"description":"header for the allowed requests column"
"description":"header for the allowed requests column"
"description":"header for the blocked requests column"
"description":"header for the blocked requests column"
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter “<code>0<\/code>” to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>A <i>uMatrix<\/i> lehetőséget ad a weboldalak által generált legutóbbi nyers HTTP lekérések részleteinek megtekintésére.<\/p><p>Ez leginkább haladó felhasználók számára hasznos, akik szeretnének képben lenni a weboldal tényleges működésével.<\/p><p>Természetesen a HTTP lekérések naplózása memóriát foglal, ezért amennyiben ilyen részletes technikai információkra nincs szükség, abban az esetben érdemes ezt a funkciót kikapcsolni memóriamegtakarítás céljából.<\/p><p>Ebben a mezőben megadható a maximálisan eltárolt HTTP lekérések száma; “<code>0<\/code>”-ra állítva ez a funkció kikapcsolásra kerül.<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -268,15 +268,15 @@
"message":"Színtévesztőbarát mód",
"message":"Kényelmi beállítások",
"description":"English: Convenience"
"description":"English: Convenience"
"message":"Intelligens újratöltése a következő oldalaknak, ha a matrix be van zárva:",
"message":"A mátrix bezárásával a következő lapok intelligens újratöltése:",
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Amennyiben a mátrixban olyan változtatások történnek, amelyek egy, vagy több oldal megjelenítését vagy működését befolyásolják, a mátrix bezárása után a <i>uMatrix<\/i> automatikusan újra fogja tölteni az érintett oldalakat.",
@ -308,11 +308,11 @@
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"message":"Blokkolt elemek helyőrzőinek elrejtése",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"Felhőben tárolás bekapcsolása",
"message":"Felhőszolgáltatások támogatása",
@ -324,23 +324,23 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>A <i>uMatrix<\/i> a tiltólistás sütik böngészőből való távozását tiltja csak meg, a böngészőbe érkezésüket nem akadályozza meg. Ezúton tudomás szerezhető arról, ha egy oldal sütiket akar tárolni, valamint azok tartalma is megtekinthetővé válik.<\/p><p>Ezen opció bejelölésével a <i>uMatrix<\/i>, automatikusan eltávolítja a beérkezett tiltott sütiket.<\/p><p><b>Fontos:<\/b> Nemcsak oldalak, hanem kiegészítők is indíthatnak lekérdezéseket működésük során, amelyek sütik létrehozásához vezethetnek. Amennyiben ez az opció engedélyezve van, továbbá a lekérésekhez tartozó hostneveken a sütik blokkolva vannak, akkor azok el lesznek távolítva a <i>uMatrix<\/i> által. Ez egyes kiegészítőknél hibás működést eredményezhet, amíg az általuk használt hostnevekről kapott sütik nincsenek engedélyezve.<\/p>",
"message":"Adott munkamenetben a nem blokkolt sütik törlése ",
"description":"First part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"description":"First part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":" perc elteltével az utolsó használatuk után.",
"message":" perccel az utolsó használatuk után.",
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: “A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.”<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: “A munkamenet süti ... eltávolításra kerül a böngészési munkamenettel befejezően. A munkamenet süti ideiglenes memóriában tárolódik és a böngésző bezárásával törlésre kerül.”<\/p><p>Viszont pár böngészőnél <a href='https:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>előfordulhat, hogy nem ez történik<\/a>, valamint nem minden esetben elfogadható megoldás a böngésző csak a munkamenet sütik törléséért való bezárása.<\/p>",
"message":"Delete <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Web_storage'>local storage<\/a> content set by blocked hostnames",
"message":"Blokkolt hostnevek által <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Web_storage'>helyileg tárolt<\/a> adatok törlése",
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
"message":"Gyorsítótárak ürítése minden",
"message":"Gyorsítótárak ürítése",
"description":"First part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"description":"First part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
@ -356,43 +356,43 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p>[1] <a href='https:\/\/grepular.com\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>“Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache”<\/a>\n[2] <a href='http:\/\/lucb1e.com\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>“Cookieless cookies”<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Egyes weboldalak annyira elszántan követni szeretnék a felhasználóikat, hogy képesek nem kifejezetten szép trükköket is bevetni a követés ellen tett lépéseik kikerülése érdekében.<\/p><p>Pár ilyen trükk<sup>[1, 2]<\/sup> a <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Web_cache'>böngésző gyorsítótárát<\/a> használja fel, tekintve, hogy a felhasználók ritkán ürítik ki azt, így gyakran sokáig eltárolásra kerülnek ezek a követők.<\/p><p>A böngésző gyorsítótárának gyakori ürítése kevés hátránnyal jár, (legtöbbször fel sem tűnik,) ráadásul megállítja ezeket az ellenszenves követéseket a személyes adatok védelme érdekében.<\/p><p>Ezen opció engedélyezésekor a <i>uMatrix<\/i> kiüríti a böngészó gyorsítótárát a megadott időközönként.<\/p><p>[1] <a href='https:\/\/grepular.com\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>“Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache”<\/a>\n[2] <a href='http:\/\/lucb1e.com\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>“Cookieless cookies”<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"Spoof <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>HTTP referrer<\/a> string of third-party requests.",
"message":"A <a href='https:\/\/hu.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>HTTP referer<\/a> header meghamisítása harmadik fél felé küldött lekérések esetében.",
"message":"From Wikipedia:<blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"Wikipediából:<blockquote>A Referer egy olyan HTTP header, ami meghatározza annak a weboldalnak címét, ami a lekért oldalra mutatott. ... <b>Mivel ez az információ a személyes adatok védelmét sértheti, néhány böngésző megengedi a felhasználóknak, hogy kikapcsolják ennek az információnak az elküldését.<\/b><\/blockquote>Ezen beállítás engedélyezésekor a <i>uMatrix<\/i> meg fogja hamisítani a referer információt abban az esetben, ha a referer domain neve harmadik félnek számít a lekérés domain nevéhez képest.",
"message":"<p>From <a href='https:\/\/developer.mozilla.org\/en-US\/docs\/Security\/MixedContent'>Mozilla Developer Network<\/a>:<\/p><blockquote>If [a] HTTPS page includes content retrieved through regular, cleartext HTTP, then the connection is only partially encrypted: the unencrypted content is accessible to sniffers and can be modified by man-in-the-middle attackers, and therefore the connection is not safeguarded anymore. When a webpage exhibits this behavior, it is called a mixed content page.<\/blockquote>",
"message":"<p>A <a href='https:\/\/developer.mozilla.org\/en-US\/docs\/Security\/MixedContent'>Mozilla Developer Network<\/a>ből:<\/p><blockquote>Amennyiben [egy] HTTPS oldal sima, szöveges HTTP lekérésen kereszül elért elemeket tartalmaz, akkor a kapcsolat csak részben titkosított: a titkosítatlan tartalom a kapcsolatot lehallgató egyének számára is elérhető, valamint megváltoztatható man-in-the-middle támadás által, ezért a kapcsolat nem tekinthető védettnek ezek fényében. Amikor egy oldal ilyen jelenséget produkál, akkor azt kevert tartalmú oldalnak hívjuk.<\/blockquote>",
"message":"Block all <a href='https:\/\/html.spec.whatwg.org\/multipage\/semantics.html#hyperlink-auditing'>hyperlink auditing<\/a> attempts.",
"message":"Minden <a href='https:\/\/html.spec.whatwg.org\/multipage\/links.html#hyperlink-auditing'>hiperlink-auditálási<\/a> kísérlet blokkolása.",
"message":"<p>Hyperlink auditing is a mechanism which allow a party, <b>any party<\/b>, to be informed about which link a user clicked on a particular web page. It is essentially a tracking feature: it allows a web site, or any third-party to that web site, to be informed about which link you clicked on which one of its web pages. The sole purpose is to track your browsing activity.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>A hiperlink-auditálás egy olyan mechanizmus, ami egy hardmadik- <b>vagy bármely<\/b> fél számára lehetővé teszi, hogy visszajelzést kapjanak egy a felhasználó által az oldalon lévő linkre történő kattintásról. Lényegében ez egy követési módszer: lehetővé teszi egy oldalnak, vagy bármely harmadik fél számára, hogy tudomást szerezzenek arról, hogy a felhasználó melyik linkre kattintott az oldalon. Egyetlen célja, hogy a felhasználó böngészési aktivitását nyomonkövesse.<\/p>",
"message":"Spoof <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/User_agent'>User-Agent<\/a> string by randomly picking a new one below every",
"message":"A <a href='https:\/\/hu.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/User_agent'>User-Agent<\/a> header felülírása egy véletlenszerűen kiválasztott stringgel az alábbiak közül",
"description":"First part of UA-spoofing prompt"
"description":"First part of UA-spoofing prompt"
"description":"Second part"
"description":"Second part"
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/www.eff.org\/deeplinks\/2010\/01\/tracking-by-user-agent'>According to the <i>Electronic Frontier Foundation<\/i><\/a>: “[...] your browser sends a ‘User Agent’ header to the website saying precisely which operating system and web browser you are using. This information could help distinguish Internet users from one another because these versions differ, often considerably, from person to person. [...] <b>the User Agent string becomes a real privacy problem<\/b>.”<p>This option allows you to address the privacy issue raised by the EFF. Please note that <a href='https:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=129353'>your actual User Agent string can be leaked<\/a> through WebSockets.<\/p><p>You can supply your own list of user agent strings. One string per line. Blank lines and lines prefixed with ‘#’ will be ignored.<\/p>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/www.eff.org\/deeplinks\/2010\/01\/tracking-by-user-agent'>Az <i>Electronic Frontier Foundation<\/i> szerint<\/a>: “[...] a böngészője ‘User Agent’ headert küld a weboldalnak, ami pontosan meghatározza milyen operációs rendszert és webböngészőt használ. Ez az információ megkönnyíti az internetfelhasználók egymástól való megkülönböztetését, mivel a verziószámok gyakran lényegesen eltérhetnek személyenként. [...] <b>egy User Agent string igazi adatvédelmi problémává válik<\/b>.”<p>Ez a beállítás lehetőséget ad az EFF által ismertetett probléma megoldására. Érdemes megjegyezni, hogy <a href='https:\/\/bugs.chromium.org\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=129353'>a tényleges User Agent string kinyerhető<\/a> WebSocket-en keresztül.<\/p><p>Saját User-Agent string lista megadására is lehetőség van a következő formátumban: Soronként egy string; az üres, valamint ‘#’ karakterrel kezdődő sorok figyelmen kívül lesznek hagyva.<\/p>",
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
"message":"Az alábbi oldalon találod a szintaxis szabályokat.",
"message":"A szintaktikai szabályok az alábbi oldalon találhatók.",
@ -440,19 +440,19 @@
"description":"default file name to use"
"description":"default file name to use"
"message":"All hostnames in a hosts file are loaded as blacklisted hostnames in the global scope.",
"message":"Egy hosts fájlban található összes bejegyzés tiltott hostnév lesz a globális hatáskörre nézve.",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@
"message":"Host fájlok automatikus frissítése.",
"message":"Hosts fájlok automatikus frissítése.",
@ -472,11 +472,11 @@
"message":"One URL per line. Lines prefixed with ‘#’ will be ignored. Invalid URLs will be silently ignored.",
"message":"Soronként egy URL. A ‘#’ karakterrel kezdődő sorok figyelmen kívül lesznek hagyva. Az érvénytelen URL-ek hibaüzenet nélkül figyelmen kívül lesznek hagyva.",
"message":"Minden beállításod felül lesz írva a {{time}}-kor létrehozott mentésből, és az uMatrix újraindul.\n\nMinden létező beállítás felülírása a mentésből?",
"message":"Minden jelenlegi beállítás felülírásra kerül a {{time}} dátumú biztonsági mentésben található beállítással, majd ezt követően a uMatrix újraindul.\n\nBiztosan felülírjam a jelenlegi beállításokat a megadott biztonsági mentéssel?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -564,11 +564,11 @@
"description":"English: Reset to default settings"
"description":"English: Reset to default settings"
"message":"Caution! this will remove all your custom settings. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"message":"Vigyázat! A kiegészítő minden egyéni beállítása eltávolításra fog kerülni. Biztosan ezt tegyem?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"message":"szűrő kifejezés(ek)",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
@ -576,19 +576,19 @@
"description":"Appears as a tooltip when hovering the input field"
"description":"Appears as a tooltip when hovering the input field"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"message":"User-Agent a következőre cserélve: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"message":"cookie deleted: {{value}}",
"message":"süti törölve: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"message":"süti törlése sikertelen: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"böngésző gyorsítótár törölve",
"message":"böngésző gyorsítótárakiürítve",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix a következő oldalt akadályozta meg a betöltésben:",
"message":"A uMatrix megakadályozta a következő oldal betöltését:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
@ -616,11 +616,11 @@
"message":"Domain hozzáadása ideiglenes kivételként",
"message":"Az oldal domainjének ideiglenes engedélyezése",
"message":"Ideiglenes kivétel hozzáadása",
"message":"Minden domain ideiglenes engedélyezése",
"message":"Tentativi sventati di <a href='https:\/\/html.spec.whatwg.org\/multipage\/semantics.html#hyperlink-auditing'>revisione hyperlink<\/a>: {{count}}",
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
"message":"Cache del browser pulite: ",
"message":"Cache del browser pulite: {{count}}",
@ -168,11 +168,11 @@
"message":"Dietro la scena",
"message":"Dietro le quinte",
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"description":"Second part of Remember the last [n] HTTP requests per page"
"message":"<p>You can inspect details of the most recent raw HTTP requests which have been made by a web page (see below).<\/p><p>This is mostly useful to advanced users who want to investigate exactly what a web page has been doing. But logging these HTTP requests requires memory, and if you don't care about this technical information, then memory is being wasted.<\/p><p>Hence this field which lets you adjust the maximum number of the most recent HTTP requests which are to be logged for further inspection.<\/p><p>Enter “<code>0<\/code>” to turn off detailed logging (and consequently reduce the memory footprint of <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"message":"<p>Puoi ispezionare i dettagli della richiesta HTTP raw più recente fatta da una pagina web (vedi sotto).<\/p><p>Questo è utile soprattutto per gli utenti avanzati che vogliono investigare su cosa fa esattamente una pagina web. Tuttavia registrare queste richieste HTTP richiede memoria, e se non ti interessano le informazioni tecniche, allora è uno spreco di memoria.<\/p><p>Ecco questo campo per regolare il massimo numero di richieste HTTP recenti da registrare per ulteriori ispezioni.<\/p><p>Inserisci “<code>0<\/code>” per disattivare la registrazione (e di conseguenza ridurre l'ingombro di memoria di <i>uMatrix<\/i>).<\/p>",
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
"description":"To help user understand the purpose of the log size value"
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
"message":"µMatrix – Opzioni",
"message":"uMatrix – Impostazioni",
@ -272,11 +272,11 @@
"description":"English: Convenience"
"description":"English: Convenience"
"message":"When the matrix is closed, smart reload these tabs:",
"message":"Quando la matrice è chiusa, ricarica queste schede:",
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
"message":"Whenever you make changes in the matrix which can affect the display and\/or behavior of one or more pages, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will reload affected pages automatically when you close the matrix.",
"message":"Ogni volta che effettui modifiche nella matrice che possono influenzare la visualizzazione e\/o il comportamento di una o più pagine, <i>uMatrix<\/i> ricaricherà automaticamente le pagine in questione quando chiudi la matrice.",
@ -308,15 +308,15 @@
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"description":"English: Show the number of distinct requests on the icon"
"message":"Collapse placeholder of blocked elements",
"message":"Nascondi lo spazio riservato agli elementi bloccati",
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"description":"English: Collapse placeholder of blocked elements"
"message":"Enable cloud storage support",
"message":"Attiva il supporto all'archiviazione sul cloud",
"message":"µMatrix – Privacy",
"message":"uMatrix – Privacy",
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
"message":"<p>Blacklisted cookies are not prevented by <i>uMatrix<\/i> from entering your browser. However they are prevented from leaving your browser, which is what really matters. Not blocking cookies before they enter your browser gives you the opportunity to be informed that a site tried to use cookies, and furthermore to inspect their contents if you wish.<\/p><p>Once these blacklisted cookies have been accounted for by <i>uMatrix<\/i>, they can be removed from your browser if you wish so.<\/p><p><b>Important note:<\/b> Extensions can make web requests during the course of their normal operation. These requests can result in cookies being created in the browser. If the hostname from where a cookie originate is not whitelisted, the cookie will be removed from the browser by <i>uMatrix<\/i> if this option is checked. So be sure that the hostname(s) with which an extension communicate is whitelisted.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><i>uMatrix<\/i> non può impedire ai cookie bloccati di entrare nel tuo browser. Tuttavia impedisce che lascino il tuo browser, che è la cosa che conta. Non bloccare i cookie prima che entrino nel tuo browser ti dà la possibilità di sapere che un sito ha provato ad utilizzare cookie, e anche di ispezionarne il contenuto se lo desideri.<\/p><p>Quando questi cookie bloccati vengono presi in gestione da <i>uMatrix<\/i>, possono essere rimossi dal browser se lo desideri.<\/p><p><b>Nota importante:<\/b> Le estensioni possono fare richieste web durante il loro normale funzionamento. Queste richieste possono portare alla creazione di cookie nel browser. Se il nome dell'host da cui proviene un cookie non è presente nella lista bianca, il cookie verrà rimosso dal browser da <i>uMatrix<\/i> se l'opzione è selezionata. Assicurati quindi che il\/i nome\/i dell'host con cui un'estensione comunica sia in lista bianca.<\/p>",
@ -332,19 +332,19 @@
"description":"First part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"description":"First part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":" minutes after the last time they have been used.",
"message":" minuti dopo l'ultima volta che sono stati usati.",
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"description":"Second part of 'Delete non-blocked session cookies [n] minutes after the last time they have been used'"
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: “A session cookie ... is erased when you end the browser session. The session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed.”<\/p><p>Except that this <a href='https:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>might not be happening<\/a> in some browsers. Also, to some, having to close the browser in order for the session cookies to clear might not be early enough.<\/p>",
"message":"<p><a href='http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2001\/tag\/2010\/09\/ClientSideStorage.html'>W3C<\/a>: “Un cookie di sessione ... viene cancellato al termine della sessione del browser. Il cookie di sessione è memorizzato nella memoria temporanea e non viene conservato dopo la chiusura del browser.”<\/p><p>A parte il fatto che ciò <a href='https:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=128513'>potrebbe non accadere<\/a> in alcuni browser. Inoltre, per alcuni, dover chiudere il browser per eliminare i cookie di sessione potrebbe non essere abbastanza presto.<\/p>",
"message":"Delete <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Web_storage'>local storage<\/a> content set by blocked hostnames",
"message":"Elimina il contenuto del <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Web_storage'>local storage<\/a> dei nomi host bloccati",
"message":"DA FARE",
@ -356,35 +356,35 @@
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"description":"Second part of 'Clear browser cache every [n] minutes'"
"message":"<p>Some web sites are really bent on tracking you, so much that they will use not-so-nice tricks to work around whatever measures you take in order to not be tracked.<\/p><p>A few of these tricks rely<sup>[1, 2]<\/sup> on the <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Web_cache'>browser cache<\/a>, which content is often long lasting since rarely will users take the time to regularly clear their browser cache.<\/p><p>There is little inconvenience to clear the browser cache regularly (likelihood is that you won't notice when it happens), and the benefit is to prevent these obnoxious trackers from invading your privacy.<\/p><p>Check this option to have <i>uMatrix<\/i> do it for you, at the interval you wish.<\/p><p>[1] <a href='https:\/\/grepular.com\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>“Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache”<\/a>\n[2] <a href='http:\/\/lucb1e.com\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>“Cookieless cookies”<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"<p>Alcuni siti sono davvero inclini a tracciarti, tanto che utilizzeranno trucchi non molto carini per sorpassare qualsiasi misura prendi per non essere monitorato.<\/p><p>Alcuni di questi trucchi si basano<sup>[1, 2]<\/sup> sulla <a href='https:\/\/it.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Web_cache'>cache del browser<\/a>, il quale contenuto è spesso di lunga durata, dato che raramente gli utenti si prendono il tempo di cancellare regolarmente la cache del loro browser.<\/p><p>C'è poco disagio nel cancellare la cache del browser regolarmente (probabilmente non te ne renderai conto), e il vantaggio è quello di evitare che questi infelici tracker invadano la tua privacy.<\/p><p>Seleziona questa opzione se vuoi che <i>uMatrix<\/i> lo faccia per te, a intervalli scelti.<\/p><p>[1]<a href='https:\/\/grepular.com\/Preventing_Web_Tracking_via_the_Browser_Cache'>“Preventing Web Tracking via the Browser Cache”<\/a>[2] <a href='http:\/\/lucb1e.com\/rp\/cookielesscookies\/'>“Cookieless cookies”<\/a><\/p>",
"message":"Spoof <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>HTTP referrer<\/a> string of third-party requests.",
"message":"Falsifica (spoof) la stringa <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/HTTP_referer'>HTTP referer<\/a> di richieste di terze parti.",
"message":"From Wikipedia:<blockquote>HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. ... <b>Because referer information can violate privacy, some web browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referer information.<\/b><\/blockquote>If this setting is checked, <i>uMatrix<\/i> will spoof the HTTP referrer information if the domain name of the HTTP referrer is third-party to the domain name of net request.",
"message":"Da Wikipedia (en):<blockquote>Un referer HTTP è un campo di intestazione HTTP che identifica l'indirizzo della pagina web di provenienza verso la risorsa richiesta. ... <b>Poiché le informazioni del referer possono violare la privacy, alcuni browser consentono all'utente di disabilitare l'invio delle informazioni del referer.<\/b><\/blockquote>Se questa opzione è selezionata, <i>uMatrix<\/i> falsificherà (spoof) le informazioni del referrer HTTP se il nome di dominio del referrer HTTP è di terze parti.",
"message":"Strict HTTPS: forbid mixed content.",
"message":"Strict HTTPS: proibisci i contenuti misti.",
"message":"<p>From <a href='https:\/\/developer.mozilla.org\/en-US\/docs\/Security\/MixedContent'>Mozilla Developer Network<\/a>:<\/p><blockquote>If [a] HTTPS page includes content retrieved through regular, cleartext HTTP, then the connection is only partially encrypted: the unencrypted content is accessible to sniffers and can be modified by man-in-the-middle attackers, and therefore the connection is not safeguarded anymore. When a webpage exhibits this behavior, it is called a mixed content page.<\/blockquote>",
"message":"<p>Da <a href='https:\/\/developer.mozilla.org\/it\/docs\/Security\/MixedContent'>Mozilla Developer Network<\/a>:<\/p><blockquote>Se [a] la pagina HTTPS include contenuti recuperati attraverso richieste HTTP regolari (non crittografate), la connessione risulterà solo parzialmente criptata: il contenuto non crittografato è accessibile a sniffer e potrebbe essere modificato da attacchi man-in-the-middle. In questo caso la connessione non è più considerata protetta. Quando una pagina web presenta questo comportamento si parla di una pagina con Contenuto Misto.<\/blockquote>",
"message":"Block all <a href='https:\/\/html.spec.whatwg.org\/multipage\/semantics.html#hyperlink-auditing'>hyperlink auditing<\/a> attempts.",
"message":"Blocca tutti i tentativi di <a href='https:\/\/html.spec.whatwg.org\/multipage\/semantics.html#hyperlink-auditing'>revisione degli hyperlink<\/a>.",
"message":"<p>Hyperlink auditing is a mechanism which allow a party, <b>any party<\/b>, to be informed about which link a user clicked on a particular web page. It is essentially a tracking feature: it allows a web site, or any third-party to that web site, to be informed about which link you clicked on which one of its web pages. The sole purpose is to track your browsing activity.<\/p>",
"message":"<p>La revisione degli hyperlink è un meccanismo che consente a una parte, <b>qualsiasi parte<\/b>, di essere informata su quale link ha cliccato l'utente in una pagina web. Si tratta essenzialmente di una funzione di tracciamento: permette a un sito, o a qualsiasi terza parte di quel sito, di essere informato su quale link hai cliccato su quale delle sue pagine web. L'unico scopo è quello di tracciare la tua attività di navigazione.<\/p>",
"message":"Spoof <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/User_agent'>User-Agent<\/a> string by randomly picking a new one below every",
"message":"Falsifica (spoof) la stringa <a href='https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/User_agent'>User-Agent<\/a> scegliendone casualmente una nuova qua sotto ogni",
"description":"First part of UA-spoofing prompt"
"description":"First part of UA-spoofing prompt"
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
"description":"Second part"
"description":"Second part"
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/www.eff.org\/deeplinks\/2010\/01\/tracking-by-user-agent'>According to the <i>Electronic Frontier Foundation<\/i><\/a>: “[...] your browser sends a ‘User Agent’ header to the website saying precisely which operating system and web browser you are using. This information could help distinguish Internet users from one another because these versions differ, often considerably, from person to person. [...] <b>the User Agent string becomes a real privacy problem<\/b>.”<p>This option allows you to address the privacy issue raised by the EFF. Please note that <a href='https:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=129353'>your actual User Agent string can be leaked<\/a> through WebSockets.<\/p><p>You can supply your own list of user agent strings. One string per line. Blank lines and lines prefixed with ‘#’ will be ignored.<\/p>",
"message":"<a href='https:\/\/www.eff.org\/deeplinks\/2010\/01\/tracking-by-user-agent'>Secondo la <i>Electronic Frontier Foundation<\/i><\/a>: “[...] il tuo browser invia un'intestazione ‘User Agent’ al sito web dicendo con precisione quale sistema operativo e browser stai usando. Queste informazioni potrebbero aiutare a distinguere gli utenti Internet tra loro perché queste versioni differiscono, spesso notevolmente, da una persona all'altra. [...] <b>la stringa User Agent diventa un vero problema di privacy<\/b>.”<p>Questa opzione ti consente di affrontare il problema della privacy sollevato dalla EFF. Tieni presente che <a href='https:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/chromium\/issues\/detail?id=129353'>la tua vera stringa User Agent può trapelare<\/a> attraverso i WebSocket.<\/p><p>Puoi fornire la tua lista di stringhe user agent. Una stringa per riga. Le righe vuote e quelle con prefisso ‘#’ saranno ignorate.<\/p>",
@ -404,11 +404,11 @@
"description":"Will remove all temporary rules"
"description":"Will remove all temporary rules"
"description":"Will save all temporary rules"
"description":"Will save all temporary rules"
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
"message":"See this page for rule syntax.",
"message":"Vedi questa pagina per la sintassi delle regole.",
@ -440,11 +440,11 @@
"description":"default file name to use"
"description":"default file name to use"
"message":"All hostnames in a hosts file are loaded as blacklisted hostnames in the global scope.",
"message":"Tutti i nomi in un file hosts vengono caricati come nomi host bloccati in ambito generale.",
"message":"{{blockedHostnameCount}} nomi host bloccati da:",
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
"message":"Tutte le impostazioni verranno sovrascritte utilizzando i dati di backup del {{time}}, e µMatrix sarà riavviato. \n\nSovrascrivere tutte le impostazioni esistenti con quelle del backup?",
"message":"Tutte le impostazioni verranno sovrascritte utilizzando i dati di backup del {{time}}, e uMatrix sarà riavviato. \n\nSovrascrivere tutte le impostazioni esistenti con quelle del backup?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"filter expression(s)",
"message":"espressione\/i filtro",
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
"description":"Appears in the input filed where filter expressions are entered"
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@
"description":"Appears as a tooltip when hovering the input field"
"description":"Appears as a tooltip when hovering the input field"
"message":"spoofing user agent with: {{value}}",
"message":"spoof dello user agent con: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
"description":"An entry for when a new user agent string is selected"
@ -584,19 +584,19 @@
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"description":"An entry for when a cookie is deleted"
"message":"failed to delete cookie: {{value}}",
"message":"impossibile eliminare il cookie: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"description":"An entry for when the browser cache is cleared"
"message":"browser cache cleared",
"message":"cache del browser svuotata",
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"description":"An entry for when a cookie can't be deleted"
"message":"asset updated: {{value}}",
"message":"asset aggiornato: {{value}}",
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"description":"An entry for when an asset was updated"
"message":"uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:",
"message":"uMatrix ha impedito alla seguente pagina di caricarsi:",
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
"description":"English: uMatrix has prevented the following page from loading:"
@ -612,15 +612,15 @@
"description":"English: Close"
"description":"English: Close"
"message":"Rimuovi tutte le modifiche temporanee",
"message":"Ripristina tutte le modifiche temporanee",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist page domain",
"message":"Permetti temporaneamente il dominio",
"message":"Temporarily whitelist all",
"message":"Permetti temporaneamente tutto",
@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutes ago",
"message":"{{value}} minuti fa",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
@ -656,15 +656,15 @@
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"description":"Appears in Firefox's add-on preferences"
"message":"Export to cloud storage",
"message":"Esporta nell'archivio cloud",
"message":"Import from cloud storage",
"message":"Importa dall'archivio cloud",
@ -672,15 +672,15 @@
"message":"This device name:",
"message":"Il nome del dispositivo:",
"description":"used as a prompt for the user to provide a custom device name"
"description":"used as a prompt for the user to provide a custom device name"