meshPSKFile=flag.String("mesh-psk-file",defaultMeshPSKFile(),"if non-empty, path to file containing the mesh pre-shared key file. It should contain some hex string; whitespace is trimmed.")
meshWith=flag.String("mesh-with","","optional comma-separated list of hostnames to mesh with; the server's own hostname can be in the list")
bootstrapDNS=flag.String("bootstrap-dns-names","","optional comma-separated list of hostnames to make available at /bootstrap-dns")
unpublishedDNS=flag.String("unpublished-bootstrap-dns-names","","optional comma-separated list of hostnames to make available at /bootstrap-dns and not publish in the list")
unpublishedDNS=flag.String("unpublished-bootstrap-dns-names","","optional comma-separated list of hostnames to make available at /bootstrap-dns and not publish in the list. If an entry contains a slash, the second part names a DNS record to poll for its TXT record with a `0` to `100` value for rollout percentage.")
verifyClients=flag.Bool("verify-clients",false,"verify clients to this DERP server through a local tailscaled instance.")
verifyClientURL=flag.String("verify-client-url","","if non-empty, an admission controller URL for permitting client connections; see tailcfg.DERPAdmitClientRequest")
verifyFailOpen=flag.Bool("verify-client-url-fail-open",true,"whether we fail open if --verify-client-url is unreachable")