Motivated by currently requiring UDP services to be bound to
"fly-global-services" which TCP cannot bind to:
Updates #12129
Signed-off-by: Val Packett <>
versionFlag=flag.Bool("version",false,"print version and exit")
versionFlag=flag.Bool("version",false,"print version and exit")
addr=flag.String("a",":443","server HTTP/HTTPS listen address, in form \":port\", \"ip:port\", or for IPv6 \"[ip]:port\". If the IP is omitted, it defaults to all interfaces. Serves HTTPS if the port is 443 and/or -certmode is manual, otherwise HTTP.")
addr=flag.String("a",":443","server HTTP/HTTPS listen address, in form \":port\", \"ip:port\", or for IPv6 \"[ip]:port\". If the IP is omitted, it defaults to all interfaces. Serves HTTPS if the port is 443 and/or -certmode is manual, otherwise HTTP.")
httpPort=flag.Int("http-port",80,"The port on which to serve HTTP. Set to -1 to disable. The listener is bound to the same IP (if any) as specified in the -a flag.")
httpPort=flag.Int("http-port",80,"The port on which to serve HTTP. Set to -1 to disable. The listener is bound to the same IP (if any) as specified in the -a flag.")
stunPort=flag.Int("stun-port",3478,"The UDP port on which to serve STUN. The listener is bound to the same IP (if any) as specified in the -a flag.")
stunPort=flag.String("stun-port",":3478","The UDP address/port on which to serve STUN. If a bare port is provided (not \":port\"), the listener is bound to the same IP (if any) as specified in the -a flag.")
configPath=flag.String("c","","config file path")
configPath=flag.String("c","","config file path")
certMode=flag.String("certmode","letsencrypt","mode for getting a cert. possible options: manual, letsencrypt")
certMode=flag.String("certmode","letsencrypt","mode for getting a cert. possible options: manual, letsencrypt")
certDir=flag.String("certdir",tsweb.DefaultCertDir("derper-certs"),"directory to store LetsEncrypt certs, if addr's port is :443")
certDir=flag.String("certdir",tsweb.DefaultCertDir("derper-certs"),"directory to store LetsEncrypt certs, if addr's port is :443")