want:`'tailscale up' without --reset requires all preferences with changing values to be explicitly mentioned; --hostname is not specified but its default value of "" differs from current value "foo"`,
want:`'tailscale up' without --reset requires all preferences with changing values to be explicitly mentioned; --operator is not specified but its default value of "" differs from current value "alice"`,
want:"'tailscale up' without --reset requires all preferences with changing values to be explicitly mentioned; --advertise-exit-node flag not mentioned but currently advertised routes are an exit node",
want:"'tailscale up' without --reset requires all preferences with changing values to be explicitly mentioned; --advertise-exit-node flag not mentioned but currently advertised routes are an exit node",
errs =append(errs,errors.New("'tailscale up' without --reset requires all preferences with changing values to be explicitly mentioned; --advertise-exit-node flag not mentioned but currently advertised routes are an exit node"))
errs=append(errs,fmt.Errorf("'tailscale up' without --reset requires all preferences with changing values to be explicitly mentioned; this command would change the value of flagless pref %q",prefName))
returnfmt.Errorf("'tailscale up' without --reset requires all preferences with changing values to be explicitly mentioned; this command would change the value of flagless pref %q",prefName)
errs=append(errs,errors.New("'tailscale up' without --reset requires all preferences with changing values to be explicitly mentioned; --exit-node is not specified but an exit node is currently configured"))
errs=append(errs,fmt.Errorf("'tailscale up' without --reset requires all preferences with changing values to be explicitly mentioned; --%s is not specified but its default value of %v differs from current value %v",