@ -402,6 +402,10 @@ Core Library
Since correct group ownership is not required in most scenarios, when this
Since correct group ownership is not required in most scenarios, when this
problem is detected, the PTY is allocated and opened directly by the library.
problem is detected, the PTY is allocated and opened directly by the library.
* `#479 <https://github.com/dw/mitogen/issues/479>`_: Mitogen could fail to
import :mod:`__main__` on Python 3.4 and newer due to a breaking change in
the :mod:`pkgutil` API. The program's main script is now handled specially.
* `16ca111e <https://github.com/dw/mitogen/commit/16ca111e>`_: handle OpenSSH
* `16ca111e <https://github.com/dw/mitogen/commit/16ca111e>`_: handle OpenSSH
7.5 permission denied prompts when ``~/.ssh/config`` rewrites are present.
7.5 permission denied prompts when ``~/.ssh/config`` rewrites are present.