You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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.. Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
.. limitations under the License.
.. contents:: Table of Contents
.. sectnum::
.. Note that this file is specifically unversioned because we don't want to
.. have to add Yet Another version number, and the commentary on what specs we
.. have should hopefully not get complex enough that we need to worry about
.. versioning it.
10 years ago
The Matrix specification is still evolving: the APIs are not yet frozen
and this document is in places a work in progress or stale. We have made every
10 years ago
effort to clearly flag areas which are still being finalised.
We're publishing it at this point because it's complete enough to be more than
useful and provide a canonical reference to how Matrix is evolving. Our end
goal is to mirror WHATWG's `Living Standard
10 years ago
Matrix is a set of open APIs for open-federated Instant Messaging (IM), Voice
over IP (VoIP) and Internet of Things (IoT) communication, designed to create
and support a new global real-time communication ecosystem. The intention is to
provide an open decentralised pubsub layer for the internet for securely
persisting and publishing/subscribing JSON objects. This specification is the
ongoing result of standardising the APIs used by the various components of the
Matrix ecosystem to communicate with one another.
The principles that Matrix attempts to follow are:
- Pragmatic Web-friendly APIs (i.e. JSON over REST)
- Keep It Simple & Stupid
+ provide a simple architecture with minimal third-party dependencies.
- Fully open:
+ Fully open federation - anyone should be able to participate in the global
Matrix network
+ Fully open standard - publicly documented standard with no IP or patent
licensing encumbrances
+ Fully open source reference implementation - liberally-licensed example
implementations with no IP or patent licensing encumbrances
- Empowering the end-user
+ The user should be able to choose the server and clients they use
+ The user should be control how private their communication is
+ The user should know precisely where their data is stored
- Fully decentralised - no single points of control over conversations or the
network as a whole
- Learning from history to avoid repeating it
+ Trying to take the best aspects of XMPP, SIP, IRC, SMTP, IMAP and NNTP
whilst trying to avoid their failings
8 years ago
The functionality that Matrix provides includes:
- Creation and management of fully distributed chat rooms with no
single points of control or failure
- Eventually-consistent cryptographically secure synchronisation of room
state across a global open network of federated servers and services
- Sending and receiving extensible messages in a room with (optional)
end-to-end encryption
- Extensible user management (inviting, joining, leaving, kicking, banning)
mediated by a power-level based user privilege system.
- Extensible room state management (room naming, aliasing, topics, bans)
- Extensible user profile management (avatars, display names, etc)
- Managing user accounts (registration, login, logout)
- Use of 3rd Party IDs (3PIDs) such as email addresses, phone numbers,
Facebook accounts to authenticate, identify and discover users on Matrix.
- Trusted federation of Identity servers for:
+ Publishing user public keys for PKI
+ Mapping of 3PIDs to Matrix IDs
8 years ago
The end goal of Matrix is to be a ubiquitous messaging layer for synchronising
arbitrary data between sets of people, devices and services - be that for
instant messages, VoIP call setups, or any other objects that need to be
8 years ago
reliably and persistently pushed from A to B in an interoperable and federated
Matrix defines APIs for synchronising extensible JSON objects known as
"events" between compatible clients, servers and services. Clients are
typically messaging/VoIP applications or IoT devices/hubs and communicate by
synchronising communication history with their "homeserver" using the
"Client-Server API". Each homeserver stores the communication history and
account information for all of its clients, and shares data with the wider
Matrix ecosystem by synchronising communication history with other homeservers
and their clients.
Clients typically communicate with each other by emitting events in the
context of a virtual "room". Room data is replicated across *all of the
homeservers* whose users are participating in a given room. As such, *no
single homeserver has control or ownership over a given room*. Homeservers
model communication history as a partially ordered graph of events known as
the room's "event graph", which is synchronised with eventual consistency
between the participating servers using the "Server-Server API". This process
of synchronising shared conversation history between homeservers run by
different parties is called "Federation". Matrix optimises for the the
Availability and Partitioned properties of CAP theorem at
the expense of Consistency.
For example, for client A to send a message to client B, client A performs an
HTTP PUT of the required JSON event on its homeserver (HS) using the
client-server API. A's HS appends this event to its copy of the room's event
graph, signing the message in the context of the graph for integrity. A's HS
then replicates the message to B's HS by performing an HTTP PUT using the
server-server API. B's HS authenticates the request, validates the event's
signature, authorises the event's contents and then adds it to its copy of the
room's event graph. Client B then receives the message from his homeserver via
a long-lived GET request.
How data flows between clients
{ Matrix client A } { Matrix client B }
^ | ^ |
| events | Client-Server API | events |
| V | V
+------------------+ +------------------+
| |---------( HTTPS )--------->| |
| homeserver | | homeserver |
| |<--------( HTTPS )----------| |
+------------------+ Server-Server API +------------------+
History Synchronisation
Each client is associated with a user account, which is identified in Matrix
using a unique "user ID". This ID is namespaced to the homeserver which
allocated the account and has the form::
See the `Identifier Grammar`_ section for full details of the structure of
user IDs.
The Matrix specification has a particular meaning for the term "device". As a
user, I might have several devices: a desktop client, some web browsers, an
Android device, an iPhone, etc. They broadly relate to a real device in the
physical world, but you might have several browsers on a physical device, or
several Matrix client applications on a mobile device, each of which would be
its own device.
Devices are used primarily to manage the keys used for end-to-end encryption
(each device gets its own copy of the decryption keys), but they also help
users manage their access - for instance, by revoking access to particular
When a user first uses a client, it registers itself as a new device. The
longevity of devices might depend on the type of client. A web client will
probably drop all of its state on logout, and create a new device every time
you log in, to ensure that cryptography keys are not leaked to a new user. In
a mobile client, it might be acceptable to reuse the device if a login session
expires, provided the user is the same.
Devices are identified by a ``device_id``, which is unique within the scope of
a given user.
A user may assign a human-readable display name to a device, to help them
manage their devices.
All data exchanged over Matrix is expressed as an "event". Typically each client
action (e.g. sending a message) correlates with exactly one event. Each event
has a ``type`` which is used to differentiate different kinds of data. ``type``
values MUST be uniquely globally namespaced following Java's `package naming
conventions`_, e.g.
``com.example.myapp.event``. The special top-level namespace ``m.`` is reserved
for events defined in the Matrix specification - for instance ````
is the event type for instant messages. Events are usually sent in the context
of a "Room".
.. _package naming conventions:
Event Graphs
.. _sect:event-graph:
Events exchanged in the context of a room are stored in a directed acyclic graph
(DAG) called an "event graph". The partial ordering of this graph gives the
chronological ordering of events within the room. Each event in the graph has a
list of zero or more "parent" events, which refer to any preceding events
which have no chronological successor from the perspective of the homeserver
which created the event.
Typically an event has a single parent: the most recent message in the room at
the point it was sent. However, homeservers may legitimately race with each
other when sending messages, resulting in a single event having multiple
successors. The next event added to the graph thus will have multiple parents.
Every event graph has a single root event with no parent.
To order and ease chronological comparison between the events within the graph,
homeservers maintain a ``depth`` metadata field on each event. An event's
``depth`` is a positive integer that is strictly greater than the depths of any
of its parents. The root event should have a depth of 1. Thus if one event is
before another, then it must have a strictly smaller depth.
Room structure
A room is a conceptual place where users can send and receive events. Events are
sent to a room, and all participants in that room with sufficient access will
receive the event. Rooms are uniquely identified internally via "Room IDs",
which have the form::
There is exactly one room ID for each room. Whilst the room ID does contain a
domain, it is simply for globally namespacing room IDs. The room does NOT
reside on the domain specified.
See the `Identifier Grammar`_ section for full details of the structure of
a room ID.
The following conceptual diagram shows an
```` event being sent to the room ``!``::
{ } { }
| ^
| |
Room ID: ! Room ID: !
Event type: Event type:
Content: { JSON object } Content: { JSON object }
| |
V |
+------------------+ +------------------+
| homeserver | | homeserver |
| | | |
+------------------+ +------------------+
| ^
| [HTTP PUT] |
| Room ID: ! |
| Event type: |
| Content: { JSON object } |
`-------> Pointer to the preceding message ------`
PKI signature from
Transaction-layer metadata
PKI Authorization header
| Shared Data |
| State: |
| Room ID: ! |
| Servers:, |
| Members: |
| - |
| - |
| Messages: |
| - |
| Content: { JSON object } |
Federation maintains *shared data structures* per-room between multiple home
servers. The data is split into ``message events`` and ``state events``.
Message events:
These describe transient 'once-off' activity in a room such as an
instant messages, VoIP call setups, file transfers, etc. They generally
describe communication activity.
State events:
These describe updates to a given piece of persistent information
('state') related to a room, such as the room's name, topic, membership,
participating servers, etc. State is modelled as a lookup table of key/value
pairs per room, with each key being a tuple of ``state_key`` and ``event type``.
Each state event updates the value of a given key.
The state of the room at a given point is calculated by considering all events
preceding and including a given event in the graph. Where events describe the
same state, a merge conflict algorithm is applied. The state resolution
algorithm is transitive and does not depend on server state, as it must
consistently select the same event irrespective of the server or the order the
events were received in. Events are signed by the originating server (the
signature includes the parent relations, type, depth and payload hash) and are
pushed over federation to the participating servers in a room, currently using
full mesh topology. Servers may also request backfill of events over federation
from the other servers participating in a room.
Room Aliases
Each room can also have multiple "Room Aliases", which look like::
See the `Identifier Grammar`_ section for full details of the structure of
a room alias.
A room alias "points" to a room ID and is the human-readable label by which
rooms are publicised and discovered. The room ID the alias is pointing to can
be obtained by visiting the domain specified. Note that the mapping from a room
alias to a room ID is not fixed, and may change over time to point to a
different room ID. For this reason, Clients SHOULD resolve the room alias to a
room ID once and then use that ID on subsequent requests.
When resolving a room alias the server will also respond with a list of servers
that are in the room that can be used to join via.
| ^
| |
| |
| Mappings: |
| #matrix >> ! |
| #golf >> ! |
| #bike >> ! |
Users in Matrix are identified via their Matrix user ID. However,
existing 3rd party ID namespaces can also be used in order to identify Matrix
users. A Matrix "Identity" describes both the user ID and any other existing IDs
from third party namespaces *linked* to their account.
Matrix users can *link* third-party IDs (3PIDs) such as email addresses, social
network accounts and phone numbers to their user ID. Linking 3PIDs creates a
mapping from a 3PID to a user ID. This mapping can then be used by Matrix
users in order to discover the user IDs of their contacts.
In order to ensure that the mapping from 3PID to user ID is genuine, a globally
federated cluster of trusted "Identity Servers" (IS) are used to verify the 3PID
and persist and replicate the mappings.
Usage of an IS is not required in order for a client application to be part of
the Matrix ecosystem. However, without one clients will not be able to look up
user IDs using 3PIDs.
Users may publish arbitrary key/value data associated with their account - such
as a human readable display name, a profile photo URL, contact information
(email address, phone numbers, website URLs etc).
Actually specify the different types of data - e.g. what format are display
names allowed to be?
Private User Data
Users may also store arbitrary private key/value data in their account - such as
client preferences, or server configuration settings which lack any other
dedicated API. The API is symmetrical to managing Profile data.
Would it really be overengineered to use the same API for both profile &
private user data, but with different ACLs?
Identifier Grammar
Server Name
A homeserver is uniquely identified by its server name. This value is used in a
number of identifiers, as described below.
The server name represents the address at which the homeserver in question can
be reached by other homeservers. The complete grammar is::
server_name = dns_name [ ":" port]
dns_name = host
port = *DIGIT
where ``host`` is as defined by `RFC3986, section 3.2.2
Examples of valid server names are:
* ````
* ````
* ```` (IPv4 literal)
* ```` (IPv4 literal with explicit port)
* ``[1234:5678::abcd]`` (IPv6 literal)
* ``[1234:5678::abcd]:5678`` (IPv6 literal with explicit port)
Common Identifier Format
The Matrix protocol uses a common format to assign unique identifiers to a
number of entities, including users, events and rooms. Each identifier takes
the form::
where ``&`` represents a 'sigil' character; ``domain`` is the `server name`_ of
the homeserver which allocated the identifier, and ``localpart`` is an
identifier allocated by that homeserver.
The sigil characters are as follows:
* ``@``: User ID
* ``!``: Room ID
* ``$``: Event ID
* ``#``: Room alias
The precise grammar defining the allowable format of an identifier depends on
the type of identifier.
User Identifiers
Users within Matrix are uniquely identified by their Matrix user ID. The user
ID is namespaced to the homeserver which allocated the account and has the
The ``localpart`` of a user ID is an opaque identifier for that user. It MUST
NOT be empty, and MUST contain only the characters ``a-z``, ``0-9``, ``.``,
``_``, ``=``, and ``-``.
The ``domain`` of a user ID is the `server name`_ of the homeserver which
allocated the account.
The length of a user ID, including the ``@`` sigil and the domain, MUST NOT
exceed 255 characters.
The complete grammar for a legal user ID is::
user_id = "@" user_id_localpart ":" server_name
user_id_localpart = 1*user_id_char
user_id_char = DIGIT
/ %x61-7A ; a-z
/ "-" / "." / "=" / "_"
.. admonition:: Rationale
A number of factors were considered when defining the allowable characters
for a user ID.
Firstly, we chose to exclude characters outside the basic US-ASCII character
set. User IDs are primarily intended for use as an identifier at the protocol
level, and their use as a human-readable handle is of secondary
benefit. Furthermore, they are useful as a last-resort differentiator between
users with similar display names. Allowing the full unicode character set
would make very difficult for a human to distinguish two similar user IDs. The
limited character set used has the advantage that even a user unfamiliar with
the Latin alphabet should be able to distinguish similar user IDs manually, if
somewhat laboriously.
We chose to disallow upper-case characters because we do not consider it
valid to have two user IDs which differ only in case: indeed it should be
possible to reach ```` as ````. However,
user IDs are necessarily used in a number of situations which are inherently
case-sensitive (notably in the ``state_key`` of ````
events). Forbidding upper-case characters (and requiring homeservers to
downcase usernames when creating user IDs for new users) is a relatively simple
way to ensure that ```` cannot refer to a different user to
Finally, we decided to restrict the allowable punctuation to a very basic set
to ensure that the identifier can be used as-is in as wide a number of
situations as possible, without requiring escaping. For instance, allowing
"%" or "/" would make it harder to use a user ID in a URI. "*" is used as a
wildcard in some APIs (notably the filter API), so it also cannot be a legal
user ID character.
The length restriction is derived from the limit on the length of the
``sender`` key on events; since the user ID appears in every event sent by the
user, it is limited to ensure that the user ID does not dominate over the actual
content of the events.
Matrix user IDs are sometimes informally referred to as MXIDs.
Historical User IDs
Older versions of this specification were more tolerant of the characters
permitted in user ID localparts. There are currently active users whose user
IDs do not conform to the permitted character set, and a number of rooms whose
history includes events with a ``sender`` which does not conform. In order to
handle these rooms successfully, clients and servers MUST accept user IDs with
localparts from the expanded character set::
extended_user_id_char = %x21-7E
Mapping from other character sets
In certain circumstances it will be desirable to map from a wider character set
onto the limited character set allowed in a user ID localpart. Examples include
a homeserver creating a user ID for a new user based on the username passed to
``/register``, or a bridge mapping user ids from another protocol.
.. TODO-spec
We need to better define the mechanism by which homeservers can allow users
8 years ago
to have non-Latin login credentials. The general idea is for clients to pass
the non-Latin in the ``username`` field to ``/register`` and ``/login``, and
the HS then maps it onto the MXID space when turning it into the
fully-qualified ``user_id`` which is returned to the client and used in
8 years ago
Implementations are free to do this mapping however they choose. Since the user
ID is opaque except to the implementation which created it, the only
requirement is that the implemention can perform the mapping
consistently. However, we suggest the following algorithm:
1. Encode character strings as UTF-8.
2. Convert the bytes ``A-Z`` to lower-case.
* In the case where a bridge must be able to distinguish two different users
with ids which differ only by case, escape upper-case characters by
prefixing with ``_`` before downcasing. For example, ``A`` becomes
``_a``. Escape a real ``_`` with a second ``_``.
8 years ago
3. Encode any remaining bytes outside the allowed character set, as well as
``=``, as their hexadecimal value, prefixed with ``=``. For example, ``#``
becomes ``=23``; ``á`` becomes ``=c3=a1``.
.. admonition:: Rationale
The suggested mapping is an attempt to preserve human-readability of simple
ASCII identifiers (unlike, for example, base-32), whilst still allowing
representation of *any* character (unlike punycode, which provides no way to
encode ASCII punctuation).
Room IDs and Event IDs
A room has exactly one room ID. A room ID has the format::
An event has exactly one event ID. An event ID has the format::
The ``domain`` of a room/event ID is the `server name`_ of the homeserver which
created the room/event. The domain is used only for namespacing to avoid the
risk of clashes of identifiers between different homeservers. There is no
implication that the room or event in question is still available at the
corresponding homeserver.
Event IDs and Room IDs are case-sensitive. They are not meant to be human
.. TODO-spec
What is the grammar for the opaque part?
Room Aliases
A room may have zero or more aliases. A room alias has the format::
The ``domain`` of a room alias is the `server name`_ of the homeserver which
created the alias. Other servers may contact this homeserver to look up the
Room aliases MUST NOT exceed 255 bytes (including the ``#`` sigil and the
.. TODO-spec
- Need to specify precise grammar for Room Aliases.
The Matrix specification is licensed under the `Apache License, Version 2.0