Abandon Travis CI We have no credits, and its a PITA to maintain two CI platforms. The tests running on Travis provide very little extra coverage vs Azure Pipelines alone

Alex Willmer 3 years ago
parent f5683ae767
commit 042e46682e

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# `.ci` # `.ci`
This directory contains scripts for Travis CI and (more or less) Azure This directory contains scripts for Continuous Integration platforms. Currently
Pipelines, but they will also happily run on any Debian-like machine. Azure Pipelines, but they will also happily run on any Debian-like machine.
The scripts are usually split into `_install` and `_test` steps. The `_install` The scripts are usually split into `_install` and `_test` steps. The `_install`
step will damage your machine, the `_test` step will just run the tests the way step will damage your machine, the `_test` step will just run the tests the way

@ -64,24 +64,6 @@ def have_docker():
# Force line buffering on stdout. # Force line buffering on stdout.
sys.stdout = os.fdopen(1, 'w', 1) sys.stdout = os.fdopen(1, 'w', 1)
# Force stdout FD 1 to be a pipe, so tools like pip don't spam progress bars.
if 'TRAVIS_HOME' in os.environ:
proc = subprocess.Popen(
args=['stdbuf', '-oL', 'cat'],
os.dup2(proc.stdin.fileno(), 1)
os.dup2(proc.stdin.fileno(), 2)
def cleanup_travis_junk(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, proc=proc):
# -----------------
def _argv(s, *args): def _argv(s, *args):
"""Interpolate a command line using *args, return an argv style list. """Interpolate a command line using *args, return an argv style list.
@ -206,27 +188,9 @@ class TempDir(object):
class Fold(object): class Fold(object):
""" def __init__(self, name): pass
Bracket a section of stdout with travis_fold markers. def __enter__(self): pass
def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3): pass
This allows the section to be collapsed or expanded in Travis CI web UI.
>>> with Fold('stage 1'):
... print('Frobnicate the frobnitz')
travis_fold:start:stage 1
Frobnicate the frobnitz
travis_fold:end:stage 1
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __enter__(self):
print('travis_fold:start:%s' % (self.name))
def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3):
print('travis_fold:end:%s' % (self.name))
os.environ.setdefault('ANSIBLE_STRATEGY', os.environ.setdefault('ANSIBLE_STRATEGY',

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# workaround from https://stackoverflow.com/a/26082445 to handle Travis 4MB log limit
set -e
export PING_SLEEP=30s
export WORKDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
export BUILD_OUTPUT=$WORKDIR/build.out
dump_output() {
echo Tailing the last 1000 lines of output:
tail -1000 $BUILD_OUTPUT
error_handler() {
echo ERROR: An error was encountered with the build.
exit 1
# If an error occurs, run our error handler to output a tail of the build
trap 'error_handler' ERR
# Set up a repeating loop to send some output to Travis.
bash -c "while true; do echo \$(date) - building ...; sleep $PING_SLEEP; done" &
.ci/${MODE}_tests.py >> $BUILD_OUTPUT 2>&1
# The build finished without returning an error so dump a tail of the output
# nicely terminate the ping output loop

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
sudo: required
dist: xenial # Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
email: false
irc: "chat.freenode.net#mitogen-builds"
language: python
- docs-master
- pip
- directories:
- /home/travis/virtualenv
- if ! [ -x "$(command -v aws)" ]; then curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip" ; unzip awscliv2.zip ; sudo ./aws/install ; fi
- pip install -U pip==20.2.1
- .ci/${MODE}_install.py
# Travis has a 4MB log limit (https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/1382), but verbose Mitogen logs run larger than that
# in order to keep verbosity to debug a build failure, will run with this workaround: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26082445
- .ci/spawn_reverse_shell.py
- MODE=${MODE} .ci/travis.sh
# To avoid matrix explosion, just test against oldest->newest and
# newest->oldest in various configuartions.
# Debops tests.
# NOTE: debops tests turned off for Ansible 2.10: https://github.com/debops/debops/issues/1521
# 2.10; 3.6 -> 2.7
# - python: "3.6"
# env: MODE=debops_common VER=2.10.0
# 2.10; 2.7 -> 2.7
# - python: "2.7"
# env: MODE=debops_common VER=2.10.0
# Sanity check against vanilla Ansible. One job suffices.
# https://github.com/dw/mitogen/pull/715#issuecomment-719266420 migrating to Azure for now due to Travis 50 min time limit cap
# azure lets us adjust the cap, and the current STRATEGY=linear tests take up to 1.5 hours to finish
# - python: "2.7"
# env: MODE=ansible VER=2.10.0 DISTROS=debian STRATEGY=linear
# ansible_mitogen tests.
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=ansible VER=2.10.0
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "3.9"
env: MODE=ansible VER=2.10.0
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "2.7"
env: MODE=ansible VER=2.10.0
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
# - python: "2.6"
# env: MODE=ansible VER=2.10.0
# 2.10 -> {centos5}
# - python: "2.6"
# env: MODE=ansible DISTROS=centos5 VER=2.10.0
# Mitogen tests.
# 2.4 -> 2.4
# - language: c
# env: MODE=mitogen_py24 DISTROS=centos5 VER=2.10.0
# 2.7 -> 2.7 -- moved to Azure
# 2.7 -> 2.6
#- python: "2.7"
#env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos6
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos7
- python: "3.9"
env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos7
# 2.6 -> 2.7
# - python: "2.6"
# env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos7
# 2.6 -> 3.5
# - python: "2.6"
# env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=debian-py3
# 3.6 -> 2.6 -- moved to Azure

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
# Mitogen # Mitogen
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<a href="https://mitogen.networkgenomics.com/">Please see the documentation</a>. <a href="https://mitogen.networkgenomics.com/">Please see the documentation</a>.
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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ started in September 2017. Pull requests in this area are very welcome!
## Running The Tests ## Running The Tests
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Your computer should have an Internet connection, and the ``docker`` command Your computer should have an Internet connection, and the ``docker`` command
line tool should be able to connect to a working Docker daemon (localhost or line tool should be able to connect to a working Docker daemon (localhost or
