Merge pull request #352 from matrix-org/rav/kill_old_sync

Remove references to intialSync etc, and rewrite syncing
Richard van der Hoff 8 years ago committed by GitHub
commit d8a47dbb5d

@ -702,64 +702,8 @@ considered as a list of events. The server 'linearises' the
eventually-consistent event graph of events into an 'event stream' at any given eventually-consistent event graph of events into an 'event stream' at any given
point in time:: point in time::
[E0]->[E1]->[E2]->[E3]->[E4]->[E5]->[E6]->[E7]->[E8]->[E9] [E0]->[E1]->[E2]->[E3]->[E4]->[E5]
Clients can add to the stream by PUTing message or state events, and can read
from the stream via the
|/rooms/<room_id>/initialSync|_, and
For reading events, the intended flow of operation is to call
/_matrix/client/%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION%/initialSync, which returns all of the
state and the last N events in the
event stream for each room, including ``start`` and ``end`` values describing the
pagination of each room's event stream. For instance,
/_matrix/client/%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION%/initialSync?limit=5 might return the
events for a room in the
rooms[0].messages.chunk[] array, with tokens describing the start and end of the
range in rooms[0].messages.start as '1-2-3' and rooms[0].messages.end as
You can visualise the range of events being returned as::
^ ^
| |
start: '1-2-3' end: 'a-b-c'
Now, to receive future events in real-time on the event stream, you simply GET
/_matrix/client/%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION%/events with a ``from`` parameter of
'a-b-c': in other words passing in the
``end`` token returned by initial sync. The request blocks until new events are
available or until your specified timeout elapses, and then returns a
new paginatable chunk of events alongside new start and end parameters::
^ ^
| |
| end: 'x-y-z'
start: 'a-b-c'
To resume polling the events stream, you pass in the new ``end`` token as the
``from`` parameter of /_matrix/client/%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION%/events and poll again.
Similarly, to paginate events backwards in order to lazy-load in previous
history from the room, you simply
GET /_matrix/client/%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION%/rooms/<room_id>/messages
specifying the ``from`` token to paginate backwards from and a limit of the number
of messages to retrieve. For instance, calling this API with a ``from`` parameter
of '1-2-3' and a limit of 5 would return::
^ ^
| |
start: 'u-v-w' end: '1-2-3'
To continue paginating backwards, one calls the /messages API again, supplying
the new ``start`` value as the ``from`` parameter.
Types of room events Types of room events
@ -789,14 +733,56 @@ namespaced for each application and reduces the risk of clashes.
Syncing Syncing
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Clients receive new events by "long-polling" the homeserver via the events API. To read events, the intended flow of operation is for clients to first call the
This involves specifying a timeout in the request which will hold |/sync|_ API without a ``since`` parameter. This returns the most recent
open the HTTP connection for a short period of time waiting for new events, message events for each room, as well as the state of the room at the start of
returning early if an event occurs. Only the events API supports long-polling. the returned timeline. The response also includes a ``next_batch`` field, which
All events which are visible to the client will appear in the should be used as the value of the ``since`` parameter in the next call to
events API. When the request returns, an ``end`` token is included in the ``/sync``. Finally, the response includes, for each room, a ``prev_batch``
response. This token can be used in the next request to continue where the field, which can be passed as a ``start`` parameter to the
last request left off. Multiple events can be returned per long-poll. |/rooms/<room_id>/messages|_ API to retrieve earlier messages.
You can visualise the range of events being returned as::
^ ^
| |
prev_batch: '1-2-3' next_batch: 'a-b-c'
Clients then receive new events by "long-polling" the homeserver via the
``/sync`` API, passing the value of the ``next_batch`` field from the response
to the previous call as the ``since`` parameter. This involves specifying a
timeout in the request which will hold open the HTTP connection for a short
period of time waiting for new events, returning early if an event occurs. Only
the ``/sync`` API (and the deprecated ``/events`` API) support long-polling in
this way.
The response for such an incremental sync can be visualised as::
^ ^
| |
| next_batch: 'x-y-z'
prev_batch: 'a-b-c'
Normally, all new events which are visible to the client will appear in the
response to the ``/sync`` API. However, if a large number of events arrive
between calls to ``/sync``, a "limited" timeline is returned, containing only
the most recent message events. A state "delta" is also returned, summarising
any state changes in the omitted part of the timeline. The client may therefore
end up with "gaps" in its knowledge of the message timeline. The client can
fill these gaps using the |/rooms/<room_id>/messages|_ API. This situation
looks like this::
| gap |
| <-> |
^ ^
| |
prev_batch: 'd-e-f' next_batch: 'u-v-w'
.. Warning:: .. Warning::
Events are ordered in this API according to the arrival time of the event on Events are ordered in this API according to the arrival time of the event on
@ -805,17 +791,46 @@ last request left off. Multiple events can be returned per long-poll.
being received (once per distinct API called). Clients SHOULD de-duplicate being received (once per distinct API called). Clients SHOULD de-duplicate
events based on the event ID when this happens. events based on the event ID when this happens.
.. NOTE::
The ``/sync`` API returns a ``state`` list which is separate from the
``timeline``. This ``state`` list allows clients to keep their model of the
room state in sync with that on the server. In the case of an initial
(``since``-less) sync, the ``state`` list represents the complete state of
the room at the **start** of the returned timeline (so in the case of a
recently-created room whose state fits entirely in the ``timeline``, the
``state`` list will be empty).
In the case of an incremental sync, the ``state`` list gives a delta
between the state of the room at the ``since`` parameter and that at the
start of the returned ``timeline``. (It will therefore be empty
unless the timeline was ``limited``.)
In both cases, it should be noted that the events returned in the ``state``
list did **not** necessarily take place just before the returned
``timeline``, so clients should not display them to the user in the timeline.
.. admonition:: Rationale
An early design of this specification made the ``state`` list represent the
room state at the end of the returned timeline, instead of the start. This
was unsatisfactory because it led to duplication of events between the
``state`` list and the ``timeline``, but more importantly, it made it
difficult for clients to show the timeline correctly.
In particular, consider a returned timeline [M0, S1, M2], where M0 and M2 are
both messages sent by the same user, and S1 is a state event where that user
changes their displayname. If the ``state`` list represents the room state at
the end of the timeline, the client must take a copy of the state dictionary,
and *rewind* S1, in order to correctly calculate the display name for M0.
.. TODO-spec .. TODO-spec
Do we ever support streaming requests? Why not websockets? Do we ever support streaming requests? Why not websockets?
When the client first logs in, they will need to initially synchronise with {{sync_cs_http_api}}
their homeserver. This is achieved via the initial sync API described below.
This API also returns an ``end`` token which can be used with the event stream.
{{old_sync_cs_http_api}} {{old_sync_cs_http_api}}
Getting events for a room Getting events for a room
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ -1060,7 +1075,9 @@ Leaving rooms
A user can leave a room to stop receiving events for that room. A user must A user can leave a room to stop receiving events for that room. A user must
have been invited to or have joined the room before they are eligible to leave have been invited to or have joined the room before they are eligible to leave
the room. Leaving a room to which the user has been invited rejects the invite. the room. Leaving a room to which the user has been invited rejects the invite.
Once a user leaves a room, it will no longer appear on the |/initialSync|_ API. Once a user leaves a room, it will no longer appear in the response to the
|/sync|_ API unless it is explicitly requested via a filter with the
``include_leave`` field set to ``true``.
Whether or not they actually joined the room, if the room is Whether or not they actually joined the room, if the room is
an "invite-only" room they will need to be re-invited before they can re-join an "invite-only" room they will need to be re-invited before they can re-join
