net/dns: unconditionally write NRPT rules to local settings

We were being too aggressive when deciding whether to write our NRPT rules
to the local registry key or the group policy registry key.

After once again reviewing the document which calls itself a spec
(see issue), it is clear that the presence of the DnsPolicyConfig subkey
is the important part, not the presence of values set in the DNSClient
subkey. Furthermore, a footnote indicates that the presence of
DnsPolicyConfig in the GPO key will always override its counterpart in
the local key. The implication of this is important: we may unconditionally
write our NRPT rules to the local key. We copy our rules to the policy
key only when it contains NRPT rules belonging to somebody other than us.


Signed-off-by: Aaron Klotz <>
Aaron Klotz 2 months ago
parent 9d021579e7
commit 4d5d669cd5

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func TestManagerWindowsGP(t *testing.T) {
runTest(t, false)
func TestManagerWindowsGPMove(t *testing.T) {
func TestManagerWindowsGPCopy(t *testing.T) {
if !isWindows10OrBetter() || !winutil.IsCurrentProcessElevated() {
t.Skipf("test requires running as elevated user on Windows 10+")
@ -139,10 +139,10 @@ func TestManagerWindowsGPMove(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("regWatcher.wait: %v\n", err)
// 3. Check that local NRPT is empty and GP is populated
// 3. Check that both local NRPT and GP NRPT are populated
t.Logf("Validating that group policy NRPT is populated...\n")
validateRegistry(t, nrptBaseLocal, domains)
validateRegistry(t, nrptBaseGP, domains)
ensureNoRulesInSubkey(t, nrptBaseLocal)
// 4. Delete fake GP key and refresh
t.Logf("Deleting fake group policy key and refreshing...\n")
@ -578,25 +578,11 @@ func (trk *gpNotificationTracker) Close() error {
type regKeyWatcher struct {
keyLocal registry.Key
keyGP registry.Key
evtLocal windows.Handle
evtGP windows.Handle
func newRegKeyWatcher() (*regKeyWatcher, error) {
var err error
keyLocal, _, err := registry.CreateKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, nrptBaseLocal, registry.READ)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
func newRegKeyWatcher() (result *regKeyWatcher, err error) {
// Monitor dnsBaseGP instead of nrptBaseGP, since the latter will be
// repeatedly created and destroyed throughout the course of the test.
keyGP, _, err := registry.CreateKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, dnsBaseGP, registry.READ)
@ -609,58 +595,31 @@ func newRegKeyWatcher() (*regKeyWatcher, error) {
evtLocal, err := windows.CreateEvent(nil, 0, 0, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
evtGP, err := windows.CreateEvent(nil, 0, 0, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &regKeyWatcher{
keyLocal: keyLocal,
return &regKeyWatcher{
keyGP: keyGP,
evtLocal: evtLocal,
evtGP: evtGP,
return result, nil
}, nil
func (rw *regKeyWatcher) watch() error {
// We can make these waits thread-agnostic because the tests that use this code must already run on Windows 10+
err := windows.RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(windows.Handle(rw.keyLocal), true,
if err != nil {
return err
return windows.RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(windows.Handle(rw.keyGP), true,
func (rw *regKeyWatcher) wait() error {
handles := []windows.Handle{
waitCode, err := windows.WaitForSingleObject(
waitCode, err := windows.WaitForMultipleObjects(
true, // Wait for both events to signal before resuming.
10000, // 10 seconds (as milliseconds)
const WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x102
switch waitCode {
case uint32(windows.WAIT_TIMEOUT):
return context.DeadlineExceeded
case windows.WAIT_FAILED:
return err
@ -670,9 +629,7 @@ func (rw *regKeyWatcher) wait() error {
func (rw *regKeyWatcher) Close() error {
return nil

@ -86,12 +86,8 @@ func newNRPTRuleDatabase(logf logger.Logf) *nrptRuleDatabase {
func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) loadRuleSubkeyNames() {
result := winutil.GetRegStrings(nrptRuleIDValueName, nil)
if result == nil {
// Use the legacy rule ID if none are specified in our registry key
result = []string{nrptSingleRuleID}
db.ruleIDs = result
db.ruleIDs = winutil.GetRegStrings(nrptRuleIDValueName, []string{nrptSingleRuleID})
// detectWriteAsGP determines which registry path should be used for writing
@ -113,41 +109,20 @@ func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) detectWriteAsGP() {
db.writeAsGP = writeAsGP
db.logf("nrptRuleDatabase using group policy: %v, was %v\n", writeAsGP, prev)
// When db.watcher == nil, prev != writeAsGP because we're initializing, not
// because anything has changed. We do not invoke db.movePolicies in that case.
// because anything has changed. We do not invoke
// db.updateGroupPoliciesLocked in that case.
if db.watcher != nil && prev != writeAsGP {
dnsKey, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, dnsBaseGP, registry.READ)
if err != nil {
db.logf("Failed to open key %q with error: %v\n", dnsBaseGP, err)
defer dnsKey.Close()
ki, err := dnsKey.Stat()
if err != nil {
db.logf("Failed to stat key %q with error: %v\n", dnsBaseGP, err)
// If the dnsKey contains any values, then we need to use the GP key.
if ki.ValueCount > 0 {
writeAsGP = true
if ki.SubKeyCount == 0 {
// If dnsKey contains no values and no subkeys, then we definitely don't
// need to use the GP key.
// Get a list of all the NRPT rules under the GP subkey.
nrptKey, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, nrptBaseGP, registry.READ)
if err != nil {
if err != registry.ErrNotExist {
db.logf("Failed to open key %q with error: %v\n", nrptBaseGP, err)
// If this subkey does not exist then we definitely don't need to use the GP key.
defer nrptKey.Close()
@ -253,14 +228,7 @@ func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) WriteSplitDNSConfig(servers []string, domains []dnsn
// NRPT has an undocumented restriction that each rule may only be associated
// with a maximum of 50 domains. If we are setting rules for more domains
// than that, we need to split domains into chunks and write out a rule per chunk.
dq := len(domains) / nrptMaxDomainsPerRule
dr := len(domains) % nrptMaxDomainsPerRule
domainRulesLen := dq
if dr > 0 {
domainRulesLen := (len(domains) + nrptMaxDomainsPerRule - 1) / nrptMaxDomainsPerRule
for len(db.ruleIDs) < domainRulesLen {
@ -348,28 +316,26 @@ func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) refreshLocked() {
func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) writeNRPTRule(ruleID string, servers, doms []string) error {
var nrptBase string
if db.writeAsGP {
nrptBase = nrptBaseGP
} else {
nrptBase = nrptBaseLocal
subKeys := []string{nrptBaseLocal, nrptBaseGP}
if !db.writeAsGP {
// We don't want to write to the GP key, so chop nrptBaseGP off of subKeys.
subKeys = subKeys[:1]
keyStr := nrptBase + `\` + ruleID
// CreateKey is actually open-or-create, which suits us fine.
key, _, err := registry.CreateKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, keyStr, registry.SET_VALUE)
for _, subKeyBase := range subKeys {
subKey := strings.Join([]string{subKeyBase, ruleID}, `\`)
key, _, err := registry.CreateKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, subKey, registry.SET_VALUE)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("opening %s: %w", keyStr, err)
return fmt.Errorf("opening %q: %w", subKey, err)
defer key.Close()
if err := writeNRPTValues(key, strings.Join(servers, "; "), doms); err != nil {
return err
db.isGPDirty = db.writeAsGP
return nil
@ -400,8 +366,6 @@ func writeNRPTValues(key registry.Key, servers string, doms []string) error {
func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) watchForGPChanges() {
watchHandler := func() {
// Do not invoke detectWriteAsGP when we ourselves were responsible for
// initiating the group policy refresh.
@ -420,35 +384,30 @@ func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) watchForGPChanges() {
db.watcher = watcher
// movePolicies moves each NRPT rule depending on the value of writeAsGP.
// When writeAsGP is true, each NRPT rule is moved from the local NRPT table
// to the group policy NRPT table. When writeAsGP is false, the move is
// executed in the opposite direction. should already be locked.
func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) movePolicies(writeAsGP bool) {
// Since we're moving either in or out of the group policy NRPT table, we need
// to refresh once this movePolicies is done.
// updateGroupPoliciesLocked updates the NRPT group policy table depending on
// the value of writeAsGP. When writeAsGP is true, each NRPT rule is copied from
// the local NRPT table to the group policy NRPT table. When writeAsGP is false,
// we remove any Tailscale NRPT rules from the group policy table and, if no
// non-Tailscale rules remain, we also delete the entire DnsPolicyConfig subkey.
// must already be locked.
func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) updateGroupPoliciesLocked(writeAsGP bool) {
// Since we're updating the group policy NRPT table, we need
// to refresh once this updateGroupPoliciesLocked is done.
defer db.refreshLocked()
var fromBase string
var toBase string
for _, id := range db.ruleIDs {
if writeAsGP {
fromBase = nrptBaseLocal
toBase = nrptBaseGP
} else {
fromBase = nrptBaseGP
toBase = nrptBaseLocal
if err := copyNRPTRule(id); err != nil {
db.logf("updateGroupPoliciesLocked: copyNRPTRule(%q) failed with error %v", id, err)
fromBase += `\`
toBase += `\`
for _, id := range db.ruleIDs {
fromStr := fromBase + id
toStr := toBase + id
if err := executeMove(fromStr, toStr); err != nil {
db.logf("movePolicies: executeMove(\"%s\", \"%s\") failed with error %v", fromStr, toStr, err)
} else {
subKeyFrom := strings.Join([]string{nrptBaseGP, id}, `\`)
if err := registry.DeleteKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, subKeyFrom); err != nil && err != registry.ErrNotExist {
db.logf("updateGroupPoliciesLocked: DeleteKey for rule %q failed with error %v", id, err)
db.isGPDirty = true
@ -457,30 +416,31 @@ func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) movePolicies(writeAsGP bool) {
// Now that we have moved our rules out of the group policy subkey, it should
// Now that we have removed our rules from group policy subkey, it should
// now be empty. Let's verify that.
isEmpty, err := isPolicyConfigSubkeyEmpty()
if err != nil {
db.logf("movePolicies: isPolicyConfigSubkeyEmpty error %v", err)
db.logf("updateGroupPoliciesLocked: isPolicyConfigSubkeyEmpty error %v", err)
if !isEmpty {
db.logf("movePolicies: policy config subkey should be empty, but isn't!")
db.logf("updateGroupPoliciesLocked: policy config subkey should be empty, but isn't!")
// Delete the subkey itself. Group policy will continue to override local
// settings unless we do so.
if err := registry.DeleteKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, nrptBaseGP); err != nil {
db.logf("movePolicies DeleteKey error %v", err)
db.logf("updateGroupPoliciesLocked DeleteKey error %v", err)
db.isGPDirty = true
func executeMove(subKeyFrom, subKeyTo string) error {
err := func() error {
// Move the NRPT registry values from subKeyFrom to subKeyTo.
func copyNRPTRule(ruleID string) error {
subKeyFrom := strings.Join([]string{nrptBaseLocal, ruleID}, `\`)
subKeyTo := strings.Join([]string{nrptBaseGP, ruleID}, `\`)
fromKey, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, subKeyFrom, registry.QUERY_VALUE)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -499,13 +459,6 @@ func executeMove(subKeyFrom, subKeyTo string) error {
return writeNRPTValues(toKey, servers, doms)
if err != nil {
return err
// This is a move operation, so we must delete subKeyFrom.
return registry.DeleteKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, subKeyFrom)
func (db *nrptRuleDatabase) Close() error {
