@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ Masters listen on the following handles:
module named ``fullname``, and writes the source along with some metadata
back to the handle ``reply_to``. If lookup fails, ``None`` is sent instead.
Slaves listen on the following handles:
.. data:: econtext.core.CALL_FUNCTION
@ -306,6 +307,20 @@ Slaves listen on the following handles:
Slaves that have ever been used to create a descendent child context also
listen on the following handles:
.. data:: econtext.core.GET_MODULE
As with master's ``GET_MODULE``, except this implementation
(`:py:class:econtext.master.ModuleForwarder`) serves responses using
:py:class:`econtext.core.Importer`'s cache before forwarding the request to
its parent context. The response is cached by each context in turn before
being forwarded on to the slave context that originally made the request.
In this way, the master need never re-send a module it has already sent to
a direct descendant.
Additional handles are created to receive the result of every function call
triggered by :py:meth:`call_with_deadline() <econtext.master.Context.call_with_deadline>`.