logpolicy: cleanup options API and allow setting http.Client

This package grew organically over time and
is an awful mix of explicitly declared options and
globally set parameters via environment variables and
other subtle effects.

Add a new Options and TransportOptions type to
allow for the creation of a Policy or http.RoundTripper
with some set of options.
The options struct avoids the need to add yet more
NewXXX functions for every possible combination of
ordered arguments.

The goal of this refactor is to allow specifying the http.Client
to use with the Policy.

Updates tailscale/corp#18177

Signed-off-by: Joe Tsai <joetsai@digital-static.net>
Joe Tsai 3 months ago
parent b104688e04
commit 15e49db3f6

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ package logpolicy
import (
@ -443,22 +444,47 @@ func tryFixLogStateLocation(dir, cmdname string, logf logger.Logf) {
// New returns a new log policy (a logger and its instance ID) for a given
// collection name.
// The netMon parameter is optional; if non-nil it's used to do faster
// interface lookups.
// The logf parameter is optional; if non-nil, information logs (e.g. when
// migrating state) are sent to that logger, and global changes to the log
// package are avoided. If nil, logs will be printed using log.Printf.
// Deprecated: Use [Options.New] instead.
func New(collection string, netMon *netmon.Monitor, logf logger.Logf) *Policy {
return NewWithConfigPath(collection, "", "", netMon, logf)
return Options{Collection: collection, NetMon: netMon, Logf: logf}.New()
// NewWithConfigPath is identical to New, but uses the specified directory and
// command name. If either is empty, it derives them automatically.
// Deprecated: Use [Options.New] instead.
func NewWithConfigPath(collection, dir, cmdName string, netMon *netmon.Monitor, logf logger.Logf) *Policy {
return Options{Collection: collection, Dir: dir, CmdName: cmdName, NetMon: netMon, Logf: logf}.New()
// Options is used to construct a [Policy].
type Options struct {
// Collection is a required collection to upload logs under.
// Collection is a namespace for the type logs.
// For example, logs for a node use "tailnode.log.tailscale.io".
Collection string
// Dir is an optional directory to store the log configuration.
// If empty, [LogsDir] is used.
Dir string
// CmdName is an optional name of the current binary.
// If empty, [version.CmdName] is used.
CmdName string
// NetMon is an optional parameter for monitoring.
// If non-nil, it's used to do faster interface lookups.
NetMon *netmon.Monitor
// Logf is an optional logger to use.
// If nil, [log.Printf] will be used instead.
Logf logger.Logf
// HTTPC is an optional client to use upload logs.
// If nil, [TransportOptions.New] is used to construct a new client
// with that particular transport sending logs to the default logs server.
HTTPC *http.Client
// New returns a new log policy (a logger and its instance ID).
func (opts Options) New() *Policy {
var lflags int
if term.IsTerminal(2) || runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
lflags = 0
@ -481,13 +507,16 @@ func NewWithConfigPath(collection, dir, cmdName string, netMon *netmon.Monitor,
dir := opts.Dir
if dir == "" {
dir = LogsDir(earlyLogf)
cmdName := opts.CmdName
if cmdName == "" {
cmdName = version.CmdName()
logf := opts.Logf
useStdLogger := logf == nil
if useStdLogger {
logf = log.Printf
@ -541,9 +570,9 @@ func NewWithConfigPath(collection, dir, cmdName string, netMon *netmon.Monitor,
if err != nil {
earlyLogf("logpolicy.ConfigFromFile %v: %v", cfgPath, err)
if err := newc.Validate(collection); err != nil {
if err := newc.Validate(opts.Collection); err != nil {
earlyLogf("logpolicy.Config.Validate for %v: %v", cfgPath, err)
newc = NewConfig(collection)
newc = NewConfig(opts.Collection)
if err := newc.Save(cfgPath); err != nil {
earlyLogf("logpolicy.Config.Save for %v: %v", cfgPath, err)
@ -554,9 +583,8 @@ func NewWithConfigPath(collection, dir, cmdName string, netMon *netmon.Monitor,
PrivateID: newc.PrivateID,
Stderr: logWriter{console},
CompressLogs: true,
HTTPC: &http.Client{Transport: NewLogtailTransport(logtail.DefaultHost, netMon, logf)},
if collection == logtail.CollectionNode {
if opts.Collection == logtail.CollectionNode {
conf.MetricsDelta = clientmetric.EncodeLogTailMetricsDelta
conf.IncludeProcID = true
conf.IncludeProcSequence = true
@ -565,11 +593,13 @@ func NewWithConfigPath(collection, dir, cmdName string, netMon *netmon.Monitor,
if envknob.NoLogsNoSupport() || testenv.InTest() {
logf("You have disabled logging. Tailscale will not be able to provide support.")
conf.HTTPC = &http.Client{Transport: noopPretendSuccessTransport{}}
} else if val := getLogTarget(); val != "" {
} else if val := getLogTarget(); val != "" && opts.HTTPC == nil {
logf("You have enabled a non-default log target. Doing without being told to by Tailscale staff or your network administrator will make getting support difficult.")
conf.BaseURL = val
u, _ := url.Parse(val)
conf.HTTPC = &http.Client{Transport: NewLogtailTransport(u.Host, netMon, logf)}
conf.HTTPC = &http.Client{Transport: NewLogtailTransport(u.Host, opts.NetMon, logf)}
} else if opts.HTTPC == nil {
conf.HTTPC = &http.Client{Transport: NewLogtailTransport(logtail.DefaultHost, opts.NetMon, logf)}
filchOptions := filch.Options{
@ -734,19 +764,40 @@ func dialContext(ctx context.Context, netw, addr string, netMon *netmon.Monitor,
return c, err
// NewLogtailTransport returns an HTTP Transport particularly suited to uploading
// logs to the given host name. See DialContext for details on how it works.
// The netMon parameter is optional; if non-nil it's used to do faster interface lookups.
// The logf parameter is optional; if non-nil, logs are printed using the
// provided function; if nil, log.Printf will be used instead.
// Deprecated: Use [TransportOptions.New] instead.
func NewLogtailTransport(host string, netMon *netmon.Monitor, logf logger.Logf) http.RoundTripper {
return TransportOptions{Host: host, NetMon: netMon, Logf: logf}.New()
// TransportOptions is used to construct an [http.RoundTripper].
type TransportOptions struct {
// Host is the optional hostname of the logs server.
// If empty, then [logtail.DefaultHost] is used.
Host string
// NetMon is an optional parameter for monitoring.
// If non-nil, it's used to do faster interface lookups.
NetMon *netmon.Monitor
// Logf is an optional logger to use.
// If nil, [log.Printf] will be used instead.
Logf logger.Logf
// TLSClientConfig is an optional TLS configuration to use.
TLSClientConfig *tls.Config
// New returns an HTTP Transport particularly suited to uploading
// logs to the given host name. See [DialContext] for details on how it works.
func (opts TransportOptions) New() http.RoundTripper {
if testenv.InTest() {
return noopPretendSuccessTransport{}
// Start with a copy of http.DefaultTransport and tweak it a bit.
tr := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
if opts.TLSClientConfig != nil {
tr.TLSClientConfig = opts.TLSClientConfig
tr.Proxy = tshttpproxy.ProxyFromEnvironment
@ -757,10 +808,11 @@ func NewLogtailTransport(host string, netMon *netmon.Monitor, logf logger.Logf)
tr.DisableCompression = true
// Log whenever we dial:
logf := opts.Logf
if logf == nil {
logf = log.Printf
tr.DialContext = MakeDialFunc(netMon, logf)
tr.DialContext = MakeDialFunc(opts.NetMon, logf)
// We're uploading logs ideally infrequently, with specific timing that will
// change over time. Try to keep the connection open, to avoid repeatedly
@ -782,6 +834,7 @@ func NewLogtailTransport(host string, netMon *netmon.Monitor, logf logger.Logf)
tr.TLSNextProto = map[string]func(authority string, c *tls.Conn) http.RoundTripper{}
host := cmp.Or(opts.Host, logtail.DefaultHost)
tr.TLSClientConfig = tlsdial.Config(host, tr.TLSClientConfig)
return tr
