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Event replacements

{{% added-in v="1.4" %}}

Event replacements, or "message edit events", are events that use an event relationship with a rel_type of m.replace, which indicates that the original event is intended to be replaced.

An example of a message edit event might look like this:

    "type": "",
    "content": {
        "body": "* Hello! My name is bar",
        "msgtype": "m.text",
        "m.new_content": {
            "body": "Hello! My name is bar",
            "msgtype": "m.text"
        "m.relates_to": {
            "rel_type": "m.replace",
            "event_id": "$some_event_id"
    // ... other fields required by events

The content of the replacement must contain a m.new_content property which defines the replacement content. The normal content properties (body, msgtype etc.) provide a fallback for clients which do not understand replacement events.

m.new_content can include any properties that would normally be found in an event's content property, such as formatted_body (see msgtypes).

Validity of replacement events

There are a number of requirements on replacement events, which must be satisfied for the replacement to be considered valid:

  • As with all event relationships, the original event and replacement event must have the same room_id (i.e. you cannot send an event in one room and then an edited version in a different room).

  • The original event and replacement event must have the same sender (i.e. you cannot edit someone else's messages).

  • The replacement and original events must have the same type (i.e. you cannot change the original event's type).

  • The replacement and original events must not have a state_key property (i.e. you cannot edit state events at all).

  • The original event must not, itself, have a rel_type of m.replace (i.e. you cannot edit an edit — though you can send multiple edits for a single original event).

  • The replacement event (once decrypted, if appropriate) must have an m.new_content property.

If any of these criteria are not satisfied, implementations should ignore the replacement event (the content of the original should not be replaced, and the edit should not be included in the server-side aggregation).

Note that the msgtype property of replacement events does not need to be the same as in the original event. For example, it is legitimate to replace an m.text event with an m.emote.

Editing encrypted events

If the original event was encrypted, the replacement should be too. In that case, m.new_content is placed in the content of the encrypted payload. As with all event relationships, the m.relates_to property must be sent in the unencrypted (cleartext) part of the event.

For example, a replacement for an encrypted event might look like this:

    "type": "",
    "content": {
        "m.relates_to": {
            "rel_type": "m.replace",
            "event_id": "$some_event_id"
        "algorithm": "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2",
        "sender_key": "<sender_curve25519_key>",
        "device_id": "<sender_device_id>",
        "session_id": "<outbound_group_session_id>",
        "ciphertext": "<encrypted_payload_base_64>"
    // irrelevant fields not shown

... and, once decrypted, the payload might look like this:

    "type": "<event_type>",
    "room_id": "!some_room_id",
    "content": {
        "body": "* Hello! My name is bar",
        "msgtype": "m.text",
        "m.new_content": {
            "body": "Hello! My name is bar",
            "msgtype": "m.text"

Note that:

  • There is no m.relates_to property in the encrypted payload. If there was, it would be ignored.
  • There is no m.new_content property in the cleartext content of the event. As above, if there was then it would be ignored.

{{% boxes/note %}} The payload of an encrypted replacement event must be encrypted as normal, including ratcheting any Megolm session as normal. The original Megolm ratchet entry should not be re-used. {{% /boxes/note %}}

Applying m.new_content

When applying a replacement, the content of the original event is treated as being overwritten entirely by m.new_content, with the exception of m.relates_to, which is left unchanged. Any m.relates_to property within m.new_content is ignored.

{{% boxes/note %}} Note that server implementations must not actually overwrite the original event's content: instead the server presents it as being overwritten when it is served over the client-server API. See Server-side replacement of content below. {{% /boxes/note %}}

For example, given a pair of events:

    "event_id": "$original_event",
    "type": "",
    "content": {
        "body": "I really like cake",
        "msgtype": "m.text",
        "formatted_body": "I really like cake",
    "event_id": "$edit_event",
    "type": "",
    "content": {
        "body": "* I really like *chocolate* cake",
        "msgtype": "m.text",
        "m.new_content": {
            "body": "I really like *chocolate* cake",
            "msgtype": "m.text",
            "com.example.extension_property": "chocolate"
        "m.relates_to": {
            "rel_type": "m.replace",
            "event_id": "$original_event_id"

... then the end result is an event as shown below:

    "event_id": "$original_event",
    "type": "",
    "content": {
        "body": "I really like *chocolate* cake",
        "msgtype": "m.text",
        "com.example.extension_property": "chocolate"

Note that formatted_body is now absent, because it was absent in the replacement event.

Server behaviour

Server-side aggregation of m.replace relationships

Note that there can be multiple events with an m.replace relationship to a given event (for example, if an event is edited multiple times). These should be aggregated by the homeserver.

The aggregation format of m.replace relationships gives the event_id, origin_server_ts, and sender of the most recent replacement event. The most recent event is determined by comparing origin_server_ts; if two or more replacement events have identical origin_server_ts, the event with the lexicographically largest event_id is treated as more recent.

This aggregation is bundled under the unsigned property as m.relations for any event that is the target of an m.replace relationship. For example:

  "event_id": "$original_event_id",
  // irrelevant fields not shown
  "unsigned": {
    "m.relations": {
      "m.replace": {
        "event_id": "$latest_edit_event_id",
        "origin_server_ts": 1649772304313,
        "sender": "@editing_user:localhost"

If the original event is redacted, any m.replace relationship should not be bundled with it (whether or not any subsequent replacements are themselves redacted). Note that this behaviour is specific to the m.replace relationship. See also redactions of edited events below.

Server-side replacement of content

Whenever an m.replace is to be bundled with an event as above, the server should also modify the content of the original event according to the m.new_content of the most recent replacement event (determined as above).

An exception applies to GET /_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{roomId}/event/{eventId}, which should return the unmodified event (though the relationship should still be bundled, as described above).

Client behaviour

Clients can often ignore m.replace events, because any events returned by the server to the client will be updated by the server to account for subsequent edits.

However, clients should apply the replacement themselves when the server is unable to do so. This happens in the following situations:

  • The client has already received and stored the original event before the message edit event arrives.

  • The original event (and hence its replacement) are encrypted.

Client authors are reminded to take note of the requirements for Validity of replacement events, and to ignore any invalid replacement events that are received.

When creating links to events (also known as permalinks), clients build links which reference the event that the creator of the permalink is viewing at that point (which might be a message edit event).

The client viewing the permalink should resolve this reference to the original event, and then display the most recent version of that event.

Redactions of edited events

When an event using a rel_type of m.replace is redacted, it removes that edit revision. This has little effect if there were subsequent edits. However, if it was the most recent edit, the event is in effect reverted to its content before the redacted edit.

Redacting the original message in effect removes the message, including all subsequent edits, from the visible timeline. In this situation, homeservers will return an empty content for the original event as with any other redacted event, and as above the replacement events will not be bundled with the original event. Note that the subsequent edits are not actually redacted themselves: they simply serve no purpose within the visible timeline.

Edits of replies

Some particular constraints apply to events which replace a reply. In particular:

  • In contrast to the original reply, there should be no m.in_reply_to property in the the m.relates_to object, since it would be redundant (see Applying m.new_content above, which notes that the original event's m.relates_to is preserved), as well as being contrary to the spirit of the event relationships mechanism which expects only one "parent" per event.

  • m.new_content should not contain any reply fallback, since it is assumed that any client which can handle edits can also display replies natively. However, the content of the replacement event should provide fallback content for clients which support neither rich replies nor edits.

An example of an edit to a reply is as follows:

  "type": "",
  // irrelevant fields not shown
  "content": {
    "body": "> <> question\n\n* reply",
    "msgtype": "m.text",
    "format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
    "formatted_body": "<mx-reply><blockquote><a href=\"!$\">In reply to</a> <a href=\"\"></a><br />question</blockquote></mx-reply>* reply",
    "m.new_content": {
      "body": "reply",
      "msgtype": "m.text",
      "format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
      "formatted_body": "reply"
    "m.relates_to": {
      "rel_type": "m.replace",
      "event_id": "$original_reply_event"