@ -250,10 +250,25 @@ func (t *debTarget) Build(b *dist.Build) ([]string, error) {
PreRemove: filepath.Join(repoDir, "release/deb/debian.prerm.sh"),
PostRemove: filepath.Join(repoDir, "release/deb/debian.postrm.sh"),
Depends: []string{"iptables", "iproute2"},
Recommends: []string{"tailscale-archive-keyring (>= 1.35.181)"},
Replaces: []string{"tailscale-relay"},
Conflicts: []string{"tailscale-relay"},
Depends: []string{},
Recommends: []string{
"tailscale-archive-keyring (>= 1.35.181)",
// iptables is often required but not strictly needed; see
// https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/9236.
// We want to let people be able to install without it
// or remove it after the fact if they want.
// The "ip" command isn't needed since 2021-11-01 in
// 408b0923a61972ed but kept as an option as of
// 2021-11-18 in d24ed3f68e35e802d531371. See
// https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/391.
// We keep it recommended because it's usually
// installed anyway and it's useful for debugging. But
// we can live without it, so it's not Depends.
Replaces: []string{"tailscale-relay"},
Conflicts: []string{"tailscale-relay"},
pkg, err := nfpm.Get("deb")