| name | string | Required if ``action`` is ``request``. The name of the secret that is being requested. |
| action | enum | **Required.** One of ["request", "request_cancellation"]. |
| requesting_device_id | string | **Required.** The ID of the device requesting the secret. |
| request_id | string | **Required.** A random string uniquely identifying (with respect to the requester and the target) the target for a secret. If the secret is requested from multiple devices at the same time, the same ID may be used for every target. The same ID is also used in order to cancel a previous request. |
"name": "org.example.some.secret",
"action": "request",
"requesting_device_id": "ABCDEFG",
"request_id": "randomly_generated_id_9573"
###### `m.secret.send`
Sent by a client to share a secret with another device, in response to an
`m.secret.request` event. It must be encrypted as an `m.room.encrypted` event
using [Olm](#molmv1curve25519-aes-sha2), then sent as a to-device event.
The `request_id` must match the ID previously given in an `m.secret.request`
event, and this event must come from a device that the `m.secret.request` event