@ -53,20 +53,14 @@ Example:
def load_with_adjusted_titles(filename, file_stream, title_level, title_styles):
rst_lines = []
title_chars = "".join(title_styles)
title_regex = re.compile("^[" + re.escape(title_chars) + "]{3,}$")
prev_line_title_level = 0 # We expect the file to start with '=' titles
file_offset = None
prev_non_title_line = None
for i, line in enumerate(file_stream, 1):
# ignore anything which isn't a title (e.g. '===============')
if not title_regex.match(line):
prev_non_title_line = line
# The title underline must match at a minimum the length of the title
if len(prev_non_title_line) > len(line):
for i, line in enumerate(file_stream):
if (prev_non_title_line is None
or not is_title_line(prev_non_title_line, line, title_styles)
prev_non_title_line = line
@ -130,6 +124,31 @@ def load_with_adjusted_titles(filename, file_stream, title_level, title_styles):
return "".join(rst_lines)
def is_title_line(prev_line, line, title_styles):
# The title underline must match at a minimum the length of the title
if len(prev_line) > len(line):
return False
line = line.rstrip()
# must be at least 3 chars long
if len(line) < 3:
return False
# must start with a title char
title_char = line[0]
if title_char not in title_styles:
return False
# all characters must be the same
for char in line[1:]:
if char != title_char:
return False
# looks like a title line
return True
def get_rst(file_info, title_level, title_styles, spec_dir, adjust_titles):
# string are file paths to RST blobs
if isinstance(file_info, basestring):