@ -832,25 +832,43 @@ except connection delegation is supported.
Diagnostics and use of the :py:mod: `logging` package output on the target
machine are usually discarded. With Mitogen, all of this is captured and
returned to the controller, where it can be viewed as desired with `` -vvv `` .
Basic high level logs are produced with `` -vvv `` , with logging of all IO on the
controller with `` -vvvv `` or higher.
Although use of standard IO and the logging package on the target is forwarded
to the controller, it is not possible to receive IO activity logs, as the
process of receiving those logs would would itself generate IO activity. To
receive a complete trace of every process on every machine, file-based logging
is necessary. File-based logging can be enabled by setting
`` MITOGEN_ROUTER_DEBUG=1 `` in your environment.
When file-based logging is enabled, one file per context will be created on the
local machine and every target machine, as `` /tmp/mitogen.<pid>.log `` .
If you are experiencing a hang, `` MITOGEN_DUMP_THREAD_STACKS=1 `` causes every
process on every machine to dump every thread stack into the logging framework
every 5 seconds.
Diagnostics and :py:mod: `logging` package output on targets are usually
discarded. With Mitogen, these are captured and forwarded to the controller
where they can be viewed with `` -vvv `` . Basic high level logs are produced with
`` -vvv `` , with logging of all IO on the controller with `` -vvvv `` or higher.
While uncaptured standard IO and the logging package on targets is forwarded,
it is not possible to receive IO activity logs, as the forwarding process would
would itself generate additional IO.
To receive a complete trace of every process on every machine, file-based
logging is necessary. File-based logging can be enabled by setting
`` MITOGEN_ROUTER_DEBUG=1 `` in your environment. When file-based logging is
enabled, one file per context will be created on the local machine and every
target machine, as `` /tmp/mitogen.<pid>.log `` .
Diagnosing Hangs
If you encounter a hang, the `` MITOGEN_DUMP_THREAD_STACKS=<secs> `` environment
variable arranges for each process on each machine to dump each thread stack
into the logging framework every `secs` seconds, which is visible when running
with `` -vvv `` .
However, certain controller hangs may render `` MITOGEN_DUMP_THREAD_STACKS ``
ineffective, or occur too infrequently for interactive reproduction. In these
cases `faulthandler <https://faulthandler.readthedocs.io/> `_ may be used:
1. For Python 2, `` pip install faulthandler `` . This is unnecessary on Python 3.
2. Once the hang occurs, observe the process tree using `` pstree `` or `` ps
--forest`` .
3. The most likely process to be hung is the connection multiplexer, which can
easily be identified as the parent of all SSH client processes.
4. Send `` kill -SEGV <pid> `` to the multiplexer PID, causing it to print all
thread stacks.
5. `File a bug <https://github.com/dw/mitogen/issues/new/> `_ including a copy
of the stacks, along with a description of the last task executing prior to
the hang.
Getting Help