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# Matrix Specification
This repository contains the Matrix Specification. The current release version is rendered at, while the latest available build of the `main` branch is at
Developers looking to use Matrix should join [](
on Matrix for help.
Spec authors and proposal writers are welcome to join [](
We welcome contributions! See [CONTRIBUTING.rst](./CONTRIBUTING.rst) for details.
## Structure
The Matrix spec is compiled with [Hugo]( (a static site generator) with the following structure:
* `/assets`: assets that need postprocessing using [Hugo Pipes](
For example, Sass files would go here.
* `/content`: files that will become pages in the site go here. Typically these are Markdown files with some YAML front
matter indicating, [among other things](, what layout should be
applied to this page. The organization of files under `/content` determines the organization of pages in the built
* `/data`: this can contain TOML, YAML, or JSON files. Files kept here are directly available to template code as
[data objects](, so templates don't need to load them from a file and
parse them. This is also where our Swagger/OpenAPI definitions and schemas are.
* `/layouts`: this contains [Hugo templates]( Some templates define the overall layout of
a page: for example, whether it has header, footer, sidebar, and so on.
* `/layouts/partials`: these templates can be called from other templates, so they can be used to factor out
template code that's used in more than one template. An obvious example here is something like a sidebar, where
several different page layouts might all include the sidebar. But also, partial templates can return values: this
means they can be used like functions, that can be called by multiple templates to do some common processing.
* `/layouts/shortcodes`: these templates can be called directly from files in `/content`.
* `/static`: static files which don't need preprocessing. JS or CSS files could live here.
* `/themes`: you can use just Hugo or use it with a theme. Themes primarily provide additional templates, which are
supplied in a `/themes/$theme_name/layouts` directory. You can use a theme but customise it by providing your own
versions of any of the theme layouts in the base `/layouts` directory. That is, if a theme provides
`/themes/$theme_name/layouts/sidebar.html` and you provide `/layouts/sidebar.html`, then your version of the
template will be used.
It also has the following top-level file:
* `config.toml`: site-wide configuration settings. Some of these are built-in and you can add your own. Config settings
defined here are available in templates. All these directories above are configurable via `config.toml` settings.
Additionally, the following directories may be of interest:
* `/attic`: Here contains historical sections of specification and legacy drafts for the specification.
* `/changelogs`: Various bits of changelog for the specification areas.
* `/data-definitions`: Bits of structured data consumable by Matrix implementations.
* `/meta`: Documentation relating to the spec's processes that are otherwise untracked (release instructions, etc).
* `/scripts`: Various scripts for generating the spec and validating its contents.
## Authoring changes to the spec
Please read [CONTRIBUTING.rst](./CONTRIBUTING.rst) before authoring a change to the spec. Note that spec authoring takes
place after an MSC has been accepted, not as part of a proposal itself.
### Setting up a developer environment
We use a highly customized [Docsy]( theme for our generated site, which uses Bootstrap and Font
Awesome. If you're looking at making design-related changes to the spec site, please coordinate with us in
[]( before opening a PR.
You need some tools available on your computer in order to build the specification and view any changes you make. Below
are several different methods to install them.
#### With nix
Install [nix]( and [enable support for flakes]( Alternatively,
[this nix installer]( will do both of those
things for you.
Then run `nix develop --impure` to enter a shell with all dependencies installed for you.
You can avoid having to type the above command each time you want to activate the nix shell and instead have
[direnv]( do it for you. In order to do so:
1. [Install direnv](
2. From the root of your `matrix-spec` checkout, create a `.envrc` file with the
contents `use flake --impure`. You can do that by running the following command:
echo 'use flake --impure' >> .envrc
3. Run `direnv allow` to register the `.envrc` file.
The nix development environment shell will now be activated and deactivated
automatically as you move in and out of your `matrix-spec` checkout in your
#### With docker
Install [docker]( and you're ready.
[Podman]( should also work if you prefer.
#### Manual instructions
1. Install the extended version (often the OS default) of Hugo:
<>. Note that at least Hugo
v0.93.0 is required.
2. Run `npm i` to install the dependencies and fetch the docsy git submodule.
Note that this will require NodeJS to be installed.
3. Run `npm run get-proposals` to seed proposal data. This is merely for populating the content of the "Spec Change Proposals"
page and is not required.
### Render the specification
Run `hugo serve` run a local webserver, which will "watch" for whenever a file
change is detected, and re-render the content.
If you're using the dockerised version of hugo, instead use:
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/src -p 1313:1313 klakegg/hugo:ext serve
These commands will print the web address of where you can view the rendered
spec content, typically http://localhost:1313. The content will update as you
make changes in your editor.
If watching doesn't appear to be working for you, try adding
`--disableFastRender` to the commandline.
Now all that's left to do is edit the specification 🙂
## Building the specification
If for some reason you're not a CI/CD system and want to render a static version of the spec for yourself, follow the above
steps for authoring changes to the specification and instead of `hugo serve` run `hugo -d "spec"` - this will generate the
spec to `/spec`. If you'd like to serve the spec off a path instead of a domain root (eg: `/unstable`), add `--baseURL "/unstable"`
to the `hugo -d "spec"` command.
For building the swagger definitions, create a python3 virtualenv and activate it. Then run `pip install -r ./scripts/requirements.txt`
and finally `python ./scripts/` to generate it to `./scripts/swagger/api-docs.json`. To make use of the generated file,
there are a number of options:
* You can open `./scripts/swagger-preview.html` in your browser, and then open the file by clicking on `Local JSON File`.
* You can run a local HTTP server by running `./scripts/`, and then view the documentation by
opening `./scripts/swagger-preview.html` in your browser.
## Issue tracking
Specification issues are tracked on github at <>.
See [meta/github-labels.rst](./meta/github-labels.rst) for information on what the labels mean.