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MSC1960: OpenID information exchange for widgets

With the various integrations API proposals, widgets are left with no options to verify the requesting user's ID if they need it. Widgets like the sticker picker must know who is making the request and as such need a way to get accurate information about who is contacting them.

This proposal introduces a way for widgets (room and account) to do so over the fromWidget API proposed by MSC1236.


Room and account widgets may request a new OpenID object from the user so they can log in/register with the backing integration manager or other application. This is largely based on the prior art available here (riot-web#7153). The rationale for such an API is so that widgets can load things like a user's sticker packs or other information without having to rely on secret strings. For example, a room could be used to let a user create custom sticker packs via a common widget - it would be nice if that widget could auth the user without asking them to enter their username and password into an iframe.

Widgets can request OpenID credentials from the user by sending a fromWidget action of get_openid to initiate the token exchange process. The client should respond with an acknowledgement of {"state":"request"} (or {"state":"blocked"} if the client/user doesn't think the widget is safe). The client should then prompt the user if the widget should be allowed to get details about the user, optionally providing a way for the user to always accept/deny the widget. If the user agrees, the client sends a toWidget action of openid_credentials with data holding the raw OpenID credentials object returned from the homeserver, and a success: true parameter. If the user denies the widget, just success: false is returned in the data property. To lessen the number of requests, a client may also respond to the original get_openid request with a state of "allowed", success: true, and the OpenID object (just like in the data for openid_credentials). The widget should not request OpenID credentials until after it has exchanged capabilities with the client, however this is not required. The widget should acknowledge the openid_credentials request with an empty response object.

A successful sequence diagram for this flow is as follows:

+-------+                                    +---------+                                +---------+
| User  |                                    | Client  |                                | Widget  |
+-------+                                    +---------+                                +---------+
    |                                             |                                          |
    |                                             |                 Capabilities negotiation |
    |                                             |<-----------------------------------------|
    |                                             |                                          |
    |                                             | Capabilities negotiation                 |
    |                                             |----------------------------------------->|
    |                                             |                                          |
    |                                             |            fromWidget get_openid request |
    |                                             |<-----------------------------------------|
    |                                             |                                          |
    |                                             | ack with state "request"                 |
    |                                             |----------------------------------------->|
    |                                             |                                          |
    |      Ask if the widget can have information |                                          |
    |<--------------------------------------------|                                          |
    |                                             |                                          |
    | Approve                                     |                                          |
    |-------------------------------------------->|                                          |
    |                                             |                                          |
    |                                             | toWidget openid_credentials request      |
    |                                             |----------------------------------------->|
    |                                             |                                          |
    |                                             |     acknowledge request (empty response) |
    |                                             |<-----------------------------------------|

Prior to this proposal, widgets could use an undocumented scalar_token parameter if the client chose to send it to the widget. Clients typically chose to send it if the widget's URL matched a whitelist for URLs the client trusts. Widgets are now not able to rely on this behaviour with this proposal, although clients may wish to still support it until adoption is complete. Widgets may wish to look into cookies and other storage techniques to avoid continously requesting credentials.

A proof of concept for this system is demonstrated here.

The widget is left responsible for dealing with the OpenID object it receives, likely handing it off to the integration manager it is backed by to exchange it for a long-lived Bearer token.

Security considerations

The user is explicitly kept in the loop to avoid automatic and silent harvesting of private information. Clients must ask the user for permission to send OpenID information to a widget, but may optionally allow the user to always allow/deny the widget access. Clients are encouraged to notify the user when future requests are automatically handled due to the user's prior selection (eg: an unobtrusive popup saying "hey, your sticker picker asked for your information. [Block future requests]").