@ -306,7 +306,8 @@ container.
* Intermediary machines cannot use login and become passwords that were
supplied to Ansible interactively. If an intermediary requires a
password, it must be supplied via ``ansible_ssh_pass``,
``ansible_password``, or ``ansible_become_pass`` inventory variables.
``ansible_ssh_password``, ``ansible_password``, or
``ansible_become_pass`` inventory variables.
* Automatic tunnelling of SSH-dependent actions, such as the
``synchronize`` module, is not yet supported. This will be addressed in a
@ -1011,7 +1012,8 @@ Like the :ans:conn:`ssh` except connection delegation is supported.
* ``ansible_port``, ``ssh_port``
* ``ansible_ssh_executable``, ``ssh_executable``
* ``ansible_ssh_private_key_file``
* ``ansible_ssh_pass``, ``ansible_password`` (default: assume passwordless)
* ``ansible_ssh_pass``, ``ansible_ssh_password``, ``ansible_password``
(default: assume passwordless)
* ``ssh_args``, ``ssh_common_args``, ``ssh_extra_args``
* ``mitogen_mask_remote_name``: if :data:`True`, mask the identity of the
Ansible controller process on remote machines. To simplify diagnostics,