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title: Room Version 10
type: docs
weight: 100
version: 10
This room version builds on [version 9](/rooms/v9) to enforce that power level
values be integers, and to introduce a new `knock_restricted` join rule, allowing
prospective members to more easily join such a room.
## Client considerations
This room version adds a new `knock_restricted` join rule to allow prospective
members of a room join either through knocking (introduced in [room version 7](/rooms/v7))
or through "join restrictions" (introduced in [room version 8](/rooms/v8) and
refined in [room version 9](/rooms/v9)).
Clients should render the new join rule accordingly for such rooms. For example:
This room is:
[ ] Public
[x] Private
Join rules (disabled when Public):
[x] Allow members of `` to join
[x] Allow knocking
Clients which implement the redaction algorithm locally should refer to the
[redactions](#redactions) section below for a full overview.
## Server implementation components
{{% boxes/warning %}}
The information contained in this section is strictly for server
implementors. Applications which use the Client-Server API are generally
unaffected by the intricacies contained here. The section above
regarding client considerations is the resource that Client-Server API
use cases should reference.
{{% /boxes/warning %}}
[Room version 7](/rooms/v7) added "knocking" and [room version 8](/rooms/v8)
added "join restrictions" (refined by [room version 9](/rooms/v9)) — both allow
prospective members an avenue to join, however it was not possible to use
the two mechanisms together. This room version adds a new
`knock_restricted` join rule as a mix of the two behaviours, allowing a user to
join the room if they meet either the `restricted` join rule criteria or the
`knock` join rule criteria.
This room version additionally requires that values in the power levels event
be integers and not string representations, unlike other room versions.
Room version 10 is based upon room version 9 with the following considerations.
### Event format
The event format is unchanged by this room version. See [below](#event-format-1)
for details on the current event format.
#### Deprecated event content schemas
While this room version does not change the event format specifically, some
deprecated behaviours are strictly no longer supported.
##### Values in `` events must be integers
In other room versions, such as [v9](/rooms/v9/#mroompower_levels-events-accept-values-as-strings),
power levels could be represented as strings for backwards compatibility.
This backwards compatibility is removed in this room version - power levels MUST NOT
be represented as strings within this room version. Power levels which are not
correctly structured are rejected under the authorization rules below.
### Authorization rules
Events must be signed by the server denoted by the `sender` property.
The types of state events that affect authorization are:
- [``](/client-server-api#mroomcreate)
- [``](/client-server-api#mroommember)
- [``](/client-server-api#mroomjoin_rules)
- [``](/client-server-api#mroompower_levels)
- [``](/client-server-api#mroomthird_party_invite)
{{% boxes/note %}}
Power levels are inferred from defaults when not explicitly supplied.
For example, mentions of the `sender`'s power level can also refer to
the default power level for users in the room.
{{% /boxes/note %}}
{{% boxes/note %}}
`` events are subject to auth rules in the same way as any other event.
In practice, that means they will normally be allowed by the auth rules, unless the
`` event sets a power level requirement for ``
events via the `events` or `events_default` properties. In particular, the _redact
level_ is **not** considered by the auth rules.
The ability to send a redaction event does not mean that the redaction itself should
be performed. Receiving servers must perform additional checks, as described in
the [Handling redactions](#handling-redactions) section.
{{% /boxes/note %}}
The rules are as follows:
1. If type is ``:
1. If it has any `prev_events`, reject.
2. If the domain of the `room_id` does not match the domain of the
`sender`, reject.
3. If `content.room_version` is present and is not a recognised
version, reject.
4. If `content` has no `creator` property, reject.
5. Otherwise, allow.
2. Considering the event's `auth_events`:
1. If there are duplicate entries for a given `type` and `state_key` pair,
2. If there are entries whose `type` and `state_key` don't match those
specified by the [auth events
algorithm described in the server specification, reject.
3. If there are entries which were themselves rejected under the [checks
performed on receipt of a
PDU](/server-server-api/#checks-performed-on-receipt-of-a-pdu), reject.
4. If there is no `` event among the entries, reject.
3. If the `content` of the `` event in the room state has the
property `m.federate` set to `false`, and the `sender` domain of the event
does not match the `sender` domain of the create event, reject.
4. If type is ``:
1. If there is no `state_key` property, or no `membership` property in
`content`, reject.
2. If `content` has a `join_authorised_via_users_server`
1. If the event is not validly signed by the homeserver of the user ID denoted
by the key, reject.
3. If `membership` is `join`:
1. If the only previous event is an `` and the
`state_key` is the creator, allow.
2. If the `sender` does not match `state_key`, reject.
3. If the `sender` is banned, reject.
4. If the `join_rule` is `invite` or `knock` then allow if
membership state is `invite` or `join`.
5. {{< changed-in v=10 >}}
If the `join_rule` is `restricted` or `knock_restricted`:
1. If membership state is `join` or `invite`, allow.
2. If the `join_authorised_via_users_server` key in `content`
is not a user with sufficient permission to invite other
users, reject.
3. Otherwise, allow.
6. If the `join_rule` is `public`, allow.
7. Otherwise, reject.
4. If `membership` is `invite`:
1. If `content` has a `third_party_invite` property:
1. If *target user* is banned, reject.
2. If `content.third_party_invite` does not have a `signed`
property, reject.
3. If `signed` does not have `mxid` and `token` properties,
4. If `mxid` does not match `state_key`, reject.
5. If there is no `` event in the
current room state with `state_key` matching `token`,
6. If `sender` does not match `sender` of the
``, reject.
7. If any signature in `signed` matches any public key in
the `` event, allow. The public
keys are in `content` of `` as:
1. A single public key in the `public_key` property.
2. A list of public keys in the `public_keys` property.
8. Otherwise, reject.
2. If the `sender`'s current membership state is not `join`,
3. If *target user*'s current membership state is `join` or
`ban`, reject.
4. If the `sender`'s power level is greater than or equal to
the *invite level*, allow.
5. Otherwise, reject.
5. If `membership` is `leave`:
1. If the `sender` matches `state_key`, allow if and only if
that user's current membership state is `invite`, `join`,
or `knock`.
2. If the `sender`'s current membership state is not `join`,
3. If the *target user*'s current membership state is `ban`,
and the `sender`'s power level is less than the *ban level*,
4. If the `sender`'s power level is greater than or equal to
the *kick level*, and the *target user*'s power level is
less than the `sender`'s power level, allow.
5. Otherwise, reject.
6. If `membership` is `ban`:
1. If the `sender`'s current membership state is not `join`,
2. If the `sender`'s power level is greater than or equal to
the *ban level*, and the *target user*'s power level is less
than the `sender`'s power level, allow.
3. Otherwise, reject.
7. If `membership` is `knock`:
1. {{< changed-in v=10 >}}
If the `join_rule` is anything other than `knock` or
`knock_restricted`, reject.
2. If `sender` does not match `state_key`, reject.
3. If the `sender`'s current membership is not `ban`, `invite`,
or `join`, allow.
4. Otherwise, reject.
8. Otherwise, the membership is unknown. Reject.
5. If the `sender`'s current membership state is not `join`, reject.
6. If type is ``:
1. Allow if and only if `sender`'s current power level is greater
than or equal to the *invite level*.
7. If the event type's *required power level* is greater than the
`sender`'s power level, reject.
8. If the event has a `state_key` that starts with an `@` and does not
match the `sender`, reject.
9. If type is ``:
1. {{< added-in v=10 >}}
If any of the properties `users_default`, `events_default`, `state_default`,
`ban`, `redact`, `kick`, or `invite` in `content` are present and
not an integer, reject.
2. {{< added-in v=10 >}}
If either of the properties `events` or `notifications` in `content`
are present and not an object with values that are integers,
3. If the `users` property in `content` is not an object with keys that
are valid user IDs with values that are integers, reject.
4. If there is no previous `` event in the room,
5. For the properties `users_default`, `events_default`, `state_default`,
`ban`, `redact`, `kick`, `invite` check if they were added,
changed or removed. For each found alteration:
1. If the current value is higher than the `sender`'s current
power level, reject.
2. If the new value is higher than the `sender`'s current power
level, reject.
6. For each entry being changed in, or removed from, the `events` or
`notifications` properties:
1. If the current value is greater than the `sender`'s current
power level, reject.
7. For each entry being added to, or changed in, the `events` or
`notifications` properties:
1. If the new value is greater than the `sender`'s current power
level, reject.
8. For each entry being changed in, or removed from, the `users` property,
other than the `sender`'s own entry:
1. If the current value is greater than or equal to the `sender`'s
current power level, reject.
9. For each entry being added to, or changed in, the `users` property:
1. If the new value is greater than the `sender`'s current power
level, reject.
10. Otherwise, allow.
10. Otherwise, allow.
{{% boxes/note %}}
Some consequences of these rules:
- Unless you are a member of the room, the only permitted operations
(apart from the initial create/join) are: joining a public room;
accepting or rejecting an invitation to a room.
- To unban somebody, you must have power level greater than or equal
to both the kick *and* ban levels, *and* greater than the target
user's power level.
{{% /boxes/note %}}
## Unchanged from v9
The following sections have not been modified since v9, but are included for
### Redactions
{{% rver-fragment name="v9-redactions" %}}
### Handling redactions
{{% rver-fragment name="v3-handling-redactions" %}}
### Event IDs
{{% rver-fragment name="v4-event-ids" %}}
### Event format
{{% rver-fragment name="v4-event-format" %}}
### State resolution
{{% rver-fragment name="v2-state-res" %}}
### Canonical JSON
{{% rver-fragment name="v6-canonical-json" %}}
### Signing key validity period
{{% rver-fragment name="v5-signing-requirements" %}}