Abandon Travis CI We have no credits, and its a PITA to maintain two CI platforms. The tests running on Travis provide very little extra coverage vs Azure Pipelines alone

Alex Willmer 3 years ago
parent f5683ae767
commit 042e46682e

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# `.ci`
This directory contains scripts for Travis CI and (more or less) Azure
Pipelines, but they will also happily run on any Debian-like machine.
This directory contains scripts for Continuous Integration platforms. Currently
Azure Pipelines, but they will also happily run on any Debian-like machine.
The scripts are usually split into `_install` and `_test` steps. The `_install`
step will damage your machine, the `_test` step will just run the tests the way

@ -64,24 +64,6 @@ def have_docker():
# Force line buffering on stdout.
sys.stdout = os.fdopen(1, 'w', 1)
# Force stdout FD 1 to be a pipe, so tools like pip don't spam progress bars.
if 'TRAVIS_HOME' in os.environ:
proc = subprocess.Popen(
args=['stdbuf', '-oL', 'cat'],
os.dup2(proc.stdin.fileno(), 1)
os.dup2(proc.stdin.fileno(), 2)
def cleanup_travis_junk(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, proc=proc):
# -----------------
def _argv(s, *args):
"""Interpolate a command line using *args, return an argv style list.
@ -206,27 +188,9 @@ class TempDir(object):
class Fold(object):
Bracket a section of stdout with travis_fold markers.
This allows the section to be collapsed or expanded in Travis CI web UI.
>>> with Fold('stage 1'):
... print('Frobnicate the frobnitz')
travis_fold:start:stage 1
Frobnicate the frobnitz
travis_fold:end:stage 1
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __enter__(self):
print('travis_fold:start:%s' % (self.name))
def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3):
print('travis_fold:end:%s' % (self.name))
def __init__(self, name): pass
def __enter__(self): pass
def __exit__(self, _1, _2, _3): pass

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# workaround from https://stackoverflow.com/a/26082445 to handle Travis 4MB log limit
set -e
export PING_SLEEP=30s
export WORKDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
export BUILD_OUTPUT=$WORKDIR/build.out
dump_output() {
echo Tailing the last 1000 lines of output:
tail -1000 $BUILD_OUTPUT
error_handler() {
echo ERROR: An error was encountered with the build.
exit 1
# If an error occurs, run our error handler to output a tail of the build
trap 'error_handler' ERR
# Set up a repeating loop to send some output to Travis.
bash -c "while true; do echo \$(date) - building ...; sleep $PING_SLEEP; done" &
.ci/${MODE}_tests.py >> $BUILD_OUTPUT 2>&1
# The build finished without returning an error so dump a tail of the output
# nicely terminate the ping output loop

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
sudo: required
dist: xenial # Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
email: false
irc: "chat.freenode.net#mitogen-builds"
language: python
- docs-master
- pip
- directories:
- /home/travis/virtualenv
- if ! [ -x "$(command -v aws)" ]; then curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip" ; unzip awscliv2.zip ; sudo ./aws/install ; fi
- pip install -U pip==20.2.1
- .ci/${MODE}_install.py
# Travis has a 4MB log limit (https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/1382), but verbose Mitogen logs run larger than that
# in order to keep verbosity to debug a build failure, will run with this workaround: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26082445
- .ci/spawn_reverse_shell.py
- MODE=${MODE} .ci/travis.sh
# To avoid matrix explosion, just test against oldest->newest and
# newest->oldest in various configuartions.
# Debops tests.
# NOTE: debops tests turned off for Ansible 2.10: https://github.com/debops/debops/issues/1521
# 2.10; 3.6 -> 2.7
# - python: "3.6"
# env: MODE=debops_common VER=2.10.0
# 2.10; 2.7 -> 2.7
# - python: "2.7"
# env: MODE=debops_common VER=2.10.0
# Sanity check against vanilla Ansible. One job suffices.
# https://github.com/dw/mitogen/pull/715#issuecomment-719266420 migrating to Azure for now due to Travis 50 min time limit cap
# azure lets us adjust the cap, and the current STRATEGY=linear tests take up to 1.5 hours to finish
# - python: "2.7"
# env: MODE=ansible VER=2.10.0 DISTROS=debian STRATEGY=linear
# ansible_mitogen tests.
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=ansible VER=2.10.0
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "3.9"
env: MODE=ansible VER=2.10.0
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
- python: "2.7"
env: MODE=ansible VER=2.10.0
# 2.10 -> {debian, centos6, centos7}
# - python: "2.6"
# env: MODE=ansible VER=2.10.0
# 2.10 -> {centos5}
# - python: "2.6"
# env: MODE=ansible DISTROS=centos5 VER=2.10.0
# Mitogen tests.
# 2.4 -> 2.4
# - language: c
# env: MODE=mitogen_py24 DISTROS=centos5 VER=2.10.0
# 2.7 -> 2.7 -- moved to Azure
# 2.7 -> 2.6
#- python: "2.7"
#env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos6
- python: "3.6"
env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos7
- python: "3.9"
env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos7
# 2.6 -> 2.7
# - python: "2.6"
# env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=centos7
# 2.6 -> 3.5
# - python: "2.6"
# env: MODE=mitogen DISTRO=debian-py3
# 3.6 -> 2.6 -- moved to Azure

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
# Mitogen
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<a href="https://mitogen.networkgenomics.com/">Please see the documentation</a>.
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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ started in September 2017. Pull requests in this area are very welcome!
## Running The Tests
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[![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/mitogen-hq/mitogen/_apis/build/status/mitogen-hq.mitogen?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/mitogen-hq/mitogen/_build/latest?definitionId=1&branchName=master)
Your computer should have an Internet connection, and the ``docker`` command
line tool should be able to connect to a working Docker daemon (localhost or
