@ -85,13 +85,9 @@ MAKE_TEMP_FAILED_MSG = (
#: the target Python interpreter before it executes any code or imports.
_fork_parent = None
#: Set by init_child() to a list of candidate $variable-expanded and
#: tilde-expanded directory paths that may be usable as a temporary directory.
_candidate_temp_dirs = None
#: Set by reset_temp_dir() to the single temporary directory that will exist
#: for the duration of the process.
temp_dir = None
#: Set by :func:`init_child` to the name of a writeable and executable
#: temporary directory accessible by the active user account.
good_temp_dir = None
def get_small_file(context, path):
@ -206,15 +202,19 @@ def _on_broker_shutdown():
def find_good_temp_dir():
def find_good_temp_dir(candidate_temp_dirs):
Given a list of candidate temp directories extracted from ``ansible.cfg``
and stored in _candidate_temp_dirs, combine it with the Python-builtin list
of candidate directories used by :mod:`tempfile`, then iteratively try each
in turn until one is found that is both writeable and executable.
Given a list of candidate temp directories extracted from ``ansible.cfg``,
combine it with the Python-builtin list of candidate directories used by
:mod:`tempfile`, then iteratively try each until one is found that is both
writeable and executable.
:param list candidate_temp_dirs:
List of candidate $variable-expanded and tilde-expanded directory paths
that may be usable as a temporary directory.
paths = [os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(p))
for p in _candidate_temp_dirs]
for p in candidate_temp_dirs]
for path in paths:
@ -253,29 +253,6 @@ def find_good_temp_dir():
def reset_temp_dir(econtext):
Create one temporary directory to be reused by all runner.py invocations
for the lifetime of the process. The temporary directory is changed for
each forked job, and emptied as necessary by runner.py::_cleanup_temp()
after each module invocation.
The result is that a context need only create and delete one directory
during startup and shutdown, and no further filesystem writes need occur
assuming no modules execute that create temporary files.
global temp_dir
# https://github.com/dw/mitogen/issues/239
basedir = find_good_temp_dir()
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='ansible_mitogen_', dir=basedir)
# This must be reinstalled in forked children too, since the Broker
# instance from the parent process does not carry over to the new child.
mitogen.core.listen(econtext.broker, 'shutdown', _on_broker_shutdown)
def init_child(econtext, log_level, candidate_temp_dirs):
@ -306,24 +283,23 @@ def init_child(econtext, log_level, candidate_temp_dirs):
the controller will use to start forked jobs, and `home_dir` is the
home directory for the active user account.
global _candidate_temp_dirs
_candidate_temp_dirs = candidate_temp_dirs
global _fork_parent
_fork_parent = econtext.router.fork()
# Copying the master's log level causes log messages to be filtered before
# they reach LogForwarder, thus reducing an influx of tiny messges waking
# the connection multiplexer process in the master.
global _fork_parent
_fork_parent = econtext.router.fork()
global good_temp_dir
good_temp_dir = find_good_temp_dir(candidate_temp_dirs)
return {
'fork_context': _fork_parent,
'home_dir': mitogen.core.to_text(os.path.expanduser('~')),
'temp_dir': temp_dir,
'good_temp_dir': good_temp_dir,
@ -336,7 +312,6 @@ def create_fork_child(econtext):
context = econtext.router.fork()
LOG.debug('create_fork_child() -> %r', context)
return context