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# MSC2140: Terms of Service API for Identity Servers and Integration Managers
[MSC1692]( introduces a
method for homeservers to require that users read and agree to certain
documents before being permitted to use the service. This proposal introduces a
corresponding method that can be used with Identity Servers and Integration
Requirements for this proposal are:
* ISs and IMs should be able to give multiple documents a user must agree to
abide by
* Each document shoud be versioned
* ISes and IMs must, for each request that they handle, know that the user
making the request has agreed to their data being used. This need not be
absolute proof (we will always have to trust that the client actually
showed the document to the user) but it must be reasonably demonstrable that
the user has given informed consent for the client to use that service.
* ISs and IMs must be able to prevent users from using the service if they
have not provided agreement.
* A user should only have to agree to each version of each document once for
their Matrix ID, ie. having agreed to a set of terms in one client, they
should not have to agree to them again when using a different client.
* Documents should be de-duplicated between services. If two or more services
are hosted by the same organisation, the organistation should have the
option to give their users a single document that encompasses both services
(bearing in mind that the user must be able to opt-out of components of a
service whilst still being able to use the service without that component).
Identity Servers do not currently require any kind of user login to access the
service and so are unable to track what users have agreed to what terms in the
way that Homeservers do.
## Proposal
Throuhgout this proposal, $prefix will be used to refer to the prefix of the
API in question, ie. `/_matrix/identity/v2` for the IS API and
`/_matrix/integrations/v1` for the IM API.
Note the removal of the `/api` prefix and migration to v2 in the IS API
following convention from
This proposal introduces:
* The `$prefix/terms` endpoint
* The `m.accepted_terms` section in account data
This proposal relies on both Integration Managers and Identity Servers being
able to identity users by their mxid and store the fact that a given mxid has
indicated that they accept the terms given. Integration Managers already
identity users in this way by authenticating them using the OpenID endpoint on
the Homeserver. This proposal introduces the same mechanism to Identity Servers
and adds authentication to accross the Identity Service API.
### IS API Authentication
All current endpoints within `/_matrix/identity/api/v1/` will be duplicated
into `/_matrix/identity/v2`.
Any request to any endpoint within `/_matrix/identity/v2`, with the exception
of `/_matrix/identity/v2` and the new `/_matrix/identity/v2/account/register`
and `GET /_matrix/identity/v2/terms` may return an error with `M_UNAUTHORIZED`
errcode with HTTP status code 401. This indicates that the user must
authenticate with OpenID and supply a valid `access_token`.
These endpoints require authentication by the client supplying an access token
either via an `Authorization` header with a `Bearer` token or an `access_token`
query parameter.
The existing endpoints under `/_matrix/identity/api/v1/` continue to be unauthenticated.
ISes may support the old v1 API for as long as they wish. Clients must update to use
the v2 API as soon as possible.
OpenID authentication in the IS API will work the same as in the Integration Manager
API, as specified in [MSC1961](
### IS Register API
The following new APIs will be introduced to support OpenID auth as per
* `/_matrix/identity/v2/account/register`
* `/_matrix/identity/v2/account`
* `/_matrix/identity/v2/account/logout`
Note again the removal of the `/api` prefix and migration to v2 following
convention from
### Terms API
New API endpoints will be introduced:
#### `GET $prefix/terms`:
This returns a set of documents that the user must agree to abide by in order
to use the service. Its response is similar to the structure used in the
`m.terms` UI auth flow of the Client/Server API:
"policies": {
"terms_of_service": {
"version": "2.0",
"en": {
"name": "Terms of Service",
"url": ""
"fr": {
"name": "Conditions d'utilisation",
"url": ""
Each document (ie. key/value pair in the 'policies' object) MUST be
uniquely identified by its URL. It is therefore strongly recommended
that the URL contains the version number of the document. The name
and version keys, however, are used only to provide a human-readable
description of the document to the user.
This endpoint does *not* require authentication.
#### `POST $prefix/terms`:
Requests to this endpoint have a single key, `user_accepts` whose value is
a list of URLs (given by the `url` field in the GET response) of documents that
the user has agreed to:
"user_accepts": [""]
This endpoint requires authentication.
The clients MUST include the correct URL for the language of the document that
was presented to the user and they agreed to. How servers store or serialise
acceptance into the `acceptance_token` is not defined, eg. they may internally
transform all URLs to the URL of the English-language version of each document
if the server deems it appropriate to do so. Servers should accept agreement of
any one language of each document as sufficient, regardless of what language a
client is operating in: users should not have to re-consent to documents if
they change their client to a different language.
### Accepted Terms Account Data
This proposal also defines the `m.accepted_terms` section in User Account
Data in the client/server API that clients SHOULD use to track what sets of
terms the user has consented to. This has an array of URLs under the 'accepted'
key to which the user has agreed to.
An `m.accepted_terms` section therefore resembles the following:
"accepted": [
Whenever a client submits a `POST $prefix/terms` request to an IS or IM or
completes an `m.terms` flow on the HS, it SHOULD update this account data
section adding any the URLs of any additional documents that the user agreed to
to this list.
### Terms Acceptance in the API
Before any requests are made to an Identity Server or Integration Manager,
the client must use the `GET $prefix/terms` endpoint to fetch the set of
documents that the user must agree to in order to use the service.
It then cross-references this set of documents against the `m.accepted_terms`
account data and presents to the user any documents that they have not already
agreed to, along with UI for them to indicate their agreement. Once the user
has indicated their agreement, it adds these URLs to `m.accepted_terms` account
data. Once this has succeeded, then, and only then, must the client perform
OpenID authentication, getting a token from the Homeserver and submitting this
to the service using the `register` endpoint.
Having done this, if the user agreed to any new documents, it performs a `POST
$prefix/terms` request to signal to the server the set of documents that the
user has agreed to.
Any request to any endpoint in the IM API, and the `_matrix/identity/v2/`
namespace of the IS API, with the exception of `/_matrix/identity/v2` itself,
may return:
* `M_UNAUTHORIZED` errcode with HTTP status code 401. This indicates that
the user must authenticate with OpenID and supply a valid `access_token`.
* `M_TERMS_NOT_SIGNED` errcode. This indicates that the user must agree to
(new) terms in order to use or continue to use the service.
The `_matrix/identity/v2/3pid/unbind` must not return either of these
errors if the request has a valid signature from a Homeserver.
In summary, the process for using a service that has not previously been used
in the current login sessions is:
* `GET $prefix/terms`
* Compare result with `m.accepted_terms` account data, get set of documents
pending agreement
* If non-empty, show this set of documents to the user and wait for the user
to indicate their agreement.
* Add the newly agreed documents to `m.accepted_terms`
* On success, or if there were no documents pending agreement, get an OpenID
token from the Homeserver and submit this token to the `register` endpoint.
Store the resulting access token.
* If the set of documents pending agreement was non-empty, Perform a
`POST $prefix/terms` request to the servcie with these documents.
## Tradeoffs
The Identity Service API previously did not require authentication, and OpenID
is reasonably complex, adding a significant burden to both clients and servers.
A custom HTTP Header was also considered that could be added to assert that the
client agrees to a particular set of terms. We decided against this in favour
of re-using existing primitives that already exist in the Matrix ecosystem.
Custom HTTP Headers are not used anywhere else within Matrix. This also gives a
very simple and natural way for ISes to enforce that users may only bind 3pids
to their own mxids.
This introduces a different way of accepting terms from the client/server API
which uses User-Interactive Authentication. In the client/server API, the use
of UI auth allows terms acceptance to be integrated into the registration flow
in a simple and backwards-compatible way. Indtroducing the UI Auth mechanism
into these other APIs would add significant complexity, so this functionality
has been provided with simpler, dedicated endpoints.
The `m.accepted_terms` section contains only URLs of the documents that
have been agreed to. This loses information like the name and version of
the document, but:
* It would be up to the clients to copy this information correctly into
account data.
* Having just the URLs makes it much easier for clients to make a list
of URLs and find documents not already agreed to.
## Potential issues
This change is not backwards compatible: clients implementing older versions of
the specification will expect to be able to access all IS API endpoints without
authentication. Care should be taken to manage the rollout of authentication
on IS APIs.
## Security considerations
Requiring authentication on the IS API means it will no longer be possible to
use it anonymously.
It is assumed that once servers publish a given version of a document at a
given URL, the contents of that URL will not change. This could be mitigated by
identifying documents based on a hash of their contents rather than their URLs.
Agreement to terms in the client/server API makes this assumption, so this
proposal aims to be consistent.
## Conclusion
This proposal adds an error response to all endpoints on the API and a custom
HTTP header on all requests that is used to signal agreement to a set of terms
and conditions. The use of the header is only necessary if the server has no
other means of tracking acceptance of terms per-user. The IS API is not
authenticated so ISes will have no choice but to use the header. The IM API is
authenticated so IMs may either use the header or store acceptance per-user.
A separate endpoint is specified with a GET request for retrieving the set
of terms required and a POST to indicate that the user consents to those