@ -33,37 +33,37 @@ paths:
- in: path
name: roomId
type: string
description: The room ID to get state for
description: The room ID to get state for.
required: true
x-example: "!abc123:matrix.org"
description: The room state for the room (kept under ``pdus``)
description: The room state for the room (kept under ``pdus``).
$ref: "definitions/transaction.yaml"
summary: Get a single event
description: |-
Retrieves a single event
Retrieves a single event.
operationId: getEvent
- in: path
name: eventId
type: string
description: The event ID to get
description: The event ID to get.
required: true
x-example: "$abc123:matrix.org"
description: A transaction containing a single PDU which is the event requested
description: A transaction containing a single PDU which is the event requested.
$ref: "definitions/transaction.yaml"
summary: Retrieves the events which precede the given event
description: |-
Retreives a sliding-window history of previous PDUs that occurred on the given room.
Retreives a sliding-window history of previous PDUs that occurred in the given room.
Starting from the PDU ID(s) given in the ``v`` argument, the PDUs that preceded it
are retrived, up to the total number given by the ``limit``.
operationId: backfillRoom
@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ paths:
- in: path
name: roomId
type: string
description: The room ID to backfill
description: The room ID to backfill.
required: true
x-example: "!abc123:matrix.org"
- in: query
name: v
type: string # TODO: The description says this is plural - figure out how to specify multiple, and spec it
description: The event ID to backfill from
description: The event ID to backfill from.
required: true
x-example: "$abc123:matrix.org"
- in: query
name: limit
type: integer
description: The maximum number of events to retrieve
description: The maximum number of events to retrieve.
required: true # TODO: Verify
x-example: 10
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ paths:
description: A transaction containing the PDUs that preceded the given event(s).
$ref: "definitions/transaction.yaml"
# TODO: It's possible that this endpoint doesn't exist anymore - verify
summary: Stream events later than a given point in history
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ paths:
- in: query
name: v
type: string # TODO: The description says this is plural - figure out how to specify multiple, and spec it
description: The event ID to backfill from
description: The event ID to backfill from.
required: true
x-example: "$abc123:matrix.org"
- in: query