util/nocasemaps: add AppendSliceElem method to nocasemaps (#10871)

Updates #7667

Signed-off-by: Anishka Singh <anishkasingh66@gmail.com>
as2643 5 months ago committed by GitHub
parent 2ce596ea7a
commit 832e5c781d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

@ -74,6 +74,22 @@ func Delete[K ~string, V any](m map[K]V, k K) {
delete(m, K(appendToLower(a[:0], string(k))))
// AppendSliceElem is equivalent to:
// append(m[strings.ToLower(k)], v)
func AppendSliceElem[K ~string, S []E, E any](m map[K]S, k K, vs ...E) {
// if the key is already lowercased
if isLowerASCII(string(k)) {
m[k] = append(m[k], vs...)
// if key needs to become lowercase, uses appendToLower
var a [stackArraySize]byte
s := appendToLower(a[:0], string(k))
m[K(s)] = append(m[K(s)], vs...)
func isLowerASCII(s string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if c := s[i]; c >= utf8.RuneSelf || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') {

@ -45,6 +45,23 @@ func Test(t *testing.T) {
c.Assert(m, qt.DeepEquals, map[string]int{"hello": 2, "baz": 5})
Delete(m, "BAZ")
c.Assert(m, qt.DeepEquals, map[string]int{"hello": 2})
// test cases for AppendSliceElem with int slices
appendTestInt := make(map[string][]int)
Set(appendTestInt, "firsT", []int{7})
c.Assert(appendTestInt, qt.DeepEquals, map[string][]int{"first": {7}})
AppendSliceElem(appendTestInt, "firsT", 77)
c.Assert(appendTestInt, qt.DeepEquals, map[string][]int{"first": {7, 77}})
Set(appendTestInt, "SeCOnd", []int{56})
c.Assert(appendTestInt, qt.DeepEquals, map[string][]int{"first": {7, 77}, "second": {56}})
AppendSliceElem(appendTestInt, "seCOnd", 563, 23)
c.Assert(appendTestInt, qt.DeepEquals, map[string][]int{"first": {7, 77}, "second": {56, 563, 23}})
// test cases for AppendSliceElem with string slices
appendTestString := make(map[string][]string)
Set(appendTestString, "firsTSTRING", []string{"hi"})
c.Assert(appendTestString, qt.DeepEquals, map[string][]string{"firststring": {"hi"}})
AppendSliceElem(appendTestString, "firsTSTRING", "hello", "bye")
c.Assert(appendTestString, qt.DeepEquals, map[string][]string{"firststring": {"hi", "hello", "bye"}})
var lowerTests = []struct{ in, want string }{
