chore(tests): Migrate login acceptance tests from behat to Cypress

Signed-off-by: Ferdinand Thiessen <>
Ferdinand Thiessen 7 months ago
parent 834c9a209e
commit 4c4e4ec991

@ -1621,36 +1621,6 @@ trigger:
- pull_request - pull_request
- push - push
kind: pipeline
name: acceptance-login
- name: submodules
- git submodule update --init
- name: acceptance-login
- tests/acceptance/ --timeout-multiplier 10 --nextcloud-server-domain acceptance-login --selenium-server selenium:4444 allow-git-repository-modifications features/login.feature
- name: selenium
# Reduce default log level for Selenium server (INFO) as it is too
# verbose.
- master
- stable*
- pull_request
- push
--- ---
kind: pipeline kind: pipeline
name: acceptance-users name: acceptance-users

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
import type { User } from '@nextcloud/cypress'
describe('Login', () => {
let user: User
let disabledUser: User
after(() => cy.deleteUser(user))
before(() => {
// disable brute force protection
cy.runOccCommand('config:system:set --value false --type bool')
cy.createRandomUser().then(($user) => {
user = $user
cy.createRandomUser().then(($user) => {
disabledUser = $user
cy.runOccCommand(`user:disable '${disabledUser.userId}'`)
beforeEach(() => {
it('log in with valid user and password', () => {
// Given I visit the Home page
// I see the login page
// I log in with a valid user
cy.get('form[name="login"]').within(() => {
cy.contains('button[data-login-form-submit]', 'Log in').click()
// see that the login is done
cy.get('[data-login-form-submit]').if().should('not.contain', 'Logging in')
// Then I see that the current page is the Files app
cy.url().should('match', /apps\/dashboard(\/|$)/)
it('try to log in with valid user and invalid password', () => {
// Given I visit the Home page
// I see the login page
// I log in with a valid user but invalid password
cy.get('form[name="login"]').within(() => {
cy.contains('button', 'Log in').click()
// see that the login is done
cy.get('[data-login-form-submit]').if().should('not.contain', 'Logging in')
// Then I see that the current page is the Login page
cy.url().should('match', /\/login/)
// And I see that a wrong password message is shown
cy.get('form[name="login"]').then(($el) => expect($el.text()).to.match(/Wrong.+password/i))
it('try to log in with valid user and invalid password', () => {
// Given I visit the Home page
// I see the login page
// I log in with a valid user but invalid password
cy.get('form[name="login"]').within(() => {
cy.contains('button', 'Log in').click()
// see that the login is done
cy.get('[data-login-form-submit]').if().should('not.contain', 'Logging in')
// Then I see that the current page is the Login page
cy.url().should('match', /\/login/)
// And I see that a wrong password message is shown
cy.get('form[name="login"]').then(($el) => expect($el.text()).to.match(/Wrong.+password/i)
it('try to log in with invalid user', () => {
// Given I visit the Home page
// I see the login page
// I log in with an invalid user but valid password
cy.get('form[name="login"]').within(() => {
cy.contains('button', 'Log in').click()
// see that the login is done
cy.get('[data-login-form-submit]').if().should('not.contain', 'Logging in')
// Then I see that the current page is the Login page
cy.url().should('match', /\/login/)
// And I see that a wrong password message is shown
cy.get('form[name="login"]').then(($el) => expect($el.text()).to.match(/Wrong.+password/i)
it('try to log in as disabled user', () => {
// Given I visit the Home page
// I see the login page
// When I log in with user disabledUser and password
cy.get('form[name="login"]').within(() => {
cy.contains('button', 'Log in').click()
// see that the login is done
cy.get('[data-login-form-submit]').if().should('not.contain', 'Logging in')
// Then I see that the current page is the Login page
cy.url().should('match', /\/login/)
// And I see that the disabled user message is shown
cy.get('form[name="login"]').then(($el) => expect($el.text()).to.match(/User.+disabled/i))
it('try to logout', () => {
// Given I visit the Home page
// I see the dashboard
cy.url().should('match', /apps\/dashboard(\/|$)/)
// When click logout
cy.get('#user-menu button').should('exist').click()
cy.get('#logout a').should('contain.text', 'Log out').click()
// Then I see that the current page is the Login page
cy.url().should('match', /\/login/)

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ default:
- FileListContext - FileListContext
- FilesAppContext - FilesAppContext
- FilesAppSharingContext - FilesAppSharingContext
- LoginPageContext
- NotificationsContext - NotificationsContext
- PublicShareContext - PublicShareContext
- SearchContext - SearchContext
@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ default:
- FileListContext - FileListContext
- FilesAppContext - FilesAppContext
- FilesAppSharingContext - FilesAppSharingContext
- LoginPageContext
- NotificationsContext - NotificationsContext
- PublicShareContext - PublicShareContext
- SearchContext - SearchContext

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Calviño Sánchez (
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert;
class LoginPageContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
use ActorAware;
* @var FeatureContext
private $featureContext;
* @var FilesAppContext
private $filesAppContext;
public static function userNameField(): Locator {
return Locator::forThe()->field("user")->
describedAs("User name field in Login page");
public static function passwordField(): Locator {
return Locator::forThe()->field("password")->
describedAs("Password field in Login page");
public static function loginButton(): Locator {
return Locator::forThe()->css(".button-vue[type='submit']")->
describedAs("Login button in Login page");
public static function wrongPasswordMessage(): Locator {
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//*[@class = 'input-field__helper-text-message input-field__helper-text-message--error' and normalize-space() = 'Wrong username or password.']")->
describedAs("Wrong password message in Login page");
* @return Locator
public static function userDisabledMessage() {
return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//*[@class = 'input-field__helper-text-message input-field__helper-text-message--error' and normalize-space() = 'User disabled']")->
describedAs('User disabled message on login page');
* @When I log in with user :user and password :password
public function iLogInWithUserAndPassword(string $user, string $password): void {
$this->actor->find(self::userNameField(), 10)->setValue($user);
* @Then I see that the current page is the Login page
public function iSeeThatTheCurrentPageIsTheLoginPage() {
* @Then I see that a wrong password message is shown
public function iSeeThatAWrongPasswordMessageIsShown() {
$this->actor->find(self::wrongPasswordMessage(), 10)->isVisible());
* @Then I see that the disabled user message is shown
public function iSeeThatTheDisabledUserMessageIsShown() {
$this->actor->find(self::userDisabledMessage(), 10)->isVisible());
* @BeforeScenario
public function getOtherRequiredSiblingContexts(BeforeScenarioScope $scope) {
$environment = $scope->getEnvironment();
$this->featureContext = $environment->getContext("FeatureContext");
$this->filesAppContext = $environment->getContext("FilesAppContext");
* @Given I am logged in
public function iAmLoggedIn() {
$this->iLogInWithUserAndPassword("user0", "123456acb");
* @Given I am logged in as :userName
public function iAmLoggedInAs($userName) {
$this->iLogInWithUserAndPassword($userName, "123456acb");
* @Given I am logged in as the admin
public function iAmLoggedInAsTheAdmin() {
$this->iLogInWithUserAndPassword("admin", "admin");
* @Given I can not log in with user :user and password :password
public function iCanNotLogInWithUserAndPassword($user, $password) {
$this->iLogInWithUserAndPassword($user, $password);

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
Feature: login
Scenario: log in with valid user and password
Given I visit the Home page
When I log in with user user0 and password 123456acb
Then I see that the current page is the Files app
Scenario: try to log in with valid user and invalid password
Given I visit the Home page
When I log in with user user0 and password 654321
Then I see that the current page is the Login page
And I see that a wrong password message is shown
# Scenario: log in with valid user and invalid password once fixed by admin
# Given I act as John
# And I can not log in with user user0 and password 654231
# When I act as Jane
# And I am logged in as the admin
# And I open the User settings
# And I set the password for user0 to 654321
# And I act as John
# And I log in with user user0 and password 654321
# Then I see that the current page is the Files app
Scenario: try to log in with invalid user
Given I visit the Home page
When I log in with user unknownUser and password 123456acb
Then I see that the current page is the Login page
And I see that a wrong password message is shown
Scenario: try to log in as disabled user
Given I visit the Home page
When I log in with user disabledUser and password 123456acb
Then I see that the current page is the Login page
And I see that the disabled user message is shown
Scenario: log in with invalid user once fixed by admin
Given I act as John
And I can not log in with user unknownUser and password 123456acb
When I act as Jane
And I am logged in as the admin
And I open the User settings
And I click the New user button
And I see that the new user form is shown
And I create user unknownUser with password 123456acb
# And I see that the list of users contains the user unknownUser
And I act as John
And I log in with user unknownUser and password 123456acb
Then I see that the current page is the Files app
Scenario: log out
Given I am logged in
When I log out
Then I see that the current page is the Login page