\nand much more!</string>
<string name="welcome_body_6">Additional features,\nproductivity tips, and\nsuggestions from friends</string>
<string name="welcome_body_7">Login</string>
<string name="welcome_body_7_return">Tap Astrid to return.</string>